Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 42

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:24 PMChapter 42

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - A week later -

Kazuya"s eyes shot open, and he rose from his bed . His whole face pale and drenched in sweat, as vivid and yet clear images of the past appeared in his head . He panted heavily as he recalled the sight of his dead siblings, his dead Mother - and that man . The man who caused it all .

For a second, Kazuya doesn"t recognize where he is until he saw something from the corner of his eye . It was the bracelet Lyn made for him . That"s right he"s in the Mist Kingdom, he isn"t in the Sound Kingdom . He isn"t in that place . Kazuya sighed and placed a hand on his forehead . Feeling the wet patch, he tossed his blanket and picked up a towel from the side and wiped his face .

Maybe he should get changed too . He probably sweated a lot . Kazuya walked over to his drawers and saw the set of clothes Lyn got him .

"Um, it"s just a small present . "

A small present, this many clothing? Because he wanted to travel light, he didn"t think to bring many clothes with him . On his way here, he saw the state of some of the villages and ended up giving what little possession he brought away . Then again, it"s not like he had many "possessions" to begin with . After getting dressed, he exited his room and walked out onto the ledge .

A full moon hung on the sky, glowing brightly and surrounded by a sea of stars . Lyn didn"t have to get him clothes or anything for that matter . It"s not like she has that much money to spend . Kazuya knew from the amounts of times he went to the market with her, how limited her pocket money is . Maybe they do that to restrict her from leaving too much . She only ever has money for one or two outings . She never has a lot for a few days let alone a week or so .

While he doesn"t have many possessions, Kazuya has a lot of money .

No, he didn"t get them from the Sound Kingdom elders - but instead he earned most of it from the side jobs he does . Since he isn"t the type of person who spent a lot of money, he has a lot saved up .

He wondered if Lyn is already asleep .

A whole week had pa.s.sed since he proposed this fake relations.h.i.+p thing . At first, it was awkward for both of them . They knew they couldn"t just act like they were before . They had to make the act look real; otherwise, the guy from the Stone Kingdom wouldn"t believe it . Just like he thought, that guy wanted to ensure the relations.h.i.+p is real and has been hovering around like a fly . The reason they got past the awkwardness, it was because of something Rhys, and the girl"s aide said .

"Don"t you two already act like a couple, anyway?"

Do they?

Kazuya never realized . But after they said those words, he saw it . So the two of them returned to normal, and that made John back away even more . It"s hard to believe that guy would give up with just that alone though . He has to keep this up until that man leaves, and until Lyn"s fiance gets a grip . Honestly, Kazuya didn"t think much of the man named Allen . He"s your typical average, and the boring elite who sticks to the traditions wears a fake smile . Despite this, Kazuya knew how much Allen cared about Lyn . That guy hides it very well, but he isn"t stupid .

It"s an engagement with feelings of love . Kazuya never asked Lyn, but he wondered how the girl felt towards her fiance . That time he watched them, there seemed to be a comfortable atmosphere . From the words exchanged Kazuya knew that nothing happened between them . That it was only recently that there was development .

A deep voice interrupted his thoughts, "Getting nightmares again, huh?"

Kazuya looked at the direction of the voice and found Rhys . Rhys is a n.o.ble in the Sound Kingdom, the third Son of his family and yet treated as the heir . The two of them held a strange bond and friends.h.i.+p . Though they don"t show it, the two of them are quite close . Well, men usually don"t openly display their harmony with each other .

"It"s been happening a lot recently . "

He has nightmares, nightmares of the past . So vivid and yet so evident in his mind . Though there are gaps in his memory, unlike Lyn he isn"t missing that much . The first time he had these nightmares, Rhys was with him . Thank G.o.d he wasn"t alone, Kazuya still remembered how bad he felt, the panic attack that followed after the nightmare . The feeling of not being able to breathe .

In the past these nightmares haunted him like the plague; in the present, they are the reason for his self-loathing . If only he didn"t hide his ability from his family . If only he used his power, then that incidence would not

"You have to get over it . Well, I guess that"s putting it too bluntly . By getting over it I mean you have to learn to overcome it — your strong Kazuya, truly strong . But if people found out you had this weakness . What do you think will happen to you if you don"t?" Rhys asked .

Despite how bluntly he said it, Kazuya understood how serious Rhys was . Rhys makes a point there . As the "strongest person" in the Sound Kingdom, Kazuya already made a lot of enemies there let alone here in the Mist Kingdom . While the hate he receives here is more on a general scale rather than personal, he is still hated . It"s still a group of people with a grudge that could potentially endanger his life .

Before Kazuya could say anymore, he hears knocking . He turned back to the room and noticed the sound came from the other door . Kazuya frowned, it"s late . Who could it be?

"It"s your girlfriend, not an enemy . "

Huh? Kazuya was about to retort back at Rhys when he hears a soft voice at the door .


Kazuya blinked, it really is her . He didn"t bother with Rhys anymore and made his way over to the door .

When he opened it, there stood Lyn with a pillow under her arm .

"Lyn," Kazuya said surprised .

Lyn looked shyly down, "Um, I"m sorry for disturbing you . I was thinking could I sleep together with you?"

Kazuya froze in shock for a moment, before he ran his hand through his hair . Right, this girl is still naive about that aspect . Or rather she probably realizes by now that he won"t do anything . For her, sleeping beside somebody probably acts as a form of comfort and safety .

Kazuya ushered her inside and closed the door .


"Lay down, let me get some extra blankets . "

Lyn beamed happily, "Okay . "

He scanned the area where Rhys sat moments ago and noticed that he had left . A wise move he supposes . Kazuya fetched some extra blankets and frowned . He placed his hand on top of them and used his powers to get rid of the crease markings, tatters until it looked presentable . He brought it to his face; the smell seems okay .

A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips once he realized what he was doing . Quit acting like an idiot . Kazuya returned to the girl on the bed .

She looked beautiful in her night gear . The knowledge that she wore the clothes she gave him made his lips curve to a smile . The set of night gear used pale colors not bright ones, yet they were not dull or boring like the clothes she used to wear . Kazuya made his way over and joined her on the bed .

"Ah, Kazuya!"

"Mmm, you"re so chirper . Were you really sleeping?"

"Ah, um . . " Lyn looked away .

Kazuya frowned, she wasn"t sleeping? But it"s 2:00 am . Maybe she was training again? Since Rhys trained her . Lyn has been working very hard .

He gently kissed her forehead, eyelids, and nose .

"Kazuya? Why do you keep doing that?"

"Nothing . "

Lyn looked confused but then cheerfully snuggled up to him, "Ah it"s warm . "

"Were you cold?"

The girl in his arms nodded, and he wrapped his arms around her protectively, "Kazuya, you weren"t sleeping?"

"I just woke up . I was talking to Rhys for a bit . "

At that comment, he watched as the girl turned red and he frowned, "What did he do now?"

"Kazuya, can you tell Rhys to respect my personal s.p.a.ce? I don"t like it when he gets too close, and I"ve already brought out my knife so many times . But he still does it . "

Now that she mentioned it, Kazuya realized his friend had more cuts on his face than usual . He burst into laughter .


Kazuya smiled, "Good girl Lyn, your learning . "

Her eyes light up as she raised her hands and did a victory pose . She"s cute . Honestly, this fake relations.h.i.+p thing isn"t as bad as Kazuya thought . Though his mission was to seduce her, Kazuya knew that he could no longer do it . Rather than seduce, he wants to win Lyn over to their side in a genuine manner not fake . He knew with the present situation; he wouldn"t be able to harm her even if he wanted to .

"The month is coming to an end . "

"Ah-huh, and Allen is officially supposed to come tomorrow . Eldest Brother said Mother is making the official banquet arrangements . "

"Are you going?"

Lyn shook her head, "No . But I do have to make a few appearances, covering my face with a veil . "

Kazuya didn"t like the sound of that; it felt too risky . But Lyn is still formally Prince Allen"s fiance . Even with her hidden existence, she has to make a few appearances . He wonders how they explain her ident.i.ty to the public though .

"Can I come?"

"You"ll go?" Lyn seemed very happy, "Un, please do . I think I"ll be able to do well in my performance . "


"I have to play the koto and sing; it"s a strange Mist Kingdom tradition for the upcoming festival . "

Festival, now that she mentioned it . An event like that is coming up . But this time around there are no orders from the people back home . It seemed like he can enjoy himself .

"When you get the chance, sneak out . "

The thought pleased her since she hugged him even more . To other people, this may be strange, fake relations.h.i.+p and their ages . Honestly, he"s the rational one between the two and should talk to her about this . However, it"s not like them being like this harms anybody .

Lyn felt safe with him .

And he felt safe with her .

That"s all that matters .Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - A week later - Kazuyas eyes shot open, and he rose from his bed . His whole face pale and drenched in sweat, as vivid and yet clear images of the past appeared in his head . He panted heavily as he recalled the sight of his dead siblings, his dead Mother - and that man . The man who caused it all . For a second, Kazuya doesnt recognize where he is until he saw something from the corner of his eye . It was the bracelet Lyn made for him . Thats right hes in the Mist Kingdom, he isnt in the Sound Kingdom . He isnt in that place . Kazuya sighed and placed a hand on his forehead . Feeling the wet patch, he tossed his blanket and picked up a towel from the side and wiped his face . Maybe he should get changed too . He probably sweated a lot . Kazuya walked over to his drawers and saw the set of clothes Lyn got him . Um, its just a small present . A small present, this many clothing? Because he wanted to travel light, he didnt think to bring many clothes with him . On his way here, he saw the state of some of the villages and ended up giving what little possession he brought away . Then again, its not like he had many possessions to begin with . After getting dressed, he exited his room and walked out onto the ledge . A full moon hung on the sky, glowing brightly and surrounded by a sea of stars . Lyn didnt have to get him clothes or anything for that matter . Its not like she has that much money to spend . Kazuya knew from the amounts of times he went to the market with her, how limited her pocket money is . Maybe they do that to restrict her from leaving too much . She only ever has money for one or two outings . She never has a lot for a few days let alone a week or so . While he doesnt have many possessions, Kazuya has a lot of money . No, he didnt get them from the Sound Kingdom elders - but instead he earned most of it from the side jobs he does . Since he isnt the type of person who spent a lot of money, he has a lot saved up . He wondered if Lyn is already asleep . A whole week had pa.s.sed since he proposed this fake relations.h.i.+p thing . At first, it was awkward for both of them . They knew they couldnt just act like they were before . They had to make the act look real; otherwise, the guy from the Stone Kingdom wouldnt believe it . Just like he thought, that guy wanted to ensure the relations.h.i.+p is real and has been hovering around like a fly . The reason they got past the awkwardness, it was because of something Rhys, and the girls aide said . Dont you two already act like a couple, anyway? Do they? Kazuya never realized . But after they said those words, he saw it . So the two of them returned to normal, and that made John back away even more . Its hard to believe that guy would give up with just that alone though . He has to keep this up until that man leaves, and until Lyns fiance gets a grip . Honestly, Kazuya didnt think much of the man named Allen . Hes your typical average, and the boring elite who sticks to the traditions wears a fake smile . Despite this, Kazuya knew how much Allen cared about Lyn . That guy hides it very well, but he isnt stupid Its an engagement with feelings of love . Kazuya never asked Lyn, but he wondered how the girl felt towards her fiance . That time he watched them, there seemed to be a comfortable atmosphere . From the words exchanged Kazuya knew that nothing happened between them . That it was only recently that there was development . A deep voice interrupted his thoughts, Getting nightmares again, huh? Kazuya looked at the direction of the voice and found Rhys . Rhys is a n.o.ble in the Sound Kingdom, the third Son of his family and yet treated as the heir . The two of them held a strange bond and friends.h.i.+p . Though they dont show it, the two of them are quite close . Well, men usually dont openly display their harmony with each other . Its been happening a lot recently . He has nightmares, nightmares of the past . So vivid and yet so evident in his mind . Though there are gaps in his memory, unlike Lyn he isnt missing that much . The first time he had these nightmares, Rhys was with him . Thank G.o.d he wasnt alone, Kazuya still remembered how bad he felt, the panic attack that followed after the nightmare . The feeling of not being able to breathe . In the past these nightmares haunted him like the plague; in the present, they are the reason for his self-loathing . If only he didnt hide his ability from his family . If only he used his power, then that incidence would not You have to get over it . Well, I guess thats putting it too bluntly . By getting over it I mean you have to learn to overcome it — your strong Kazuya, truly strong . But if people found out you had this weakness . What do you think will happen to you if you dont? Rhys asked . Despite how bluntly he said it, Kazuya understood how serious Rhys was . Rhys makes a point there . As the strongest person in the Sound Kingdom, Kazuya already made a lot of enemies there let alone here in the Mist Kingdom . While the hate he receives here is more on a general scale rather than personal, he is still hated . Its still a group of people with a grudge that could potentially endanger his life . Before Kazuya could say anymore, he hears knocking . He turned back to the room and noticed the sound came from the other door . Kazuya frowned, its late . Who could it be? Its your girlfriend, not an enemy . Huh? Kazuya was about to retort back at Rhys when he hears a soft voice at the door . Kazuya? Kazuya blinked, it really is her . He didnt bother with Rhys anymore and made his way over to the door . When he opened it, there stood Lyn with a pillow under her arm . Lyn, Kazuya said surprised . Lyn looked shyly down, Um, Im sorry for disturbing you . I was thinking could I sleep together with you? Kazuya froze in shock for a moment, before he ran his hand through his hair . Right, this girl is still naive about that aspect . Or rather she probably realizes by now that he wont do anything . For her, sleeping beside somebody probably acts as a form of comfort and safety . Kazuya ushered her inside and closed the door . Um? Lay down, let me get some extra blankets . Lyn beamed happily, Okay . He scanned the area where Rhys sat moments ago and noticed that he had left . A wise move he supposes . Kazuya fetched some extra blankets and frowned . He placed his hand on top of them and used his powers to get rid of the crease markings, tatters until it looked presentable . He brought it to his face; the smell seems okay . A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips once he realized what he was doing . Quit acting like an idiot . Kazuya returned to the girl on the bed . She looked beautiful in her night gear . The knowledge that she wore the clothes she gave him made his lips curve to a smile . The set of night gear used pale colors not bright ones, yet they were not dull or boring like the clothes she used to wear . Kazuya made his way over and joined her on the bed . Ah, Kazuya! Mmm, youre so chirper . Were you really sleeping? Ah, um Lyn looked away . Kazuya frowned, she wasnt sleeping? But its 2:00 am . Maybe she was training again? Since Rhys trained her . Lyn has been working very hard . He gently kissed her forehead, eyelids, and nose . Kazuya? Why do you keep doing that? Nothing . Lyn looked confused but then cheerfully snuggled up to him, Ah its warm . Were you cold? The girl in his arms nodded, and he wrapped his arms around her protectively, Kazuya, you werent sleeping? I just woke up . I was talking to Rhys for a bit . At that comment, he watched as the girl turned red and he frowned, What did he do now? Kazuya, can you tell Rhys to respect my personal s.p.a.ce? I dont like it when he gets too close, and Ive already brought out my knife so many times . But he still does it . Now that she mentioned it, Kazuya realized his friend had more cuts on his face than usual . He burst into laughter . Kazuya? Kazuya smiled, Good girl Lyn, your learning . Her eyes light up as she raised her hands and did a victory pose . Shes cute . Honestly, this fake relations.h.i.+p thing isnt as bad as Kazuya thought . Though his mission was to seduce her, Kazuya knew that he could no longer do it . Rather than seduce, he wants to win Lyn over to their side in a genuine manner not fake . He knew with the present situation; he wouldnt be able to harm her even if he wanted to . The month is coming to an end . Ah-huh, and Allen is officially supposed to come tomorrow . Eldest Brother said Mother is making the official banquet arrangements . Are you going? Lyn shook her head, No . But I do have to make a few appearances, covering my face with a veil . Kazuya didnt like the sound of that; it felt too risky . But Lyn is still formally Prince Allens fiance . Even with her hidden existence, she has to make a few appearances . He wonders how they explain her ident.i.ty to the public though . Can I come? Youll go? Lyn seemed very happy, Un, please do . I think Ill be able to do well in my performance . Performance? I have to play the koto and sing; its a strange Mist Kingdom tradition for the upcoming festival . Festival, now that she mentioned it . An event like that is coming up . But this time around there are no orders from the people back home . It seemed like he can enjoy himself . When you get the chance, sneak out . The thought pleased her since she hugged him even more . To other people, this may be strange, fake relations.h.i.+p and their ages . Honestly, hes the rational one between the two and should talk to her about this . However, its not like them being like this harms anybody . Lyn felt safe with him . And he felt safe with her . Thats all that matters .