Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 43

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:23 PMChapter 43

All he"s ever wanted was somebody to stay by his side like this .

They used to call him by a number . When he lost his memories, he supposedly threw a tantrum whenever they called his real name . So they called him by a number to temporary replace his name . Kazuya recalled his emotions then, "it"s better than that name . I don"t want to remember anymore . " The next day after receiving his new number day name . He completely forgot his real name; all that remained was a numb and hollow feeling in his heart . He controls his powers within the following week .

People showed him with endless flattery and called him a genius . Kazuya didn"t care about it, perhaps because he didn"t understand it well . Who cares whether he can control his powers so easily? Is it that rare of a case? Deep down perhaps he was thinking, "aren"t there other people out there like me?" Back then he already displayed signs of a child who wanted attention . A lonely child, but he didn"t realize it .

In the beginning, he loved that place . The place he woke up too after the incidence . He woke up in a facility in the Sound Kingdom . People there showed him with endless praise and gave him whatever he wanted . If he were missing something like a book or game, they"d give it to him . When Kazuya grew older, he understood the reason why . It"s not that they cared about him . It"s due to fear . Back then he already displayed power level signs of being the strongest person in the Sound Kingdom . Naturally, crossing the person dubbed the strongest is a bad idea . They gave him everything he wanted, because they feared him .

With this sort of treatment, usually, a child grows up to be spoilt . But Kazuya didn"t, even when the Sound Kingdom elders pulled him out of the establishment, and he lived a normal life . He didn"t act spoilt once . One trait that he brought with him after he left the facility was his reading habit . He doesn"t have time to read as much as he did back then . After all, he had his responsibilities . But Kazuya still tried to find time with it . He was fascinated with the interactions different characters had, as well as their journey .

He loved reading because he could learn about the world he"s never seen before . Kazuya discovered this is the most common reason for people like him and Lyn who have lived an isolated lifestyle . He wouldn"t say his situation was as bad as Lyn"s though . They practically treated him like royalty and wors.h.i.+ped him . But Lyn who is genuine royalty gets treated like trash . Kazuya recalled how fascinated Lyn seemed to get whenever he pulled out a new book . It resembled the young him, and he couldn"t help but feel bad .

Back then everything he had despite being isolated, he would have given it all to Lyn . Now he chooses to live a simple life even though the Sound Kingdom Elders and those around him try to give him more . Kazuya didn"t want people to treat him like royalty; they could respect him if they wanted . But royalty? He didn"t want them to treat him like the very thing he dislikes .

Yes, that"s right . Kazuya loathed n.o.bility from the very bottom of his heart . That may be why he liked the facility so much . There were no n.o.bles there, just a group of adults who looked the same . And children with powers that people regard as unusual .

With books, he learned the same thing about n.o.bles . He learned about the general structures of the Kingdoms . Instead of being fascinated by it, it disgusted Kazuya . Even with his lost memories, he knew something was amiss . Perhaps it was an unconscious reaction . With books, he learned the things he needed to know about the world . The facility told him that once he left the place, he could do whatever he wanted, he could explore . "All you have to do is continue listening to us . "

It seemed like something simple, at the time . Just listen . Kazuya could do something that simple . But the difference between his old home and his new? His new home filled with psychos who kidnapped him from his old him after the incidence . But of course, Kazuya didn"t know that until much later .

One day the Sound Kingdom Elders appeared, and they took him away . The moment they did, the establishment gets blown up . Kazuya recalled the scene all too well, the place he considered as "home" went up in flames . But the head elder shook his head and said, "Karma happens to those who harm others . " At the time he had an inkling suspicion that it wasn"t Karma . But back then he focused mainly on the fact that he was finally outside the establishment . He was finally free . He could finally see the world .

Kazuya didn"t care about the elders or what they wanted from him . All that mattered was he could finally see the world, he only saw in stories . See rivers and mountains, and maybe to fall in love? The establishment had plenty of those books too, books on how to fall in love .

. .

His gaze fell on the girl fast asleep beside him . He woke up moments ago but didn"t stand up . Kazuya just stared at the ceiling as he thought back to his past . When Kazuya thought about it now, there were many things he overlooked simply because he wanted to see the world . He overlooked the power and corruption in the establishment - and the treatment for those with weaker powers since he had his head in the clouds most of the time . When Lyn stirred, Kazuya moved his gaze from the ceiling to her .

He read them, those books regarding love . When he was waiting for his next batch of books to arrive, he read them to pa.s.s the time . But Kazuya felt the subject had sparked his interest; he wondered if it was possible for somebody like him to fall in love . Somebody so devoid of emotion .

His thoughts broke off when Lyn grabbed hold of his hand and brought it to her face . A smile on her face . Kazuya blinked, is she awake? Kazuya debated about it for the next few minutes before he called her name out .


Lyn laughed softly, "Um yes?"

So she"s awake . For a split moment, he thought she did that unconsciously . Of course not stupid, "Sorry I woke you . It"s still early . "

Indeed, it was barely 5; still, twenty minutes past 4 am . There were no signs of the sun through his small window . He gently caressed her hair with his free hand, "Go back to sleep Lyn . "

"Un, Kazuya too . "

"Yeah . "All hes ever wanted was somebody to stay by his side like this . They used to call him by a number . When he lost his memories, he supposedly threw a tantrum whenever they called his real name . So they called him by a number to temporary replace his name . Kazuya recalled his emotions then, its better than that name . I dont want to remember anymore . The next day after receiving his new number day name . He completely forgot his real name; all that remained was a numb and hollow feeling in his heart . He controls his powers within the following week . People showed him with endless flattery and called him a genius . Kazuya didnt care about it, perhaps because he didnt understand it well . Who cares whether he can control his powers so easily? Is it that rare of a case? Deep down perhaps he was thinking, arent there other people out there like me? Back then he already displayed signs of a child who wanted attention . A lonely child, but he didnt realize it . In the beginning, he loved that place . The place he woke up too after the incidence . He woke up in a facility in the Sound Kingdom . People there showed him with endless praise and gave him whatever he wanted . If he were missing something like a book or game, theyd give it to him . When Kazuya grew older, he understood the reason why . Its not that they cared about him . Its due to fear . Back then he already displayed power level signs of being the strongest person in the Sound Kingdom . Naturally, crossing the person dubbed the strongest is a bad idea . They gave him everything he wanted, because they feared him . With this sort of treatment, usually, a child grows up to be spoilt . But Kazuya didnt, even when the Sound Kingdom elders pulled him out of the establishment, and he lived a normal life . He didnt act spoilt once . One trait that he brought with him after he left the facility was his reading habit . He doesnt have time to read as much as he did back then . After all, he had his responsibilities . But Kazuya still tried to find time with it . He was fascinated with the interactions different characters had, as well as their journey . He loved reading because he could learn about the world hes never seen before . Kazuya discovered this is the most common reason for people like him and Lyn who have lived an isolated lifestyle . He wouldnt say his situation was as bad as Lyns though . They practically treated him like royalty and wors.h.i.+ped him . But Lyn who is genuine royalty gets treated like trash . Kazuya recalled how fascinated Lyn seemed to get whenever he pulled out a new book . It resembled the young him, and he couldnt help but feel bad . Back then everything he had despite being isolated, he would have given it all to Lyn . Now he chooses to live a simple life even though the Sound Kingdom Elders and those around him try to give him more . Kazuya didnt want people to treat him like royalty; they could respect him if they wanted . But royalty? He didnt want them to treat him like the very thing he dislikes Yes, thats right . Kazuya loathed n.o.bility from the very bottom of his heart . That may be why he liked the facility so much . There were no n.o.bles there, just a group of adults who looked the same . And children with powers that people regard as unusual . With books, he learned the same thing about n.o.bles . He learned about the general structures of the Kingdoms . Instead of being fascinated by it, it disgusted Kazuya . Even with his lost memories, he knew something was amiss . Perhaps it was an unconscious reaction . With books, he learned the things he needed to know about the world . The facility told him that once he left the place, he could do whatever he wanted, he could explore . All you have to do is continue listening to us . It seemed like something simple, at the time . Just listen . Kazuya could do something that simple . But the difference between his old home and his new? His new home filled with psychos who kidnapped him from his old him after the incidence . But of course, Kazuya didnt know that until much later . One day the Sound Kingdom Elders appeared, and they took him away . The moment they did, the establishment gets blown up . Kazuya recalled the scene all too well, the place he considered as home went up in flames . But the head elder shook his head and said, Karma happens to those who harm others . At the time he had an inkling suspicion that it wasnt Karma . But back then he focused mainly on the fact that he was finally outside the establishment . He was finally free . He could finally see the world . Kazuya didnt care about the elders or what they wanted from him . All that mattered was he could finally see the world, he only saw in stories . See rivers and mountains, and maybe to fall in love? The establishment had plenty of those books too, books on how to fall in love . His gaze fell on the girl fast asleep beside him . He woke up moments ago but didnt stand up . Kazuya just stared at the ceiling as he thought back to his past . When Kazuya thought about it now, there were many things he overlooked simply because he wanted to see the world . He overlooked the power and corruption in the establishment - and the treatment for those with weaker powers since he had his head in the clouds most of the time . When Lyn stirred, Kazuya moved his gaze from the ceiling to her . He read them, those books regarding love . When he was waiting for his next batch of books to arrive, he read them to pa.s.s the time . But Kazuya felt the subject had sparked his interest; he wondered if it was possible for somebody like him to fall in love . Somebody so devoid of emotion . His thoughts broke off when Lyn grabbed hold of his hand and brought it to her face . A smile on her face . Kazuya blinked, is she awake? Kazuya debated about it for the next few minutes before he called her name out . Lyn? Lyn laughed softly, Um yes? So shes awake . For a split moment, he thought she did that unconsciously . Of course not stupid, Sorry I woke you . Its still early . Indeed, it was barely 5; still, twenty minutes past 4 am . There were no signs of the sun through his small window . He gently caressed her hair with his free hand, Go back to sleep Lyn . Un, Kazuya too . Yeah .