Pure Vampire

Chapter 37



Jace Pov

After Jace dropped Simon off last night he hadn"t heard from his odd friend. All night he stayed up thinking. What did that girl say to him? It must have been bad. Simon wouldn"t have fainted for any reason. Besides, Simon is perfectly healthy aside from being on the skinny side.

Jace leaned against his locker checking his phone again. Still no response from Simon.

"Hey babe" he heard directly in front of him. He didn"t need to look up to know that voice. It"s still in his nightmares

"Go away Kim" he said through clenched teeth. He will never forgive himself for being a coward with her.

"Aww that"s no way to talk to a lady" she purred stepping closer. He could smell the alcohol on her breath. d.a.m.n, first cla.s.ses haven"t even started and she is already wasted. Jace shook his head stepping back from her

"What do you want?" He asked slightly annoyed by her presence. He broke up with her the day Ana ran away and has been trying his hardest not to even be in the same room as the b.i.t.c.h that blackmailed him into a relationship all those years ago.

"You going to the party tonight? Maybe we could rekindle our old flame" Kim said with what she thought was a s.e.xy smile. It only succeeds to turn his stomach.

"I heard you and Bobby have been creating flames of your own" Jace replied with a smirk. Kim"s demeanor changed. The s.e.xy c.r.a.p was gone and the b.i.t.c.h was back. An ugly snarl covered her face.

"How do you know about that?" She whispered looking around at the pa.s.sing students. Most likely looking for her supposed best friend whose boyfriend she"s banging. She is such a wh.o.r.e.

Jace faked laugh as he began to walk away

"Everyone knows Kim!" He said walking backwards "Soon enough she"ll know too and you"ll look even more pathetic than you do now when you lose your only friend" Jace finished satisfied with the p.i.s.sed off look on her face. He chuckled to himself as he turned around and entered his first cla.s.s.

He was little early but he was hoping to catch Simon. To his surprise he wasn"t there. Well Simon is starting bad habits. Skipping yesterday and most likely skipping today. Oh well he would just stop by his house after school to see what"s up.

Jace plopped down in his seat casually waiting for cla.s.s to begin. Maybe he would stop by that party later to grab a beer and catch up with his football buddies.

While Jace was staring out the window he heard footsteps entering the empty room. He slowly turned his head to see what other student decided to be early too.

When his eyes landed on the beautiful girl at the front of the cla.s.s all the air rushed out of his lungs. It was like being punched in the chest. In a good way if that makes any sense. Her bright blue orbs locked on him and his world tilted. The sparks between them was so intense it could have ignited a flame.

Jace couldn"t help but gawk at her perfect figure in casual jeans and a tight tee. Her long dark hair was piled on top with wisps falling around her face. She looked windblown but still the most perfect thing he"d ever seen. He hadn"t felt this type of attraction since Ana. Jace tried to shake it off but his eyes refused to leave her. Afraid if he blinked she would disappear.

He didn"t even realize he stood and was taking cautious steps in the stunning girl"s direction. Her eyes widened and then narrowed as if she remembered something. She began to take matching steps backward to the door.

"No wait!" Jace said holding a hand up in a stopping motion. It was too late the girl darted back out the room. Jace sped through rows of desks quickly and busted into the hall after her. The halls were more crowded now with students. He frantically searched left and right but there was no sign of her.

Jace stood there after the bell rang and the halls emptied wondering who the h.e.l.l that girl.....was… And how would he find her again....

Ana Pov

I woke up sprawled out on the floor. My body felt heavy. It was like all my energy was completely drained. I crawled to my duffle bag desperate for some relief. I dug inside pulling out two bags of blood. My fangs extended instantly and I ripped the bag open greedily downing the room temp liquid. The smooth blood trickled down my throat immediately restoring my vigor. I could feel my strength rush back even more when I gobbled down the second bag. I really wanted another but I was trying to teach myself control; besides I have no clue where the nearest blood bank is.

I stepped on pieces of broken gla.s.s as I walked to the bathroom. Last night when my control slipped the wave of energy released trashed the room. My powers must be stronger than I"m aware.

In the dimly lit bathroom I turned the shower on high. It sputtered a few times before springing to life. Striping out of the damp gym clothes was a relief. The water pelted against my skin hard and hot. I relaxed into it.

My mother"s story popped in my head. It"s still so unbelievable that I was kidnapped. I wonder what my real mother was like. According to Lucy I just sprang from the earth in a blazing glory. Yeah right. I plan to find this woman she told me about and question her too. Someone knows the truth. I just can"t wrap my mind around my mother"s story. If it were true what would that make me?

I shook my head of it. It"s d.a.m.n near impossible. Up until two years ago I lived a normal human life with no indications of a supernatural element.


After my shower I dressed casually and threw my hair up. Today was going to be a busy one. First I had to go back to the school and find Simon. I"m worried that I put him in a coma. Should have sprang that on him gently but I was irritated and hungry. It couldn"t be helped.

He was being over dramatic with the fainting but I"ll let that slide. Only if he explains why he"s friends with Jace.

I sprinted to the school and was a little early. Hopefully Simon stuck to his usual behavior and is early too. I received a few glares and l.u.s.tful stares as I entered. The glares mostly from my sisters crowd of friends. They better back off before they get some of the beating my sister got.

Ignoring them I walked in the school and went right to Simon"s first cla.s.s. As soon as I walked in I knew Simon wasn"t there but that wasn"t what kept me rooted to the floor.

Jace"s scent had drool practically dripping from my lips. I stared as he slowly turned his head in my direction. When his eyes met mine the familiar sensations rippled the air same as before. Expect a little stronger probably due to my vampirism.

I studied his handsome face mesmerized by every feature. The full lips, strong jaw, and dimple. He looks even better now than before.

His reaction to me was surprising. The way his eyes held mine so intensely, as if he refused to let go. Emotions were swirling in his depths so fast it was hard to decipher. I was vaguely aware of his movement towards me. Too busy reading him.

That"s when I saw a flash of one clear emotion; love.

Why did that flash through him? He couldn"t possibly feel that way! The guy who ignored me and stole my best friend is looking at me like I"m his.

This is too much and I don"t have time to deal with it. I step back making my way to the exit. Jace watches me knowing what"s about to happen

"No wait!" He shouts holding up a hand. Taking my chance I dashed out the door into the deep crowd. Jace could try to follow but it would be useless.




#Tobecontinued... ..