Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 358

Grand Hall -7:00PM

Lyn disliked these places a great deal, that"s why she avoided them. After the last ball, Lyn didn"t want to go to another one so soon. What"s more, Ca.s.sandra"s words before she left.

"Please remember that even if you see people, you are familiar with. Do not approach them recklessly."

Approach them recklessly?

Like she was even on good terms with the familiar people here. From where she and brother were, Lyn could spot people she knew. Reiji and Shu are here, even Prince Zenith. What is with this peculiar gathering? Something must larger must be brewing for such prominent figures to appear. Lyn noted how they were all dressed in formal attire.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Everybody here is representing their country. She"s a bit nervous. Zepher squeezed her hands, "You okay?"

"I"ll be alright."

"Alright, let"s go down." The two of them had been waiting at the top of the staircase for some time now. When the announcer said, "Prince Zepher and company."

Lyn noted that her name was intentionally left out. Brother did it on purpose so she could introduce herself. People surrounded them in a matter of seconds.

"How are you tonight, Lord Zepher? And this young lady? Is she the rumored one?"

While brother left it to her to decide how to introduce herself, it appears as though there have been rumors. Well, it wouldn"t surprise her. Many people have left the manor with dissatisfied looks on their faces. Since she came, her brother spends a lot of time with her. Those who follow him must be dissatisfied with the recent events.

If she were in their position, she would be annoyed too.

"I"m--" right now at that moment, though.

"Announcing the Wind Kingdom"s second Prince, Prince Allen."

Her eyes widened when she heard those words. He really came for her?! No, somebody told him. Lyn looked around the room for Kazuya, but she couldn"t find him at all. It must have been Kazuya. She glanced over and, sure enough, saw blonde hair.

Allen walked towards them; he took subtle but long strides. "Prince Zepher, thank you for taking care for her. But, I shall take it from here."

Allen was whispering, so only those who were close enough could hear the exchange between the two.

"Indeed, you do have that right," Zepher mumbled. Lyn couldn"t tell whether he was angry or not, but she couldn"t help but sigh in relief.

If Allen didn"t appear just now, she would have had to introduce herself as Zepher"s fiance.

Zepher bent down and whispered something in her ear. Lyn nodded; of course, there is a time limit.

"You came for me," Lyn mumbled as brother left to greet some people.

Allen nodded, "Naturally, I switched places with the original person when I heard you came. I heard rumors but," he looked her up and down. "Since when could you walk in heels?"

Lyn hits him, and Allen smiled. "At least allow me to take pride as your fiance for a short while longer."

Lyn sighed, "Honestly, you..." She linked arms with him, and they started to walk around. Naturally, people started to gossip.

"She"s Prince Allen"s fiance?"

"Then, that makes her the Second Princess of the Mist Kingdom."

"How can that be? She"s gorgeous!!"

She wanted to roll her eyes at that comment. Did people believe that ugly rumor story? Then again, she supposes it is human nature to believe everything they hear. A few people approached them, and Lyn recognized them immediately. Some officials from the Mist Kingdom, people already aware of who she was. Lyn took a deep breath.

"You look happier these days. I presume the rumors about your wedding approaching are true?"

"You flatter me. You also look more handsome since the last time. Careful, your wife will be worried. As for what you said," Lyn smiled. "You will get your answers next month."

The man looked delighted at her reply and talked with her for a few minutes. No sooner did he left did somebody else engage in conversation with her.

"h.e.l.lo sir Will, thank you for attending the banquet last time. It was an honor to have you there."

"Yes, the party was fun. The food was great too. You should pay a visit to our castle next time."

For the next few minutes, similar conversations and exchanges happened. The entire time Lyn knew people were watching over her carefully. They didn"t even hide their watching. Some people tried to watch over her up close, and those who watched from a distance exchanged information. It appears as though she has become the highlight of this dull event. How boring.


"Oh h.e.l.lo--"

"It"s just me," Allen said.

Lyn dropped her polite smile and sighed. "What? I"m busy." She felt very irritated. As the night grew, more and more people greeted them. So her patience was wearing out.

"Shall we take a stroll in the garden?"

Her eyes lit up at his words. "Sure."


On their way out, it was a ha.s.sle, but they somehow managed to get out. Thankfully not many people were out in the garden. Those who were out there didn"t spend too long speaking with them. A relieved sigh escaped her lips, and Allen chuckled.

"Quite some time has pa.s.sed since I saw you networking like that."

"Don"t bother complimenting me. I understand that I"m not very good at those things."

"Your getting better."

Is she really? It"s hard to tell at times.

"I"d love to sit around and chat with you, but it seems like my time is up."

Lyn looked at him blankly, what is he talking about? Just as she said that she caught a glimpse of another person approaching them. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was and rushed over immediately.



"As promised," Allen nodded.

"Thanks, I owe you one."

Lyn looked at the two back and forth. So they planned this? Before Lyn could say anything, Allen had already walked of. She turned to Kazuya. His hair was in its usual state, but he wore formal attire.

"So, you left earlier..."

"Had to contact him."

Lyn sighed, "I thought you were mad at me. Don"t do that again."

"Why would I get mad? Thank you for last night." She hits him, but Kazuya dodged. "I"m serious."

That"s what makes this all the more embarra.s.sing. Lyn, however, hugged him tighter, "Kazuya, I"m sorry for making you feel lonely."

"Don"t apologize, I understand. But, I have to admit that I am jealous. I wonder when I can announce to the world that you"re mine."


She would also like that. Brother"s wife, Allen"s fiance? Such stupid t.i.tles. What she wants is to date Kazuya openly. While their relations.h.i.+p is public in the castle grounds. Whenever they go anywhere, they have to sneak around. She no longer wants to do that. Why can"t she proudly show off her relations.h.i.+p with him?