Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 260

Gabrielle"s gaze suddenly turned dark, "Say, Lyn, do you understand why your Mother is making all those preparations?"

Ah, Lyn nodded. "I understand, well for a while I already considered it. What would I do if Mother chose me as the heir? I"ve always thought that I needed to do something, anything for the people of the Mist Kingdom regardless of my status as a Princess. But, when I traveled to the Snow Kingdom, I realized that it"s more difficult than it seemed," she praised and took a deep breath and briefly closed her eyes. The faces of the people suffering from poverty in the Snow Kingdom remain fixed in her mind.

Even with all the Snow Kingdom"s wealth, the people there experience poverty. So, what about those Kingdoms that don"t have the luxury to spend? Lyn didn"t even want to think about it. But, she could not deny the reality of the situation. It was right in front of her, she saw with her own eyes. How could she possibly ignore it? Lyn continued, "I"m aware that the majority of the peoples suffering is simply because this Empire does not have an Empress or an emperor. However, there are people out there who are in a position of power where they could change things."

Her friend, who had been quiet for a while spoke up. She seemed to have debated about her answer, "Lyn, it seems like you have made up your mind already. But, the current situation is not that simple. I"m aware that you have a better understanding of things now. However, it"s still…"

"I know," Lyn interjected. "I"m aware it isn"t enough yet. My ideals, my values - everything, it"s not enough. I still can"t do the most basic thing, control my strength."

"Did you know Lyn, the reason why my parents arranged my marriage to your brother?"

Lyn blinked, puzzled at the sudden change of topic. Regardless, she nodded. "I know, it"s because it"s beneficial to both parties right?" The majority of engagements these days occur due to both sides benefiting.

"The reality is it was my parents who worked hard to get this engagement. While my achievements are outstanding, there are plenty of other candidates out there — those who could benefit Andrew more. But, in the end, your Mother agreed with the engagement. Her reason being, "Andrew himself accepted. I have no reason to refuse." My parents, since I was young, have trained me to become the Queen."

Her eyes widened at Gabrielle"s words. She wondered if it was okay for her friend to expose such a thing to her. It"s not a sin or anything. But it was close to it. Raising your daughter to become the next ruler?

"Andrew is a very kind man, regardless of what people say about him. Even though he knew my parent"s intentions, he did not blame me. Nor did he scorn or mock me. "You may be right; I could have picked anyone. But none of those other women, treat me as well as you do." " Gabrielle trailed off, and soft laughter pa.s.sed her lips. "Don"t you think that response would make anybody believe he was in love with me? He made sure that other people heard it too."

"..." Lyn said nothing and just stared at Gabrielle. She wondered if she ought to say something. It could just be her imagination, but doesn"t her eldest brother like Gabrielle? After hearing this story, this is the only conclusion she could come up with.

"That reminds me, Lyn. I heard that Sir Kazuya and you are doing a joint painting for the event, how is it? Did you finish?"

Lyn suddenly froze. The painting....? It was something her eldest brother suggested to show off her skills. After failing to attend the last banquet, he asked her to work on a piece. Lyn didn"t understand why until Kazuya told her. He wanted to tell people that she had been working on the piece when she is sick.

Clearly, Gabrielle noticed since she saw the expression on her face. Her friend dropped, "Err...should, I not have said that?"

She still hasn"t finished the painting ---! What on earth has she been doing this entire time? Even though she made such a promise to Kazuya. Lyn knew even without looking at a mirror that her face color had drained. " No, thank you for reminding me. I still have time ---" her sentence fell short when she lost her balance. Lyn felt herself getting dizzier. Ah, in the end, it seems like she doesn"t have any luck at all.

Yet before she could fall, she felt that somebody had caught her. Lyn turned sideways to see Reiji, he had grabbed hold of her arm and was pulling her up.

Reiji lets out a deep sigh, "Idiot." he spelled out, causing her cheeks to turn red. " Honestly, you don"t listen to me at all, do you? I did say it was fine for you to go out. But only if I"m with you."

"I forgot," that was a lie. But she would not admit that now.

Reiji reached over and flicked her forehead, "Liar."

Gabrielle made her way over, "Lyn? Are you okay?" her tone was frantic. " Maybe you should rest?"

Lyn shook her head, "It"s alright. It"s only anemia."

That and the symptoms are showing up much faster than she thought. But there"s no way she"s going to admit that. It would be troublesome if Kazuya and the others were to catch wind of it. Or, even worse, her eldest brother. Lyn shuddered at the thought, and brother is definitely going to keep her locked away for a while if he finds out. While her newfound freedom was still unusual to her. Lyn liked it a lot. Naturally, anybody would choose to be able to leave the castle than to remain isolated.

"Sir Reiji can you. .."

"On it," Reiji said.

Lyn blinks in confusion, eh what are they talking about? Yet she wasn"t allowed to ask since Reiji suddenly scooped her in his arms, "Wait a second Reiji?"

"Isn"t this nice, a Princess roll."


"What are you talking about ?" Lyn exclaimed. She wanted to break free, but she couldn"t do so.

"Isn"t this nice? You"re all tied up and unable to move. Good good. "" Her face color goes a bright shade of red at every syllable was said. Gee, what on earth is he saying? What a moron! Teasing her like this, she would get back at him later. " I"ll be taking you to Rhys."

Lyn shook her head, "Don"t disturb him," she mumbled while things have relatively returned to normal with her and Rhys. It was still relatively awkward.

"Then do you want me to take you back to the Snow Kingdom?"

"That is…"

"Surely, you understand why I came all the way here. The King gave me strict instructions, "If Princess Lyn fails to complete her training with you there or neglects her health in any way. Please bring her back here.""

Lyn shuddered when she recalled that place. While the King may have good intentions, Lyn didn"t want to go back to that colorless palace. Even if her freedom here is restricted, at least she could see color. Lyn reluctantly nodded. One of the main reasons why she didn"t want to see Rhys was because she knew he was busy.

He told her earlier that she would be working on something for the theater group he"s part off. It already surprised her hearing he was part of such a company. That would explain that time last month, "It"s no wonder people were staring at them." Let alone hear that he"s actually making an effort for it.

The main reason? She just doesn"t want to be left alone with Rhys anymore.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.