Purple River

Chapter 03 Part 04 - ZiChuan Shen Xing

Chapter 03 Part 04 - ZiChuan Shen Xing

Stirling had to struggle getting out of the bed; the sudden headache made it difficult.

The shower helped. Looking at the time, it was already past noon. A lot happened last night, but he could only remember that he was drunk and he got into a fight. As to what happened afterwards… he couldn’t even tell how he managed to get home. He did find two wallets inside his pockets… The other one belonged to ZiChuan Xiu. As to how it ended up in his pocket, well, he couldn’t remember it at all.

His old servant told him that Lady Li Qing was here earlier and she left him a note.

Picking it up, Li Qing’s elegant handwriting greeted him: “You didn’t come home last night; both me and Headmaster Shen Xing were worried. We are glad you made it back safely this morning. Though you should consider your status and what you represent, you cannot behave like a fool who spends most of his time drunk. Master Shen Xing has requested your presence. So make sure you do when your mind is clear.”

Stirling let out a wry smile; Li Qing was still the same: kind, smart and reliable. There wasn’t a word of blame afraid of hurting his pride. What else can a man wish for when you have a great woman like that. If last night didn’t happen, she could very well have been his most suitable partner for the rest of his life.

Meanwhile, Stirling had already prepared the excuses for when he sees Li Qing: “I saw Xiu last night. We were overjoyed and I drank a bit too much… I’m sorry. He forced me to go.” Stirling was almost certain that ZiChuan Xiu would tell the same kind of lies to Lady Ning: “Stirling forced me to go.” Friends were like that. It was a common excuse they use at the time.

A cup of tea later, Stirling instantly felt re-energized, and with that, the usually confident Stirling once again returned to himself.


First thing after arriving at the House of Headmaster, Stirling’s usual habit was to inspect its security measures. The best and the most loyal forces of the Imperial Guards – The Death Guard, posted sentries every five feet around the perimeter of the House, and like nails in the ground, they had the place on lockdown. But that was only the first line of defence everyone could see from the outside; inside, archers were secretly a.s.signed to every high vintage point, rooftops, high walls and trees. But that was not all; countless sharpened blades were also hidden on top of the walls. There were even secret traps installed around every corner. The place was literally a fortress. Then again, it was he who designed its defence plans. After the routine inspection, Stirling sighed in relief: “Unless they bring an army, there is no way anyone can get in.”

The Imperial Guards guarding the entrance let Stirling through without raising much ha.s.sle. Due to Commander Pi Gu’s old age, thus incapable of handling everything alone, most of the Capital’s defences were organized by Stirling.


Stirling arrived at the Headmaster’s office located dozens of meters underground, and saluted politely: “Master?”

“Stirling is it?” ZiChuan Shen Xing stuck out his head from behind the huge pile of doc.u.ments. Pushing up his pair of gla.s.ses and said: “Please sit.”

The current Headmaster of House ZiChuan was 53 years old. Six years ago, his famous and feared brother, ZiChuan Yuan Xing died in battle against House Liu Feng, leaving his only heir, Lady Ning who was only 9 years old at the time. Therefore he was the only logical choice to succeed the seat of Headmaster.

None of his features resembled that of the great ZiChuan Yuan Xing, he was ordinary and boorish. He wasn’t tall either, a pair of small eyes and hunchback, even missing a few teeth. Many would have been disappointed merely looking at him. In ZiChuan Xiu’s words: “He is a ruler incapable of inspiring loyalty from his subjects.”

His political skills didn’t change the way he was perceived either. Sure it wasn’t terrible, but it didn’t really stand out to inspire confidence either. Simply put, there was no awe inspiring aura befitting a Headmaster to be found within him. He was most commonly described as: An easily bullied, weak old man who only made it to his position by sheer luck.

Yet only Stirling and a few close confidant of him knew: Just how incredible that spark of brilliance hidden between that pair of frail eyes could be…

“I heard from Banner Master Li, that you were looking for me?”

“Yes.” ZiChuan Shen Xing nodded: “Did you have too much to drink last night?”

“I did!” Stirling instantly bowed his head and apologized: “I’m sorry, Master…”

“I’m not blaming you. You are still young. It is good to relax once in a while. Just… it shouldn’t have been now… as you may know, “they” are watching you very closely! I was afraid that they got to you first. You went missing last night; I had to send out two Imperial Guard regiment to look for you… If something really did happen to you, I would have done anything to get you back, even if I have openly turn on Yang Ming Hua.”

Stirling was deeply moved by his words: “Master, I’m terribly sorry. My selfish actions, I… I’m undeserving of your kindness. I would gladly give my life for your cause…”

“There is no need for that. Stirling, I’d rather keep you alive and well.” ZiChuan Shen Xing smiled, and that smile gave his usual plain face an incredible charm.

“Did you meet with ZiChuan Xiu?”


Stirling knew better than anyone of the meaning and its consequences of what he was about to say next: “He is not against us, but he has yet to make his final decision; he is still considering.”

“I see. That is not very smart of him.” ZiChuan Shen Xing stood up and said: “He is my dead brother’s stepson. There is no way Yang Ming Hua would trust him. So why doesn’t he join us instead?”

Stirling stood on the side, not uttering a word. Even though it wasn’t his fault, ZiChuan Xiu was still his best friend. He felt ashamed that he wasn’t able to convince ZiChuan Xiu.

“Keep an eye on him! Stirling, I know he is your best friend, but if he somehow mistaken friend for foe and ended up on Yang Ming Hua’s side… I’m afraid we will have to strike first.”

Chill ran down Stirling’s back, yet he managed to speak: “Yes, Master.”

ZiChuan Shen Xing could guess his thought: “I hope we won’t have to. I’m not looking forward to fight an enemy as powerful as ZiChuan Xiu either.”

“How good is he in a fight, do you know?”

“I only know that ZiChuan Yuan Xing used to teach him some basics of the wave technique, but then he left for the Far East. I don’t know much after that…”

ZiChuan Shen Xing looked serious and said: “He must have another teacher… Ge Ying Xing once told me, that he was able to hold his breath for four hours under the sand, killing two demon commanders in the midst of the demon army. Both top tier demon warriors were killed with one stroke; they didn’t even see it coming, and he managed to escape afterwards unscathed from thousands of demon soldiers. I doubt even my dead brother can raise someone as terrifying as that.”

Stirling remained silent.

ZiChuan Shen Xing changed subject: “What is your opinion on Di Lin’s new a.s.signment? Yang Ming Hua is sending him to the Far East.”

Stirling replied candidly: “I can only think of one thing right now: Yang Ming Hua sending Di Lin to the Far East means that he is not yet ready to openly turn on us. Di Lin is Yang Ming Hua’s close confidant, if Yang Ming Hua was planning to make a move, he would definitely want to have a capable lieutenant like Di Lin at his side. It also means, the moment Di Lin return to Di Du is probably the moment Yang Ming Hua will strike. He hesitated for a moment and continued: “I may be wrong, but that is all I can think of right now.”

“Hmm, good, your thoughts are clear.” ZiChuan Shen Xing smiled: “Just a bit too naïve. Have you considered the possibilities from Yang Ming Hua’s standpoint?”

“Please share your wisdom.”

“We are afraid of Yang Ming Hua making a move, surely Yang Ming Hua is afraid of us making a move. Yet he chose to send away his most trusted lieutenant at a critical juncture such as this… Don’t you find it strange?”

“Ah… Indeed.”

“Therefore, after due consideration, there are only two possibilities explaining Yang Ming Hua’s actions.”

“Do tell.”

“First possibility, Yang Ming Hua has already discovered Di Lin’s true allegiance. He sent Di Lin away to avoid him getting in the way, however that isn’t his usual motto. He is not a patient or merciful man; he would have killed Di Lin. Surely dumping his body somewhere in the moat would have been more satisfying?”

“Then what is the second possibility…”

“Yang Ming Hua has more tricks up his sleeves that we don’t know about!” ZiChuan Shen Xing spoke slowly and clearly: “He definitely has, or else he wouldn’t have acted as carelessly as he did. And this secret person must satisfy three requirements: First, he is good enough of a fighter. Second, he is staying in the Capital. Third, he won’t raise our suspicions… So who can you think of that fits all the requirements above?”

Stirling instantly got nervous, because he already knew whom ZiChuan Shen Xing suspected.

“The timing of ZiChuan Xiu’s return was too peculiar. The moment he got back, Di Lin was rea.s.signed. Other than him, no one else of importance has returned recently…”

“Master.” Stirling spoke resolutely: “I will guarantee with my life, that ZiChuan Xiu would never side with Yang Ming Hua!”

“Stirling, the last time you saw him was three years ago. People change…”

“People do, but ZiChuan Xiu and Di Lin… Master, if any of them betrays us, I will atone by taking my own life.” Stirling answered proudly.

ZiChuan Shen Xing didn’t say anything after that.

Neither did Stirling.

“Very well. Stirling, then you better make haste and convince ZiChuan Xiu to side with us. He is an incredible fighter and the four dozen personal guards he brought back from the Far East are all war-hardened veterans. Despite the small numbers, they are still good in a pinch. They could be a great a.s.set to us. With him on our side, our ‘Lancer’ plan will more likely to succeed.”

“Yes, Master! I will do everything in my power!”


“A-choo!” In the midst of trying to steal Bai Chuan’s wallet, ZiChuan Xiu suddenly felt the urge to sneeze while he was still in her room: “Who is saying bad things about me behind my back this time?”

“Oh. Hi, Bai Chuan. Are you awake? How lucky… that I’m able to find you in your bedroom!”

“Bai Chuan, come on, don’t look at your commanding officer this way… Let me explain, I’m just looking for the bathroom and it is dark outside. I got lost on my way back, so I went into your room by mistake… It is totally logical!”

“Oh, the wallet I’m holding? Hahaha, there is a perfectly logical explanation to that as well… You’re not thinking I’m here to steal your wallet I hope? Hahaha…”

“Hey, Bai Chuan, you don’t need your sabres. Wait, hold on, I will give you a perfectly logical explanation in a second… Just give me some time to come up with an excuse.”
