Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 44

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:22 PMChapter 44

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Main Castle

Kazuya raised an eyebrow; as he held back his yawn .

After last night, well early this morning he figured he should get some sleep instead of staring at Lyn . Yes, he did that right before he fell asleep and when he woke up too . . .

So when Lyn yanked the sheets and left him to the cold and told him it was time to get going . Kazuya got mad . Though it was no longer morning, and more or less lunchtime . Kazuya felt exhausted .

The morning grumpiness had vanished, but Kazuya didn"t like how she woke him up . Couldn"t she act cuter when waking him up in the mornings? Then again, it"s better than her waking him up after he"s had a panicked attack from a nightmare . He pulled the girl into his arms and kissed her neck softly . Lyn"s cheeks turned red; his actions must have startled her . The reason why Lyn woke him up was the current situation . Why did he have lunch with Lyn"s family and the King of the Stone Kingdom? Well, it seemed like this was the stupid second Brothers fault . It"s a good thing they didn"t invite Prince Allen to this . Otherwise, Kazuya knew it would be awkward . Other than Lyn"s family, there"s also the girl who is engaged to the First Prince . Lyn and her seemed like good friends, since the moment they entered Lyn pulled him over to introduce himself .

So even Lyn has friends . The thought relieved him . Even if the girl is the fiance of her eldest brother, after they finished lunch, Kazuya thought it would end . But for the last few minutes, they still sat around and spoke . There was even entertainment . Kazuya exhaled deeply; the only comfort is that Lyn seemed surprised too . Since Lyn had no clue, then that means they extended this lunch because of the King of the Sound Kingdom .

"I"m sorry, I didn"t think it would take this long," Lyn whispered .

"It"s okay, though I am a bit tired . "

She blushed, "I didn"t mean to wake you like that; it"s just I"m not used to being late for anything . "

Kazuya brushed his forehead against hers, "As I said, I don"t mind it too much . I"m glad you openly introduced me as your boyfriend in front of your family," Kazuya paused . Other than Prince Andrew and Prince Kotaro there was no need for her other family members to know about their relations.h.i.+p . It"s not like King John is brave enough to ask something like that to King Orthez . What surprised Kazuya was King Daichi"s reaction, the man seemed genuinely happy with the news . Queen Orthez just seemed amused and Lethia? Well . . .

"Lyn, come here for a moment," King Daichi called out .

"Okay!" she turned to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek . It was light but King John who was hovering after and speaking with

"I"ll be back?"

Kazuya nodded, "Yeah . "

No sooner had Lyn left, he felt somebody staring at him and found somebody"s gaze on him . When Kazuya looked he saw a girl with dust blonde hair looking at him; a frown appeared on her face every few seconds . This girl is the Mist Kingdom"s First Princess Lethia . Somebody, he had an unexpected encounter/meeting with a few years back .

After a few minutes, she made her way over . Lethia said nothing to him right away; in fact, she seemed to debate in her head what she would say — judging from the concentrated expression on her face .

"You"re really dating my sister?"

"Yeah . "

"Really?" Lethia repeated . The girl didn"t seem convinced, and Kazuya panicked . Is their act that bad? Though Lyn still isn"t used to acts of affection, she"s gradually getting used to it . Not that he actually knows what to do on that department either .

"I like Lyn," Kazuya said, "No, I probably love her . This may seem vague to you right now since I did only just recently acknowledge these feelings of mine . And even then I have some doubts . I"m not sure about love, and I"m inexperienced in it, I can"t say for sure either of us actually understands what we are doing . But I do know I want to protect her; I do know I want to treat her well and keep her beside me . " He can"t say the words "I love" without the vague terminology attached just yet . Not because they are pretending, but because he genuinely doesn"t know what to think of this situation just yet, "I don"t want to rush anything . I want to treasure the moments we have together and let things develop naturally . "

His sentence fell short when Lethia stepped on his foot, "Ouch---" Kazuya noticed the tears in the girl"s eyes .

"I attended this thinking that I could ask what happened . But it seems like it"s futile . When Kotaro told me, I thought Lyn was the one who asked you for this, and you just couldn"t refuse because your kind like that . But I didn"t think you were serious . "

"I am so um, why are you crying?"

Kazuya didn"t understand why she suddenly cried out of nowhere .

A woman"s tears is really like receiving a punch to his stomach . What is he supposed to do about this situation?

Thankfully Lethia stopped after a few minutes, "You don"t know that I like you?"

Wait what? Kazuya froze when he heard those words . Did Princess Lethia of all people just confess his feelings? Did he hear things? No, for sure he couldn"t have misplaced those words .

Lethia looked at him with a disappointed look, "How stupid . What a waste of time," she muttered, "You didn"t notice anything . Not even during my last visit to the Sound Kingdom?"

During her last visit, the elder was busy briefing him on the mission details . Because of the short notice, Kazuya had to digest the information quickly . So during Princess Lethia"s surprise visit, his thoughts were distracted . He hadn"t really paid much attention to her despite being the girl"s guide .

"Wait, wait . When a girl normally confesses, aren"t they usually nervous?"

Look at Lyn, when he proposed this idea of a fake relations.h.i.+p she acted all cute and shy about it . Lethia"s eyes twitched in annoyance, "Well I"m sorry I"m not like Lyn . Not everybody is like her with her nice hair, delicate skin - sorry I"m average looking and with a rotten personality . "

Kazuya sweat fell, what type of confession is this? n.o.body can blame him for being surprised . Princess Lethia"s "rotten personality" aside, he doesn"t care much for appearance . The girl never displayed such signs of liking him romantically .Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Main Castle Kazuya raised an eyebrow; as he held back his yawn . After last night, well early this morning he figured he should get some sleep instead of staring at Lyn . Yes, he did that right before he fell asleep and when he woke up too . So when Lyn yanked the sheets and left him to the cold and told him it was time to get going . Kazuya got mad . Though it was no longer morning, and more or less lunchtime . Kazuya felt exhausted . The morning grumpiness had vanished, but Kazuya didnt like how she woke him up . Couldnt she act cuter when waking him up in the mornings? Then again, its better than her waking him up after hes had a panicked attack from a nightmare . He pulled the girl into his arms and kissed her neck softly . Lyns cheeks turned red; his actions must have startled her . The reason why Lyn woke him up was the current situation . Why did he have lunch with Lyns family and the King of the Stone Kingdom? Well, it seemed like this was the stupid second Brothers fault . Its a good thing they didnt invite Prince Allen to this . Otherwise, Kazuya knew it would be awkward . Other than Lyns family, theres also the girl who is engaged to the First Prince . Lyn and her seemed like good friends, since the moment they entered Lyn pulled him over to introduce himself . So even Lyn has friends . The thought relieved him . Even if the girl is the fiance of her eldest brother, after they finished lunch, Kazuya thought it would end . But for the last few minutes, they still sat around and spoke . There was even entertainment . Kazuya exhaled deeply; the only comfort is that Lyn seemed surprised too . Since Lyn had no clue, then that means they extended this lunch because of the King of the Sound Kingdom . Im sorry, I didnt think it would take this long, Lyn whispered . Its okay, though I am a bit tired . She blushed, I didnt mean to wake you like that; its just Im not used to being late for anything . Kazuya brushed his forehead against hers, As I said, I dont mind it too much . Im glad you openly introduced me as your boyfriend in front of your family, Kazuya paused . Other than Prince Andrew and Prince Kotaro there was no need for her other family members to know about their relations.h.i.+p . Its not like King John is brave enough to ask something like that to King Orthez . What surprised Kazuya was King Daichis reaction, the man seemed genuinely happy with the news . Queen Orthez just seemed amused and Lethia? Well . Lyn, come here for a moment, King Daichi called out . Okay! she turned to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek . It was light but King John who was hovering after and speaking with Ill be back? Kazuya nodded, Yeah . No sooner had Lyn left, he felt somebody staring at him and found somebodys gaze on him . When Kazuya looked he saw a girl with dust blonde hair looking at him; a frown appeared on her face every few seconds . This girl is the Mist Kingdoms First Princess Lethia . Somebody, he had an unexpected encounter/meeting with a few years back After a few minutes, she made her way over . Lethia said nothing to him right away; in fact, she seemed to debate in her head what she would say — judging from the concentrated expression on her face . Youre really dating my sister? Yeah . Really? Lethia repeated . The girl didnt seem convinced, and Kazuya panicked . Is their act that bad? Though Lyn still isnt used to acts of affection, shes gradually getting used to it . Not that he actually knows what to do on that department either . I like Lyn, Kazuya said, No, I probably love her . This may seem vague to you right now since I did only just recently acknowledge these feelings of mine . And even then I have some doubts . Im not sure about love, and Im inexperienced in it, I cant say for sure either of us actually understands what we are doing . But I do know I want to protect her; I do know I want to treat her well and keep her beside me . He cant say the words I love without the vague terminology attached just yet . Not because they are pretending, but because he genuinely doesnt know what to think of this situation just yet, I dont want to rush anything . I want to treasure the moments we have together and let things develop naturally . His sentence fell short when Lethia stepped on his foot, Ouch--- Kazuya noticed the tears in the girls eyes . I attended this thinking that I could ask what happened . But it seems like its futile . When Kotaro told me, I thought Lyn was the one who asked you for this, and you just couldnt refuse because your kind like that . But I didnt think you were serious . I am so um, why are you crying? Kazuya didnt understand why she suddenly cried out of nowhere . A womans tears is really like receiving a punch to his stomach . What is he supposed to do about this situation? Thankfully Lethia stopped after a few minutes, You dont know that I like you? Wait what? Kazuya froze when he heard those words . Did Princess Lethia of all people just confess his feelings? Did he hear things? No, for sure he couldnt have misplaced those words . Lethia looked at him with a disappointed look, How stupid . What a waste of time, she muttered, You didnt notice anything . Not even during my last visit to the Sound Kingdom? During her last visit, the elder was busy briefing him on the mission details . Because of the short notice, Kazuya had to digest the information quickly . So during Princess Lethias surprise visit, his thoughts were distracted . He hadnt really paid much attention to her despite being the girls guide . Wait, wait . When a girl normally confesses, arent they usually nervous? Look at Lyn, when he proposed this idea of a fake relations.h.i.+p she acted all cute and shy about it . Lethias eyes twitched in annoyance, Well Im sorry Im not like Lyn . Not everybody is like her with her nice hair, delicate skin - sorry Im average looking and with a rotten personality . Kazuya sweat fell, what type of confession is this? n.o.body can blame him for being surprised . Princess Lethias rotten personality aside, he doesnt care much for appearance . The girl never displayed such signs of liking him romantically .