Pure Vampire

Chapter 29



It kind of hurts that he a.s.sumes I"m like them mean, popular kids, all because I look like this. Well I"ll just have to prove to him that"s not true.

After talking with the PE instructor she hands me really small blue shorts and red tank. No wonder I used to skip gym when I was fat. This little outfit doesn"t leave much to the imagination.

The locker room is full of half-naked girls changing and gossiping. My ears instantly pick up on a certain monotone voice I haven"t heard in two years. My legs move without my knowledge following the sound.

Standing there in blue shorts and black bra is no other than my nemesis; Kim. Her hair is back to its normal brown but shorter. Her body isn"t as great as it was, she has gained at least 15 pounds judging by her little pot belly.

"You must be the new girl everybody talking about?" I briefly tear my eyes away to look at one of the four girls around Kim who has spoken to me. It so happens to be my sister right hand twin Josie.

An image of her dumping milk over my head my last day here a.s.saults me. I have to physically fight myself not to rip her apart this very moment. I can feel all the girls watching me.

"Are you slow?" Josie asks making the other girls laugh, all but Kim.

Kim continues to watch me with mild curiosity. For a moment I think she recognizes me

"Maybe she"s slow and a mute" another blonde girl adds causing more laughter.

These comments don"t bother me. What does is the fact that I can"t form any words. Seeing my sister a few feet away has so many things going through my head. A small part is actually happy to her alive and well. A bigger part wants to smash her face into the nearest locker.

The bell rings ending the awkward stare down. The girls all shove past me roughly. Kim is the last one to past. When she b.u.mps my shoulder it"s so hard I stumble a little.

What the h.e.l.l! I"m a vampire! I don"t stumble anymore. I"m so p.i.s.sed at myself for letting her take me off my guard like that! I pace the empty locker room. Why couldn"t I speak? It must have been the shock. Well that will not happen again. She ran me away once, she won"t do it again. I"m a new Ana now! I hope she wore her big girl panties today because I"m about to give her h.e.l.l.

I hurriedly change my clothes and rush into the gym. They sent all the boys outside to play football, leaving the girls to play dodge ball inside. Perfect!

"New girl! Team A" The instructor tells me. I look over to team A, its Kim and her minions shooting daggers at me

"Uh is it okay if I"m team B, uh B is my favorite letter" I say shyly. It would be hard to explain why I"m throwing b.a.l.l.s at my teammates. She signs but waves her hand to team B. The girls smile hesitant at me when I join.

Standing against the fall wall I stare at the six red b.a.l.l.s in the center of the room and the ten girls on the far wall behind it.

Each of them had some role to play in my many years of bullying. Either by joining or ignoring; even some of the girls on my own team are in that boat.

However none was worse than Kim and her four "besties" I look at the five girls closely. Come on coach blow the d.a.m.n whistle! I"m so anxious to throw some b.a.l.l.s!

Finally the whistle sounds. I try to run at a human speed but I still get to b.a.l.l.s in the center before anyone else. I s.n.a.t.c.h two quickly. Just as I get them in my hands I launch them at two girls from the opposite team running away. Another girl throws a ball and I catch it with ease. Three down.

My teammates take out a few and get taken out themselves. I see Josie yanking a ball from her teammate"s hand throwing it at me. I catch it and ferociously throw it back. The ball smacks Josie in the face. She goes down hard. I laugh along with the other girls.

"Hey no hitting in the face!" the teacher yells at me. I shrug and mouth "sorry" sarcastically of course.

Josie gets to her feet and runs from the gym with her bleeding nose. Kim glares at me. So I do the only logical thing and wink at her. I can see smoke coming out of her ears.

We are the only two left playing. She grabs a ball and angrily throws it at me. I dodge easily. She tries again and I duck. Kim screams in frustration tossing 3 more b.a.l.l.s; all miss me.

This is the most fun I"ve ever had with my big sister.

I"m still holding one ball in my hand. I launch it hard. It smashed into her stomach. I can hear the whoosh of air leave her lips as she flies back.

It felt so good to hit her; too good.

I"m not ready to stop.

I pick up a ball at my feet and throw that one too. It cracks her on the side of the head.

I grab another ball; it bounces off her exposed thigh. Kim screams on the ground. I grab another

"Hey! Enough!" The coach yells rushing to Kim"s aide.

I close my eyes to keep myself from hyping out. The anger I felt was getting to an uncontrollable level. When I open my eyes everyone is staring at me. Kim looks savagely p.i.s.sed off. Red welts are on her thigh and cheek.

She pushes the instructor off of her and angrily limps in my direction. I hold my ground. Kim bullied me long enough. She"s overdue for some pack back

"You f.u.c.ked with the wrong girl" She says venomously not even an inch from my face. Kim is so close I can smell the banana she had for breakfast. And tequila?

"That"s funny you look exactly like the right one to me." I say casually crossing my arms and putting a defiant smirk on my face.

"This isn"t over b.i.t.c.h. I will ruin you" She spits before turning away. If she only knew she already did that. Now it"s time for me to return the favor. Bring it on Kim. I have a few things in store you…

Ana Pov

I watched Kim walk away feeling slightly satisfied with me.

"New girl! Laps the remainder of cla.s.s!" The gym teacher yelled at me pointing to the track outside. If that"s my punishment for pelting girls with b.a.l.l.s I"ll take it.

I casually begin walking out the gym and then exited the side doors to the bright sun. Guess it"s a good thing the whole burning vampire sunlight thing is a myth. If it were true I"d be long gone.

Outside the boys are in center field playing football. The track circles the field so at least I"ll get entertainment watching them. I start slow running while I search the field for Simon. He"s easy to spot being how skinny he is.

The guys are chasing after some boy with the ball. Simon of course is lagging behind. Out of nowhere a jock tackles Simon hard to the ground.

What the h.e.l.l! He didn"t even have the ball. Me being me of course I cut off the track and dart to the playing field. The jerk is laughing as he gets up off Simon, until I push him back down

"What the h.e.l.l is your problem?! He didn"t have the ball!" I yelled hovering over him. The guy pulls his helmet off. Blonde hair and green eyes stare at me shocked before turning into smirk. It"s Bobby Kennedy. He was one of the jocks responsible for the prank pulled on me. If my memory serves me correctly he put the pig ears on my head

"Whoa babe chill, it"s just a game" Bobby says getting up dusting himself off. Now all the boys are huddled around us

"Why do you care anyway? Is nerd boy your boyfriend?" He asks laughing as if that lame joke was funny. I don"t have time for this. I swing my right fist out and punch him in the face. Stupid Bobby goes down fast. The other players all laugh and "oh" at him.

Suddenly the football coach that didn"t give a c.r.a.p earlier when Simon was getting treated like dirt came rushing to the center.

"What do you think you"re doing?!" The mid forties man snapped. I shrugged

"Teaching him some manners" I say back looking at Bobby holding his lip. The idiot was looking at me in awe

"I"ve never had a girl hit me before" he said still giving me a weird look. Ugh I don"t have time for this.

I turn around searching for Simon. I spot him walking away back toward the gym. Sprinting at human speed I catch up with him right before he enters

"Hey wait up" I say grabbing his arm. Simon rips his arm away from me. The look in his eyes has me taking a step back. Simon is mad

"What"s wrong with you?! I don"t need you protecting me! I don"t even know you! Geez just stay the h.e.l.l away from me!" Simon angrily strides away. I"m left there standing in shock and hurt.

I didn"t mean to come off so strong but he"s my best friend how could I not want to protect him. Okay so he doesn"t know who I am. Maybe telling him would make this whole thing easier. Knowing Simon a freak out is highly likely.

The bell rings ending the hour session. In my next cla.s.s I"ll try to give Simon a little more distant. If I keep this up I"m sure he"ll start to get scared of me if he isn"t already.

Just before I enter the building out the corner of my eye I see Simon"s dark curls dashing through the parking lot. Is he skipping cla.s.s? No way! Not perfect attendance Simon. But sure enough there he is sneaking into his old beat up car. I cross my arms and laugh when he starts it. The car rumbles to life so loudly it scares him and he ducks. Very smooth Simon

Slowly he pulls out of school grounds. Should I follow him? If I do and he catches me he will be livid. If I don"t and he gets hurt I will be livid.

Decision, decisions.

Ultimately I follow him. Too bad I don"t have time to get out of this ridiculous small gym outfit. Oh well.

I stay back far enough so he doesn"t see but still keeping a good eye on him. Where is going? I wonder as he turned down a side street. Simon surprises me by stopping at the park. I watch him walk and take a seat on a bench overlooking the pond.

Why is he here? This isn"t one of our usual hide away spots. Mainly because Simon doesn"t like kids and I don"t like crowds. Looking around there isn"t either of those here this time of day. Maybe this is a good place to think.

I continue watching him for a few minutes. He sends a couple of text messages but other than that nothing. Is he waiting on someone? What if he has a girlfriend? Wow that would be so great for him! I hope I like her.

Before I can imagine anymore scenarios a teenage boy approaches the bench. I inch closer to the bush that"s hiding me desperate to see. From behind the guy clearly is tall with a great body. The short sleeves of his shirt show me his toned arms. The jeans show his nice b.u.t.t. His hair is dark brown and short but still has about an inch or so fashionably fanned up. Wish I could see his face. Or the wind would blow and I could catch his scent.

There"s something about his posture that"s familiar.



