Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 34

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:34 PMChapter 34

"That"s when I thought of you, tell me Lyn do you still think your family doesn"t care about you?" Gabrielle asked, her tone serious .

Lyn knew Gabrielle was her Eldest brother"s fiance and that maybe she shouldn"t tell her too much . But she already knew that brother and Gabrielle fought on this matter before . She felt terrible that they had to fight because of her . But from the very start, Gabrielle said her circ.u.mstances were unusual .

"Did you know? About Brother . . . "

Gabrielle looked down, "Forgive me . I wanted to tell you . But I wasn"t sure how to phrase it . I don"t get it myself . Queen Orthez didn"t have to take it this far, and the method seemed a bit familiar . Between those people around you, only one person could do something like this . So I asked him directly . "

" . . And what did he? . "

"He told me it"s for your own good and in the future, you"ll thank him," Gabrielle shook her head, "I don"t think it"s right . I"ve always thought Queen Orthez was a wise woman, but now I"m questioning her ability to discipline her eldest son . She gave him full reigns on this matter . "

"Brothers in charge completely? He didn"t just suggest the idea?" Lyn asked eyes widened surprised .

Gabrielle looked over at Andrew and nodded .

"I hope you don"t mind me saying so but whenever it concerns you . Your brother always acts a bit strange . . . " she trailed off, "I used to think that maybe he had a sis-con like Prince Kotaro . "

Lyn almost choked on her drink, "That"s not funny . "

Gabrielle smiled, "But it is true that he dotes on you a lot . "

Lyn looked down and sighed, "I"m actually a bit afraid of my brother . "


"I don"t know what he"s thinking . I"m aware that many elites hide behind a mask and don"t mean anything they say . They do this to protect themselves due to their status . Some wish to suck up to others, bribe them or have other purposes . The elite world does not have solely pleasant things . I learned this a long time ago . However, the look in his eyes scares me . My brother, he will do anything to protect this Kingdom . He will use any means . "

That"s why the idea of her taking the throne never once crossed her mind . Why would it? There"s somebody like brother around who will dedicate his whole life and do anything for the throne . Lyn is sure that Mother would do the same too . Such dedication, she doesn"t have it .

"But, you truly care about the people Lyn . Whenever I go out into town, I hear people speak about you . "

"That"s because they don"t know I am a Princess . Once they learn of that, then they"ll definitely turn against me," Lyn could say this for sure because of all her visits to the town . Many people are grateful towards her Mother Queen Orthez . But just like any royal Queen, many are dissatisfied with her, especially amongst the town people . Anybody connected to her Mother will share her hate .

She took a deep breath before she continued, "There were times where I played with the idea of exposing my ident.i.ty . It would be easy to show them I"m a Princess too . But each time, General Adrien and Pupillam would advise me otherwise . "

That"s right . No matter how good those two are to her, Lyn knew that there are certain boundaries that they will not cross .

"Do you dislike it? Being a Princess?"

Lyn laughed, "I practically live the life of a commoner . But it"s true that these shackles weigh me down . I"m not you"re average Princess, but I"m still a Princess . I can"t escape my duties nor my bloodline . I wonder if this has anything to do with it, but my heart cries out to the people . I want to help them . "

She doesn"t understand it herself, but for as long as she could remember . Lyn has always held such deep feelings for the town and the people in it . It"s not just limited to the town people too . But the servants, the Knights in the castle . Whenever she hears people complain, Lyn always thinks to herself . If only there is a way she could help them .

"The reason you want to go outside so badly, I see . "

For the next few minutes, Gabrielle doesn"t say a word, and Lyn thought she offended her . But eventually, she spoke up, "This is why I think you"ll become a good Queen . "


"Though you express it a lot differently than your mother and Andrew . You love and care for the people in the Mist Kingdom just as much as they do . Would you not say that"s enough to become a ruler?"

. . . .

By the time she returned, it was already late . The skies had turned black . It looked like Allen wanted to say something to her, since he lingered by her door for a few minutes . But eventually, he left . Lyn then recalled what happened earlier and thought to call after him, until she spotted Kazuya fast asleep on her couch . For the last few minutes, she had been staring at him .

She wondered why Kazuya kept coming to her like this . Ever since what happened during the opening day, he always drops by at night . Is he afraid that people will chase after her again? That"s the only thing that comes to mind here .

Her thoughts broke off when he stirred awake, "Mmm? Lyn?"

"h.e.l.lo, intruder . "

Kazuya laughed, "h.e.l.lo adorable Princess, hey why don"t you join me?"

Lyn looked at him puzzled, but then Kazuya grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her up . Kazuya wrapped his arms around her protectively .

This was a first for Lyn somebody nestling her in their arms; it felt oddly comfortable for her . Does this count as hugging too? Ever since she learned the warmth of another person, Lyn discovered herself growing increasingly more and more curious . Especially since it"s Kazuya, Rhys told her that Kazuya isn"t like him . He seldom hung around girls .

Lyn can tell from his clumsy behavior . Still, Lyn gently moved a strand of loose hair from his face .

"Are you tired Kazuya?"

"Yeah, sorry I"m not good company right now . "

Lyn shook her head, "It"s okay . " She doesn"t mind even if he doesn"t talk much . Just spending time with each other like this, safe and away from harm"s way makes her very happy . Lyn wondered if Kazuya felt the same .

These days he is busy with a lot of things . Lyn heard from Pupillam that Kazuya has slacked off a lot on his duty as the Sound Kingdom Amba.s.sador . The deal he made with her eldest brother was him ensuring he fulfill those duties . It made sense then, why eldest brother lifted the restrains with her . Her brother liked those people who fulfilled their duty after all .

Still, Kazuya did not make such a deal about coming here when he"s obviously tired . She knew he made the choice himself . Lyn wonders what she meant to him . Why does he go so far for her?Thats when I thought of you, tell me Lyn do you still think your family doesnt care about you? Gabrielle asked, her tone serious . Lyn knew Gabrielle was her Eldest brothers fiance and that maybe she shouldnt tell her too much . But she already knew that brother and Gabrielle fought on this matter before . She felt terrible that they had to fight because of her . But from the very start, Gabrielle said her circ.u.mstances were unusual . Did you know? About Brother . Gabrielle looked down, Forgive me . I wanted to tell you . But I wasnt sure how to phrase it . I dont get it myself . Queen Orthez didnt have to take it this far, and the method seemed a bit familiar . Between those people around you, only one person could do something like this . So I asked him directly . And what did he? . He told me its for your own good and in the future, youll thank him, Gabrielle shook her head, I dont think its right . Ive always thought Queen Orthez was a wise woman, but now Im questioning her ability to discipline her eldest son . She gave him full reigns on this matter . Brothers in charge completely? He didnt just suggest the idea? Lyn asked eyes widened surprised . Gabrielle looked over at Andrew and nodded . I hope you dont mind me saying so but whenever it concerns you . Your brother always acts a bit strange . she trailed off, I used to think that maybe he had a sis-con like Prince Kotaro . Lyn almost choked on her drink, Thats not funny . Gabrielle smiled, But it is true that he dotes on you a lot . Lyn looked down and sighed, Im actually a bit afraid of my brother . Afraid? I dont know what hes thinking . Im aware that many elites hide behind a mask and dont mean anything they say . They do this to protect themselves due to their status . Some wish to suck up to others, bribe them or have other purposes . The elite world does not have solely pleasant things . I learned this a long time ago . However, the look in his eyes scares me . My brother, he will do anything to protect this Kingdom . He will use any means . Thats why the idea of her taking the throne never once crossed her mind . Why would it? Theres somebody like brother around who will dedicate his whole life and do anything for the throne . Lyn is sure that Mother would do the same too . Such dedication, she doesnt have it . But, you truly care about the people Lyn . Whenever I go out into town, I hear people speak about you . Thats because they dont know I am a Princess . Once they learn of that, then theyll definitely turn against me, Lyn could say this for sure because of all her visits to the town . Many people are grateful towards her Mother Queen Orthez . But just like any royal Queen, many are dissatisfied with her, especially amongst the town people . Anybody connected to her Mother will share her hate She took a deep breath before she continued, There were times where I played with the idea of exposing my ident.i.ty . It would be easy to show them Im a Princess too . But each time, General Adrien and Pupillam would advise me otherwise . Thats right . No matter how good those two are to her, Lyn knew that there are certain boundaries that they will not cross . Do you dislike it? Being a Princess? Lyn laughed, I practically live the life of a commoner . But its true that these shackles weigh me down . Im not youre average Princess, but Im still a Princess . I cant escape my duties nor my bloodline . I wonder if this has anything to do with it, but my heart cries out to the people . I want to help them . She doesnt understand it herself, but for as long as she could remember . Lyn has always held such deep feelings for the town and the people in it . Its not just limited to the town people too . But the servants, the Knights in the castle . Whenever she hears people complain, Lyn always thinks to herself . If only there is a way she could help them . The reason you want to go outside so badly, I see . For the next few minutes, Gabrielle doesnt say a word, and Lyn thought she offended her . But eventually, she spoke up, This is why I think youll become a good Queen . Eh? Though you express it a lot differently than your mother and Andrew . You love and care for the people in the Mist Kingdom just as much as they do . Would you not say thats enough to become a ruler? By the time she returned, it was already late . The skies had turned black . It looked like Allen wanted to say something to her, since he lingered by her door for a few minutes . But eventually, he left . Lyn then recalled what happened earlier and thought to call after him, until she spotted Kazuya fast asleep on her couch . For the last few minutes, she had been staring at him . She wondered why Kazuya kept coming to her like this . Ever since what happened during the opening day, he always drops by at night . Is he afraid that people will chase after her again? Thats the only thing that comes to mind here . Her thoughts broke off when he stirred awake, Mmm? Lyn? h.e.l.lo, intruder . Kazuya laughed, h.e.l.lo adorable Princess, hey why dont you join me? Lyn looked at him puzzled, but then Kazuya grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her up . Kazuya wrapped his arms around her protectively . This was a first for Lyn somebody nestling her in their arms; it felt oddly comfortable for her . Does this count as hugging too? Ever since she learned the warmth of another person, Lyn discovered herself growing increasingly more and more curious . Especially since its Kazuya, Rhys told her that Kazuya isnt like him . He seldom hung around girls . Lyn can tell from his clumsy behavior . Still, Lyn gently moved a strand of loose hair from his face . Are you tired Kazuya? Yeah, sorry Im not good company right now . Lyn shook her head, Its okay . She doesnt mind even if he doesnt talk much . Just spending time with each other like this, safe and away from harms way makes her very happy . Lyn wondered if Kazuya felt the same . These days he is busy with a lot of things . Lyn heard from Pupillam that Kazuya has slacked off a lot on his duty as the Sound Kingdom Amba.s.sador . The deal he made with her eldest brother was him ensuring he fulfill those duties . It made sense then, why eldest brother lifted the restrains with her . Her brother liked those people who fulfilled their duty after all . Still, Kazuya did not make such a deal about coming here when hes obviously tired . She knew he made the choice himself . Lyn wonders what she meant to him . Why does he go so far for her?