Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil

Chapter 183

Translator: Callis
Editor: Walker

When the group returned to the camp, Zhou Yun Sheng had already returned. There were many sedimentary rocks by his foot and were being carefully looked at, one by one. Hearing the foolish lion"s impatient whine, he laughed helplessly and wanted to stand up to greet him but was thrown down by a huge black shadow. Then a big wet tongue licked his face, his collarbone, and cherries on his chest. He gradually slipped to his waist and forced the skirt aside.

The long lost husband and wife immediately embraced each other. In order to prevent others from looking at his lover, Zhao Xuan rolled him onto his back, leaped into the treehouse, and closed the door.

"My stones……" Before Zhou Yun Sheng could finish, the foolish lion"s tongue had opened up his hole and plunged into its depths. He gasped.

"Wuwuwu, deeper, go in deeper." He immediately forgot his original intentions. He clamped his legs around the lion"s head. He urged him on as his waist and legs trembled, as if he was feeling extreme pleasure.

Zhao Xuan pushed his skirt up to his waist with his forepaws as his tongue lapped at his hole. His huge reddened member was dripping with dew, stiffened and ready.

After three months of absence, the pair of husbands missed each other. After a few explorations, they hastily forced themselves together, going in deep, then shallow and pushing in and out. The treehouse creaked with their movements.

Kun sat on the ground with a blank expression on his face.

Bai paced under the tree, looking up a moment later and growled at Xiao An Chun. He lifted a hind leg to show him that he also had a large red member, swollen and erect. Although the tiger"s c.o.c.k wasn"t as good as the lion"s, its characteristics were distressing. The shaft was covered in barbs that could firmly hook onto the inner walls.

Xiao An Chun"s flushed cheeks instantly went as pale as paper. He shook his hand and waved his arms, backing away.

Was it a c.o.c.k or a torture device? Would he die if it went in?

"No, the barbs were there to prevent female tigers from escaping and they can soften and shrink. As long as you don"t run, I won"t have to use them." Bai ah-wu"d and explained, but unfortunately, Xiao An Chun couldn"t understand a single word.

Kun seemed calm, but his heart was in turmoil. He thought about Eddie often. He was now a seventh-cla.s.s warrior and could be promoted to an eighth-cla.s.s warrior if he absorbed a few more red crystals. Even the leader of the Renault tribe wouldn"t be able to stand against him. If he went back after reaching the eighth-cla.s.s, n.o.body would dare to say anything, let alone take his position.

So, he had to try and figure out where the beautiful female hid the red crystals and then kill them all. He admitted that the golden lion was very powerful, but that was in the past. It was different now. How powerful could an ancestral beast be against a beastman at the top of the seventh-cla.s.s?

He confidently waited until the man and beast had finished mating. In the evening, the golden lion came down from the balcony of the treehouse, carrying the female, whose face was full of embarra.s.sment. He placed him down and walked towards the kitchen.

The female stretched, sat crossed-legged, and continued to fiddle with the stones. Xiao An Chun stood in front of the stove, sweat dripping down like rain. Bai watched the fire, adding more firewood as needed.

The camp was bustling and there was a sense of warmth in the air. But no one could have thought that Kun was thinking about how to kidnap the female, force him to tell him where he had hidden the red crystals, and then kill him. When he stood up and was about to invite the female for a walk in the forest, a loud boom came from the distance.

"What happened?" Xiao An Chun put down his spatula and quickly climbed down to the kitchen roof to take a look.

Zhao Xuan and Bai had already reached the top of the tallest tree, looking into the distance. Kun also kept up with them, and he was shocked. Only old G.o.d Zhou Yun Sheng remained sitting in the same place and continued to examine the stones. There was no species on this planet that could threaten his life, so he didn"t worry at all.

"What is it?" He took the time to ask.

"Ah-wu!" It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Zhao Xuan carelessly shook his mane and jumped down from the tree. It was a pity that his beloved lover couldn"t understand his roars, so he turned around and looked at Xiao An Chun.

"I thought it was something big, it turned out just to be a T-Rex. It"s nothing, don"t worry about it." Xiao An Chun slid down the trunk to the ground, his voice very calm.

Bai was relieved and went back to the stove to add more firewood. It was only when he had witnessed the battle between the king of beasts and the T-Rex that he fell under the king"s elegant mane. Now when he saw the T-Rex again, the only thing he could imagine was its body torn open.

But Kun wasn"t the same, he was scared to the point of urinating.

The warriors at the top of the seventh-cla.s.s were very powerful, but when they met the tyrant of the western continent, they could only be trampled into the ground. He had witnessed a T-Rex destroy the entire eastern forest before. If it hadn"t fallen into the heavenly pit and died in the earthquake, it would have completely destroyed all of the tribes in the eastern continent.

Nevermind a seventh-cla.s.s warrior, even if they were to gather all of the warriors on the eastern continent, they still wouldn"t be able to oppose the T-Rex.

A moment ago, Kun was full of ambition. Now, there was only despair.

Kun quickly climbed up to his treehouse, wrapped up the fish skin and dried meat he stockpiled, and prepared to run. As he panicked and stumbled down the rope ladder, he saw the two men and two beasts sitting around the table, ready for dinner.

"You aren"t running?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"You run." Zhou Yun Sheng waved lightly.

But there were only two ancestral beasts, how could they be so calm in front of the T-Rex? The T-Rex was very fast. It would only take half a month for it to cross between the eastern and western continents. It could go from one end of the forest to the other in the blink of an eye. Before they could finish dinner, the camp would have been destroyed and no one would survive.

Kun was very anxious. Seeing that they wouldn"t leave, he turned around and fled.

"Kun, are you just going to leave us and run away? Beastmen are social animals. Shouldn"t we help each other in our times of need?" Xiao An Chun shouted at his panic-stricken figure.

Kun didn"t stop, nor did he turn back. He rushed in the direction of the Bayan tribe, but a huge black bear suddenly emerged. The thick stomach blocked his path like it was a wall, and Kun fell heavily to the ground. The black bear stepped over him and ran towards the golden lion, kneeling on his legs and folding his forepaws together. He bowed his head, as if greeting a king. He pointed towards the direction of the rumbling footsteps, then pointed towards himself, Zhou Yun Sheng, and the others. He wanted the king of beasts to protect everyone.

Not long afterward, many wild animals also rushed towards the camp. A long-nosed elephant rushed forward on unsteady feet and ran into Kun, who had just gotten back up. When Kun fell to the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood. His expression was both amazed and resentful.

What was going on? The T-Rex was coming but they weren"t fleeing, what were all the beasts doing here?

Xiao An Chun and Bai looked at the golden lion with pleading eyes. The golden lion spat out the food in his mouth and looked at his lover. Zhou Yun Sheng set down his wooden bowl, and asked casually, "You won"t go even if we can get more food? We can have dinosaur meat tonight." Fish was too greasy to eat every day and now fresh ingredients had been delivered to their door. Why should they pa.s.s it up?

"Long live the male G.o.d!" Xiao An Chun jumped up with joy.

The male G.o.d was an invisible boss. He said that he wanted to eat dinosaur meat, and now the T-Rex was in trouble.

A group of wild beasts roared one after another after seeing the golden lion running through the forest with the beautiful female on his back. They quickly followed them. Dinosaur meat not only tasted delicious, but also contained an amazing amount of energy. The strength of all the beasts that had consumed it rose by varying degrees. This was the reason they regarded the golden lion as their king. They just hoped that when there was another T-Rex, the king of beasts would slaughter and share it.

In the past, if the dinosaur intruded into the eastern continent, it would be quite a disaster for the creatures living there. But now, because the king of beasts was present, it had turned into a carnival. Kun didn"t know what was going on. He just thought that the beasts were pulling the golden lion into running for their lives. After a moment"s thought, he ran in the direction of the Bayan tribe.

Halfway there, he began to notice that things were unusual. A beast staggered by him, gathering towards the sounds of the T-Rex"s footsteps. The furry face was expressionless, but the pair of vertical pupils were particularly bright, shining with excitement.

Correct, it was like the excitement of attending a gourmet feast. It was impossible to misread it with Kun"s top seventh-cla.s.s vision.

When another beast growled and ran past him, he finally stopped and stood in place, watching uncertainty.

The T-Rex, dozens of meters tall, was standing nearby, sweeping through the huge trees blocking its path with its sharp claws and st.u.r.dy tail. The ancient trees had been growing for hundreds of thousands of years and weathered through storms and heavy rains. The trees fell down one after the other against the dinosaur"s powerful force, creating deafening noise.

Kun felt the earth under his feet quaking. It was a force that even nature had to submit to, leaving him afraid, powerless, and unable to resist. But why wouldn"t the beasts run? It was like moths attracted to a flame, moving towards the most dangerous place. What were they so excited about? What were they looking forward to?

When Kun hesitated, the T-Rex suddenly let out a terrible howl of pain and then collapsed into the sea of trees. The only thing that could be seen was a tail, trembling in midair.

It was……attacked? Kun marveled at his guess. He couldn"t believe that the T-Rex, who could roam the entirety of the Beastman Planet, would be attacked by a beast in the eastern continent. However, this judgement was clearly based on fact. After the T-Rex fell to the ground, the beasts that had gathered around roared excitedly, reverberating clear through the clouds and the forest.

Kun was a beastman, so he naturally understood what kinds of emotions were contained in the wild beasts" cries: excitement, ecstasy, and yearning. There was absolutely no fear. Exactly what had happened?

Driven by his curiosity, Kun finally overcame his fear and ran in the T-Rex"s direction. As he neared, his expression changed.

He rubbed his eyes, then rubbed them again, confirming that everything he was seeing wasn"t an illusion. Then he fell to the ground. If someone told him before that a T-Rex couldn"t beat the golden lion, he would have laughed at the other"s delusion.

But now, not far ahead of him, the golden lion he had lived with all day and night was tearing into the T-Rex"s neck, bloodthirsty growls bursting forth. The T-Rex was so overwhelmed that it couldn"t fight back. Every time the T-Rex tried to stand up, he was lightly beaten by the golden lion and slammed down again. The earth around them had crumpled and formed deep pits.

The large group of wild beasts that surrounded them seized the opportunity to rush forward to bite the T-Rex. Though they couldn"t pierce through its tougher outer skin at once, their persistent efforts left painful wounds. This was the truth of "many ants biting an elephant to death".

Kun swore on the name of the beast G.o.d that he had never seen the beasts of the eastern continent hunting a T-Rex before. Before this, he couldn"t even have dreamed of it. Seeing Xiao An Chun and the beautiful female sitting on a large rock nearby, with the gaze of old G.o.ds. He reluctantly stood up and walked towards them.

He was still scared, and felt somewhat uneasy. It had never occurred to him that the golden lion, who had done nothing but eat, sleep, and mate was so strong. It was ridiculous that he would be able to defeat the other, even at the top of the seventh-cla.s.s.

Now, however, what could he do to defeat him? Were his hands stronger than a T-Rex"s front claws? Could his teeth be sharper than a T-Rex"s? Could he be more powerful than a T-Rex? In the eyes of a T-Rex, he was just an ant. Then, what did the lion think of himself when he could tear the T-Rex to piece in one bite? He was afraid that he would be even lower than an ant.

Kun finally understood why the beautiful female could deliver red crystals in such a casual manner, and why they had allowed him to grow stronger day by day. It was because they had already known that no matter how strong he was, to them, he was only a centipede shaking a tree, his actions as faint as dust.

An unprecedented sense of frustration surged up within him, leaving Kun"s expression blank. He approached the rock and hesitated to climb up, but he saw the T-Rex suddenly went mad and swept its tail.

Kun was frightened and stunned, but he was still a seventh-cla.s.s warrior and he instinctively avoided it. However, he didn"t spare a thought to rescuing the two females at all. He didn"t care whether they lived or died from the bottom of his heart. When he dodged, the T-Rex"s strong tail swept towards Zhou Yun Sheng and Xiao An Chun with a strong gust. If they failed to avoid it, they would be crushed to pieces, leaving behind only broken bones.

With that degree of external and internal injuries, there would be little hope for survival.

Bai immediately jumped off of the T-Rex"s back and rushed towards his sweetheart, despair in his green eyes.

The golden lion unleashed his anger, no longer playing with the T-Rex, and lightly enclosed his sharp teeth around its neck. Ma.s.sive amounts of blood gushed out, splattering on his golden fur and spurting into the air. The strong scent of blood foreshadowed its misfortune.

"Male G.o.d, be careful!" In the mist of blood, Xiao An Chun wrapped his body around the male G.o.d"s, intending to block the T-Rex"s tail with his back, but the pain he had imagined never came. He waited for a moment, the silence leaving him terrified. Then he opened his eyes and gasped.

The man he had thought couldn"t even tie up a chicken easily held on to the T-Rex"s tail, not budging at all. Seeing Xiao An Chun look up, Zhou Yun Sheng suddenly burst into a brilliant smile, then tore off a few meters of tail, flesh, and bone from the T-Rex.

Its tail and throat were crushed and broken almost at the same time, and the T-Rex couldn"t even tragically howl. It only convulsed violently and died from blood loss; the scene was spectacular.

Xiao An Chun pulled himself from the male G.o.d"s loose embrace, then looked at the tail in his hand and at the golden lion spitting out a mouthful of blood, eagerly roaring at them. He finally returned to his senses with a cry of alarm.

"Male G.o.d, y-you ripped off the T-Rex"s tail? How did you do it?" He poked the stiff tail to make sure it was real.

"Defensive instincts." Zhou Yun Sheng shrugged and threw the tail away.

A huge, several meter long tail slammed into Kun, who had wanted to hide but found that he couldn"t. He was. .h.i.t hard, and his body was knocked away. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but when he looked at the golden lion and the beautiful female, his eyes were filled with fear, not contempt. The strength of the golden lion was enough to shock him, but the female"s strength was hidden even deeper.

As everybody knew, the T-Rex"s most powerful weapon wasn"t its claws, but its tail. It"s tail muscles were quite developed. Nevermind giant trees and rocks, it could even level mountain peaks in one strike. Almost no species on the Beastman Planet could withstand a hit from the T-Rex"s tail, except for other T-Rexes. However, not only did the female catch it with his bare hands, he also easily pulled it apart. How swift were his reflexes? How could he have such violent energy?

In other words, he had the strength to kill a T-Rex in seconds, and he was stronger than the golden lion. He used to think that the golden lion indulged in the female"s desires to spoil him, but now he knew that perhaps it was out of fear. He was the most terrible existence in the camp.

Remembering that he was going to lure the female into the forest and force him to reveal the whereabouts of the red crystals before killing him, Kun felt his scalp go numb. A chill went down his spine, and he couldn"t stand up.

Zhao Xuan killed the T-Rex, ripped off the tenderest piece of meat as usual, and took it to his lover. Zhou Yun Sheng walked over, held and stroked the lion"s huge head, a warm smile in his eyes. The man and beast nestled together and kissed intimately. The warm scene quickly dispersed the shock in Xiao An Chun"s heart, and he became moved.

He didn"t bother to ask the male G.o.d why he was so strong. He drew a dagger from his waist and helped Bai cut away the dinosaur"s meat.

These days, who didn"t have a few secrets? If the male G.o.d didn"t want to explain, then he wouldn"t ask. Besides, the person with the most secrets in the camp was him.

Feeling the fierce energy emanating from the dinosaur"s flesh, Kun immediately broke free from his fear and his eyes shone with greed. The T-Rex"s body was so large that it was like a mountain, a group of beasts feeding off of it. There was the sound of tearing flesh in the air. There was no doubt that, after eating the meat, their strength would greatly improve.

Kun was still between the seventh and eighth-cla.s.s; his desire for the dinosaur meat was the strongest. He immediately got up and pushed towards the herd.

"Who let you move?" A stone by his feet exploded, letting out a large bang.

Kun startled and looked back with a pale face.

Zhou Yun Sheng helped the foolish lion clean his mane and slowly said, "When there"s danger, you run for your life alone and leave your companions. Such a person cannot receive my approval. From now on, you will be expelled from the camp, so you have no right to share in the camp"s food."

Kun wanted to speak, but his lips moved soundlessly and no words came out. What he did was clear to all those with eyes. The beautiful female wasn"t like Xiao An Chun, and his amber eyes often made Kun uneasy.

It turned out that his instincts were correct, this female wasn"t simple.

He wasn"t only powerful, but also intelligent. The female had been observing him, and once he failed to pa.s.s the test, he was discarded. Kun knew that it was useless to say anything now. He wanted to grab a few pieces of dinosaur meat and run away, but he was afraid of the female"s sharp sight.

Fortunately, the female, like Xiao An Chun, believed in kindness. Otherwise, he would have been killed. In other tribes, betrayal was a capital offense.

Kun raised his hands and slowly retreated to the end of the forest, then turned around and ran like there was a T-Rex chasing after him.

Only then did his face break out in cold sweat. It was a feeling he would remember for the rest of his life.

The moment you"ve all been waiting for, Kun finally got kicked out! (´꒳`)