Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 446


Lethia a.s.sumed that Andrew of all people would lecture her. But instead here he is sitting opposite her and having tea. "It"s odd, is he planning something?" Lethia never had a good relations.h.i.+p with any of her siblings. Though the one she spoke to the most was Andrew. They only ever spoke because of official business. He would often have tea with her to discuss business. But, with all the recent events. Lethia didn"t think he would meet with her.

She didn"t say a word and Andrew continued speaking. She is already tired of everything. But, she is the one who started this. So she would see it through to the very end.

"Lethia, say something."

"I don"t think you will like my reply." Lethia mumbled. "I don"t know what your planning Andrew. But I know your on Lyn"s side. Don"t give me all this lip service."

Andrew shook his head. "I was never on anybody"s side. Have you seen me directly help Lyn with anything?"

Lethia knew she couldn"t argue there. Andrew only made a move when he knew Zepher was involved.


She was lost and confused and bitter.

At some point Lethia no longer knew what she could believe in. Who could she trust?

A pair of familiar arms wrapped around her. It felt comforting, and he whispered consoling words in her ear. Lethia quickly ended her meeting with Andrew because she felt this person"s presence.

This was his method to make her surrender and obey him. Lethia understood that very well. To provide warmth when no one else would. The moment she yearned for such moments was the time she realized that she was just like everybody else.

"Give up, Lethia," he whispered seductively in her ear. His mouth moved towards her lips and pried it open. Kei knew how to win against her. He knew her far too well.

Lethia ran her hands through his hair and allowed him to kiss her. This man in front of he is the First Prince from the Sun Kingdom.

"Shouldn"t you be over there? How did you get through the security anyway?" she mumbled when he drew his lips away.

"I used your name love. Do you have a problem with that?"

Lethia sighed. "I don"t have a problem with it. But, you do realize you have no way of returning?"

"Indeed, it does seem like you will have to put up with me for awhile longer."

"Should I even bother asking why you came here? Or will I not get an answer at all?" Lethia mumbled.

"I would love to give you the answer but," Kei pointed to the glowing wall behind her. "Don"t you have a problem?"

Lethia glanced over and sighed. She quickly got up and fixed her robes. She didn"t say a word but she knew her usual knights were following her as she left the room. Thankfully it was in a location that she could get to quickly. A field of odd creatures broke through the wall. "How did they get in?"

She never saw these creatures before. But surely the Stone Kingdom wouldn"t have monsters not approved by the council? Then again King John is quite ruthless.

"Oh my, it appears as though your knight appeared at last." Kei commented in a mocking tone.

Lethia glanced over and saw two people amongst the beasts. Her sister Lyn and Kazuya.

Although she saw him plenty of times since he came back.

Recently she took carefully steps to ensure that she wouldn"t cross paths with him. " Halt. We will not interfere," Lethia said. Though she would love to take credit for saving the day in a place that"s visible. Right now it would do her no good. Besides Lethia is curious to see them fight side by side one another.

"Very well."

If Kazuya is here, she won"t do anything. Or rather, there is no need to do anything with Kazuya her.

As she watched the two for awhile though, she noted something interesting.

"Tsk, there"s no end to this."

"Then use your magic."

"Ha? Then why don"t you?"

Despite the fact that the two were bickering away, Lethia could see it. That there was some sort of harmony between the two of them. When she saw them stand back to back and watching each others back"s like that. Lethia felt nostagalic.

Ah, that"s right. It"s the same feeling as back then. Back then the two of them had been like that too. Watching each others back and protecting each other. Despite the harshness of her childhood, when she met Kazuya things changed drastically. Although he cared more about his sister than her, Lethia was just glad that she had a means of escape then.

When she first got her powers Kazuya taught her how to use them, he taught her how to use her powers. Back then the two of them fought of the monsters coming to the village; and everyone saw them as hero"s. Whilst those days were peaceful, Lethia knew something had been missing. She knew it was far too good to be true.

So that time - that day when everything fell apart for the two of them. A part of her hadn"t been surprised. That day everything ended. Those days that seemed so endless and repet.i.tive..and yet fun came to a end. Lethia could not forget the voices from that day.

"It"s your fault that everyone died."

"Your the ones who brought the monsters here."

"No that"s not true Kazuya didn"t..."

"Lethia it"s fine."

Kazuya is wrong. The one, the one who the monsters had been attracted too wasn"t him or that person. In the first place the only target had been her. Desperate to prove him wrong and convince him to stay in the village, she did all kinds of research. And that was when her mother finally told her. The first conversation they truly exchanged revealed the truth; and the dark secrets of their family. After hearing it she understood right away that the ones they were after, the one that was to blame was her and not Kazuya.

When Lethia discovered the truth the night before his departure she made her mind up. " The two can no longer see each other, goodbye."

Lethia continued to watch them with a dark gaze. Her sister and Kazuya. "These two, even if they aren"t a couple anymore.." Why do they look so perfect standing by each others side like this? Lyn shouldn"t have any memories of what happened back then. The same goes for Kazuya and yet how come they are working side by side like this?

Back then, even though she trusted Kazuya as her partner. Kazuya never saw her as his partner. The one Kazuya was watching then was only Lyn.