Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 333

Publishedat 18th of October 2019 05:01:12 PMChapter 333
Chapter 333: Compete fairly

But for Lyn, it was most likely the opposite . It probably meant for her that he didn"t care about her too much . On the other hand, Rhys is always getting angry at her when she puts herself in dangerous situations . Could it be for Lyn, she feels Rhys love for her more?

When Kazuya woke up the next morning and noticed that the girl was no longer in his arms . He frowned, where did she go? He groggily stood up and made his way out of the room .

Lyn was in the kitchen; she was scooping up what looked like miso soup from a pot . " . . . What are you doing, Lyn?"

"Ah," Lyn whipped her head in his direction . "Kazuya, good morning! I"m cooking . "

"Eastern food? When did you learn?"

"Uh, I"ve been reading some of the books in Rhys study . The letters are a bit complicated, but I think I managed to get the hang of it since I translated it . "

"And the ingredients?"

"I went shopping, and I found some similar things . "

She went shopping? Last night she was poisoned heavily — what a careless woman . Kazuya walked over and bent down to gently kiss her lips . "Good morning, Lyn . "

Lyn laughed happily, "Un . Good morning . " She reached over and fiddled with his hair . "You have bed hair, Kazuya; you have to fix it . "

"Where"s Rhys?"

"Ah, I was going to ask you to . He isn"t back yet . I"m a bit worried . Do you know where he went?"


"He"s …" Kazuya recalled their last exchange yesterday, " . . . speaking with your master . "

"Hmm, then I guess we should head over to Junlan church first," Lyn nodded .

"Huh, what happened to visiting the other n.o.bles?"

"I just think this is in your best interest too . "

Kazuya didn"t ask any more questions and brushed his hands against her cheek . "What about the poison? Shouldn"t you rest more," he mumbled . He knew the side effects of the poison very well . Even though Lyn took the antidote, her body should still be in pain .

"If I"m in the church, they will make me rest anyway . So it"s nothing to worry about . "

"I see . "

"There is also something I need to talk to you about . Yesterday, uh, with Rhys . I"m very sorry . I should have waited for you . It must have been unpleasant for you . "

" . . . "

"I understand it was completely unreasonable . Even if I was poisoned, I shouldn"t have let him do that to me . "

"Lyn, do you not like him? Please be honest with me . "

At that comment, Lyn blinked, surprised . She took a long exhale, "It"s got nothing to do with that, really . But since you"re asking, I"ll answer you . "

That caught even him off, guard . Lyn gave him that kind of answer . Well, he supposes all of this is too overwhelming for her . Right now, Lyn has a lot of things to weigh on her shoulders . Dealing with a romantic squabble is the last thing she needs . Maybe he should not speak to Rhys about that just yet . No, Kazuya shook his head . He needs to sort this out with him as quickly as possible . He did not bother knocking and entered the room . Rhys was heavily doing it with a woman .

Kazuya coughed to earn his attention, "Rhys, we ought to head out . Unfortunately, I don"t know the way to the church . "

Rhys looked up, "Yeah . Alright . " Rhys bent down and said a few things to the woman who laughed . She quickly draped her body with the blanket and walked out of the room .

"Lyn missed you at breakfast; she even saved you some food . "

"Liar," Rhys mumbled as he slipped his remaining clothing on .

Kazuya sighed, "If you like her, I won"t stop you anymore . "


"You"ve been holding back because of me . . . " Kazuya muttered . "This whole thing is stupid . Both of us are getting distracted like this . "

At that comment, Rhys laughed, "Indeed, the elders are going to scold not just you but me . "

"I"ll head on home alone . You stay behind here . "

"You sure? I"ll make a move if you"re gone . "

Kazuya sighed, "I"d rather you do it openly, then sneak around and me walking into it…" the sight from yesterday disturbed him greatly .

"Your talking about yesterday," Rhys nodded in understanding . "I was only trying to get the poison from her . Look, Kazuya, don"t think about it too much . You"ve already slept with her . It"s not like I can use the same means as I did before to catch her off guard . She won"t get as embarra.s.sed as before since she"s already done it with you . "

"You need to stop being my friend . At least when it concerns Lyn . I"m serious about her, but you are too . Stop holding back, it"s frustrating . "

While Kazuya can"t deny his jealousy, watching Rhys tear himself up like this is even more frustrating for him . He loves Lyn, but Rhys is his best friend . He can"t just allow himself to be happy at the expense of his friend .

"You want us to compete for her fairly?"

"Yes . "

Rhys sighed, "What an idiot . " he cursed . "Fine, have it your way . But just so you know, even if the seducing method doesn"t work well anymore . I"ll still do it . "

… . .

"Rhys!!! Good morning!" Lyn beamed .

"I"m hungry . "

"Ah, I saved you food . Eat along the way . "

Rhys bent down and whispered in Lyn"s ear, "Thanks . "

"Your welcome!"

This is better for him . Right now, he can"t say that he"s good enough for Lyn . He can"t even protect her from her sister . All he can do is idly stand by . The moment he makes a move, his own life will be in danger . Kazuya doesn"t value his life, but his gaze fell on the cheerful Lyn . It"s different now, like her - he has a reason to live . However, he recalled Princess Lethia"s words at the last conference . That woman isn"t hesitating to voice her displeasure regarding revealing Lyn"s ident.i.ty .

Since none of the board members know Lyn, all they can do is listen to a relative . Those people are saying all sorts of twisted things about Lyn .

At least if anything were to happen to him, he could be sure that there is still somebody here . "You"re wearing so little . I know you want to seduce me . But not now . "

"Who wants to do that, idiot!"

Rhys laughed and put his m.u.f.fler around Lyn, "Wear this, and," Rhys took out some gloves and put it on the girls" hands . "This too . "

Lyn looked at the items with great interest, "Are these new?"

"I got them for you . Do you like it?"

"Very much! Thank you . "

d.a.m.n that, Rhys . He did permit him to be honest with his feelings . But when on earth did he have time to buy those things? Lyn doesn"t like material goods . However, if you buy her something she likes then… His thoughts broke when Lyn approached him, she grabbed hold of his hands . "Kazuya? Do I look pretty . "

With the new coat, Rhys gave her, scarf and gloves . Kazuya had to admit that Lyn looked cuter than normal . "You look cute . "

"Aha, thank you . "

Before Kazuya could say anything else, he feels an eerie presence from behind them . He pulled Lyn into his arms . Kazuya only saw a cloaked figure .

But Rhys sighed, "Arthur, why do you always like to scare people?"

Sheepish laughter appeared, and Kazuya turned to see the person remove the cloak .

"Arthur? Why did you follow me?"

"Uh, I thought you could use some help . "

Lyn, however, shook her head, "You should have shown yourself at the mansion . "

"Busted . " For somebody who just got caught, Arthurs"s smile was bright .

"If you"re going to Junlan church with us, then we can negotiate your head just in case they try to harm us," Rhys nodded .

"Don"t just use me as bait!"

And here comes another one . He really does have to work harder to ensure that Lyn stays with him .