Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 332

Publishedat 18th of October 2019 05:01:12 PMChapter 332
Chapter 332: Poison

"Hmm, probably not," Lyn smiled . "But, since when did the owner chose its weapon? This thing chose me, not the other way around . Even if I let it go, it will come back to me . "

She did let it go before . At first, Lyn thought badly of the weapon . Of course, she would . A scythe is a symbol of death, she immediately recalled the tale of a grim reaper . But, whenever she was in trouble it was this blade that would help her .

"So it chose you, I guess I can"t reprimand you for using it . "

Lyn laughed, "You were going to?"

"Yeah . "

Kazuya clenched her hand and Lyn looked over . "Do you think it"s bad too Kazuya?"

"Yes, but, since it"s like that I can"t say anything either . "

She leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek . "Yes, thank you for not stopping me . "

The entire time, Lyn knew Kazuya wanted to hold her back from saying such words . But he didn"t .

"What do you think Lord Iz, wanted with Kazuya?" Lyn pondered as she kicked a pebble under her feet . She and Rhys decided to head to the edge of town to wait for Kazuya . Lyn had a feeling that their conversation was going to take some time . Waiting idly by in that creepy mansion didn"t sit well with her .


"I dunno . "

Lyn glared at him, "Why do you keep giving me such vague answers?" Just as she asked that she felt something odd .

The streets were busy, so many people were around . But even then Lyn senses the unusual presence . Lyn frowned and turned to Rhys who nodded . To think this attacker wouldn"t bother concealing themselves . Then again, these days it seems like whoever is pulling the strings .

"Stand back," Rhys mumbled .

Lyn rolled her eyes but did as she said . She had been feeling quite light-headed since earlier . So Lyn simply stood aside and leaned on the pillar . After this, they should go to other district over . . And then… Lyn felt her vision hour and frowned . It seems like it was unwise of her to come here after all .

Rhys took care of the "enemy" rather quickly . Or rather he did it in such a flashy manner, that some people actually stayed to watch . But then she saw the enemy move for a split moment . It lifted his arm and threw thousands of needles in her direction .

While her skills have improved, not even she could be able to dodge .

When Lyn opened her eyes, she could make out the vague sounds of talking . For some reason she could hear her master"s voice too . "They hit her vital points directly, so it"s most likely going to spread faster . So the best way for an antidote is to transfer it to another person . Ah yes physical contact . "

"So, we have to kiss?"

Master nodded . "Yes, just now you drank the antidote . All you have to do is pa.s.s it on to Lyn . You could also directly use your tongue on the affected areas . "

"Rhys . . ?" Lyn called out .

Rhys walked over to her . Lyn didn"t know where she was but she was laying down on a comfortable bed . Rhys gently caressed her cheeks and Lyn looked up and noticed something . She was greeted by the sight of Rhys muscular toned body and averted her gaze . "Rhys…" Lyn was very confused .

But what confused her the most was the present state of her body . She thought it was bad before, but now? Now it felt like something else entirely .

Lyn gasped as when she felt his mouth suck harder on the sensitive area of her skin . Lyn struggled weakly for she was confused . Lyn could barely see, her vision was blurry . But she knew it was Rhys who was touching her .

"Kazuya . . . " she whispered weakly .

"I already contacted him," Rhys spat out the poison he just took from her .

"Kazuya . . . Kazuya won"t . . . "

"Won"t like it if Rhys touches her like this . " But right now her head was so fuzzy, the world was spinning so fast . "Rhys, what are we doing?" Lyn asked . She was curious as to why he was doing this to her . Master said something about an antidote . . ? She wasn"t too sure .

"I"m taking the antidote from your system . Sorry," he mumbled . "I"m not waiting for Kazuya to get here . Just bear with me Lyn, I won"t do anything uncalled for . "

And he probably won"t . He promised her, she ought to believe in him .


After he confirmed things with Prince Ralph, Kazuya immediately rushed to the room . The sight he saw made him freeze . He buried over to make sure that Rhys wasn"t doing anything inappropriate with Lyn and crossing his boundaries . But

Lyn was panting heavily as she clutched on to Rhys back . Rhys drew back slightly, "Do you need a break?"

"Fine . . . I"m fine . . . get rid of it, please . "

" . . . "

Calm down .

That"s right, he"s only removing the poison from her system . But, what is this? How come he can"t do anything right now?

Kazuya spent an hour or so outside the door . When the doors finally opened revealing a sweaty Rhys . He looked over at him and sighed, "Why didn"t you come inside and take over?" Rhys sounded like he was blaming him .

"There was only one antidote . "

"I see, well she ought to be fine now . Stay with her . "

"Rhys, where are you going?"

"I need to find a woman," Rhys mumbled . "I"m not staying here . You stay with her . . . "

" . . . Alright . " Kazuya knew the meaning behind his friends words . "Thanks . . "

Rhys smiled bitterly, "You don"t want to thank me, I won"t be surprised if you want to punch me . "

" . . . "

"Kazuya, I . . . I won"t take her from you now . So, . . "

"Now?" That means Rhys will try in the future . If he really doesn"t step it up, then Rhys will get Lyn for sure . The two already get along so well and have a good understanding of each other . If Lyn gets taken from him, what will he do? He"s already become so attached to her . Kazuya frantically shook his head and entered the room . Lyn was awake, but she looked sleepy, she was looking around with a dazed expression .

"Rhys?" Lyn called out puzzled .

Don"t think about it .

Kazuya strolled over and the girl"s eyes brightened . "Kazuya?" her tone immediately changed to a fonder one .

Lyn said it herself didn"t she? That she wants to be with him forever . He ought to believe her, the sincerity behind those words . He examined her current state; the girls face still seemed flushed . The sight from earlier flashed through his mind . Though he"s done it with Lyn, he"s never seen that expression before . Don"t think about it that way .

"Can I yell at you?" he mumbled . "You always seem to find trouble whenever I"m not around . "

Lyn laughed weakly, "I"m sorry…"

He wanted to hug her tightly . But the scene from earlier had yet to leave his mind, so he simply held her hand . "Kazuya, your not angry at me? I think you should get mad this time . "

"Do you want me to get angry?"

"You"ve never really gotten angry at me before," Lyn mumbled .

Of course hasn"t . He wants to treasure and treat the girl he loves kindly . Why would he waste his time scolding her?