Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 164

"You"ll catch a cold Princess Lyn. Although it is autumn, the nights are still chilly."

Her eyes went wide at the action.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

" Even if it"s you. You"ll still catch a cold in this weather. Please think about yourself more when you get home. Hurry up and rest up okay? Though I don"t dislike that recklessness of yours."

"Your reckless as always, eh?"

Ah, really what was she doing? Life isn"t fair at all. Even though they"ve both gone through this already. Lyn wondered if he too was thinking the same as her. She"s sure if she told these two then they won"t tell a soul that they"d both understand. However, saying it would trouble them.

"Yeah, thank you," Lyn said with a weak smile. " Yosh, I guess we should get going. Were going to be late otherwise."


They barely got there on time; they did just it. Since the doors on the other side of the room opened. The elder merely sighed, "You"re getting away with it for now. But please make sure this doesn"t happen again."

Lyn wasn"t listening though, as she made her way over to the other side of the room to the crowd of people that just emerged through the double doors. In the center, she found the person she was looking for. A guy with hair up in a braid that started above his ears and met behind. Those ocean blue pool of eyes, wearing a black long-sleeved collar s.h.i.+rt with white linings down the middle. A pale cream coat with pale brown linings that were held together with two royal emblem circles.

He has changed a lot, indeed the teenage features that once dawned the guy"s face was no longer there. It has now been replaced by more grown-up and adult features. Lyn resisted the urge to call him out informally as she cleared her voice and called out to him.

"Prince Allen."

Allen stopped with his guard, clearly hearing his name called out as those ocean blue eyes met with her violet orbs. "Princess Lyn..."

Lyn laughs lightly, "It"s been a while," this was part of their plan. In everybody"s eyes, she has to pretend that she has not seen Allen in a while.

"Yes. I"m relieved to see that you are faring well."

Pupillam who finally escaped the elder appeared by her side, "Princess Lyn, you musn"t overstrain yourself. Rhys told me that you were with a high fever no more than two days ago," Pupillam pauses realizing who she had rushed over to. "M---my apologies for speaking out of line..."

Her sweatdropped, how awkward. Talk about de-ja vu something like this happened before, didn"t it? The chime rang, saving them from their situation. Lyn let"s out a relieved sigh, thank goodness. She doesn"t want to deal with something like what happened before again. She almost snapped after all.

"Shall we head over to our seats?"

"Yes "


Lyn slipped away from the party and made her way outside on to the balcony. Though the sign clearly read that the balcony was off-limits, she isn"t exactly going to listen to that. After all, these are the only kinds of places that she can truly relax in.

As expected places like that make her feel stuffy and horrible inside. Dealing with the number of elders from both sides and sponsors really made her feel terrible inside. How can they smile like that? These people are empty, their laughs smile, and actions are meaningless. They aren"t doing anything to truly help anyone. Their actions aren"t for others but for their own selfishness and greed.

Everything happens for a reason, huh? In the end, even these actions or selfishness and greed are probably something that"s worth something. As empty as everything they do is, their actions are perhaps more meaningful than her own. Right now, exactly what is she fighting for? Back then she fought for her people but now who is she...

Lyn spots something in the corner of her eye, those people ... They don"t seem like guests. Even if they are dressed in a fancy dress like that. Even if they can fool everyone else, they won"t be able to fool her.

She could sense it from afar, their blood l.u.s.t. Hearing faint footsteps, she deeply sighed.


The grey hair boy appears behind her, "Yes, Princess Lyn?"

"As expected, you followed me out here, huh?"

Lyn didn"t have to turn around to see the grey hair boy"s expression on his face. Even if things have changed, there"s something that will always remain the same. "I was merely pa.s.sing by. But since you put it like that, my gaze just never left your Princess Lyn."

"I see. Then, take care of it for me."


Once she felt the guy"s presence disappear, she shuts her eyes and lets the cool gust of wind hit her cheeks. A cool breeze, it felt nice. The air in here differs from that of that place; it was certainly different. Of course, it would be since it"s the city, yet there was something about it that felt familiar to her. She wonders why it"s so familiar. Upon feeling a presence behind her, the brown hair girl almost got into stance until she turned around and saw who it was.

"If you are not faring well Princess. I doubt you should be out here."

Lyn sighed, " Is that an order from the prince?"

"It"s merely an expressive concern from your fiance."

Oh wow, what a line. Is it possible that he"s gotten even harsher and colder than before? Lyn had noticed it during there small exchange. That it seemed like he had reverted back to how he was when they first met each other. A person who would fake his smile in front of others. He called her Princess; she knew that it was probably because he addressed him as Prince.

But Lyn remembered it quite clearly, that the last time. The last time they saw each other, huh? She shook her head, no it"s already been a long time since then. A really long time, she shouldn"t expect anything.

"I see then I"ll keep it in mind."

He doesn"t respond at all, and there was silence between them for a few moments. It"s awkward after all; it has been quite a long time after all. When you think about it in that sense, then it would seem like a short amount of time. Yet for the two a lot really has happened in that time period. A lot, huh? She recalls the words that person told her about individuals.

" We may grow up, change appearance-wise. Our hairstyles, body, build everything changes. Were taller, become wiser because of the knowledge we"ve increasingly learned in schools. Yet that knowledge is something that can be used as a double-edged sword. Those who want to use it for good, it usually ends up having the opposite effect. For those who want to use it for bad end up using it for good. In that sense, " Knowledge" can help change people for the better or worst. But even if they do change, there will always be some traits that remain the same."

Some traits that remain the same huh, she wonders if the same for Allen. Lyn shook her head; there"s no way that"s the case. After all, he"s clearly proven it with his actions just now. That such a thing isn"t possible at all. Not even that person knowledge can apply during these circ.u.mstances, huh?

"My apologies," Allen started. Lyn looked over at him then, " Perhaps that was not the best way to phrase it." Eh? " Lyn, please do not act rash. Your actions tend to be that of a cheeky woman. But involving your health in that matter isn"t something I can approve of."

Ah, that"s...

"Must I repeat myself?"

She could see it suddenly, that presence of royalty stays there firm and strong. Yet there was something else about him. Just now, she didn"t notice it worried her. But it"s still there after all.