Pure Vampire

Chapter 61



Ana Pov

"Oh my G.o.d" I said staring at the back of his neck

"What?! What is it? Do I have the mark?" Simon asked panicky.

"Oh my G.o.d Sy! You really need to shave the back of your neck. It"s gross" I said getting off his back slowly. Simon hurriedly got to his feet.

"What?! Ana! I don"t care about my hairy neck! Do I have the mark?!" Simon"s fearful expression almost had me laughing. It"s hard to believe this is the thing that"s freaking him out; not having to give his best friend blood to revive her or anything.

"Simon, you can relax. You don"t have my mark" I told him with a small smile. He let out a huge sigh of relief that had me feeling a little offended.

"Gee thanks for the confidence booster there Sy" I said with a mock pout. Simon only chuckled and swung and arm over my shoulder.

"No offense Ana, trust me your great! But we"re friends and that"s how its meant to be" he offered. I playfully pushed him and laughed.

He was right. What was I thinking! Of course he isn"t my mate! It"s Simon! My nerdy, cool, fun loving best friend. And I wouldn"t want it any other way.

I was about to talk to him about his Marie situation when I noticed the others walking back from the forest. They all looked a little out of it; except Lily. She was gesturing animatedly with her hands while trying to keep up with Seb"s fast pace. Seb on the other was ignoring her. I tuned my ears in to pick up what they were saying but Lily wasn"t making sense to me. She kept saying Seb was cool and wanted to know how he did whatever he did in the forest. I stopped eavesdropping as they drew closer. I figured one way or another I would find out what happened; probably from Lily.

"ANA!" She screamed and engulfed me in a bear hug. If I was human she would have taken me down.

"Oh my gosh! I have so much to tell you! First-" She began too excitedly, until Seb cut her off.

"You"re awake?" He questioned looking between Simon and me.

"Oh uh yea Sy helped me out" I replied sheepishly. What embarra.s.sed me? That I"m not too sure of but it"s a cross between drinking from Simon and not drinking from Seb.

"Hey! I was telling a story!" Lily jumped in placing her hands on her hip and glaring atSeb.

"Continue Lily. What happened?" I said to her calmly. Her expression turned into excitement as she launched back into her tale.

"WE WERE ATTACKED!" She yelled gesturing wildly. Both Simon and I looked at her confused. The others didn"t seem to share her enthusiasm about the situation.

"Seriously?" Simon asked disbelieving. I understood exactly why he was questioning her.

"YES! We were attacked by the biggest fiercest creatures of all time! I mean they were so huge I nearly p.i.s.sed myself!" She exclaimed

"What attacked you?" I had to ask. Lily opened her mouth wide to respond, animatedly I"m sure

"Wolves." Marie answered beating her to the punch. Lily huffed annoyed her big moment was spoiled. Wait, did she say wolves?

"No way!" Simon said just as stunned as I was. I can"t believe they were attacked by wolves. "So how did you guys get away?" Simon asked

"That"s all thanks to Seb. He came in like some crazy wolf whisperer and had all those wolves scared like puppies!" Lily explained laughing "While Jace just stood frozen like a wuss!"

"Shut up Lily!" Jace snapped at her but she kept laughing. I ignore them as they continued to argue and made eye contact with Seb.

Something was different about him. It was almost like he was larger and stronger. It was subtle but I still noticed it. As I looked deep into his eyes I saw a light yellow glow there. If you didn"t have vampire vision you wouldn"t be able to see it. But it was there, almost pulsing with life. My mind flashed back to the last time I saw his eyes completely glow in Helia"s kitchen. Something is changing him and we have to find out what it is. Helia better hope it"s not harming him or she"ll have one very p.i.s.sed off vampire on her hands.

Seb broke the eye lock with me and snapped me back to the present.

"I should scout the area and make sure they are gone" I said breaking the ongoing dispute between Jace and Lily. But they simple kept fighting not even hearing me. Simon and Marie nodded and I knew they at least listened to me.

Once I started walking to the forest I smelt Seb approaching from behind. His scent still makes my mouth water; even more now for some reason.

We didn"t talk as we made our way deeper inside. I let him walk ahead but I was using my nose, ears and vision to lead me.

There were so many new scents here that I had to keep my A.D.D. in check to keep from investigating them all.

"The wolves are gone" Seb said turning back to me. His nostrils were a little wide like he had been sniffing the air too. But humans have a terrible sense of smell. Trust me I used to be one. His eyes also had more of a glow to them; still very minimal but noticeable to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned. He crossed is arms in a defensive way.

"Yes" He replied being very short with me. Here we go with moody Seb again. I hope one day he learns to express himself better

"Ok so you want to this the easy way and just say what your problem is with me now or should I wait while you put you big boy pants on?" I snapped with loads of sarcasm attached. He raised a brow

"Funny" was his only reply. I took purposeful steps forward until there was barely any s.p.a.ce between us. I had to fight my fangs from coming out because his scent had me wanting to taste him. And I mean more than just his blood

"Fighting something red eyes?" he asked with a smirk on his face. I instantly calmed myself and hoped my eyes changed back. At least now I know anger isn"t the only emotion that turns them red but strong l.u.s.t as well.

Since he was being a jerk right now I decided it was the best time to push his b.u.t.tons.

"I bet I could find a guy who likes it" I replied casually with a smirk of my own.

Probably went too far with that comment because Seb"s whole demeanor hardened. His eyes lit up like bulbs and he growled low and deep enough for me to feel it in my stomach. The expression on his face was deadly but it didn"t scare me. Only sparked my curiosity. Something is definitely changing him...

He must have realized what he was doing because he stopped to shake it off and looked slightly confused by it.

"What"s happening to you?" I asked reaching my hand out. When I touched his arm I was shocked by how hot he was. Seb immediately pulled back from me. I did my best to hide the hurt that small moved caused me.

"Nothing. I"m fine. The portal is about 200 yards to the left. We should get the others and go" He said changing the topic. He must have forgotten who I am if he thinks I"ll let him just leave.

"Don"t you dare blow me off like that!" I shouted when he began to turn away. He slowly turned back to face me.

"I just don"t want to keep you from your mate" He said like he was challenging me to deny. I didn"t respond because I didn"t know what to say...

How did he find out was my first thought. And my second was why in the h.e.l.l didn"t he find out from me. I"m such an idiot for not telling him about the whole three mate"s things. But in my defense we have been pretty busy, I thought I had more time. It"s not like I told Jace about Seb being one of my mates either.

"Seb-" I started

"Save it. I know vampires always choose their mate" he said cutting me off.

"But-" I tried again

"I"m sure you and Jace will be happy together" He added interrupting me for the second time.

I was going to try again but the expression on his face stopped me. It was the look he used to give me when he thought I was just like every other vampire.

And it angered me to my core….!

I worked so hard to keep my humanity these past two years and I won"t let him demean me over having a mate. He must not know that I have three since he"s so quick to a.s.sume.

I lifted my hand and slapped him hard across the face. His head snapped back to me angrily.

So what did I do?

I slapped him again.

This time when he turned his head back, his eyes had fully transformed. The eerie yellow glow and dark pupil wasn"t close to human. I was so upset that I didn"t even care.

It was a fight he wanted to start with so that"s exactly what I"ll give him. I tried to hit a third time but his reflexes caught my hand midair. No worries I was trained; quickly using my other free hand to punch him in the face.

"Come on Seb! This is what you want right? A fight with me? Because talking isn"t working!" I screamed throwing a leg out to kick him. He snagged it easily and used my own leg to toss me. I flew and hit the ground hard. He was a lot stronger than I remember

"I don"t want to fight with you but if you insist…" He trailed off charging me.

There was something animalistic in his eyes and it connected to the primal nature in me. It was dangerous and yet thrilling.

I jumped to my feet just in time to knee him in the gut. I knew he was human but something told me I couldn"t hurt him so easily anymore. That turned me on even more.

Seb recovered quick and football tackled me to the ground. We rolled over shrubs and dirt while taking jabs at each other. It may seem crazy but it felt good to get this out!

When we came to a stop, Seb was on top of me. His bright yellow eyes peered deep into mine; I could see my own bright red, almost pink ones reflected back. We were panting heavily and his hot breath on my face stirred my desire. I could see the same l.u.s.t in him. My lips felt dry; so I licked them. Seb followed my every movement...

"Ana…" he whispered looking at me tenderly.

Before I knew it he crashed his lips to mine...It was heaven.

I eagerly kissed him back with everything I had in me. The kiss wasn"t soft and sweet; it was hard and desperate. Our tongues found each other and danced together like it was their last time to meet. My hands found their way into his silky hair and gripped it hard. He groaned and growled s.e.xily into my mouth. The sound making my core pulse with need. I needed him right now more than I needed blood.

My fangs shot out and I bit into his lip. He stopped kissing just to watch me nip at the small drops of blood, before desire took over again and he pressed himself back into me. This was insane but it felt so d.a.m.n right. I wouldn"t stop it if I could. Only Seb can make me feel every emotion all at once and like it.

I used my strength to roll us over so I could be in control. Once on top of him I rolled my hips seductively and moaned at the feel of his desire in between me.

"Seb…" I whispered back looking into his inhuman eyes.

It was strange but for some reason it felt natural to see him like that. He reached up and grabbed the back of my head, bringing my lips back to his in a kiss that told me all the secrets of his heart.

We were so caught up in the moment that we didn"t hear a thing…

We were so caught in the l.u.s.t that we didn"t smell a thing…

We were so caught up in each other that we didn"t see a thing…

I was so focused on him…. and he was so focused on me….

…That we didn"t know the blade was coming….

...…..Until the searing burning pain shot through my back......…....

.........I was so caught up that I didn"t realize I had been stabbed...

............Until I looked down and saw the tip of the blade…......

.......................Covered in my blood….....................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ....Jutting from the center of my abdomen…......



