Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 302

Cold and Elite #1 School Beauty VS Warm and Gentle #2 School Beauty (15)

Since they needed to dance, the two of them inevitably had more time to contact each other.

In this regard, Lu Zhangting expressed that he was especially willing.

“Liang Zimu, that guy, just happened to open a dance studio. Let"s go to his place.” Lu Zhangting gave a phone call to Liang Zimu.

When his friend made a request, Liang Zimu did not waste words: The VIP area on the third floor. Whichever one you take fancy of, just use it.

“Senior, you should have experience in dancing, right?” Gu Shengyin asked.

Lu Zhangting nodded. It was absolutely necessary for children in families like theirs to study social etiquette, including Waltz, from an early age. (陆长霆点点头,像他们这种人家的孩子,华尔兹这种社交礼仪必不可少的功课当然是从小就要修习的)

“Then, let"s try it first.” Gu Shengyin put on a relaxing music. She raised her body, turned her head, and her footsteps changed.

Gu Shengyin wore a snowy white dress. When she moved, her dress fluttered along with her movements, like a cheerful b.u.t.terfly lingering among the flowers.

Lu Zhangting just watched that girl dance. Due to her movements, a light blush appeared on her face, which somewhat weakened her cold expression and added a little bit of charm and gentleness.

The slender point of her shoe gently touched the ground and a round arc was drawn. Little by little, she entered his territory like that. (细细的鞋尖轻轻的点着地面,一个一个圆润的弧度划开,她就那么一点一点的,进入了他的领地)

Lu Zhangting suddenly withdrew his gaze and went up to meet her. (陆长霆突然收回了目光,他迎了上去)

Four eyes abruptly met each other unprepared and respectively withdrew. Their hands intertwined and their bodies made contact with each other. Even their breathing was in sync. (四目猝不及防的相对,又各自退开,两人的手交缠,身体相触碰,甚至呼吸相连)

Hard and softness coming in contact with each other; elegance and excitement brought forth pa.s.sion. It was obviously their first time dancing together, but it was as if they had practiced countless times together. Every step and every emotion in their eyes contained each other"s intentions. (刚硬与柔美相触,优雅与激.情迸发,两人明明是第一次共舞,却像是演练了无数次一样契合,每一个舞步,每一个眼神,都包含着彼此的心意)

When the music stopped, the two of them embraced each other quietly, only letting go after a while.

Lu Zhangting felt as if his soul had been pulled out of his body and shuddered. He suddenly recalled something and looked at Gu Shengyin: “You don"t reject my touch?” (陆长霆从刚刚那种仿佛灵魂都在战栗的感觉中抽身而出,他突然想起了什么,看着顾盛因:"你不排斥我的接触)

With his capability, it was naturally impossible to let go of any matters related to Gu Shengyin since he set his mind on her.

Three days after Gu Shengyin had ineffably fainted, he understood the reason why she fainted.

There was a psychological aversion and rejection towards strangers, so much that it was considered a phobia. (对陌生人的接触有着心理性的厌恶与排斥,甚至恐惧)

His investigation of the clues of what had happened in the past was put to a stop due to Grandpa Sheng"s intervention, but Lu Zhangting could roughly guess what happened. (当年的究竟发生了什么在盛老爷子的干预下已经查不到线索,然而陆长霆却大致能猜的出来)

At the same time, he felt sorry for Gu Shengyin, yet there was a huge surprise now. (他心疼顾盛因的同时,这会儿却有了个巨大的惊喜)

The two of the just danced together, yet Gu Shengyin did not show any discomfort or rejection from the beginning of the dance until the end. Did this mean that she had already accepted him from the bottom of her heart?

Gu Shengyin also remembered this body"s shortcoming. In fact, Sheng Lu really did have a psychological disease. As long as she could overcome it, it would not be a serious problem. (顾盛因也想起了这具身体的毛病,其实盛露这个是心理性的疾病,只要自己能够克服,并不是什么大不了的事情)

After switching to Gu Shengyin, this problem would of course be split when it met the knife"s edge1.

Looking at a certain man"s face beaming with joy, Gu Shengyin felt that there was no need to explain it.

Originally, he was the most special person for her, right? (原本对于她来说,他就是最特别的那个人,不是吗)

“I don"t know. I don"t feel uncomfortable having contact with you.” She said softly.

Lu Zhangting was overjoyed. He recalled their dance from just now. He said: “It seems that xue mei and I have fate. I have never danced so smoothly with other girls.”

JMin"s Corner:

Ugh, too descriptive = too hard for me to translate, but i think i did a good job? ;-;

Ari"s Corner:

easily solved↩

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