Pure Vampire

Chapter 59



"We"re in Nexus. Birthplace of the supernatural" Jace stated taking in the huge unfamiliar place. Marie gasped. She couldn"t believe they were in another realm.

"How?" Seb demanded. Ana stirred in his arms but still didn"t wake.

"I told you I didn"t know where the door would lead. At least now we know how the dwellers ended up in those tunnels" Jace explained defensively.

"So how do we get back?" Seb asked. From his tone it was easy to pick up his frustration.

"Obviously we need to go back through the portal that brought us here" Jace snapped.

"Which would be where exactly?" Simon asked cutting in. They all looked in every direction but there was no sign of the watery door that previously transported them. Everyone looked to Jace for a response but he didn"t have one. He looked as confused as the rest of them.

"We"ll split into teams of two and search the lands. Stick close and stay together" Seb jumped in taking leadership as he usually does. He glanced at the still unconscious Ana in arms. Marie knew her brother was torn about staying with Ana or searching for the portal.

"I"ll stay with Ana" Jace spoke up stating.

"No" Seb responded quickly. The tension in both men"s body was noticeable. Marie was trying to think of a fast solution. Hopefully before the guys started a fight.

"I"ll stay with Ana." Simon offered "I"m her best friend and besides you both are needed in the search more than I am" Simon ended walking towards Seb. Her brother watched Simon closely for a moment and finally gave a stiff nod. Everyone silently observed as Seb lay Ana gently on the odd colored gra.s.s.

"Alright, Marie will come with me and Lily with Jace. We meet back here in an hour" Seb ordered before turning to Simon "She"ll probably wake a little weak just let her know I"ll be back soon to uh help with that" Seb said.

Simon raised his brow at the cryptic message but otherwise didn"t respond. Marie knew her brother was referring to the blood Ana would need but she chose not to say anything.

A few minutes later the boy girl teams split up and headed out into unknown of areas of Nexus. Marie was still amazed at the brightly colored lands. She wondered if the treetops were green like back home but they were too high to tell.

Seb was walking a quick pace in front of her slashing shrubs and veins from their path. From his aggressive swipes she knew he was bothered by something…

Scurrying up a tree to her left were the cutest white squirrels. Although a little larger than she"s used to they still seemed like normal animals. Hopefully there aren"t any larger creatures lurking.

"So this is Nexus" Marie spoke. Other than the sounds of crunching twigs it was silent. "It"s beautiful here right?" She asked trying to engage her brother again. He nodded once but kept walking.

Marie continued to follow and take in her scenery. The sun was blocked by the trees causing it to appear dark with pockets of light shining through the forest. Every time they got close to any plants they would zip underground. That"s some defense mechanism. If flowers could do that back home they could never be picked.

The rest of the forest was normal and no signs of any other animals. This seemed a bit strange to her. But she shrugged it off. After twenty more minutes of silent searching Marie had enough.

"What"s bothering you?" She asked Seb.

"Nothing" he answered simply not turning around. He cut swiftly between some shrubs. Marie followed beginning to hear the sounds of running water. The closer they got the louder it became until they broke through a clearing with a waterfall. The fall was magnificent. The water poured gracefully from a hill into a small pound. The sun was. .h.i.tting it making every drop sparkle.

"There it is" Seb"s voice broke her from the trance. She didn"t see what he was talking about at first but when she gazed around she caught sight of the watery door right next to the fall.

"Great! We found it" she exclaimed.

"Yes. Now let"s go get the others" Seb said. He started to turn away but Marie wasn"t having that. She reached her small hand out to stop him.

"We aren"t going anywhere until you get it off your chest. Now Sebby!" She ordered sternly. Seb looked like he wanted to argue but when Marie crossed her small arms over her chest he thought better of it.

"Jace is Ana"s mate" He said finally. After the words left his mouth his shoulders deflated. He no longer looked strong and dominate but defeated.

"Are you certain? How do you know this?" she asked stunned. Ana and her brother were meant to be together she knew that with all her heart. But if Jace is her true mate…

"I over heard him telling Ana. As far as I could tell she believed him" Seb replied running his fingers through his hair. Marie couldn"t believe what she was hearing. It wasn"t supposed to be like this.

"What else did you hear?" She asked thinking maybe he left something out.

"Nothing. I left after that. But it makes sense, we did catch them kissing when we first arrived" Seb pointed out with anger in his voice. Marie did remember that but she refused to believe Ana didn"t love her brother. But does that mean she does love Jace? That"s the question.

"Talk to Ana. She"s different Seb it could be different for her" Marie wanted anything but to her brother heartbroken.

"Ana may be different but she can"t deny a mate, you know that" Seb countered

"I don"t care just promise me before you give up on your love that you"ll talk to her" she pleaded. Seb stared at his sister before nodding. For her he would try.

Marie opened her mouth to speak again but Seb put up a hand to silence her. She didn"t understand what was going on but he had a focused expression on his face

"You hear that?" he asked closing his eyes and listening to the sounds around him. She tried to focus too but heard nothing

"I don"t hear anything" She said back finally. When Seb opened his eyes he looked panicked

"There"s eight of them. There"re angry. Come on we have to get to the others now!" He ended dashing off out of the clearing. Marie had no clue what he was talking about but if Seb looks panicked it must be serious….

Lily Pov

"Lily, can you walk faster" Jace snapped at her for the hundredth time. He was really getting on her nerves

"I can"t! All these d.a.m.n bushes keep tripping me!" She snapped back, tripping over another plant. How come they moved for Jace but not for her? She felt like they were doing it on purpose.

Jace power walked ahead of her. She didn"t care.

They came to a halt at the path that split two ways. Neither direction looked appealing to her.

"I"ll go left and you right okay?" Jace said as if he was giving her a choice. Lily faked smiled and nodded in agreement. As soon as Jace disappeared from sight, Lily flopped on the ground.

She was exhausted, besides how would he really know she didn"t go searching. As she sat on the ground a bug flew by her head. She swatted it away but it kept coming back

"Go away!" She yelled swatting at it again.

" You"re sitting on my favorite log" It said back. Lily jumped up and screeched.

"You can talk!" She yelled finally looking at the strange b.u.t.terfly like creature.

It gave off an orange-ish glow. When she looked closed the wings were a lot larger than the little body it carried. But the body was what shocked her. It had four arms, two legs and a face! Like a human, expect the arm and wings part. A handsome human considering it resembled a man.

"You can see and understand me?" it asked fluttering closer to her face. Lily scooted away

"Yes! Am I going insane?" She asked wide eyed. The tiny insect flew back a little

"No, but that means you must be Lily" It replied back

"Ho-How do you know my name?" She questioned. The tiny creature was about to respond but the sounds of Jace approaching scared it off and he flew away with an orange trail following.

"Wait! Wait please!" Lily called after it but it was gone. The glow behind it fading...

"Lily? Who were you talking to? And since when did you speak Croatian? Jace asked when he broke the forest line stopping in front of her.

"I-I was talking to this b.u.t.terfly guy. He knew my name" She told him

"b.u.t.terfly guy? Never mind I don"t want to know. Did you find the portal?" he asked changing subjects. Lily"s busted expression gave him the answer

"You didn"t look!" He shouted throwing his hands up.

"Well I was going to but this b.u.t.terfly-"

"Just forget it! I"ll find it myself" Jace ended cutting her off and brushing past her. Lily had enough of his s.h.i.tty att.i.tude.

"This isn"t about finding the portal! It"s about beating Seb!" She shouted at his retreating back. Jace stopped walking and turned to face her.

"You don"t know what you"re talking about" he shot back

"Ha! I know you two are having some sort of p.i.s.sing contest over Ana. I know you want to find this portal before he does. And I know that if this was a compet.i.tion for Ana you would be losing!" She told him with complete confidence.

Jace"s face changed to anger. Seems like she pushed a b.u.t.ton.

"Your wrong" He replied through clenched teeth

"Oh am I? From my view it seems I"m right. You got a point with the shield thing but he got two when he stayed back to help her fight those monsters" She taunted. Jace took slow steps toward her.

"Shut up" He ordered

"Make me. Better yet prove me wrong" She threw back.

Jace seemed as if he wanted to respond but loud growls stopped that short. They both turned away from each to see what was making that sound...

Creeping slowly from every direction were the largest wolves they had ever seen. Lily slapped her hand against her mouth to keep from screaming. They were so big; easily eight feet tall and weighing at least five hundred pounds. The grey colored humongous animals growled fiercely at the two of them.




Who has been waiting to see seb"s wolf in action??

Don"t worry, the time is near...