Purple Eyes

Chapter 1 - The Entrance

Chapter 1 - The Entrance

Before doing the mission Hades was bored.

Lately, there are many people prefer death than living. They are on the death door, coma, their spirit left their body. Hades gave them a test in order to know wheter they still want to live or not.

99% of those who partook the test are tired of living.

Hades sat behind a desk that full of piled paper. His legs are stretched forward on the table. He leaned on his wide pair of black wing. His bangs is covering his closed eyes.

Just like that, there is nothing changed after 100 years.

Looking at that G.o.d, Lyre wanted to reprimand him, but she didn’t do it because she heard the bell was ringing.

“There is a guest, Master,” she said while looking at the door.

“I know” Hades replied. He didn’t know how many times Lyre told him there are a guess coming in the past 100 year, it was as if he couldn’t hear the bell ringing.

Lyre hastily opened the door and greet the guess. The guess was an elegant young man. Maybe the word beautiful is the right word to describe him. He has a silvery blonde hair, A blue deep eyes and a fair skin. Based on his appearance maybe he was 21 or 22 years old.

Just like any other people who has entered from that door, he was confused. This place wasn’t a paradise, there are nothing to be amazed with. There are only a desk,a chair, a mysterious door that led to another place and a dark cloud like floor.

The young man stared at Hades. Lyre already seen that kind of expression a million times. Human or more precisely every ex-human candidate always felt the same thing when they met Hades. Admiring while fearing, seeing hope while losing hope, worshipping while hating at the same time. They all felt the same contradiction when they saw Hades. Hades are well known and are called with many other names. Hel, Pluto, Izanami, Izanagi, Reaper, Death and all of that name has one thing in common.

The G.o.d of Death.

Hades opened his black eyes and stared at the young man expressionlessly.

“Come in,” that G.o.d then stared at the door that led to another room.

“Where am I?” the young man nervously asked. “Who are you?”.

Hades let out a sigh. Or more precisely looked like letting out a sigh because normally a G.o.d doesn’t even need to breath. He took a parchment and lazily read it aloud.

“You are in the transit,” he explained. “You can choose to keep living or resting in peace. If you choose to keep living, then you’ll go back to the human world. and if you choose to not to keep living then you can rest in peace in another realm.”

Then Hades explained about the young man’s life, and what just happened to him. The last part was the most interesting, it should be, but lately it felt so boring. Killed, die in an accident and suicide is a detail that often appeared.

The young man nod after hearing Hades Explanation. He seemingly understand while not really understand at the same time.

Oh by the way, the young man’s cause of death was because he was killed.

“Now enter.” Hades told him to enter the grey door. “If another half an hour you came back to this room, then that means you still want to live. If not... then you may rest in peace in another realm. Understand?”

“Are there something behind the door?” the young man frowned.

“I don’t know,” Hades calmly replied. “you can meet anybody and find anything. You are the only one who will know when you enter that grey door.”

Lyre softly held the young man’s hand and escorted her to the grey door, that afterward automatically opened with a strange shriek. There are n.o.body there and there is nothing inside the room. Just a plain grey colored room.

“The test will begin when the door closed,” Lyre said.

The young man hesistatingly entered the room. Then the door automatically closed.

“Let’s wait for the result” Hades mumbled.

There are wall clock, pendulum clock, or any other type of clock. So they can only count every second pa.s.sed on their mind. That G.o.d leaned on his wing again, his eyes are closed down and his hands are laid on the desk. Lyre stared at hades with an unfazed admiring expression.

A long time ago, Lyre has fallen in love once and know how it feels like. Her feeling to Hades wasn’t love but clearly there are a potential that it may change to.

If Hades is a human and his gloomy aura changed into a bright one, Lyre was sure that everywomen in the world will fall in love with him. Based on his appearance alone, Hades already exceeded what the word handsome can describe. His elegant face, his deep eyes, soft and beautiful hair. His appearance was very majestic.

Unknowingly half an hour has pa.s.sed. Slowly Hades opened his eyes. Lyre stared at the grey door full of hope.

But unfortunately...

That young man never came back.


“Is the human world really that bad?” Hades mumbled as he stared at a parchment containing that young man life and death record. The parchment only has two column, life and death. Then Hades began to fill the death section. “Lately there a lot of people who wants to die.”

“But master has gone to the earth before,” Lyre said. “What does master think about it?”

“That’s a hundred years ago, and at that time I was busy handling that mad dictator,” Hades expressionlessly said. “That guy was really hard to handle but that was the most interesting part.”

“A hundred years is not a long time. I believe things haven’t changed that much.”

Hades raised his eyebrows. “Then life in there is still hard as ever.”

“If master really curious about it, master can just go to there again.”

“What are you talking about Lyre? I can’t go to the human world unless necessary,” Hades said while leaning on the chair. “Based on the people who came here lately it is very unlikely that I’ll need to go to the human world for the time being.”

It’s been a long time since Hades has to go to the earth to handle a mad dictator or a serial killer. When Hades go to handle that kind of people he always make it fast and clean. Because of that many rumor started about the cause of their death.

They are a very rare case. When they die they’ll go straight to h.e.l.l without needing to undergo a test beforehand. That is the consequence of killing a lot of people. It is better to send those people to h.e.l.l before they kill a lot of people.

“Do you really think so?” Lyre raised her brow. “I think it was the opposite. The guess that came here lately killed in a same way, and that young man was included. Do you not feel that it was weird?”

“Do you mean the people who lost their liver?”

Lyre nodded while trying her best not to throw up.

“I’ve gotten an instuction to handle the person who kill them. I’m not really interested in doing that kind job” Hades mumbled.

In the following days everything goes the same as usual. Recieving the guest, telling them to go to the grey door (100% choose to rest in peace), and cleaning his wing. Hades thought his days gonna be like that until another thousand years.

Unfortunately he’s wrong.

Because a moment after he finished filling a form of a broken hearted girl, he was ordered to descent to the earth.