Pure Vampire

Chapter 55



"I was actually going for Lara Croft. So you"re stalking me to comment on my fashion?" I asked sarcastically

"No. We came to kill you. You won"t be hurting Talon anymore" Kim stated taking the gun from Talon and aiming it directly at me.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. We"ve had our differences sure but actually wanting to kill me was taking it to a new level. Kim may not be my biological sister but we grew up together. There is nothing I could have done to make her hate me. Even as I searched her eyes for any of sign of bluff I knew it was useless. Kim was serious...

"What? You look surprised" she commented

"Kim I don"t know what lies he"s feeding you but trust me when I say he"s dangerous. Now put down the gun" I tried to reason with her. She only c.o.c.ked her head like a confused dog in response. This is unreal! My sister is pointing a gun at me! What"s next?!

"Nice try dollface but she"s mine now" Talon taunted. The smirk on his face made my skin crawl. Anger I didn"t see coming boiled up inside of me. I"m sick and tired of this s.h.i.t!

"Fine! If you want to kill me, take your best shot" my tone was filled with so much hostility that Kim"s stance faulted a little. That"s right she should be afraid.

"Wh-what"s wrong with your eyes?" She asked. Her arm was wavering a bit.

"Her eyes are red because she"s evil. Just shoot her and we can be together without fear" Talon cooed to Kim. She sucked in everything he was saying like it was absolute truth. Any idiot could see he was using and lying to her. Since when did she get so naive?

"What"s your plan?" Seb whispered beside me.

He hadn"t once taken his eyes off Talon. Another rule he lives by; never lose sight of your enemy. I wish he could read my thoughts and so he would know what I was about to do. But Talon would hear if I said it out loud. Sebs smart, he"ll act as soon as I do that"s a given.

We continued to watch Talon coach my sister into pulling the trigger and ending my life. With each second I knew she was growing more confident and it wouldn"t be long before she did. If my mother saw this how would that make her feel? Sadness threatened to take over when I briefly thought of our last conversation. One day I"ll make it right with her.

"Bye a.n.a.lise" Kim said snapping me from my thoughts. I focused my eyes on her long finger. Waiting for the exact moment the trigger was pulled.


Right when the first shot fired I took off towards Kim. She fired more rounds but I was too quick for any to hit me. At the last second I changed direction and tackled Talon instead. Catching him off guard I slammed his body into a nearby tree so hard it cracked. Seb had already had a hold of Kim and was easily restraining her. Just like I knew he would.

My momentary distraction was enough for Talon to send a kick to my core. I flew back a few feet landing on the gra.s.s. Talon charged me. I threw my foot out and kicked him in the face.

"b.i.t.c.h" He said spitting blood

"Thanks" I said back flipping to my feet "I hope you"re ready to die" not giving him the chance to reply I attacked him.

Punching and kicking every open s.p.a.ce on his body. I stayed on him, not giving him the chance to throw any strike back. And it felt good! Especially because I wasn"t even using my ability. Talon fell to his knees after I grabbed his wobbling head and kneed him in the face hard. He grunted and fell on his back

"Is that all you got? I expected more" I said hovering over him with a smile. His head lolled before he looked at me. Talon started grinning, showing me his blood covered fangs

"You"re getting good, but you forgot something" He said stilling grinning like a moron

"Oh yea, what"s that? A stake through your heart for the sake of tradition?" I mock. He actually laughed, for what I wasn"t sure

"No. You forgot I don"t fight fair" He reached into his belt loop so quick I couldn"t have reacted fast enough had I tried. Talon fired. The bullet shot right into my stomach, sending me onto my back. The pain of this one was worse than first.

I"m such an idiot! I let myself get too c.o.c.ky and toyed with him the way vampires tend to do. I could feel the bullet in me, but it was too deep for me to take it out. The platinum in my system was making me dizzy. My eyes were losing focus. Suddenly I felt warm hands cradling my head. From the sensations they caused I knew Seb deserted my sister to come aide me. Not a wise choice at the moment

"Tsk, tsk, tsk Ana. You put up a good fight but now it"s time to die" Talon said gleefully. Kim was now next to him and they were both pointing guns at us. How the h.e.l.l are we getting out of this one?

"Put that gun down and fight me like a man" Seb said standing back up. His body was shaking. And I think I could feel low vibrations coming off him. Or this platinum is making me crazy

"No thanks, too messy for my taste. I"d rather just shoot" Talon said casually. Then they pulled the trigger...

I could hear the shots but nothing was getting to us. Every bullet fired hit this invisible wall and bounced back with a huge spark. What"s happening? Talon fired again and again but still it couldn"t touch us. He threw the gun on the ground and charged. Instead of attacking Seb like he planned he ran into the wall we couldn"t see and flew back.

"Come on! The spell won"t hold long!" Jace shouted a few feet behind us. Seb swiftly scooped me in his arms, running to where Jace and the others were waiting

"NO!" Talon screamed banging on the block Jace created "You b.i.t.c.h! I"ll find you!"

"I"m counting on it" I replied barely above a whisper. From his frustrated his I knew he heard.

We ran through the woods with me in Sebs arms. The bullet has been inside me too long because I"m shaking. Seb clutched me tighter to his chest. For safety or comfort, I didn"t know. I also didn"t know how far we had run. What I did realize is that we stopped and Seb was pulling my tank top off

"What are you doing?" Jace asked rather protectively

"I have to get the bullet out" Seb snapped. Will these two ever get along? It"s probably my fault since I"m the reason they don"t.

"Holy s.h.i.t! She"s been shot!" Lily exclaimed. Seb sat me up and slapped my face a few times. Why was he doing that?

"Ana open your eyes" He said. Wow I didn"t know they were closed. But now that he mentioned it seemed impossible to do. Still I pushed all my strength into it. When they finally opened I saw everyone crowed around me with concerned faces.

"Good Ana. Now tell me how deep the bullet is. There is no exit point on you" Seb was looking down at me with a mixture of emotions in his amazing eyes. I could get lost there. Oh right the bullet. Focus Ana!

"In my bback. Two inches to the left of my spine" I answered weakly. I saw Marie immediately rummaging through one of Sebs bags that he gave her before Talon attacked. She took out a sharp blade and gave it to her brother. Didn"t need to be a genius to know what about to happen. Seb gently turned me over on his lap so that I was face down

"This may hurt a bit. I"m sorry" He whispered to me. I did my best to nod for him to just do it. I needed that platinum out of me now! Seb didn"t hesitate. He stuck the knife in my back creating a slit. I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out. As a vampire platinum doesn"t just kill us instantly, unless injected into the heart or head. It weakens our defensive and we become sensitive to everything. So we inserted his fingers into my back, I nearly bit a hole through my lips to keep from screaming

"There I got it!" Seb shouted throwing the tiny bullet that caused me so much pain. I was panting so hard I felt like a dog on a hot day. But my fast healing system was already reviving.

"s.h.i.t b.a.l.l.s! The cut is closing! That"s so awesome, even better than stiches!" Lily yelled again in awe. I took a couple more deep breathes to steady myself and shake off the last of the after effects. Simon smiled a huge relief smile at me and handed me my shirt.

Great now everyone"s seen me in my bra. Jumping to my feet I put it on as quickly as I can

"You alright?" Marie asked. I smiled and nodded at her before turning to Jace

"Thanks for saving us back there" I said grateful

"Anything for you" Jace said sweetly. He reached up and placed a stray hair behind my ear. His touch left a trail of warm tingles. A growl from my left had me stepping away. Seb has his steel mask on but I could see the anger in his eyes toward Jace.

"Seb, thanks for well, everything" I said turning to him. He cut his eyes at me and then Jace before giving me a stiff nod. What was he just thinking? Something else must be bothering him, beside petty jealousy.

"The pa.s.sage into the tunnels is right below us" Seb began. He wiped some dirty and leaves away to reveal what looked like a sewer entrance

"d.a.m.n, I hoping Ana getting shot would make you forget this whole going into the dark tunnels thing" Lily remarked. Like usual we ignored her side comments

"I"ll take the lead; Marie will be in the middle and Ana at the rear. Stick close together" Seb ordered taking weapons from Marie"s bag. He handed knives and flash lights to everyone and guns to Marie, himself and me. Those would have been handy in the fight I just had with Talon.

"Please follow my every command down there. If the dwellers are present, we will be in the fight for our lives" Seb ended looking everyone in the eye. I heard five pounding hearts, beating like they were trying to escape their bodies. I"m not so sure my heart would be beating from fear right now


Because I"m tired of playing nice today.

I could feel the sparks already coming to life in my eyes. It"s still dangerous for me to use my ability but I don"t care.

If there are dwellers down there, they better run and hide…

Or else…




