Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 20

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:50 PMChapter 20

Year 4014- Mist Kingdom Main Castle (West)

At precisely 8:00 PM, the plan starts .

Like Rhys however, Kazuya could not concentrate solely on the plan . His thoughts drifted to the image of Lyn"s retreating and lonely figure, as she walked away with Rhys . A dinner with her family, even though this whole day Lyn had to sneak around . Kazuya clenched his fist; he shouldn"t have let her go .

Before he could turn and go back though, f.u.kami grabbed hold of his shoulder, "Kazuya, what are you doing?"

"Uh, taking the shortcut . "

f.u.kami rolled his eyes, "There is no shortcut . Let"s get going . Rhys has already started . "

He has? That was fast, didn"t Rhys have to part with Lyn first? Didn"t Rhys feel bad at all for leaving Lyn be? Kazuya shook his head . Rhys doesn"t have any reason to feel attached to Lyn; there"s no connection between them whatsoever . He recalled his friend"s words in the market, Rhys is brutal, but he"s a good leader . Kazuya understands why the Sound Kingdom Elders have so much faith in him . In the beginning, Kazuya used to think Rhys was annoying . Just like the others who feigned kindness around him, those who said empty words to make him feel better . However, that person is not like that at all .

When Kazuya thinks about it, "Reminds me of Lyn," Kazuya murmured as he followed f.u.kami down the hall . Lyn and Rhys have a lot more in common than he thought . The Elder said this mission used to be somebody else"s before but never disclosed details who . Is it possible that the person was Rhys? Kazuya sighed, don"t think about this now . Focus on the mission, the mission .

But whether it was Rhys or Lyn, the two are both important people in his life . That"s why Kazuya wants to make sure that the two of them are happy .

So what exactly is the plan one may ask? It"s not exactly an organized one despite all the meetings they held . Then again the word organized does not suit the people of his Kingdom . Kazuya was one of the few who was against making a move so early . Only a few weeks have pa.s.sed since they arrived here . Due to their unusual hair colors and eyes, they already stand out enough as it is . Plenty of watchful eyes are on them every time they go anywhere . But because of the security needed towards the royal family and guests for this event . Those watchful eyes have shrunk .

"The location of the item is a bit unclear . "

Kazuya raised his eyebrows, "Unclear?"

"Yes," f.u.kami paused, "I"m unsure whether or not it"s just a coincidence . But the item is moving . "

Kazuya halted in his tracks, "Moving?"

"Yes, sir . "

If it"s like that then, "f.u.kami go ahead of me . "

. . . . .

When he was younger, Kazuya noticed there was something different about himself in contrast to other people his age . Though the people in the Sound Kingdom had extraordinary powers and everybody could use powers relating to sound . There weren"t many who could actually see sound - as in seeing what colors, each song had . Usually, people could measure the wavelength and know the frequency of the sound .

But not many people could see sound the way he did, with the colors swirling around, each and every single rhythm being different . At first, Kazuya wasn"t sure exactly what he was seeing . It started from when he was a young child; he always saw the world surrounded by various different colors . Kazuya always thought the world was a bright place but after a conversation with other children . Kazuya realized he was different .

Several years pa.s.s and here he is, still amazed at his own powers . During the battle he had with the Second Prince Of The Mist Kingdom, Kazuya realized something different about his abilities . When he"s around Lyn, the colors don"t vanish and dissolve into nothing like bubbles . The colors from the surrounding buildings become apart of him, and the weapon he is carrying if he"s in the battle .

When he isn"t, and it"s just them two . Sometimes it feels like the colors wrap around Lyn too and he hopes that"s the case . These colors have always kept him safe, so it would be nice if that were the case for Lyn as well .

The reason he separated from f.u.kami was because he believed it would be better for him to search alone, considering the nature of his powers . Sure enough, it didn"t take him long to find the place they were searching for .

"I found it at last," Kazuya murmured .

Part of the mission was not only to obtain a particular item but certain information that would lead to the whereabouts of something that will help control the item .

On a "building" disguised as a government office building in the corner of the Mist Kingdom . Despite the effort, they took to conceal the building, upon approaching Kazuya saw clear signs of it being suspicious . He briefly closed his eyes and used a little magic to remove the restriction . On his way inside though, there were traps in all areas . His sweat fell, and a deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips . This situation is a pain; he scanned the traps - invisible magic lasers from the sides but none on the ground . One usually doesn"t leave the field without any traps though . Kazuya closed his eyes again, the stream of colors wrapped around him .

Though he could not identify the trap on the ground, it looked similar to Magic smoke bombs . But once he used his Sound waves on the ground, it vanished in an instance . Contrary to the grand design of the door and outside, Kazuya noticed that the place showed signs of being abandoned for a long time . The smell of wood mixed with stale air .

Kazuya looks for the information in prominent places . Cabinets, drawers - the desk . Eventually on the counter, after picking the lock, he finds several encrypted notebooks . Kazuya frowned, a bit too obvious .

He scanned the room again before walking over to the grand clock hanging in the center of the room . It was one of those old grandfather clocks - but Kazuya immediately noted something off . He carefully moved the clock away .

A hidden pa.s.sageway .

. . . .

On his way down, he made sure to inform the others on his whereabouts and eventually he arrived at the end of the steps . The entire way down there was no shred of light, but that was fine with him . Rather than darkness, all he saw was the usual colors swirling around .

Unlike the door from earlier, Kazuya saw no signs of age or unnecessary decorations . Hesitantly he opened the doork.n.o.b and was greeted by an unexpected sight . He blinked a few times to make sure he was in the same place . Contrary to the irie pa.s.sageway one had to take to get here; the actual location was hardly scary . It looked like a mini forest, giant trees - not too overcrowded surrounded by different plants lined up together . Roses were growing on one side of the wall, decorated, so they are falling like waterfalls . A large cherry tree in the center bloomed beautifully, surrounded by many different flower bushes .

"Now then," Kazuya murmured .

This room should be the right place, though the place was pretty and he usually would take his time to look around . Kazuya didn"t have the luxury to do so . But, maybe he can take Lyn back here another time . This is the type of place a girl like her will like . His lips curve to a smile as the image of the girl"s face appeared in his mind .

Kazuya extended his hand out and brushed his hand against one of the cherry blossoms . He carefully plucks one that was falling out, just in case Lyn can"t come here . Though he somehow managed to wager a deal with Queen Orthez regarding where she can and can"t go . All of that comes with a price .

He exhaled deeply, f.u.kami and Rhys will scold him later when they find out what he did . But it would be difficult even for him to keep sneaking Lyn out . Besides sneaking her out is hardly what one would call safe . Even if he believes he can protect her, he"s still just one person . There will come a time where there"s a situation where he is backed into a corner . He may be reliable, but strength has its limits .

"Limits? What is that? If you want to protect someone important, then screw all limitations . "

Thinking about Rhys a frown appeared on his He hates to admit it, but that guy can probably protect her even if it was just him .Year 4014- Mist Kingdom Main Castle (West) At precisely 8:00 PM, the plan starts . Like Rhys however, Kazuya could not concentrate solely on the plan . His thoughts drifted to the image of Lyns retreating and lonely figure, as she walked away with Rhys . A dinner with her family, even though this whole day Lyn had to sneak around . Kazuya clenched his fist; he shouldnt have let her go . Before he could turn and go back though, f.u.kami grabbed hold of his shoulder, Kazuya, what are you doing? Uh, taking the shortcut . f.u.kami rolled his eyes, There is no shortcut . Lets get going . Rhys has already started . He has? That was fast, didnt Rhys have to part with Lyn first? Didnt Rhys feel bad at all for leaving Lyn be? Kazuya shook his head . Rhys doesnt have any reason to feel attached to Lyn; theres no connection between them whatsoever . He recalled his friends words in the market, Rhys is brutal, but hes a good leader . Kazuya understands why the Sound Kingdom Elders have so much faith in him . In the beginning, Kazuya used to think Rhys was annoying . Just like the others who feigned kindness around him, those who said empty words to make him feel better . However, that person is not like that at all . When Kazuya thinks about it, Reminds me of Lyn, Kazuya murmured as he followed f.u.kami down the hall . Lyn and Rhys have a lot more in common than he thought . The Elder said this mission used to be somebody elses before but never disclosed details who . Is it possible that the person was Rhys? Kazuya sighed, dont think about this now . Focus on the mission, the mission . But whether it was Rhys or Lyn, the two are both important people in his life . Thats why Kazuya wants to make sure that the two of them are happy . So what exactly is the plan one may ask? Its not exactly an organized one despite all the meetings they held . Then again the word organized does not suit the people of his Kingdom . Kazuya was one of the few who was against making a move so early . Only a few weeks have pa.s.sed since they arrived here . Due to their unusual hair colors and eyes, they already stand out enough as it is . Plenty of watchful eyes are on them every time they go anywhere . But because of the security needed towards the royal family and guests for this event . Those watchful eyes have shrunk . The location of the item is a bit unclear . Kazuya raised his eyebrows, Unclear? Yes, f.u.kami paused, Im unsure whether or not its just a coincidence . But the item is moving . Kazuya halted in his tracks, Moving? Yes, sir . If its like that then, f.u.kami go ahead of me . . When he was younger, Kazuya noticed there was something different about himself in contrast to other people his age . Though the people in the Sound Kingdom had extraordinary powers and everybody could use powers relating to sound . There werent many who could actually see sound - as in seeing what colors, each song had . Usually, people could measure the wavelength and know the frequency of the sound But not many people could see sound the way he did, with the colors swirling around, each and every single rhythm being different . At first, Kazuya wasnt sure exactly what he was seeing . It started from when he was a young child; he always saw the world surrounded by various different colors . Kazuya always thought the world was a bright place but after a conversation with other children . Kazuya realized he was different . Several years pa.s.s and here he is, still amazed at his own powers . During the battle he had with the Second Prince Of The Mist Kingdom, Kazuya realized something different about his abilities . When hes around Lyn, the colors dont vanish and dissolve into nothing like bubbles . The colors from the surrounding buildings become apart of him, and the weapon he is carrying if hes in the battle . When he isnt, and its just them two . Sometimes it feels like the colors wrap around Lyn too and he hopes thats the case . These colors have always kept him safe, so it would be nice if that were the case for Lyn as well . The reason he separated from f.u.kami was because he believed it would be better for him to search alone, considering the nature of his powers . Sure enough, it didnt take him long to find the place they were searching for . I found it at last, Kazuya murmured . Part of the mission was not only to obtain a particular item but certain information that would lead to the whereabouts of something that will help control the item . On a building disguised as a government office building in the corner of the Mist Kingdom . Despite the effort, they took to conceal the building, upon approaching Kazuya saw clear signs of it being suspicious . He briefly closed his eyes and used a little magic to remove the restriction . On his way inside though, there were traps in all areas . His sweat fell, and a deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips . This situation is a pain; he scanned the traps - invisible magic lasers from the sides but none on the ground . One usually doesnt leave the field without any traps though . Kazuya closed his eyes again, the stream of colors wrapped around him . Though he could not identify the trap on the ground, it looked similar to Magic smoke bombs . But once he used his Sound waves on the ground, it vanished in an instance . Contrary to the grand design of the door and outside, Kazuya noticed that the place showed signs of being abandoned for a long time . The smell of wood mixed with stale air . Kazuya looks for the information in prominent places . Cabinets, drawers - the desk . Eventually on the counter, after picking the lock, he finds several encrypted notebooks . Kazuya frowned, a bit too obvious . He scanned the room again before walking over to the grand clock hanging in the center of the room . It was one of those old grandfather clocks - but Kazuya immediately noted something off . He carefully moved the clock away . A hidden pa.s.sageway . On his way down, he made sure to inform the others on his whereabouts and eventually he arrived at the end of the steps . The entire way down there was no shred of light, but that was fine with him . Rather than darkness, all he saw was the usual colors swirling around . Unlike the door from earlier, Kazuya saw no signs of age or unnecessary decorations . Hesitantly he opened the doork.n.o.b and was greeted by an unexpected sight . He blinked a few times to make sure he was in the same place . Contrary to the irie pa.s.sageway one had to take to get here; the actual location was hardly scary . It looked like a mini forest, giant trees - not too overcrowded surrounded by different plants lined up together . Roses were growing on one side of the wall, decorated, so they are falling like waterfalls . A large cherry tree in the center bloomed beautifully, surrounded by many different flower bushes . Now then, Kazuya murmured . This room should be the right place, though the place was pretty and he usually would take his time to look around . Kazuya didnt have the luxury to do so . But, maybe he can take Lyn back here another time . This is the type of place a girl like her will like . His lips curve to a smile as the image of the girls face appeared in his mind . Kazuya extended his hand out and brushed his hand against one of the cherry blossoms . He carefully plucks one that was falling out, just in case Lyn cant come here . Though he somehow managed to wager a deal with Queen Orthez regarding where she can and cant go . All of that comes with a price . He exhaled deeply, f.u.kami and Rhys will scold him later when they find out what he did . But it would be difficult even for him to keep sneaking Lyn out . Besides sneaking her out is hardly what one would call safe . Even if he believes he can protect her, hes still just one person . There will come a time where theres a situation where he is backed into a corner . He may be reliable, but strength has its limits . Limits? What is that? If you want to protect someone important, then screw all limitations . Thinking about Rhys a frown appeared on his He hates to admit it, but that guy can probably protect her even if it was just him .