Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 279

Ah, now that she thought about it. Didn"t Kazuya tell her once before? When you have found your dream, you must inform me first... Her dream, ever since they first met - at least met again, it felt like she knew what it was. She wants to save the world, to save the Empire as Lyn. But as more time pa.s.sed, Lyn realized that things were not that simple. Even if she were to abandon everything, people would ignore her. The civilians don"t have any power, even if they all come together and overthrow the nation. It"s useless since they could not govern the place.

Her dream... Although she said those words to Kyou, perhaps even now there is still something else she desires. Her dream, huh? Her thoughts broke upon spotting the small distance between the two of them. Uwaa, when on earth did he get so close? "What"s the matter?"

"Nothing you have already shown me something good so," Lyn finished tying the bandage up. Her gaze fell on his other arm that got hurt earlier because of the thief. He keeps getting injured; this is no good at all. The more she looked at him, the more he smiled at her.

Rather, isn"t it cheating? That smile? "Lyn, close your eyes and hold your hand out." What? Although she was confused, she still does so. Feeling his warmth brush against her hands, something is in her palm?

"You can open your hand."

Sumire slowly does so, only to find several colored sweets in her hands, "Sweets, will cheer anybody who is depressed up. These are my favorite eastern sweets. It seems you brighten up when given sweets..."

How kind of him, he even noticed something like that about her.

This sparkle..

"It reminds me of you Kazuya. So very bright." Lyn knew that she sounded like an idiot right now. But, whenever she is around Kazuya, she always ends up acting so very foolish.

It certainly is so very bright and beautiful. Lyn could feel her heartbeat rising, Kazuya"s gaze softens, "Have some."

Lyn lifts the sweets in her hands, " It would be such a waste.."

"Then, I"ll feed you."

At that comment, Lyn immediately panicked, and she placed a sweet inside her mouth.

With this rising heartbeat, and this newfound sparkle. This world filled with thousands of colors that can act to represent people"s dreams. She will find it because for sure she isn"t content with just this position.

"I have to ask though, what did you talk about with Prince Allen?"

Lyn looked at him puzzled; she didn"t think he would ask her about it. "It was nothing important; I asked him about the war and stuff. Then he brought me somewhere. I think he was trying to get to know me better.." she replied vaguely. Lyn didn"t want to tell Kazuya about the secret pa.s.sageway or those magic spheres. While she may trust him, she could not just blindly expose her family"s secrets.

If it"s the affairs regarding the Kingdom, okay fair enough, but her family"s secret pa.s.sageway? What if their two sides end up fighting against each other. Would she be stupid enough to risk it?

Her thoughts broke off when she felt Kazuya get closer to her, "Kazuya?"

"Lyn," he mumbled. "I really am serious about you."

Wait, uhh? Lyn looked at him dumbfounded, what is he talking about now? Lyn hears a knock on the door and stood up. Maybe it"s Pupillam? She said she would drop by and check on her. No sooner had she arrived at the door; however, she felt Kazuya"s presence behind her. He slammed his hand on the door and stopped her from opening it.

Lyn could feel his breath against her skin, "Kazuya?"

"Lyn, I love you."

His strong arms circled her from behind, and Lyn felt her heartbeat speed up. On the other side, she could hear Pupillam"s voice.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Princess? Are you alright?"

If she doesn"t respond, Pupillam will get worried. But right now her head has become fuzzy. Kazuya had turned her around, so her head was now resting on his chest. What kind of situation is this?" But more importantly, this is bad. Lately, Lyn has discovered that whenever she hugs him - or is held by him. Her heart becomes frantic like this. The sound of his own heartbeat, his scent, his hands gently caressing her hair. Kazuya…whenever she thought about the feelings she had for him..her heart would clench up in pain.

For her, nothing is more important than his safety; that"s why she doesn"t want to see him hurt anymore. It"s the same for him. That"s why he"s taking such reckless actions. If one were to ask her about her current stance on love right now, Lyn wouldn"t know how to answer. In the past, it was so easy for her to look at someone coldly whenever they asked or provide a formal reply.

She isn"t supposed to get attached to somebody. A person like her who brings nothing but misfortune to those around her.

"Princess Lyn?" Pupillam repeated worriedly.

"I"m alright," Lyn spoke up at last. "I"ll be staying here for a while, so you can leave for now," right as she said these words she felt Kazuya"s hold on her tightened. "I"ll send a message when I want to return."

So many people can tell you that they love you. But how many can make you feel loved?

Pupillam seems to have comprehended the situation since Lyn hears her footsteps fading. A relieved sigh pa.s.sed her lips; it would be awful if Pupillam saw them like this. She would undoubtedly criticize Kazuya.

"Kazuya, you know…"

"Lyn, Lyn, Lyn," he repeated like he was in a trance. "How helpless," Lyn thought. How many times has she seen Kazuya"s weak side already? How many times has she seen him fragile? If she were to think about it, she"s only seen it a few times. It"s normal for her to feel overwhelmed like this.

But even so, Lyn wrapped her arms tightly around him. "I like hugging Kazuya," she spoke softly. "It makes me feel happy," right now all Lyn could do is respond to his helplessness with her foolish thoughts. Whenever she is in his embrace, she genuinely feels happiness from the bottom of her heart.

A person like her who is cursed doesn"t deserve happiness in any form. That is something she has known for a very long time. "I like making you happy."

"You do, then don"t be an idiot anymore."

Kazuya laughed against her hair, "That"s a bit hard," he squeezed her hands. "But, I guess I can tone it down a bit. We don"t have a lot of time left."

Lyn immediately understood what he meant. His visit to the Sound Kingdom is very important. The two of them stood for a long time, just hugging and basking in each other"s scents. Occasionally a topic would come up, and they"d chat. But for the past hour or so, they just stood there in each other"s arms. Lyn never thought she could feel the warmth of another person like this.

It"s so strange; she isn"t used to it. Lyn suddenly felt afraid. Now that she is used to such warmth. Now that she has learned of such warmth, she would never be able to let him go. The two of them are still enemies. While Kazuya doesn"t intend to harm her, what about everybody else? She saw with her own eyes how bad his relations.h.i.+p with her brothers are... Lyn hasn"t seen how he interacted with Mother yet, but she could guess.

Almost as though Kazuya understood what she was thinking. He gently patted her hair, "You know Lyn since I met you. I"ve probably gone a bit crazy."

Lyn stepped on his foot, "Jerk, what do you mean by that?"

Kazuya laughed, "Don"t be mad. I"m not saying you"re weird."

"That"s what it sounds like, how rude."

"I really have gone mad," Kazuya mumbled. "I keep falling more in love with the woman I"m supposed to throw away."

Lyn already knew the plan, but it still pained her a bit. Kazuya approached her intending to seduce her, and once he got what he wanted, he would leave her. Sometimes she still fears that he would go ahead with that. Is that why she hasn"t completely opened up her heart to him?

"You keep falling more in love with me?"

"Yeah," Kazuya nodded. "The thing is Lyn. I was already in love with you before they even proposed the d.a.m.ned mission. But honestly, I didn"t know it was you at first. Back then, when we initially met " he paused. "You do know that, right?"

Lyn nodded, "I do, vaguely." Though she doesn"t recall it properly still, she does know that she met Kazuya before this year. As he said gave her an approving nod, Lyn felt his heartbeat or was it her own speeding up? It"s no good; she never thought she could feel such warmth before.