Pure Vampire

Chapter 21



"Stop there demon!" One man shouted at me holding his hand out in a stopping motion. Is he serious? This is my room. I take a slow step forward. The guy probably in his forties with a receding hairline immediately aimed his gun at my chest

"I said stop demon!" He yelled angrily with droplets of spit flying from his mouth. Gross

"Demon?" I question. The other guard pulls a cross from underneath his vest gripping it tightly. You have to be kidding me? This is just ridiculous! Where is Marcos finding these people? And if they think I"m the demon then they have no clue who their working for.

"This is my room. I would like to go inside now. So I"m asking you nicely to move out of my way" I end staring into the fearful eyes of the younger guard. He quickly jumps from in front on the door; his balding partner however does not. The older man uses one hand to shuffle in his pocket and the other to aim his gun at me

"Stay back demon!" He yells again this time throwing liquid from a vile in my face. I stand there unaffected as he throws his "holy water" on me. He begins to annoy me. I smack the vile from his hand when he raises it to throw more water on me.

"Fine. But remember I did ask nicely" I growl allowing my fangs to pour from my mouth. My anger seeps from within and I know my eyes are viscous red. The man is so consumed with fear his shaky hands drop the gun. A thud from my left informs me his partner has fainted. I swiftly grab the older man by the throat. He instantly begins to cry and mutter apologies. The jerk should have just moved when I asked

"Ana!" I snap my head back at the sound of my name from an all too familiar feminine voice.

"Let him go now" Marie said trying to hide her amus.e.m.e.nt. I dropped the loser to the ground and then kicked him out of my way.

"Sorry, I"m on my period" I say walking into my room. I could hear Marie"s laughter following behind me into the room. She closed the door behind her still laughing as I collapsed onto the bed

"What is with these new guards?" I ask staring at the swirling tiles on the ceiling

"They don"t know what you are Ana. Besides humans are quicker to believe you"re a demon than a vampire." Marie explained with a smile on her face. What"s she smiling about?

"Marie what"s going on?" I ask growing suspicious of her giddy behavior. She is practically bouncing up and down. A second later a light knock hits sounds. Seb enters. Now this is really getting strange. I stand up to prepare myself for whatever these two have planned

"HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ANA!" They both shout.

Seb pulls a chocolate cupcake with a single unlit candle from behind his back. Oh my gosh! I completely forgot today was my flipping birthday! With everything going on such a matter seemed trivial

"Told you she forgot" Seb whispered to Marie. I playfully elbowed him in the stomach. This has become a tradition of ours. For each of our birthdays we split a cupcake and spend the rest of the night telling jokes or planning our life once we were out of this place.

"Light it!" Marie said barely containing her excitement.

She loved my kinetic ability more than I did. I channel the energy from inside and a small spark comes through the tip of my finger lighting the candle. Marie jumps up and down gleefully. We count to three and like usual we all blow out the candle. Its moments like this that makes thankful to have them. The last two years has been crazy. I wouldn"t have made it without these people who have become my two best friends.

"Thanks guys" I say scarfing down my piece. Who ever said vamps don"t eat real food lied. I"m never actually hungry for it but it still tastes the same.

"Well I have a present for you that you"ll love it" Seb said with a half-smile. It made him look so handsome I could have drooled.

"Uh what is it?" I asked. Marie"s faced showed real confusion so she didn"t know either

"I just talked to Marcos. Now we have a date set for your escape" Seb ended watching me. My mouth dropped open. I was at a loss for words. This is the day I was waiting for. All the planning; all the fake escapes and gunshot wounds finally matter.

"When?" Marie asked the question burning on my tongue

"New year"s eve. The blood moon party" Seb stated referring to some annual party where vampires lose themselves in blood and l.u.s.t.

Marcos and Talon attended one last year and didn"t come back for almost a week. Thinking of Talon I wonder if he"ll be there? I hope not. I haven"t seen him in about eight months. Marcos sent him away to "cool off" supposedly. Talon and his ego couldn"t handle the fact that I was stronger than him. After the night at the pit he began to plan ways to kill me. Silly vampire couldn"t make good on any. Then Marcos sent him away, but I"m sure it was because I almost killed him for a third time

"I already have it planned out" Seb"s voice broke me from my thoughts

"Let"s get started" I say back looking at my friends.

This is it. The final plan.

My real escape from Marcos...


December 31st. (7:05 P.M)

Ana Pov

I was feeling nervous. Three months of planning and I was feeling nervous. Tonight was the night of my escape; the blood moon party. Marcos has been taking me everywhere with him for the past two months. It was so annoying but I was on my best behavior as asked.

Now it was less than an hour before we left for the grand hotel to the party and I couldn"t keep still. My silk black dress flowed around me as I paced my room. I was all dolled up for the event but I could care less. Marie came to help me get dressed and cried nearly the whole time. Man I"m going to miss her, but Seb said it"ll only be a month or two before he gets her out too.

Where the h.e.l.l is Seb? I"ve been waiting for nearly fifteen minutes. My patience is dropping by the minute. Tonight is also the night I"m going to put my feelings out to Seb. Maybe that"s what"s making me so anxious? It doesn"t matter. I have to tell him how I feel now. In case this doesn"t work and I die he needs to know that I lo-

"Hey sorry I"m late" Seb said entering the room cutting off my thoughts.

Even in plain jeans and a sweater he looked amazing. His eyes traveled over the form fitting dress covering my body. l.u.s.t lit up his beautiful face. He cleared his throat a few times before tearing his eyes away from me.

He reached into his inside pocket and handed me a small gold pouch. Inside were tiny shards of platinum that glistened like glitter. This was what I am to use to throw off my scent when I hit the forest. I smiled gratefully and tucked the pouch into the dip of my cleavage.

"Ana, I think it"s time I tell you how Marie and I came to be here." Seb says eyes tinting with sadness. I asked Marie this question before but she said she was too young to remember anything. Seb grabbed my hand leading me to the bed. We sit in silence while he gathers his thoughts


"My family wasn"t very wealthy but that didn"t matter to us. We lived on a small farm outside of town. My father was farmer like his father; my mother loved to garden. She was really beautiful. I remember her smile. It could bring out the sun on a cloudy day. Marie has that same smile. My parents were in love; real love. My mother used to sing to me in the garden. I remembering running in the fields with her when she was pregnant. The best days of my young life.

Until he came...

One night loud thunder woke me up. I went to find my mother only she wasn"t in her room. The light in the barn was on. So I put on my little boots and rain coat and went to find her. I peak inside the barn door and there she was, but not alone. She was crying and yelling. A man stepped up and cupped her face.

It was Talon.

He kissed her gently all over her face. He did it as if he actually loved her. My mother pulled out of his arms. At the time I didn"t understand what they were arguing about, but know I do. My mother was Talons mate. He wanted to turn her and take her away from her family. She couldn"t do it. She loved her children and my father. She rejected Talon.

If you think he has an ego problem now, you should have known him twenty years ago. Talon went into a rage, cursing and destroying the barn.

My dad heard the noise and came rushing out to help my mother. Talon hyped when he saw him. My father didn"t have a fighting chance; Talon was on him too quickly. In one move he ripped his throat out. My mother went ballistic. She wept over his dead body begging him not to leave her. This further p.i.s.sed Talon off, to see his mate chose another man over him.

Talon s.n.a.t.c.hed her off my father and sank his fangs in her throat. She screamed. Her eyes locked with mine and she mouthed "run" to me. Only I couldn"t leave her. I ran inside and began kicking Talon to let go of my mother. He dropped her lifeless body and back handed me. Everything went black. When I woke up I was here..."


I sat there stunned. Blue tears dripped down my face. Seb and Marie had lost everything. From their parents to their freedom. All for what? Talons selfish desire? I don"t know if I was feeling more anger or sadness. Seb"s face was hard and I know he was thinking murderous thoughts. h.e.l.l so was I!

He turned to look at me. Seb"s sad face changed slightly as a ghost of a smile crept up

"Your eyes are being creepy again. One is red and the other is blue" He said with a chuckle. I laughed a little too. Sometimes when I"m feeling multiple strong emotions things like this happen

"Seb is what happened to you the reason why you wouldn"t let me kill Talon at the pit?" I asked. It would make sense that he wanted to kill Talon himself. He nodded. Now I understand. He wants to kill Talon himself. I will do anything I can to make that happen.


