Pure Vampire

Chapter 40



"I"m sorry" I heard him whisper against me. All I could think about was the brush of his lips against my skin when he spoke. My traitor body was in such a heightened state my mind barely stood a chance to fight it. Still I tried

"Why?" I asked allowing my fingers to run through his silky hair. Seb moaned lifting his head to meet my eyes. The l.u.s.t in his gaze caused my core to sear with need. All I wanted was for him to press those perfect lips to mine.

"Because I hurt you" he replied. Those words penetrated my l.u.s.t. Turning it off like a switch. Now Seb was apologizing for hurting me but I didn"t miss the fact that he left out his rejection.

"Is that all your sorry about?" I questioned.

Please say no .

I stood frozen as I waited for his answer. I knew I still loved Seb. I also knew he rejected me. But my heart couldn"t help but hope he realized his mistake. All he had to say was he was wrong and he does love me. I know I said no second chances but looking at him so close to me now I know I lied.

Seb eyes stared at me intensely. His years with vampires allowed him to have complete control over his emotions. I searched his face hard and couldn"t find one clue about what he was thinking. Seb please don"t hurt me again a voice in my mind pleaded. I watched in slow motion as his mouth began to open

"Everything okay out here?" My head whipped angrily to the person that interrupted us. Of course it was Jace. He stood awkwardly by the door glancing between the closeness of Seb and I.

"Everything"s fine" Seb replied in a deep even voice.

Sebs face may not betray him but his voice just did. He was p.i.s.sed Jace intruded as well. I on the other hand completely ignored Jace. My attention was all on Seb. My anxiety increased when he stepped away from me. I wouldn"t let that stop me. I took a matching step towards him.

"Is there anything else your sorry about or you want to say?" My voice was so hopeful it made me feel a little weak. Maybe love does that to a person.

Seb"s eyes held mine and for a brief second and I saw something flash through them but it was too fast for me to grasp.

"No" he answered tightly.

My insides squeezed together in a tight ball of emotions. My heart felt like it exploded in my chest. I"m so stupid. He doesn"t love me . How could I be stupid enough to confuse his jealousy over Jace with love? All I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and cry. Seb did it to me again. Twice he"s rejected me. He caused a new wound before the old even could heal.

"An" he began to say but my right palm across his face silenced him.

My whole body was shaking. I turned and stormed off before I caused any real damage. I shouldered past Jace walking into my room. I ignored everyone and went right into the bathroom locking myself in.

My powers were shimmering below the surface of my skin. I stared at my eyes in the mirror above the sink. They were blazing blue with bolts striking through every few seconds.

Control it Ana. I coached myself. If I didn"t calm, I would bring this whole building down. My hands gripped the porcelain sink so tightly it started to crack.

Seb will not get this type of reaction from me again…


Marie POV

Marie knew her brother was hurting. Her whole life whenever Seb was in pain she could always feel it like they were twins. Only they weren"t.

The car ride with the strange giddy girl had Marie completely exhausted. The girl, Lily, sang the whole way to Ana"s motel. Quite badly actually. Add that to the intense emotions of her brother in the back seat and Marie was ready to combust.

Finally they arrived and both her and her brother eagerly jumped out of the car. Everyone quietly watched Ana and that boy she kissed get out of their vehicle. Marie still couldn"t believe Ana had kissed another boy. Granted she knew Seb hurt her but she was sure the love they shared was strong and Seb could easily get Ana back. Guess it won"t be so easy now with another guy in the picture. Marie briefly wondered if this boy was the same one Ana used to tell her about when she first turned.

Ana had scooped the curly head boy in her arms as if he were light as a feather. Ana should not be broadcasting her strength like that. Without even looking at her brother Marie knew Seb was on his way to correct that problem.

Once he took the boy from Ana they all followed her into the room she was staying in. The room wasn"t great but it was still better than the slave"s room at Marcos manor.

"Can I speak with you for a second?" Seb asked Ana. Before he exited the room Marie gave her brother an encouraging smile. They had rehea.r.s.ed his apology the whole way here. Now all he had to do was put his jealousy to the side and tell Ana he loved her and then they could be together and Marie could relax. Well at least that what she hoped.

"h.e.l.lo, I"m Marie" she said to the remaining people in the room. The silence was starting to become too much

"I"m Lily" the chubby girl said dusting off a chair that looked dust free already

"Hi, I"m Jace and this drunk is Simon" The boy said pointing at the sleeping boy on the bed. So he is Jace. That"s the one Ana had feelings for when she was human. Well this is an interesting turn of events. Still if Seb told Ana how he felt she was sure he could still win her heart.

"So how do you know Ana?" Jace asked politely smiling. He was an attractive man there was no denying that but was he the one for Ana?

"Oh Jana and I are best friends! She saved my life" Lily said a little smugly Marie thought

"Her name is Ana, not Jana" Marie corrected. Lily shrugged it off and began texting on her phone.

"How do you know her?" Jace asked turning his gaze to Marie. The boy in the bed mumbled and rolled over

"Uh long story. I"ll get him a cold towel" She replied dashing off to the bathroom. She wasn"t sure how much they knew about Ana but she was certain it wasn"t much.

Marie came back out and sat down next to Simon. She gently began wiping his face with the cold damp towel. This was the guy she was the most excited to meet; Ana"s best friend. She"d heard so much about Simon it was if she already knew him. As she ran the towel down his cheek he slowly opened his eyes.

"Y-you look like an angel…my angel…" He mumbled staring directly at her for a moment before his eyes closed again.

Marie was stunned by his words. No one ever called her an angel before. The smile that spread across her face was surprising yet intoxicating. Simon you look like an angel too she thought happily wiping his face




