Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 167

Lyn had never rejected a person in her whole life. But it seems like the words came spilling out of her mouth far too easily.

"I don"t know if I love him anymore," Lyn admitted as she looked over at Allen, "But, right now I will stay by his side," while she still figures things out. Kazuya made her all those promises. But Lyn knew that things wouldn"t be that easy. Her parents may turn a blind eye to their relations.h.i.+p, but they won"t let her cancel her engagement with Allen. Eventually, she will have to choose one.

"Then," Prince Ereland mumbled, "Are you prepared for what is to come?"

Light and awkward laughter pa.s.sed her lips, "It seems like it will be a messy situation, right?"

"Yes, that"s why…"

"Thank you; I do appreciate it, you know?" Lyn murmured, "You aren"t a bad person. Back then, you regained your sanity for a bit and helped me out, didn"t you? Thank you for that time."

It was faint, but Lyn recalled it. The young boy who helped her out when her sister was finding her to discipline her. Prince Ereland however, completely led her sister on a different trail.

"You"re worried because of the rumors?"

Prince Ereland nodded, "People, those people have been saying bad things about you. People who don"t know you," he clenched his fist, "If you"re by my side, they wouldn"t.."

Lyn shook her head, "It"s okay, I still love this world despite its faults. I have faith that humans will continue to evolve. It might not be fast, but I believe we will continue to improve.."


A week later Prince Allen"s Mansion

Lyn snuggled up to the person beside her,

who was gently caressing her hair, "It became a habit of yours to come here when you"re drunk, don"t you think?" Allen said.

"I"m sober! I"m just upset that you left without me again. Do you not trust me at all?" Lyn exclaimed as she tried to break free when she realized their position, "I can"t break free if you don"t let me go."

Allen, to her surprise, simply held her tighter, "Why do I have to let you go? I quite enjoy the idea of us sharing the bed. But," his gaze darted towards her clothes, "Something is restricting us from getting us closer," he said mischievously.

Wh--what! Is he drunk too?!! Still, her gaze fell on his face. This is the first time she has ever seen him drunk before; Allen is not the drinking type. Yet he drank, what made him drink so much? The other day she found him sat down, holding a gla.s.s of red wine. No, several at his feet sat across the fireplace. The sight the other day bothered her a bit.

There was a sad and solemn look in his eyes. Contrary to what others say about him, he"s actually a kind person, and he talks a lot to those who care about him. He"s a kind person. He"s similar to Kazuya in more ways than one, except he is the colder and cool type.

Lyn peered over and saw his smiling face as Allen drew her closer towards him. One of the few things she learned about him, especially these last two years is that he liked to cuddle. "You really like to cuddle," Lyn pointed out.

"On that department, I believe you are the same, my dear."

"Say, what"s wrong? Is there something going on?"

"There"s a riot at the Chi territory. I"m going there tomorrow, well later on. To check on it."

This answer, however, didn"t satisfy her. Lyn is used to Allen randomly leaving her. That"s why they spend little time with each other as the second heir to his Kingdom and the current favorite. Allen is a very busy man, so him not spending much time with her is explainable. The fact that he came all the way out here to help her was already asking a lot. Still, his answer seems to lack something. Why was he drinking so much?

Unlike Kazuya, he never wants to share his problems; he always keeps things to himself. So very selfish, always making her worried without telling her anything.

Kazuya has a habit of worrying her too, that man is reckless and always gets himself in trouble. But unlike Allen, Kazuya talks to her about these things. Allen, on the other hand, will keep his lips sealed and take the story to his grave. He would hide it at the cost of his own health.

Lyn closed her eyes when she felt Allen"s lips on her eyelids. It felt very strange for her, but she was slowly getting used to Allen wanting intimate contact with her. With Kazuya, it was always straightforward, innocent, and simple. Just him standing by her, and holding her tightly made her feel happy. However, with Allen, it was different; all sorts of complicated feelings emerged. He wouldn"t encourage or spoil her with cuddles and kind words. He will let her fend for herself.

A man who says he will protect her or a man who leaves her to fend for her own. A deep sigh escaped her lips, what"s wrong with having both traits? But then again, Allen, in a sense, has both. He would protect her, but his protection would come without warning. He wouldn"t ask her what she thought, and even if he did. He would discard his opinion. He didn"t make her feel complete at all. But despite all these faults, Lyn trusted him more than anybody.

"Is it safe to go?" Lyn whispered. With what just happened, it felt like a trap to her. But it can"t be, right? n.o.body would attack the second Prince of the Mist Kingdom here of all places, right? Then again, look at what happened recently. Until they safely reach the Snow Kingdom castle, such attacks will frequently happen won"t it? When that happens, will she be able to help out?

Lyn stared into his eyes, and Allen spoke up. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her into an embrace, "Do not worry, they will try nothing with me," but as Allen said those words, he simply held her tighter, "If something happens. You must ask for his help."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Something," Lyn clenched her fist. So, he thinks it is a trap? But, then why would he go? It made little sense to her. Her thoughts broke off when she felt his head on the nape of her neck, his lips darted there, and she suddenly felt him place kisses there. Instinctively Lyn jerked back, eyes widened.

"Y--you kissed me?"

Allen"s lips curve to a smile, "I believe there is nothing wrong with leaving a mark on you, dearest."

Lyn glared at him; he"s worse than Rhys! She abruptly got up and left the bed, causing her hair to fall on her face. Lyn picked up the comb that she knocked over and started to use it.

Allen stood up too, "When I return, and you return to the Mist Kingdom. Why don"t we go someplace together?" It was vaguely worded, anybody who heard it would not understand that he was trying to ask her out.

Lyn"s gaze softened, "I"d like that," and she really would. The two of them had never spent that much time together before. Lyn sat on the edge of the bed when she felt Allen take the comb from her hands.

"I shall do this for you."


Hold on? Yet Lyn didn"t have time to respond to that at all. Since the platinum-colored hair man was already brus.h.i.+ng her hair. Uwaa, this sort of situation really is bad for anyone"s heart.

For sure she was worried the day that he showed up that something would happen… That one day she would accidentally get herself swayed in the moment. However, her feelings…to think it"s already become this deep. A year ago, she would never have imagined that this would happen. Truly it feels like she has come a long way.