Pure Vampire

Chapter 38



I darted out the school as fast as I could.

Jace"s awe filled eyes wouldn"t get out of my head. He doesn"t even recognize me so why was he looking at me like that? Could it be possible that the connection we shared is what he remembers? I force all thoughts of him to the back of my mind; choosing instead to find Simon.

My sprinting ended with me in his back yard. The large two story house looks just as perfect as always. Simon"s mom was a bit of a control freak. Even the gra.s.s didn"t dare to lose any of its unreal green color.

I could hear his even heartbeat through the walls. No one else was home. After making sure the coast was clear I leaped into the tree outside Simon"s window with ease.

The white curtains were open and I could see him lying peacefully on his small bed. Simon was tall so his feet dangled off a little.

I rapped on the gla.s.s to wake him. Simon of course turned over and ignored it. d.a.m.n it Sy I don"t have all day.

I tapped again, still nothing. Geez he sleeps hard. This time I pounded. Simon"s body jumped up startled and tumbled off the bed. A laugh burst from my lips. He"s such a dork. Simon shot up looking around all confused and disheveled. Until his eyes landed on me

"Open the window" I mouthed. He shook his no. Is he kidding me right now?

I gave him a stern look. Finally he walked over and popped the lock. I climbed into the window effortlessly. His room was messy but still the same; clothes everywhere and pictures of us on the walls. There were also a few pictures of him and Jace. Great

"Ana is that really you?" Simon asked watching me

"Yes! Geez Sy why"s this so hard to believe?" I asked. Simon"s reaction to me was getting on my nerves

"You look so different is all..." He trailed off fidgeting his fingers. His actions had me thinking that"s not all.

"Spit it out" I said placing a hand on my hip. He studied me for a minute.

"Kim started telling everyone you were dead! I didn"t believe it but after a year of no leads I sort of lost hope. I"m sorry Ana. It"s just that it was hard for me after you left. And now you just pop back up. It"s like seeing a ghost" Simon explained sitting on the edge of his bed.

Wow it must have been hard for him. It"s not like either of us exactly had any other friends. I guess I can understand where he"s coming from. Wait, how dare that brat say I was dead! It was kind of true but still! Ugh I hate her!

I plopped down next to my best friend and wrapped my arms around him

"I"m sorry Sy. I didn"t mean to leave you all alone" I said in his ear. Out of nowhere Simon latched onto me and hugged me back with all his strength. I"ve missed him so much. Clearly he feels the same way. We pulled apart just to see each other. Simon"s eyes glistened with unshed tears

"Are your crying Sy-fi?" I teased

"No!" He said defensively. Simon stood up giving me his back while he wiped his eyes. I choked my laugh down

"So what happened to you?" He asked the one question I wasn"t ready to answer. I sighed

"That"s another story. So what"s up with you and Jace?" I asked mainly to change the subject

"Oh uh well we"re friends" he said slipping jeans over his shorts. I raised a brow. Clearly I could tell they were friends but what I wanted to know was how that came to be. Jace"s handsome face clouded my sight for a moment before I shook it off

"There"s a party tonight. You want to go?" Simon asked pulling a green Yoda shirt over his head. What did he just say?

"A party? Since when do you go to parties?" My shocked state showed in my voice and Simons cheeks reddened.

"Oh uh we-we go sometimes. Jace likes to have a beer with the guys. It"s pretty cool. There"re not mean to me when he"s around" Simon told me gathering some books from his desk. Well isn"t Jace so great! I mutter to myself. Simon laughing brought my attention back to him.

"Don"t be jealous Ana, you"ll always be my best friend" He said in a childish voice as he stuffed books into his backpack.

Jealous? I"m certainly not jealous, am I? I stood up to pace while I thought. Maybe I"m a little jealous but I have every right to be. Simon was my only friend; Jace had plenty he didn"t need to claim mine too.

"So would you go with me tonight? It"ll give us a chance to hang out and take your mind off whatever it is that"s bugging you." Simon said now standing in front of me. My brow raised on its own. What"s he talking about? Simon folded his arms across his chest

"Come on Ana not everything changed about you. For one when something"s on your mind you blink like a thousand times. It"s kind of funny like your trying to blink it away or something." Simon had an amused smile on his face. Okay guess he still knows me well enough. Maybe this party won"t be so bad.

"I"ll go to this party or whatever" I said casually trying not to smile at Simon"s goofy grin. I pushed his shoulder playfully.

We fell into an easy banter about his life the last two years. For the most part he"s just been trying to get some s.p.a.ce from his control freak mother.

I began to walk back to the window. If I was going to a party I felt maybe I should change or something

"Where are you going?" Simon asked

"To my motel to change and stuff. I"ll meet you there later." I told him prying open the window.

"We have a door you know" he said mockingly. I laughed

"This is more fun" I stuck one leg out but before I could jump Simon spoke again.

"Wait! Does anyone else know your back?" He said looking curious.

"No. Let"s keep it that way for now" I said seriously before leaping out the window. From the ground I looked back up and nearly laughed at Simon"s open mouth at my perfect landing. I winked at him before I took off jogging.

Surely he will ask a ton of questions later but for now I didn"t want to deal with them. Honestly my mind is burnt out. It"s still spinning with all the stuff my mother told me. As much as I didn"t want to believe it, a small part of me felt she was telling the truth. This just sucks.

And to add more mystery to my situation just toss in Jace and his strange reaction to me. Yeah I think a party is just what I need; one night to act like a normal teenager again. For the last two years I"ve felt three times my actual age.

Back at my motel I see several maids sweeping gla.s.s. Looks like I shattered the gla.s.s in the entire building. Whoops! Luckily it was during a storm so no one suspects a person caused it.

When I get to my room I down a bag of blood just to make sure I"m nice and full. This party is sure to have Jace and Kim. I"m not sure how I will deal with them but I"m planning to just avoid them if possible.

I take off my clothes leaving on the sports bra and boy shorts to train. I close my eyes and begin the punching and kicking methods Seb taught me. I try not to think about how much I miss him and Marie. It"s hard.

For hours that all I do; various training techniques and exercising. By the time I"m finished I"m not even winded.

After a quick shower I ruffle through my duffel bag. Of course all the clothes packed are practical and not for a party. I grab a pair of jeans and tear the legs off creating shorts. I do the same with the sleeves of a t-shirt making a tank. Being a little bold I tear the cleavage open just to add some s.e.xiness to it. It"s my first high school party in a new body so why not show off some. Finally I leave my long wet hair down in waves. I don"t have make up or anything so this is it.


By the time I got to the party it was dark and in full swing. Teens were sitting on the front porch of the large house laughing with plastic cups in their hands. The music was loud but I couldn"t understand any of the words.

I took a deep breath. Okay Ana it"s just a party.

I was feeling anxious maybe because most of the kids in there made my life h.e.l.l or maybe because I could already smell Jace and I wasn"t even visible to the crowd yet. Whatever the reason I let it go as I slipped from the safety of the trees and walked up to the house.

Most people outside stopped what they were doing to stare at me. I tried my best to keep a stern face. These people will not hurt me again .

I had made it up the porch steps and was about to enter when a warm hand on my arm stopped me

"Hey new girl I didn"t think you would be here" It was none other than stupid Bobby. Didn"t he learn anything from my punch? I s.n.a.t.c.hed my hand from his grip. He looked shocked but cleared it with a smile. Okay this is weird

"Uh I"m Bobby. I didn"t catch your name" He said offering a hand. I just looked at it

"That"s because I never gave it to you. What do you want?" I asked trying to get to the point. He smiled shyly.

"I was wondering if maybe we could hang out sometime-" I rolled my eyes and walked away before he could even finish.

The nerve of that boy! He tortured me for years and now he asks me out? Granted he didn"t know I was a.n.a.lise Walker but still I punched him in the face that should have been enough to ward him off.

I shoved my way into the crowed house. My eyes instantly landed on my sister and her crew sitting on stools in the living room. Kim"s whole face darkened when she saw me. Not giving her the satisfaction of more attention, I decide to push my way into the kitchen.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" I heard several voices loudly chanting when I entered.

Multiple guys made sort of a semi-circle around one guy currently "chugging" beer.

Who is this guy that"s making an a.s.s out of himself? Simon.

I stand and watch Simon greedily downing what looked to be his tenth beer judging from all the empty bottles on the table in front of him. Has he lost his mind? When he finishes he throws his hands up in victory and all the guys cheer. Jace slaps him on the back laughing along with Simon. They actually look like good friends.

Simon stumbles forward a little but catches himself on the table. They are both still oblivious of my presence at the kitchen entrance. Jace has turned away to talk to one of the jocks about a game or something. I don"t really listen because I"m too busy watching Simon. Cleary he"s drunk out of his mind. His sloppy movements tell me so. Simon takes one step forward and I can tell he is about to go down. d.a.m.n it! I rush over to him and catch him just as he was falling.

"Oh heyyy you showed uuup!" Simon slurred blowing his beer breath in my face.

"Yeah I did and now I"m taking you home" I replied back slinging his arm over my shoulder.

I could feel eyes on us but I ignored them. Simon is way too drunk to stay here.

This is great. My first party ends before it started and I have to carry my drunken friend home. I choose to exit the back door instead of the front. I really don"t want to deal with Kim or Bobby for that matter.

"Hey wait up!" I hear Jace"s voice coming from behind us. I don"t answer him.

The cool night air is refreshing when I get Simon out the house and into the back yard. Surprisingly no one is out here. Maybe it"s because there isn"t anything out here but a direct path into the woods

"Hey! Hey" Jace said catching up. Simon pushed himself off my arms and hunched over puking everywhere. Ugh that"s so gross

"It"s okay man get it all out" Jace said while patting Simon"s back. Wow he really is a good friend.

Simon continued to dry heave. Jace straighten up and turned to face me.

Again sparks flew. This time I fought against it

"Uh hi I"m Jace" he said politely sticking his hand out. The way his eyes sparkled was enticing

"Uh hi" I said back awkwardly. I wanted to take his hand but the contact would be too much for me.

"So how do you know this guy?" He asked pointing at Simon who is now lying on his back making snow angels without snow. I really need to get him home

"Long story. Look I need to get him home" I told Jace reaching down to pick up Simon

"I could take you. I"ve only had one beer I"m completely sober" Jace said holding up two fingers in scouts honor. He looked so cute I couldn"t help the smile that forced itself on my face

"Um no thanks I think we can manage" I tried to ignore the disappointed look on his face but it was hard. Reaching down I lifted Simon to his feet with one arm. Only for him to fall back down

"You-you be nice to Jace. He is a goo-good guy now Ana." Simon drunkenly slurred.

If he wasn"t drunk I would punch him in face right now! He just called me ANA in front of Jace! I knew Jace heard because I heard his sharp in-take of breath without even looking at him. Aw h.e.l.l!

"You"re Ana? a.n.a.lise Walker?" Jace asked voice thick with emotion. No point denying it, thanks to my dear friend that ousted me. I simply nod. "Oh s.h.i.t! It all makes sense now, but you look so-wow" Jace ran his hands through his hair staring at me in wonderment and excitement.

Suddenly he engulfed me in a bear hug. I could have easily broken free but his heat surrounded me. The tingles in my body by his tough ignited desire in my core. Jace let me go but placed his hands on my cheeks just staring at me

"I"ve thought about this moment for two years. What I would say when I saw you again but now I"m at a complete loss for words. All I want to do is this" Jace crashed his soft lips onto mine.

I was stunned. My body wouldn"t move.

Jace was kissing me!

He expertly glided his lips over mine. In seconds I couldn"t refuse anymore and joined him. He tasted like the sweetest candy. I don"t think I could ever get enough. His hands slipped around my waist and molded my body to his. His body against mine was like heaven.

"Ana?" my name being called immediately snapped me out of the moment.

I quickly detached myself from Jace.

I knew who that small feminine voice belonged to and I was both happy and terrified to turn and face it. Too bad I didn"t have any other choice.

I slowly turned on my heel coming face to face with Marie and Seb at the edge of the woods. They looked tired and dirty but very much alive and free! Marie was looking at me slightly confused. But that"s not what I was worried about.

Seb"s whole body was tense. His jaw was tight and his fists were balled. The look in his eyes was dangerous. Seb was royally p.i.s.sed off. I"ve never actually seen him look so strong and letal. However it wasn"t me he was giving a death glare to….

It was Jace…

Oh s.h.i.t he saw the kiss!



