Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 330

Dragon Mansion 

Lyn looked at the interior of the old mansion as they waited. While the servants said, their master would see them. She felt strange and restless about all of this. Is it this simple to get a meeting with the Lord of this manner? There was another place they were supposed to drop by at. Lord Iz place, somebody s.h.i.+oka knew. But then she saw this place. It was well concealed, but after she looked at the map. Lyn understood that this person was also included in the list. So they dropped by here first.

Feeling Kazuya"s head on her shoulders, she laughed. "I knew you were tired."

"Hah, I surrender.."

Lyn chuckled and gently caressed his hair. "Say, Kazuya? When we get back to town, will you have some free time?"

"Yeah, I"ve been buried with work lately. So your brother is being kind enough to actually give me some time off."

"Then, can we spend time together?"

Kazuya smiled, "I thought it would be nice to wake up with you in my arms and fall asleep with you in my arms."

He"s so silly, but this is nice. When was the last time they acted so naturally around each other? It feels like so much time has pa.s.sed since then. Lyn beamed happily, "Alright, I don"t mind that. I have my studies though, do you mind Kazuya? It might be boring for you to accompany me."

"Na, I"ve wanted to watch you when you have your lessons."

What is that supposed to mean?

But she supposes there is no need to dwell on that. Lyn took a sideways glance at Rhys. Since earlier, he hasn"t said anything. He isn"t angry at her, is he? Lyn shook her head, even if he is angry, she can"t do anything about it. Kazuya is her boyfriend. Whether or not Rhys liked it, Kazuya and her are dating. A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips. Why does he have to act so unreasonably for? Didn"t he tell her that he would change her mind? Him acting like her lover before anything has happened between them is absolutely absurd.

After a few more minutes of waiting, a man with long pale hair wearing a long western coat appeared before them. His domineering presence already gave away his ident.i.ty. This must be the Lord of the mansion.

"I am the Lord of this mansion, Zin," he looked her up and down and nodded. "I am like yourself. It was only until recently I woke from my slumber."

Ah, Lyn did hear of people like her who have maintained their youthful appearance despite so many years going by. But this was the first time she had seen someone like this. He looks like he"s brothers age. However, according to the reports, he should be 40 or so.

"I"m Lyn, the second daughter of Queen Orthez and King Daichi. It was a pity that you could not be there at the recent event."

The man didn"t seem surprised at her introduction, "Indeed it was, I would have liked to see my old friends again. Prized daughter of Orthez and Daichi, what brings you here today?"

"I wanted to ensure something. Even after living so long, you do not wish to end your life?"

"I see," Zin nodded. "This is to do with the recent attacks on fallen n.o.bles."

Ah, so even though he has been asleep for some time, he knows about it? She supposes that it is expected of him.

"I wonder as a Princess if there is something I can do for them. Unfortunately, this is the only thing I could come up with."

"While I do understand where you are coming from. The people in the Empire are raised to believe that dying in the hands of n.o.bility is a good thing. Even those who die on the battlefield. As long as they are killed by a n.o.ble, their soul can be at ease. But, even with this reasoning. Many will call your actions reckless and foolish. Those who will look down on you."

"I realize that. Especially with my circ.u.mstances, doing something like this is risky. People will point out my flaws, my age, my strength, my education how I was raised. They will call me a naive child who does not know anything."

"Knowing this, you still wish to try?"

"Yes, because as a Princess, I have yet to contribute anything to the Kingdom. Even if it is something minor like this, I wish to do something for the people."

Because no matter how cruel the people are of this world. It does not change the fact that a life is a life. If there is somebody, who is fed up with their life and wish to end it, rather than them die cruelly, "I"d like to send them peacefully," Lyn extended her hand out, and a swirl of black must appeared in her palm. A beautiful scythe appeared. "..this blade will help me with that."

"Have you heard of the grim reaper?"

"The messenger of death?"

"Correct, your weapon resembles that. The weapon serves as a way to cut the ties, the thread of life from the current world. So the soul can depart and enter the cycle of fate. Are you saying you wish to play a similar role in people"s lives?"

Lyn laughed weakly, "I wouldn"t dare be so arrogant. But," she trailed off. "I wish to change the way things are. For that reason alone, I have to make a move. I cannot stand idly by and watch as people die and sacrifice themselves because of what the Empire considers as right and wrong."

For such shallow values, why do people have to die in such a cruel way? If she can rid the world of people, who wish to end their lives brutally. If she can send them of peacefully rather than with tears, then she shall do so.

"Since you are the daughter of my old friend, I will not do anything. But I shall warn you; there will be those who think of you as an arrogant child and those who will cut off your head. Do you still wish to proceed with this?"

"My life is not so valuable," Lyn mumbled. "At least, in the beginning, I thought that." When she first worked on this plan with s.h.i.+oka a few months back, she had yet to meet with Kazuya and the others. "But now," she took a sideways glance at Kazuya. "I have a meaning to live, that"s why I shall see this through and ensure my survival too."

Lyn does not wait for him to respond and stood up. She grabbed Kazuya"s wrist, "That is all, we shall take our leave now."


She quickly made her way outside, dragging Kazuya with her. Lyn knew Rhys followed her lead even without her looking over. Soon, the three of them were outside. "Lyn, put that away," Kazuya pointed to the scythe. Rather he kept looking at her worriedly, "Your going to hurt your pretty hands."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Lyn laughed, "It"s okay Kazuya. Ah, you haven"t seen this before, right? It"s called the Mist Kingdom"s b.l.o.o.d.y star."

"A weapon that brings about death in an instance," Rhys interjected.

Lyn simply smiled, "So you knew."

"I didn"t think you"d have it. Should I ask how such a dangerous weapon landed in your hands Princess Lyn?"