Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 402


Sure enough, Rhys nodded and confirmed her suspicions. "We"ve always suspected you Lyn. I say we, but it"s just me and the others. From the moment we met, I realized there was something of about you. You claimed to be inexperienced fighting. However, when we trained together you occasionally slipped up. I realized after it happened several times that you did that on purpose. You wanted me to confirm that you"re a spy."


"Did you think it would be better if somebody you knew ratted you out?"

Lyn shook her head, "No, it"s nothing grand like that. I just wanted you to understand …"

"Understand what? What were you thinking? Why did you continue this dammed thing, anyway?"


"d.a.m.n it," Rhys cursed and slammed the wall behind her. "Lyn, stopping you is impossible. But don"t do anything without informing me."

"Eh? But…"

"I already know everything to this point anyway."

"Rhys," Lyn said slowly. "Please don"t tell Kazuya."

It"s not like Kazuya will judge her for this. Lyn already figured out from his att.i.tude before. No matter what she does, Kazuya will accept her. However, if Kazuya found out then he would worry about her. He might end up doing something careless.

Rhys suddenly pressed her against the wall. "Kazuya again?"

"This isn"t the time for you to act jealous."

"Lyn," he mumbled. "I"ll do anything to help you. The mission is no longer important to me."

Her eyes widened when she hears those words escape his lips. He actually said it! Kazuya said similar things before but she expected it from him. After what happened with Zepher, Lyn realized Rhys current position. The reason why he remained so close to her. "You were a back up, just in case Kazuya became too attached to me. Just in case he ruined the plan…"

She already knew this a very long time ago. However, this was the first time she actually admitted it out loud. "Am I wrong?"

Rhys traced her lips with his thumbs. "You"re obviously right. But, in the end I lost. I love you."

At that comment Lyn had to look away from him. She doesn"t want to see how serious he actually is about her. Unfortunately Lyn couldn"t look away for long, Rhys cupped her cheeks. "Tell me Lyn, do you understand what will happen to you if you get caught?"

"I know I"ll die for treason."

"How can you say that so easily?" Rhys muttered frustrated.

"Because….from the start, the Kingdom had no need of me. My existence was illegitimate."

"That"s not right, you"re blood related to the Queen."

"Since when was blood relation important?" Lyn muttered. "This is the Mist Kingdom, while blood ties are usually important for the throne matters. If somebody comits treason and aide outsider than …"

Rhys fingers traced her lips and she shuddered. "Lyn…."

"I"m okay, really Rhys. If you worry about me too, it becomes far too painful."

Awkward laughter escaped her lips, "Please don"t make it hard for me too."

"Lyn, you"re still young. You need to think this through more. No, even if you weren"t young. This path is not for you," Rhys brought his lops to her neck and she flinched. "Hey, don"t be scared. Do you think I"d actually do something to you?"

"You"ve tried twice in the past."

"Forget about that already."

"It"s hard to forget…"

"d.a.m.n, I"m sorry about that. But I"m not a beast, I won"t hurt you. You"re underaged Lyn…"

It"s strange that he"s suddenly acting so considerate about her. Then again, Rhys has been acting strangely recently. It feels stupid for them to argue and bicker away like this. Lyn placed her hand on her forehead, she felt a wincing pain appear in her forehead. Rhys frowned and suddenly scooped her up in his arms.

"I"ll take you back."

Lyn had all the time in the world. It seemed like they delayed the examination. While it seemed suspicious to her, Lyn didn"t bother questioning it.

At the end Allen lead her to an old cafe near the outskirts of town. Perhaps it was because it was all the way out in a place that people don"t go to often; but it was rather quiet. Not completely out of customers like that cafe the ginger head works at. But there"s something peaceful about this place. He slides a drink up in front of her; and if she wasn"t so shaken up, she would have most likely cried. " Mixing up cola and oolong tea? Why do you do that?"

"I can"t handle the bitterness of cola. . and I like oolong so. ."

"Pfft, that"s really like you. "

If she wasn"t so shaken up, she would have cried and told him already. Lyn quietly accepted the drink and takes a sip. The unusual taste felt refres.h.i.+ng in her tongue; and she felt herself gradually breathing properly again. The air in this place is refres.h.i.+ng, even more than the bustling sounds of the town; out here she can hear the sounds of nature. How embarra.s.sing though, to be caught in such a vulnerable state.

The reason why Lyn parted from Rhys was, she wanted to return home to Kazuya; and be held in his arms. If anyone"s going to see her so vulnerable, she would rather it be him. However, her gaze fell on the person sat directly across her. It seems like she will be here for quite awhile.

"You"ve never brought me anywhere before Prince, what brought on the change of heart?" Lyn joked.

"Have you found Pupillam yet?"

"No," Lyn averted her gaze. "But, I think there is no need to search. She will come back in due time."

"What if she was really kidnapped?"

"Then, I made the wrong judgement and she could be in grave danger or worse...dead.." Lyn muttered quietly. She really didn"t want to think of such a scenario. However, there is a strong possibility, so Lyn cannot erase that fact.

"Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?"

"No, we have important things to discuss dear.."

The next words that left Allen"s lips rendered her completely speechless. Ah, it seems like they are running out of time after all.