
Chapter 16

It took seven days to prepare the Iron Army for battle. On their last night in Wando palace, Jaewon and Seung were allowed to stay at the palace with Kwan in his quarters. Kira joined them for a private dinner in the prince"s chambers, discussing Eojin"s battle preparations for the attack on the Tongey port city of Wonsan.

"Didn"t we spend all this time heading north to get away from the enemy?" Jaewon complained.

They sat on the floor of the prince"s sitting room, each person eating off a small round table set with individual portions of meat, vegetables, soup, and rice. Kira sat next to Jaewon, noticing that he"d eaten all of his soy-sauce potatoes. She surrept.i.tiously placed her plate on his table.

"Now is the time to fight. No more running," Kwan replied. "No more running." His expression was as hard as granite.

"We are going to save my mother," Taejo said.

Jaewon nodded in agreement. Looking down at his meal, he noticed the full plate of potatoes. Kira smothered a laugh as he eagerly demolished them.

The great Iron Army in motion is an intimidating sight, Kira thought. With the addition of more Guru recruits and displaced soldiers to his army, Eojin marched with a force of one hundred thousand men.

As Taejo"s personal guards, Kira, Kwan, and Captain Pak rode with the king"s cavalry. Upon Taejo"s request, Jaewon and Seung were added to his escort.

They were the only ones to ride fully armored horses. The infantry marched in platoons, while supply transports set off to set up camps at prearranged locations. The dirt roads were in poor shape from the winter storms, so that it was commonplace to come across broken wheels and even abandoned wagons all along their route.

The king"s cavalry reached Oakcho five days later. At the border, the Oakcho generals pledged their allegiance to Guru, adding an additional ten thousand men to their numbers.

It would take the ma.s.sive army another ten days to reach the Tongey borders, while scouts brought daily word of the enemy onslaught.

Kira hated their slow pace. At this rate, the new year would be upon them before they saw any action. And with the start of the twelfth month, the frigid air tasted of the coming snow.

To be truthful, she didn"t care about the war effort. She spent nearly every waking moment thinking about Brother Woojin and Master Roshi"s words. They"d said the first Dragon King treasure was located somewhere in the Diamond Mountains. After she"d finally told Kwan about her shadow-land dreams, he"d redoubled his efforts to meet with Brother Boyuk, but to no avail. It was as if the monk had disappeared. Frustrated and anxious, Kwan finally agreed that they should make the trek to the mountains themselves. They would discuss it with the others at the next opportunity.

At night, the army would sprawl across the landscape, separated by their divisions. Hundreds of women followed on foot behind the infantry. Kira stayed away from all of them, aware of the fear and loathing she caused. But when she sensed a demon presence among them, she was compelled to investigate. The shamans should have put up wards all around the entire perimeter of the camp. But it was hard to keep the men from straying out of the protected areas. When Kwan and Jaewon insisted on going with her, she agreed. This was not Hansong, and she could not easily move about unrecognized. She would be safer with them.

They pa.s.sed a large and rowdy crowd surrounding a wrestling match. Kwan and Jaewon stopped for a moment to watch the wrestlers. Kira walked past. She"d never been interested in wrestling, despite its popularity.

Sensing something in the air, Kira whirled around and b.u.mped into another soldier. He wheeled back, off-balance, falling against several onlookers. They pushed him away, cursing at him. Furious, the soldier rushed at Kira.

"Watch where you"re going, dog sp.a.w.n!" he shouted. He shoved her hard on the chest. Kira rocked back from the blow as her fist shot out reflexively, knocking the soldier onto his rear.

"Son of a wh.o.r.e!" the soldier sputtered as he jumped to his feet. When his eyes met hers, he stepped away in fear and disgust.

"Get away from me, Demon Slayer! We don"t want your kind here!" He spit on the ground, barely missing her boot.

Kira contained the fury that threatened to erupt within her. "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"You don"t fool me," he sneered. Kira smelled the alcohol fumes emanating from him. "Acting like a man when there"s naught between your legs or your ears. Women don"t belong in the army. You don"t belong here!"

He pulled out a dagger and slashed at Kira"s face. Instinct saved her. With a quick side step, she dodged the blow and grabbed her sword. She dashed the pommel onto his head, knocking him unconscious.

Leaving the fallen man, she tried to find the odor trail she"d sensed before. Many soldiers were now glaring at her. Ignoring them, she pushed past those who deliberately stepped into her path. She had detected the foul scent of the demon she was tracking. It led her back to a group of men who knelt around the drunk who had attacked her. A flash of silvery-gray skin clung to the neck of a large, bearded soldier.

An imp. So bold. She thought. It peered at her with hungry eyes as it sank sharp teeth into the bearded soldier"s dirty neck.

Kira raised her sword and approached the group.

"Demon!" the bearded soldier shouted. "k.u.miho! She wants to kill us all!"

Kira stopped in confusion. Before she could explain about the imp, a rock flew out of the crowd, glancing off her forehead. Dazed, Kira touched her face, feeling the wetness of blood trickle down her cheek.

"Send her to the underworld where she belongs!" someone shouted.

Dozens of stones flew at her as she covered her head. Her sword fell from her hand as she ducked down and pulled herself into a ball. A cry broke through her lips as searing pain dropped her to her knees. The missiles pounded her back and arms, ripping into the tender flesh unprotected by her armor.

Over the thudding in her ears and the maddened cries of the mob, she heard the outraged shouts of her brother.

Kira couldn"t move; her limbs had stiffened with pain. Someone pulled her gently up, steadying her. Jaewon held her against his chest. She could feel his heart thumping erratically.

Kwan stood over several dead soldiers, his sword dripping with blood.

The mob scattered with the arrival of the military police officers, who surrounded them and shouted for Kwan to drop his sword. He threw it down and spit on the nearest body. Kira noticed the gray, atrophied form of the imp steaming its black gunk into the ground.

"Lower your weapons-he"s the king"s kin!" an officer said as he bowed before Kwan. He ordered one of his men to retrieve Kwan"s sword and wipe it off before returning it to him. Kwan sheathed his weapon and went over to Kira. He held her by the arms, his jaw tight with rage as he took in the sight of her b.l.o.o.d.y and bruised face. Kira bit back a cry as he pressed against her injuries.

"I will deal with these men. You go get some rest," he said. With a nod to Jaewon, he returned to the officers.

Jaewon offered Kira his arm, but she shook him off. She was keenly aware of all who watched their progress-cursing her, hating her. She refused to let them see her weakness.

All her life she"d dealt with prejudice and hate. All her life she"d lived knowing people despised her for being different. It was her parents who kept Kira from turning her back to the world. They"d taught her that every life was precious and worth protecting. Without them, Kira could feel her control breaking down. Rage consumed her. She"d never understood why people could hate so unconditionally.

But now she knew. Now she burned with hatred.


The pain was agonizing. Her leather armor had protected her back from the brunt of the stoning, but there were numerous cuts and bruises on her arms, neck, and face. Her right eye was swollen and her face black-and-blue from her ear to the bridge of her nose.

She didn"t respond to anyone. Not to her brother"s questions as he cared for the worst of her wounds. Nor even when Taejo cried to see her so battered and bruised. Fear of what she would say kept her quiet. But on the inside, her emotions were in turmoil. She thought of her mother and the other trapped shadows and her inability to help them. She relived the attack, letting guilt seep into her thoughts, wondering if she should have warned the men of the imp first, wishing she hadn"t pulled out her sword.

Lying alone in her tent, she felt the warm embrace of a tiger curled up by her side, purring gently. It emitted a golden light that surrounded them both. She could feel how its ki, its pure tiger energy, transferred into her body. Kira touched its soft fur. Powerful muscles rippled under her fingertips. The energy was giving her strength again.

"My father was right," she said. "I always thought you were just a dream. But you"re real. You are my tiger spirit."

The tiger purred in response.

"Thank you," she said.

It opened its eyes, which were golden in color, just like Kira"s.

Don"t despair, my child. I am always with you.

She heard its words in her mind, and the hate and anger released itself. It didn"t matter what the world thought of her. She was the girl with the tiger spirit. Finally at peace, she buried herself deeper into the tiger"s embrace and fell asleep.

She didn"t wake until the following evening, when hunger forced her to leave the tent. Outside, she saw her brother, Taejo, Jaewon, and Seung, sitting on furs spread across the ground. They stood up at her approach.

"Noona!" Taejo rushed over to grab her hand and pull her over to sit by his side. "I"ve been so worried about you," he said.

As she sat, she could see that more than half of the campsite was empty. Kwan caught her look.

"They left this morning. We will leave tomorrow," he said.

She nodded and thanked Seung for the bowl of rice gruel he"d brought over. It was thick and flavorful, filled with small pieces of chicken and vegetables. She ate slowly, avoiding everyone"s concerned looks. Taejo sat close to her, occasionally patting her knee or arm. She tolerated it, more for his sake than for hers.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, peering up at her.

She could hear the fear and concern in his voice, and it reminded her of how important he was to her.

"I"m fine," she said, ruffling his hair. "You know I"m a fast healer."

Except for the bruises on her face and arms, and a lingering stiffness, she was pain-free.

"Are you sure you"re all right?" Jaewon asked. His face showed his disbelief.

Kira cracked her knuckles. "You want to fight me and see?"

"No way! I believe you." He laughed.

Kwan leaned over to command her attention. "Kira, I tried one last time to see the monk. He must know by now how badly we need to talk to him. It"s been so frustrating!" He slammed his fist into his hand. "I say we head down to the Diamond Mountains and seek the first of the Dragon King treasures on our own. Maybe the treasures will help...."

He trailed off, but Kira knew he was thinking about their mother"s spirit. Kira nodded grimly. They needed to get going.

"But we don"t know where to go," Taejo burst in.

Jaewon nodded. "I must agree with the prince on this. We can"t go blindly into the mountains. They say there are over ten thousand peaks. Without knowing where to look, we"d be hopelessly lost."

Kwan stood and paced about. He picked up a few pieces of wood from a nearby pile and began to fling them into the fire, shooting up sparks all about them.

"We can"t stay here forever! We must act now!" he said.

Jaewon crossed to Kwan and took away a large branch from him before he could throw it.

"I thought that King Eojin was the Dragon Musado?" he asked.

"He"s not," Kira said sharply. "Sunim said it was Prince Taejo."

Jaewon shrugged. "Maybe he was wrong?"

"He wasn"t wrong!" Everyone froze at her outburst. Kira sighed. "I"m sorry. I can"t explain it, but I just have a strong feeling it isn"t my uncle."

Suddenly, they heard the sound of shuffling steps along with an even thud. Brother Boyuk was approaching with the help of a stout walking stick.

"Young mistress is right. My esteemed brother was not wrong," he said. He placed his hands together and bowed.

"King Eojin is a good man, but he is set in his ways and immovable once his decision is made. When I arrived, I explained to the king the mission you and your friends must embark upon. But he refused to let me speak with any of you, for it is a long and treacherous route back into enemy territory for such youngsters, and not a one among you has yet to see twenty years."

"That wasn"t his decision to make," Kira said.

"I agree," he said. He bowed in thanks as Seung set out a fur rug for the monk to sit on. "But remember the king"s tragic history. He doesn"t want to lose any more of his family."

Kira shuddered as a cold wind whipped through their campsite. She stared into the fire, thinking of what the monk had said. It explained much, but Kira still couldn"t forgive the king.

"I know, young mistress, that you and your brother have been seeking me," Brother Boyuk continued. "Forgive me for being unavailable, but I have been waiting for the right moment. If you will follow me, I will show you."

He grabbed a nearby torch and began to leave the campsite. Mystified, Kira rose to her feet and followed the monk to the edge of the forest. The others were close behind.

As they reached the forest line, Brother Boyuk spoke a few words to the guards, who then let them pa.s.s. Within the forest, Kira followed the monk until they reached a clearing, where a lone figure sat quietly meditating before a campfire.

"Sunim!" Taejo shouted.

Brother Woojin rose to his feet, a wide smile creasing his entire face.

"Sunim, you"re all right!" Kira said as she rushed over. "It"s so good to see you!"

"Yes, yes, I"m all right," Brother Woojin said, laughing at their joy at seeing him. "I am quite durable, you see. I may be old, but I am tough."

Kira was relieved to see Brother Woojin again. He was someone familiar and comfortable. He brought back a sense of balance she hadn"t even known she was missing.

"Your Highness, now that we are together again, we must discuss our course of action," Brother Woojin said.

Kira nodded. This was the moment she"d been waiting for.

Brother Woojin sat down again. "It is time for us to seek the first of the treasures. Master Roshi is concerned about how much time has pa.s.sed already. We must be at the Dragon King"s birth cave before the New Year is upon us. We have twelve days left. Time is running out."

Taejo started in alarm. "No! We go with my uncle! We need to save my mother!"

"That is not your mission, my prince. The time has come for you to seek the tidal stone."

"But my mother ...," Taejo pleaded.

Kira put an arm around Taejo"s shoulders and gave him a hug.

"We need to do this," she said. "It"ll be OK. We"ll be with you. I"ll be with you."

Taejo leaned his chin into his hands with a heavy sigh. "What does the tidal stone look like? And how are we to seek it?"