Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 213

When Lyn saw the familiar screen of Rhys room, she lets out a deep sigh. Well, since this is the second time since she"s woken up here, then nothing can surprise her now. At least that"s what she believed. Until she realizes that someone was on top of her and her clothing was loose, w---aaah what"s going on? This is the shock of her life. Well, she supposed this kind of scene is typical for girls who pa.s.s out in the middle of the street, only to be picked up by some random stranger. Maybe she just imagined that this was Rhys place and really this guy is a stranger...

However, after Lyn spotted the color of the man"s hair, Lyn realized that she made no mistake, "Um, Rhys?"

"Hmmm. What"s wrong, Lyn? Do you suddenly wish to stop?".

Oh, that"s right.

He"s always been a somewhat understanding guy when it came to matters like this. " Y--yes, indeed, I don"t know what happened. But please stop now."

"I said this before. But no matter what happens, you are you."

"Huh, you did?"

"That time, I considered the situation and went back. But," Lyn saw Rhys eyes twitches in annoyance, "Do you think I"m going to let you go a second time? Is that what you expect from me?"

"Yes "

Or rather, that time before was still a blur to her. Kazuya can"t find out about this. But if she hides it and he finds out, then it"ll become a problematic situation. She doesn"t exactly know what happened... But thinking about it now ever since she"s stopped being able to use her powers - ever since they placed the restraint on her.

She often sought any sort of warmth. The favor she couldn"t dare ask anyone else, knowing that it would hurt them. Rhys took the burden up himself even if he knows there are no feelings between us. This guy whom everyone fears, Rhys...

"Lyn?" he called out.


"Of course, I will."

Uh, it seems like that tactic didn"t work at all. Rhys didn"t hesitate with his next actions, as he lowers himself forward again, " Hold on a minute... I didn"t mean that. Rather, Rhys, this is something I can"t do. It"s absolutely impossible." Lyn as much as possible, tried to push him away, and she could sense his growing irritation.

Rhys grabbed hold of her hand, as she struggled the black-haired girl realized that she wouldn"t be able to escape him. As he leaned forward, and... Lyn smacked his face with her hand, " Is this how you treat someone who you asked a favor of Lyn...?"

"I"m sorry, I"m sorry. I know I asked you to do this whenever I don"t feel well. But right now...I really can"t..."

"If you can"t even explain your reason, I won"t stop. If it"s for that guy from before that"s even more so the reason," Rhys didn"t bat an eyelid. This reason clearly wasn"t enough got him.

Uwaa, he"s really stubborn this guy is. But then again she supposed that she was the same too. Before Lyn was about to get the word in edge-wise, she suddenly felt a sudden swelling pain in her body. It feels freezing all of a sudden, what"s this chill inside her? It"s like she"s going to be frozen all over.

Rhys noticed and muttered, " Hold on, be strong Lyn," he reaches over for his brush and begins painting several characters in her chest. A familiar lightness filled her body; however, it clearly wasn"t enough. "There"s only one way to get rid of the chill. You really shouldn"t have woken up. It"d be better if you go to sleep again....I"ll make sure that happens" he said rummaging through his clothes.

She must have fainted again...and Rhys, Rhys isn"t a pervert. He"s just doing what she asked of him before. He isn"t the kind of guy who would be pushy after all. He"s always been so very kind and gentle whenever it came to her. It may be why she asked him in the first place.

"Rhys, it"s alright."

Rhys eyes widened yet he sighs, as he murmurs in her ear, " Regardless, I"ll make you forget it. After it"s over, please understand my reasons to Lyn."

Make her forget, huh?

She doesn"t want to forget anymore; she doesn"t want to forget anything else. Those memories that make her so sad to the point actual tears fall from her eyes — those memories of having loved someone so deeply.


After Rhys finished, Lyn sat up and watched Rhys for awhile. But she suddenly feels herself lose her balance.

"Rhys, I feel a bit dizzy."

Rhys turned around and brushed his hand on her forehead and frowned, "Lay down."

"Okay?" Why is he suddenly so angry? She doesn"t understand his mood swings.

"Hey Rhys, what did you do with Ly--

It"s Kazuya! Her eyes brightened.

"Talk to your wife; she"s too careless."

Kazuya looked over at her and

"My Lyn, what"s wrong? Your too pale," Kazuya brushed his hand across her cheeks, "I know you miss me. But you need to eat and sleep properly."

Now that she thought about it when was the last time she had a proper meal?

"Rhys, did you touch her again?"


Kazuya"s glare intensified and Lyn immediately felt his blood l.u.s.t.

"Wait," Lyn called out, "Please don"t," now that she was thinking carefully. She may have woken up to Rhys on top of her. But he had those strange brushes out, and she saw the same markings on her body. "He was only trying to heal me."

Rhys must have noticed her fatigue earlier.

"Gee, you should have so. Don"t worry me too much Lyn, and Rhys too. Your not a bad guy, quit acting like one," Kazuya stood up, "I"ll go get some food for her."

"Kazuya, um.."

Kazuya gently kissed her forehead, "I"ll be right back, my Lyn."


She was reluctant to let him go but knew better than to be stubborn about it. Lyn watched as he walked away

"I kissed you."

Lyn hid behind the covers, "Ah-huh, you did that strange thing."


"Yes, the strange thing. It felt like a mosquito bite, so you don"t have to worry about it."

She hears a rustling sound and found that Rhys was now laying beside her, "Wahhh! What are you doing? Getaway."

"Lyn," Rhys whispered, "You have to tell Kazuya about the darkness and blood. Tell him how bad it is getting."

"Ah, um... Is it really that? I don"t really want to drink.."

"It"s only temporary; you don"t have to do it all the time. If you have control of your powers, it will go away."

"I see."

"Turn around for a second Lyn."

Lyn was confused but nodded, and she felt Rhys rake her hand, "Rhys?"

"Wear this."

"A ring?"

"It"s a protective charm," Rhys said, "It will keep you safe."

A protective charm, maybe it can help her out. Lyn stared at the ring, "Did you make this?"

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"I tried infusing magic into all sorts of things, but they would all break. So I had to make it myself."

"Why a ring?"

"Aside from it being more useful," Rhys brought her hand to his lips, "I have my intentions."

Lyn blushed, "I--Im taking it off."

"Easy, if you take it off now it won"t take effect the next time you put it on."

So that"s how it works. Since she put the ring on, Lyn did feel a bit better when he put it on her hand. It must contain some medical properties. "You look interested. Shall I teach you how to make one next time?"


"Yeah, I"ll find some time when we return."

"Thank you, Rhys."

"You should go back to sleep, Kazuya will be awhile."

Will he? But he just went to fetch her food. "Rest, your body isn"t good these days," Rhys wrapped the blanket around her.

"How about you?"

"I"ll close my eyes," Rhys answered, "Just rest now."


"Say, Rhys, where did Kazuya go?"

"Out, he was here earlier. But he had to leave."

Lyn stared at the soup she was eating; indeed, this was Kazuya"s cooking. But why did he just drop off food, why isn"t he staying with her?

"Does Kazuya have a mistress?"

Rhys, who was busy at the desk writing something down, turned to her and sighed, "Do you really think he would keep one?"


"Then, don"t ask."

"Kazuya"s um fiance, is she a pretty person?"

"I think you"re prettier."

"This again," Lyn thought. Whenever this conversation is brought up, Rhys always answers this way. Rhys seems to want to avoid talking about it. "Drink your soup; I"ll give you medicine afterward."

"Rhys, why do I have to drink so many tablets?"

"Don"t ask."

Another don"t ask thing, Lyn sighed. What exactly is going on? "Rhys, what are you doing?"

"Writing some reports."

"In the eastern language? I want to see."

If she"s to go to the Sound Kingdom one day, shouldn"t she start learning the language properly?

"Sit on my lap."

"Ah, it"s not proper."

"You"re staggering," Rhys said with a sigh, "And I have to work still."

Lyn reluctantly made her way over; indeed, despite the short distance from the bed to the desk, she felt herself staggering. In the end, Rhys carried her over.

"Your too light, you"ve lost too much weight."

"Are you implying that I was fast before?"

"No comment."

Gahhh, this shameless man! But still, Lyn beamed happily. He isn"t doing anything strange, and he"s actually focusing on work.

"Rhys, the writing looks strange."

It looks like pictures.

Rhys lips curve to a smile, "Shall I teach you?"

"You will?"

"Yeah, I"m done anyway," Rhys dipped his brush in ink, and placed it on her hand, "Alright follow my movements."