Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 35

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:32 PMChapter 35

In the darkness of the room, all Lyn made out is a tired looking Kazuya . At first, she tried to get some rest and attempted to do so by closing her eyes . But that quickly failed, so she turned to the person beside her and softly called his name out .

"Say Kazuya," Lyn said . She knew he wasn"t asleep since he stirred every so often .

Sure enough, she received a quick reply from him, "What is it, Lyn?"

"I want to spend some more time together . . "

She knew what she was saying was unreasonable . Kazuya is busy with his Amba.s.sador duties, and it"s not like she can accompany him since his job involves standing out .

"Mmm, you want to spend more time with me?"

Lyn nodded .

"Won"t that cut into your time with your fiance?" he asked her in a normal tone . But Lyn sensed some bitterness behind his words .

So Kazuya knew about her occasional daily visits to Allen .

"Tell me Kazuya; you seem to be overprotective of me . . " Lyn trailed off . Overprotective was one thing, Kazuya didn"t even like the idea of Rhys training her . So, for now, that idea is on hold .

"I just want you for myself . "

Lyn"s cheeks turned a rosy red at his words . Want her for himself? Why?

"You don"t feel the same?"

Well, it"s true that she wouldn"t like it if Kazuya spent time with somebody more than her . But she doesn"t quite understand why she thinks this way . Lyn nodded, and Kazuya smiled .

"Good girl . "

Lyn felt his lips brush against her forehead, "Get some rest, Lyn . "

"I want to chat a bit more . "

"Mmm," Kazuya murmured against her hair . It left her feeling ticklish, "But it"s late . I know you have lessons tomorrow . "

But, if they don"t talk now . Then the next time Lyn will see him is much later as she thought of ways to convince him to keep talking . Lyn noticed that he had closed his eyes but not before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him . Only then did he fall asleep . She hears soft breathing in a matter of seconds .

Honestly before Kazuya, she"s never slept with anybody beside her like this . As a Princess even one living this isolated lifestyle, she could not show her defenseless side to anybody . This is one thing eldest brother told her, "A person is most vulnerable when they are sleeping, that"s why unless it is your partner . You must not sleep beside anyone . " Lyn wonders what brother would do if he found out Kazuya frequently came here and slept beside her like this .

It was fairly innocent . Recently though, Lyn understood that a man and woman of their age shouldn"t act in this manner; especially her who is engaged . But Lyn didn"t stop Kazuya from coming here despite figuring that much out .

He"s sweating again; he must have those nightmares again . The first time Lyn made him stay beside her, Lyn woke up in the middle of the night and found him sweating a lot . When she got close to him, he hugged her tighter and said, "I won"t lose you again, I won"t . " Lyn wondered who he was talking about . The idea of Kazuya having a special person felt strange to her . Maybe that"s the reason why she didn"t tell him she knew about his nightmares .

If Kazuya wants to confide in her, he will . She won"t open up a topic that brings him discomfort . Still, it pained her to see him in this much pain . Lyn made sure they were close enough, so his forehead brushed against hers .

. . .

Even though Kazuya"s nightmares had stopped, hers came . Lyn seldom had them since Kazuya came, so it took her by surprise . Also, it didn"t help that she woke up with his lips inches away from hers . Lyn woke up a few minutes ago flushed and nervous . A feeling that"s becoming too frequent when she is around the man named Kazuya . At the start, Lyn genuinely approached him because she was curious . Seldom people knew about her existence and could enter her quarters .

That"s why she knew there was something about him that was different than all the others . Why would her mother lift the barrier for a stranger? At the start, it was genuine curiosity, and then it turned into her happiness since she knew she had somebody else to speak with . Then in the next moment, she is a nervous mess and completely red . Pupillam always said words like she"s too naive and innocent . At first, Lyn didn"t understand what she meant by those words . But Kazuya said the same things also .

The first things that ran through her head when somebody called her innocent now though is when Kazuya kissed her .

At that memory, crazy thoughts ran through her head, and she shook her head frantically . "Don"t be stupid Lyn . "

She decided that going back to sleep would probably be futile . She knew in a few minutes the sun would rise signaling the start of a new day . It was quite a view if one looked at it from the second floor . But, her gaze landed back on Kazuya"s sleeping figure, since she left him he seemed to s.h.i.+ver . She quickly returned to his side and snuggled up to him .

This is much better . Lyn is normally the type, who watches the sunrise when she"s awake . Right now it"s more comfortable being by his side .

. . .

The following morning, Lyn sat in her study and worked on the afternoon lessons materials ahead of time . She was bored . Pupillam had to pay a visit home, and the General is busy with meetings all morning . Hence the reason why she is by herself . Lyn deeply sighed, how boring . It"s not like any of the content she learns here will actually come to practical use . Unless she makes changes with her very own hands, nothing will change .

"Kazuya!" Lyn exclaimed surprised . She genuinely didn"t expect to see him so soon . She unknowingly became giddy and stood up excitedly .

Kazuya laughed, "Slow down, you"ll trip . "

Oh, Lyn realized half way and changed her footsteps to much slower ones .

"Hey, mind taking a walk with me?"

"A walk?" Lyn said puzzled .

Kazuya nodded, "Outside . "

Outside the castle? Though Kazuya took her to the market a few times since then . She was still suspicious about the whole affair . Surely there"s a catch to all this? During their little outings, she always expected her Eldest Brothers guard crew to appear and drag her back .

"In town?"

"No, outside . "

Ehhhh? Lyn looked at him with wide eyes, "Kazuya, I"m flattered . But you know I don"t think they"ll let you this time . " Whatever bargain he struck with her Mother . There"s no way she would allow him . Wait not Mother but her brother .

Kazuya"s lips curve to a smile, "Hmm? Then what do you call these?" he dove into his pocket and took something out .

It was two golden card out of the main town gates . Her eyes widened, "Wh--?"

Kazuya laughed at her reaction, "See?"

She took them from her hands and scanned the validity . When she saw the signature, she frowned, "My sister?"

"Yeah, she owed me a favor so . . "

Kazuya he knew her sister? Since when? He hasn"t been here for long?

"I met her before I came here . "

At that comment, Lyn felt something heavy weigh down in her heart . Kazuya knew her Eldest sister Lethia before he came here? The more she repeated those words, the heavier the feeling in her heart . Kazuya pulled her to his arms, "Are you jealous?"

Lyn"s cheeks puffed into a pout, "Not funny . "

"Relax it was only a short encounter . Your sister was under ignito and caused some trouble with some thugs with her haughty att.i.tude . I was pa.s.sing by and helped her out . "

Why would he help a stranger, no that shouldn"t surprise her? This person is a kind and gentle person after all . Lyn tightened her hold, but it still bothered her . She liked the idea that she net Kazuya first . But now . . . Lyn shook her head, stop being so petty .

Kazuya suddenly drew her away from him surprising her, "Kazuya?"

He smiled brightly as he held her hand up, "The ring . "

Ah .

"Thank you . "

Lyn looked at him confused . Why is he thanking her? Isn"t it normal to wear things you receive from people? However, Kazuya didn"t get a chance to let her explain .

"Do you need to get dressed? Should I leave and come back later?"

Lyn shook her head, "Ah, no it"s okay . I can wear these clothes out . "

Today she picked out a rather western off shoulder yellow and white dress that went past her shoulders . She does not wear such clothing often . But considering how n.o.body was around, Lyn thought she might as well . Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya wrapped his cloak around her, and she blinked in surprise .

"It"s chilly today, so wear that . "

But it"s sunny today? Lyn knew because she spent more time loitering around in the balcony than study . Odd person . Still, her gaze fell on the cloak around her shoulders . She doesn"t dislike wearing the clothes he gives her .In the darkness of the room, all Lyn made out is a tired looking Kazuya . At first, she tried to get some rest and attempted to do so by closing her eyes . But that quickly failed, so she turned to the person beside her and softly called his name out . Say Kazuya, Lyn said . She knew he wasnt asleep since he stirred every so often . Sure enough, she received a quick reply from him, What is it, Lyn? I want to spend some more time together She knew what she was saying was unreasonable . Kazuya is busy with his Amba.s.sador duties, and its not like she can accompany him since his job involves standing out . Mmm, you want to spend more time with me? Lyn nodded . Wont that cut into your time with your fiance? he asked her in a normal tone . But Lyn sensed some bitterness behind his words . So Kazuya knew about her occasional daily visits to Allen . Tell me Kazuya; you seem to be overprotective of me Lyn trailed off . Overprotective was one thing, Kazuya didnt even like the idea of Rhys training her . So, for now, that idea is on hold . I just want you for myself . Lyns cheeks turned a rosy red at his words . Want her for himself? Why? You dont feel the same? Well, its true that she wouldnt like it if Kazuya spent time with somebody more than her . But she doesnt quite understand why she thinks this way . Lyn nodded, and Kazuya smiled . Good girl . Lyn felt his lips brush against her forehead, Get some rest, Lyn . I want to chat a bit more . Mmm, Kazuya murmured against her hair . It left her feeling ticklish, But its late . I know you have lessons tomorrow . But, if they dont talk now . Then the next time Lyn will see him is much later as she thought of ways to convince him to keep talking . Lyn noticed that he had closed his eyes but not before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him . Only then did he fall asleep . She hears soft breathing in a matter of seconds . Honestly before Kazuya, shes never slept with anybody beside her like this . As a Princess even one living this isolated lifestyle, she could not show her defenseless side to anybody . This is one thing eldest brother told her, A person is most vulnerable when they are sleeping, thats why unless it is your partner . You must not sleep beside anyone . Lyn wonders what brother would do if he found out Kazuya frequently came here and slept beside her like this . It was fairly innocent . Recently though, Lyn understood that a man and woman of their age shouldnt act in this manner; especially her who is engaged . But Lyn didnt stop Kazuya from coming here despite figuring that much out . Hes sweating again; he must have those nightmares again . The first time Lyn made him stay beside her, Lyn woke up in the middle of the night and found him sweating a lot . When she got close to him, he hugged her tighter and said, I wont lose you again, I wont . Lyn wondered who he was talking about . The idea of Kazuya having a special person felt strange to her . Maybe thats the reason why she didnt tell him she knew about his nightmares If Kazuya wants to confide in her, he will . She wont open up a topic that brings him discomfort . Still, it pained her to see him in this much pain . Lyn made sure they were close enough, so his forehead brushed against hers Even though Kazuyas nightmares had stopped, hers came . Lyn seldom had them since Kazuya came, so it took her by surprise . Also, it didnt help that she woke up with his lips inches away from hers . Lyn woke up a few minutes ago flushed and nervous . A feeling thats becoming too frequent when she is around the man named Kazuya . At the start, Lyn genuinely approached him because she was curious . Seldom people knew about her existence and could enter her quarters . Thats why she knew there was something about him that was different than all the others . Why would her mother lift the barrier for a stranger? At the start, it was genuine curiosity, and then it turned into her happiness since she knew she had somebody else to speak with . Then in the next moment, she is a nervous mess and completely red . Pupillam always said words like shes too naive and innocent . At first, Lyn didnt understand what she meant by those words . But Kazuya said the same things also . The first things that ran through her head when somebody called her innocent now though is when Kazuya kissed her . At that memory, crazy thoughts ran through her head, and she shook her head frantically . Dont be stupid Lyn . She decided that going back to sleep would probably be futile . She knew in a few minutes the sun would rise signaling the start of a new day . It was quite a view if one looked at it from the second floor . But, her gaze landed back on Kazuyas sleeping figure, since she left him he seemed to s.h.i.+ver . She quickly returned to his side and snuggled up to him . This is much better . Lyn is normally the type, who watches the sunrise when shes awake . Right now its more comfortable being by his side The following morning, Lyn sat in her study and worked on the afternoon lessons materials ahead of time . She was bored . Pupillam had to pay a visit home, and the General is busy with meetings all morning . Hence the reason why she is by herself . Lyn deeply sighed, how boring . Its not like any of the content she learns here will actually come to practical use . Unless she makes changes with her very own hands, nothing will change . Kazuya! Lyn exclaimed surprised . She genuinely didnt expect to see him so soon . She unknowingly became giddy and stood up excitedly . Kazuya laughed, Slow down, youll trip . Oh, Lyn realized half way and changed her footsteps to much slower ones . Hey, mind taking a walk with me? A walk? Lyn said puzzled . Kazuya nodded, Outside . Outside the castle? Though Kazuya took her to the market a few times since then . She was still suspicious about the whole affair . Surely theres a catch to all this? During their little outings, she always expected her Eldest Brothers guard crew to appear and drag her back . In town? No, outside . Ehhhh? Lyn looked at him with wide eyes, Kazuya, Im flattered . But you know I dont think theyll let you this time . Whatever bargain he struck with her Mother . Theres no way she would allow him . Wait not Mother but her brother . Kazuyas lips curve to a smile, Hmm? Then what do you call these? he dove into his pocket and took something out . It was two golden card out of the main town gates . Her eyes widened, Wh--? Kazuya laughed at her reaction, See? She took them from her hands and scanned the validity . When she saw the signature, she frowned, My sister? Yeah, she owed me a favor so Kazuya he knew her sister? Since when? He hasnt been here for long? I met her before I came here . At that comment, Lyn felt something heavy weigh down in her heart . Kazuya knew her Eldest sister Lethia before he came here? The more she repeated those words, the heavier the feeling in her heart . Kazuya pulled her to his arms, Are you jealous? Lyns cheeks puffed into a pout, Not funny . Relax it was only a short encounter . Your sister was under ignito and caused some trouble with some thugs with her haughty att.i.tude . I was pa.s.sing by and helped her out . Why would he help a stranger, no that shouldnt surprise her? This person is a kind and gentle person after all . Lyn tightened her hold, but it still bothered her . She liked the idea that she net Kazuya first . But now . Lyn shook her head, stop being so petty . Kazuya suddenly drew her away from him surprising her, Kazuya? He smiled brightly as he held her hand up, The ring . Ah . Thank you . Lyn looked at him confused . Why is he thanking her? Isnt it normal to wear things you receive from people? However, Kazuya didnt get a chance to let her explain . Do you need to get dressed? Should I leave and come back later? Lyn shook her head, Ah, no its okay . I can wear these clothes out . Today she picked out a rather western off shoulder yellow and white dress that went past her shoulders . She does not wear such clothing often . But considering how n.o.body was around, Lyn thought she might as well . Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya wrapped his cloak around her, and she blinked in surprise . Its chilly today, so wear that . But its sunny today? Lyn knew because she spent more time loitering around in the balcony than study . Odd person . Still, her gaze fell on the cloak around her shoulders . She doesnt dislike wearing the clothes he gives her .