Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 258

Since she"s so cute, that means Kazuya won"t look at other girls. Lately, Lyn kept thinking of this way, even though she knew Kazuya couldn"t look at anybody else but her.

"How long are you two going to hug?" Katn called out.

"Forever, my Lyn says she can"t live without my warmth," Kazuya jokes.

Lyn hits him lightly, what stupid thing is he talking about now? Geez, he"s so helpless.

"Kazuya, you can let go."

"Really? But you"re still cold."

She didn"t want to leave his other friends waiting. Standing around like this will make it colder for the others. "I"m fine now."

Kazuya gently brushed his lips against her forehead, "Your so kind, my Lyn."

After a few more minutes of cuddling, Kazuya let her go, and the two followed the others. According to them, there was a field nearby. "Going out of the castle grounds again," Lyn noted. Lately, it"s been so easy; she wondered why that was the case.


Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Main Castle - North Yard -

Maybe she shouldn"t have said those words, even mentally. It ended up being a huge no when they tried to leave, so they found an empty field on the castle grounds.

Kazuua was half-hearted complaining, more like sulking really, and it made her smile.

Rhys would occasionally call her a bully and Lyn couldn"t deny it. She found it quite cute seeing the two all bothered. Lyn chuckled lightly, as she reached over and smoothed the snow fixing the shape. It wasn"t as bad as she thought so initially. But Lyn wanted all her memories with Kazuya to be perfect if she could help it. Most moments were stolen and fleeting, so when they had time to spare, she squeezed every second from it she could.

Kazuya returned with his arms full, and Lyn dumped the pile of snowman parts at his feet. "You know, I just realized that we didn"t even do this in the Snow Kingdom. To think we"re doing this here."

That"s because Kazuya seldom went out. Lyn confirmed everything with Rhys and f.u.kami.

They placed the second s...o...b..ll Lyn had been working on onto the main piece, and together worked on the head. Fingers and palms would brush now and then as they worked, Lyn sometimes caught Kazuya looking over at her. Maybe that was what caused Kazuya to get embarra.s.sed.

Such a simple gesture gets Kazuya fl.u.s.tered. She doubts this man is capable of considering other girls, such a loyal and kind man. So the only problem is her. A few minutes later she found herself sat down on the benches, as Kazuya finished of the rest. What a gentleman..

"Kazuya, I made something for you."


"Why are you surprised?" she questioned him.

"It"s not that. I didn"t think you"d get me anything."

"It"s pretty cheap in comparison to that quartz necklace you got me. But still, you"d accept it won"t you?"

The reason why Lyn can mention the necklace so casually now is because she"s settled her feelings for now. It"s almost as though what happened yesterday didn"t affect her. Guess it can"t be helped.

Lyn watched as Kazuya positioned himself next to her, then opened the box. "And so? Is this handmade?"

"It"s made to look homemade."

"So, you failed?"

She averts her gaze, "....Today was the first time I learned about boilers." Lyn mutters. "I had Pupillam help me." She didn"t think making chocolate was so difficult. Lyn sighed when she thought about her failure.

Kazuya laughed, "It"s okay my Lyn, it"s the thought that counts," he picked up one of the chocolates and ate it. Lyn observed him and saw that his face broke out into a bitter one. But he quickly smiled, "This is great; you should make me more."

Lyn rolled her eyes, "Liar. I know it tastes bad. You don"t have to force yourself to eat it."


Is she sulking? How cute? Kazuya smiled warmly as he squeezed her hands. He didn"t think she would get him a present even if it were uhh questionable looking chocolate. He glanced back at the box; it does seem like she worked hard on it, though. He should get her something in return.

"Marine snow..." Lyn mumbled, and turned to him then as he also stood up, "It"s always made me feel peaceful, don"t you think the same?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She really can be a sly one, huh? Well no matter, he smiles. "Your right." Being with her like this, and watching the snow feels like a dream to him.

Their gazes both land on the snow. Ah, it really has been a while since he"s seen that expression on her face. He"s relieved. Lately, Lyn seemed stressed out.

"It"s like were deep in the ocean, slowly being covered by marine snow," Lyn trails of, "Marine snow is made up of a variety of mostly organic matter, including dead or dying animals and phytoplankton, protists, fecal matter, sand, and other inorganic dust. Most trapped particles are more vulnerable to grazers than they would be as free-floating individuals."

This girl, once again she"s gone ahead and done it. His sweatdropped as he stared at her in complete disbelief, she really does know how to ruin moments. "Uhh, Lyn?"

"So this snow may also be remains of something unknown."

"I don"t think it"s that complicated."

Lyn"s expression didn"t waver, as she continued explaining why. As she said that his expression dropped, when she gets all knowledgeable everything, it becomes difficult to understand her. 

Really, do all sixteen-year-old girls act like this these days? Clearly not, her behavior is the most unusual. It"s always been that way, even back then.

But he"s already used to this behavior of hers. In fact, he found himself being quite attracted to that. Aha, what the heck? That would be seen as a strange fetish if anything. "Are you still upset with me? I won"t sulk about Rhys anymore."

Lyn reached over and gave his forehead a small flick, as she said with a bright smile, "I told you I"m not angry; I found it cute that you were jealous."

Ahhh geez, he feels embarra.s.sed. "Are you really not mad, it"s hard to believe." Considering how her personality is.

"When I"m like this, I feel like time can stop forever with just us two, don"t you think the same Kazuya?"

Here comes her bad habit of changing topics randomly. Time, huh? If somebody were to tell him that he would one day be able to stand by her side like this. He would not believe her.

Kazuya, let"s out a soft chuckle, "That"s one comment too many." He suddenly feels a sudden warmth touch his cheek, as he grabbed hold of that hand, his eyes went wide, but they softened, "Yeah your right, it"s cold." he said clasping their hands together.

"Just like this, always..." he hears her mutter in a soft voice. Kazuya knew better than to respond, knowing that the moment would be ruined.

Ah this girl, she"s always going to be the only one for him. That prediction was right. In the end, his life will revolve around this girl only. Eventually, they"ll have to let go and go their separate ways, however for now. For now, just like this, they can remain together for just a few more moments.

His thoughts broke off when Kazuya felt Lyn gradually get closer, and before he knew it, the girl"s lips were on his. It was a light and brief kiss, but --- "Woaaahhhh!" Kazuya exclaimed.

Lyn rolled her eyes and sighed, "You"re so absent-minded. That"s your reaction to getting a kiss from your girlfriend? Geez."

Uhh, how on earth does she want him to react?