Pure Vampire

Chapter 9



"Talon my office we have things to discuss. Seb take the girl you can"t seem to let go to her quarters. There you will stay until she wakes. If she freaks calm her or tranq her I don"t care. You are not to tell her about me just yet. I would prefer to do that myself. And is she needs to feed grab one of those disgusting girls to do it." Marcos ordered before walking off to his office with Talon on his heels.

A few servants followed too, one being his sister who gave him a small sad smile before lowering her head and following her master. Seb clutched the new girl tighter in his arms using her warmth to calm him. Wait, what? He placed his palm against her cheek and sure enough she was warm like a human. Impossible! All the leeches are cold, that"s just a fact. What the h.e.l.l is this girl?

One of the servants cleared her throat to get his attention. He tore his eyes away from the beautiful creature in his arms and followed the servant up the stairs. The room they prepared was decent compared to the bas.e.m.e.nt quarters slaves sleep in. It was about as nice as the guard"s room. Think of cheap hotel room and that"s what it is. An average size bed, desk, chair, lap dresser and mirror all dull earth tones. Marcos keeps all the extravagant rooms open for his guests.

He gently laid her body on the bed and turned away when the servant began to undress her. Once she was done she took her leave. She had put the girl into a white nightdress that made her dark hair and ruby lips stand out all the more. Seb pulled up the chair close to her bed and waited. If memory serves him correct she should have woken hours ago but her coma like state hasn"t changed. He wondered briefly if it had something to with the fact that for some reason she isn"t a normal vampire.

Her body began to stir and he leaned closer to see if she was waking. He watched in curiosity as her head moved side to side; looks as if she"s dreaming. She finally stops moving and a peaceful expression over takes her face. What a pretty sight Seb thought to himself. The girl opened her mouth in a big yawn surprising Seb when he saw the striking white fangs inside. They were so white it was almost illuminating. Slowly they receded leaving her mouth full of straight perfect teeth.

Seb really wanted her to wake up. So far she just seemed perfect in every way and maybe hearing her voice or seeing how she acted would help sort out his irrational thinking"s. No matter how different she appeared in slumber she was still a blood sucking demon.

Doing the unthinkable he grabbed both her shoulders and gave her a little shake. No response. He shook again this time a little harder yet still nothing. What else can I do? He thought scratching the back of his neck. Slowly he leaned down closer and closer until they were nose to nose. He didn"t understand why he was doing this; he just wanted to be near this strange girl. His eyes soaked in her features. Travelling from her full red lips up to her small b.u.t.ton nose then meeting with her bright blue/gold eyes. Oh Sh**! Her eyes are open!

The shock of her being awake and staring directly at him scared him to the core. If he were any other man he would have screamed or stumbled back at least. But the young woman beneath him barely gave him a second to intake his next breathe. Her small hand moved with lightning fast speed, wrapping tightly around his neck. He tried to gasp but she only tightens her hold. Seb watched with fearful eyes as her once bright blues turned a vicious red. She snarled loudly flashing her fangs. The lack of oxygen was causing darkness to creep around the edges of his vision. He tried his hardest to fight through it while maintaining a strong eye contact with her.

His only hope was there was something inside her that could see the sincerity in his eyes. She snarled again then launched him across the room. He smashed into the wall cracking it. Seb lied on the floor ignoring the pain in his back and instead focused on taking all the air into his lungs he could get. Once his breathing was somewhat normal he looked back up at the girl.

She was sitting up on the bed staring at her hands with mixed emotions. He could see the shock and confusion but there was another emotion dancing in her bright orbs. She continued to just flip her hands over and over staring at them as if they weren"t hers.

Seb slowly stood back on his feet but made no move to approach her. Judging from her first reaction he didn"t want to make the same mistake twice. The girl leaped from the bed and with slow graceful strides walked to the mirror built on the dresser. When she saw her reflection she jumped back with a frightening scream.

"Whoa it"s ok, calm down your fine" Seb said softly with his hands palm out in a non-defensive gesture. She whipped her head back at him eyes shining with unshed tears. Seeing her like that caused an unpleasant ache in his chest.

"Wh-what happened to m-me" she asked. Her voice was soft and smooth as silk almost caressing his ears. Seb shook it off and met her questioning gaze right as a single crystal blue tear slid down her face.

He didn"t want to see her cry but he was given orders not to give her answers. He pondered for a minute. Marcos only said to not mention him; he didn"t say anything about explaining her change. She continued to watch him while he battled on what to say without freaking her out. Finally deciding the truth was the best option. With cautious steps he walked to her until they were about a foot apart.

"There isn"t an easy way to say this, but you"ve transitioned" He says gaging her for a reaction. She tilts her head to the side adorably

"Transitioned? Into what exactly?" she asked. Seb opened his mouth to answer but she cut him off. "Oh no, I"m dead right? I transitioned into someone else"s body right? That"s why I"m some hot skinny b.i.t.c.h huh? Oh G.o.d why me! I should have never run away now look at me-" Seb continued to watch in confusion and amus.e.m.e.nt as she paced the room ranting about ghosts and something about an alternate universe.

Clearly her final memories haven"t come back yet because she defiantly has the wrong idea. He let her go on her short hysterical rampage a little while longer just enjoying the sight of her. She acted so normal, so human except for that initial moment they had. He forced himself to stop thinking about her as normal. She is far from that; she"s one of them at the end of the day. Seb straighten his stance and squared his shoulders before loudly clearing his still sore throat. She stopped pacing, turning to look directly at him

"You have the wrong idea. You"re not a ghost or in someone else"s body. In my experience that isn"t possible." He crossed his arms over his chest. She watched then mimicked his action

"Okay then stranger who knows everything. What happened to me really?" she asked sarcastically raising one perfect curved brow. Seb narrowed his eyes at her. Fine if she wants the truth so bad he"ll give it to her.

"You"re a vampire."





#Tobecontinued .....