Pure Vampire

Chapter 11



Slowly I turn on my heel. Coming face to face with a menacing looking man. His long dark hair reaches his shoulders and his all black attire triggers something in my memory. I get a mental image of something but it"s too blurry.

A sharp pain shoots through my head. I grab it to steady myself; closing my eyes in deep calming breathes. Something about this man seems familiar. It"s like my mind wants me to know something but I"m not letting go.

I raise my head to look at the man again. He is staring directly at me with this frightening smile on his face. Deja vu hits me like a ton of bricks. This has happened before. But when? I shake my head to clear the jumble thoughts when he speaks

"h.e.l.lo again fat one" his voice freezes the air in my lungs.

The roaring in my ears is deafening. That voice I know that voice.... Suddenly a collage of images attacked my mind. The suddenness of it all brought me to my knees. I open my eyes but I"m no longer in the office.

I see flashes of an old house...



A girl....

Blood... there"s blood on her....


Black eyes are watching me while white fangs sink into her neck.

I scream in horror. Please stop!!!

The scene changes again. I"m on my back. The black eyed man is saying something then he disappears...

A wave of fire engulfs my body...

I scream in agony as loud as my lungs will allow.

Seb Pov

Seb waited impatiently for Marcos to arrive. It"s been several minutes since they had been summoned here. He stood on the right side of the room wanting to be the opposite of where Talon stood. He casual looked to Ana in the middle of the room. He almost laughed out loud at the death glare she was giving Talon.

Guess she wasn"t too fond of him. Imagine that! A girl not falling all over the infamous Talon. Seb enjoyed the ironic moment even more when she took a calculating step in his direction. Wow is she going to hit him? He wondered. Considering the look she was giving Talon he was sure that was the goal. Unfortunately the show was cut short as Marcos finally decided to arrive.

Seb noticed instantly that her body stiffened when she caught his scent. Her eyes closed in concentration as if she were battling something intensely. The men all watched curiously as she slowly turned around to face Marcos. Marcos lips instantly curled up in a crude smile mostly likely from the fear and recognition in her eyes.

"h.e.l.lo again fat one" Marcos greeted in his usual cold voice. Ana out of nowhere dropped to her knees mumbling words that couldn"t be understood. Talon stepped off the wall approaching her.

"Guess it"s working" Talon stated as they continued to watch her. She opened her eyes but had a faraway look to them like she was no longer in the room with them but lost in time.

"What"s working?" Seb asked wanting to know what he was talking about.

She screamed and fell on her back panting hard

"What"s happening?!" Seb asked more demanding this time. Talon raised an eyebrow at him

"Marcos was her trigger. She"s remembering her change. Sad really, her mind is probably tricking her into feeling it too" Talon ends looking down on her withering form.

Marcos had left the room to talk a call and when he came back he had a few more guards with him carrying tranquilizer guns.

"Her screaming is annoying me. Take her out" Marcos ordered.

Seb hesitated for a second debating if he should interfere. On one hand he didn"t want to show he cared and on the other he didn"t want her to be knocked out. They don"t know how that would affect her with her being so unusual. She let out another scream and one of the guards stepped forward aiming the gun right at her chest

"Stop" Seb said before he could contemplate any longer on the consequences of his actions. "I"ll take care of it" he finished. He kneeled down and gathered her shaking body in his arms.

"Ana snap out of it. It"s not real anymore" he said tapping her cheeks lightly. He was aware all eyes were on the two of them but he couldn"t allow himself to get distracted. She needed his help and that"s all that matters.

"It"s burning! Please make it stop!" she pleaded with everything she had.

It ached to hear her so broken and in pain. But he needed her to realize that it"s just a memory. Doing the only thing he could think of he clutched her tightly against him. She tried to wiggle loose but he needed her to feel his warmth against hers. To feel something real. His heart beat perked up at their closeness. Seb kept talking in her ear. Telling her it was alright and the pain is over.

"Ana come back..." he whispered low enough for her to hear. With a room full of vampires he wasn"t certain if they could hear too.

Ana began responding to his coos. Her breathing slowed to a normal pace and her body stilled in his arms. She relaxed into him snuggling even closer. Seb cursed himself because he enjoyed holding her like this. He was aware of their audience so he began to coach her awake. All too soon those beautiful bright eyes met his.

Seb couldn"t look away. It was like they held him in a trance. For the first time in twenty years Seb desired something other than freedom. The realization snapped him out of her spell. He hardened his gaze. Her face fell a little by his sudden change but she quickly masked it

"Well looks like you made yourself useful Seb" Marcos said in a condescending tone. Ana eyes snapped up when he spoke. When she saw Marcos her orbs drained of their blues, replaced with a fiery red

"You!" she yelled pointing at Marcos. Seb didn"t get the chance to grab her because in a blink of an eye she leaped from his arms tackling an unsuspecting Marcos to the ground...

Seb Pov

She pelted him with punches for a few seconds. Marcos finally reacted gripping her throat and throwing her across the room. She hit the wall hard but that barely slowed her. She reacted fast; jumping gracefully to her feet fangs erupting and charging toward Marcos again.

This time the guards interfered. Four men took her down mid-way and pinned her. She managed to throw two off quickly but four more replaced them. Marcos s.n.a.t.c.hed a gun from one of the guards and angrily strode to her. She was still pinned down trying to break loose to no avail.

Seb wanted to help her but this was beyond him. Marcos was p.i.s.sed. If Seb got in his way he would punish him or worse his sister. With a clenched jaw Seb stood by and watched Marcos kick Ana in the face while she was held down. Her nose cracked and blood gushed from the wound. A second later it stopped and completely healed itself. Wow that was fast even for a vampire. That p.i.s.sed Marcos off more and he kicked her again then aimed the gun directly at her head.

"Stop attacking or I"ll put enough of these rounds in your head to kill you!" His voice left no room for arguing. Ana stopped thrashing but her red eyes still blazed with fury.

"You did this to me you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" she spat

"No my dear you did this when you stole my blood." Marcos countered. Seb thought about that piece of information. She took his blood? Marcos never mentioned that. How interesting.

"You filthy blood sucking maniac!" she yelled. Marcos laughed without humor

"I rule here. You"re my new prisoner and if you keep disrespecting me you"ll be a dead one. Understand?" he asked as if talking to a child.

She didn"t respond. Just glared at him with hateful eyes. Disobedience was Marcos biggest irritation. His jaw ticked the longer she stared at him without responding. Marcos finally had enough and kicked her again; this time in the face and gut. Seb admired her courage to not show weakness even if it was a tad foolish of her.

Marcos however didn"t. He aimed the gun at her head and fired.

She was fast enough to dodge the face shot but the bullet still pierced her shoulder. She howled in pure pain. The liquid platinum spread through from the entry point out like veins. The muscles in her neck were bulging as she tried to contain her pain. Marcos smiled down triumphantly ordering the guards to take her to her room and chain her to the bed. Seb looked on as the guards took her shivering body away

"Well that was quite a show!" Talon said rubbing his hands together excitedly. Violence always seemed to make the ruthless man giddy "Man that girl has some fight in her" he added earning a growl from Marcos.

"Seb you watch over the girl. Talon you and I are going on a quest for some answers about our new guest" Marcos explained. He began rummaging through the drawers of his broken desk. When he found the paper he was looking for he placed it on the inside pocket of his black jacket.

"Seb, keep an eye on her abilities. I"ll call in a day"s time for an update." said Marcos. Seb bowed respectfully as Marcos turned to leave the room. Talon started to follow but stopped short of the exit

"Oh and try not to fall in love there soldier, remember she is still one of us" he ended with a mock salute walking backwards out of the office.

Seb balled his fist so tightly his knuckles turned white. He was p.i.s.sed off that Talon had already caught on to his slight reactions to Ana. That can"t happen! Talon was right about one thing she is a vampire. He just has to keep reminding himself that. From here on out he would be her guard and nothing more. A smaller part of him felt uneasy about the decision but he chose to ignore that.



