Purple Eyes

Chapter 2 - Trondheim

Chapter 2 - Trondheim
“That serial killer has killed dozens of people and hasn’t arrested until now,” Hades mumbled while reading the newly delivered parchment. “And took their liver.”

“Alright then,” Hades said after putting the parchment on the desk. Even if Hades looked calm and collected Lyre can still see a new light in his usually expressionless eyes. This is what he’s waited for a long time. An adventure.

“Where are the location of the murder, Master,” Lyre asked.

“Trondheim, Norwegia.” Hades leaned on the chair with a very rare smile on his face. “Prepare my clothes. Don’t put something too flashy but it has to be something nice to look at and comfortable to wear. And don’t spray perfume on the clothes, it made me feel sick.”

“But Master you have to wear a perfume or else...” Lyre bowed her head in fear, she didn’t dare to continue. No, Hades doesn’t smell like blood or a corpse just like what those stupid poet said.

Hades smells like a lily. The scent is very concentrated and strong, it can make those who are not accustomed with feel dizzy. The perfume Lyre intended to give can make the scent softer.

“Up to you then,” Hades rolled his eyes. “By the way it is very likely that I’ll need your help so come with me, for the time being Thanatos[1] will take over this place.”

While Lyre looking for clothes on the wardobe, Hades stood up and flapped his wing and trying to figure out a plan.

Descending to the human world and killing a sinner isn’t as easy as it seems. There are a lot of things to take a note of. A hundred years ago before killing that mad dictator hades has to disguise as his subordinate. He tricked him and telling his enemies about his plan without anyone noticing and scheming a lot of things which led to the dead of that mad dictator. When killing a sinner it must be done in a clean and a well thought plan. And that’s what He did.

Once Hades kill a sinner without a well thought plan and just kill him right away. There’ll be a lot of rumor started because of it. Just like when he set to kill that Romanian leader. Hades killed him right away. And look what happened, even after a hundred years there are still a lot of people try to guessing the cause of his death. And then their imagination run wild and thought that the Romanian leader actually hasn’t died and turned into a vampire. There are a lot of people worshipping him, creating a story about him, and thought he was a charismatic person. Forgotting about what he really did.

That’s crazy right.

So it’s better for Hades to play it safe and sound.

“Because we’re going to Norway,” Lyre said enthusiastically while carrying a piece of clothe from the wardobe. “How about wearing nordic sweater?”

Hades looked at the deer on the sweater with an unsightly expression.

“No, thank you.”

“How about a sailor costume,” Lyre said while showing another set of clothes.



“It does not suit my taste.”

“T-shirt? Khaki pants? Jacket?”


“Tch. Then what?”

Hades approached the wardobe and picked clothes on his own. There are every kind of clothes on the wardobe, even when the end of the world come there are still a lot of clothes that Hades hasn’t wear. Hades found a bone white tuxedo. It’s beautiful but looked a bit outdated.

“Are you sure?,” Lyre doubted. “People will think that master are a groom.”

“It’s much better than those clothes you picked for me,” Hades said. In the blink of an eye his wings already gone and Hades already wore that suit which looked much better than that sweater.

He’s the G.o.d of death, not an elf.