Pure Vampire

Chapter 35



"Impossible!" Maximus cut him off to say

"I"ve seen it with my own eyes" Marcos informed him

"Kinetic abilities were only given to the first line of children born from the creator. There was only one and the first king killed her during the wars. Therefore this girl of yours is not kinetic" Maximus countered back looking at his little brother like the idiot he believed him to be.

"The creator? As in creator of all vampires?" Marcos asked confused

"Yes. Also known as the pure one" said Maximus.

Marcos scratched the back of his head. This doesn"t make sense. He didn"t even know the creator had a child. h.e.l.l he doesn"t even know if the creator was male or female. Those events were way before his time. The only reason Maximus knew was because of their former status in the kings guard Maximus was ent.i.tled to certain information the rest of the vampire world didn"t know.

No matter what the girl is Marcos knew she was strong. And he was willing to use her until her true death to get his beloved back.

"It"s doesn"t matter. The girl can help us get it all back!" Marcos told his brother with fierce determination. Maximus just laughed an actual laugh.

"Silly brother. You really think some two year old female vamp is going to storm the palace and take down the king and his army?!" Maximus asked still laughing. Marcos jaw hardened. "Then your dumber now then you were three hundred years ago." He ended.

Marcos shook his head. Why did he come here? This was a complete waste. Maximus would never agree to help find her anyway. The only reason he needed his brother was because Maximus is one of best trackers in the vampire world. He thought if he offered him his old life and Ca.s.sandra he would agree. Guess he was wrong.

"So you came all the way to England to ask me to join your silly plan?" Maximus asked taunting his brother

"No the girl escaped. I needed a good tracker but I can see you won"t be extending your services." Marcos said voice hard by the failure of this long trip.

"You would be right brother. Now take your pet and get the h.e.l.l out of my house before I change my mind about killing you" Maximus commanded with power. Marcos walked to the destroyed entry of the room but turned before exiting

"Ca.s.sandra is right under your nose. She"s in Paris. Beautiful girl she is" Marcos added with a smirk. Maximus fangs erupted

"If I ever find out you touched her I will destroy you." Maximus stated with absolute conviction. Marcos thought over the numerous s.e.xual encounters he"s had with Ca.s.sandra since she hyped out and fled from Maximus.

"I would never touch what is yours brother" Marcos lied easily as he made his way to the main area of the house.

Talon was in the center of a circle smirking while at least ten guards surrounded him aiming guns at every inch of his body.

"Still causing trouble I see" Marcos said in a teasing tone

"You know me. Can"t keep my hands to myself" Talon replied slowly exiting the circle to follow Marcos out. Whatever the reason they had Talon at gunpoint Marcos was sure he deserved it.

On the way out Marcos spotted the guard he made a certain promise to earlier. Before the man could blink Marcos used his sharp nails to rip his head off his neck. He tossed the decapitated head to a laughing Talon who punted it across the yard when they exited the house.

Rounds of gunfire went off but Marcos and Talon fled the property faster than the bullets could be fired. Now it was time to go home and find out what Seb"s been hiding by any means necessary...


Seb Pov

Seb knew Marcos was at his wits end. The last few days he has guards searching night and day for Ana. He was proud that they kept coming up empty. The problem was now Marcos was getting desperate.

Marcos had left to see his brother.

Seb had no clue about the dynamics of Marcos"s relationship with his brother. Only that it was strained to say the least. Which is why he felt in his gut tonight was the night to get Marie out.

Seb felt Marcos was too edgy and unstable. Marcos had been savagely feeding off the slaves, even killing two by completing draining him. Seb wouldn"t let that happen to his sister.

Marie entered his room panting tossing a duffel bag on his bed.

"Okay I packed everything you said as fast as I could. Now what?" she said breathless. Seb sat down his own bag and went into his closet. He opened up a hidden side door inside that contained multiple weapons and money. For at least fifteen years he"d been slowly gathering items bits at a time for this moment.

He started strapping as many knives and guns to his body as he could. Then he turned to Marie and did the same for her. She stood nervously as he put the gun loaded with platinum rounds into her pocket. Marie didn"t like guns but Seb forced her to learn to shoot when he trained Ana.

Out of all the guns only three were loaded with platinum. It"s not as easy to get away with stealing platinum rounds from vampires that they could die from it.

After they both were all set they stared at each just mentally preparing.

"You ready?" Seb gently asked his brave little sister. She nodded eagerly and flashed a bright smile

"Yes. Let"s get the h.e.l.l out of here and find our Ana" Marie said with a strong voice.

Seb offered a small smile to the tiny girl feeling so proud of her. She was right it was past time to go and find their Ana. He didn"t know what he was going to do once he saw her but he knew an apology was the first. Then if she forgave him, he could figure out the rest later. Seb took Marie"s tiny hand in his and gave it an encouraging squeeze.

"No matter what happens I"ll always protect you. Even if I have to die trying" Seb firmly stated to Marie.

Then he quickly led her out the room into the too quiet halls…

