Return – League of Legends

Chapter 1

“Sun Hao, please don’t stare at the girl’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s, is it too much to ask for you to not be a pervert?”

Inside the noisy cafe, a stare pierced through a man to the girl in front of a computer – the person thought, wasn’t she shameless dressing like this? And to come in to her internet café in that dress?

Sun Hao wryly smiled, and turned his head innocently.

It was in the middle of a hot June, and all he was doing was looking at people playing League of Legends. Well, that, and the occasional glance. But really, it wasn’t his fault that the air was stuffy in the internet café, and girls wore such revealing clothes. Moreover, it was unusual seeing a beautiful girl play League, so he was curious about her level of skill.

Speaking of League of Legends, this compet.i.tive game was amazing, sweeping the world with its popularity. The babbling children and the elderly knew about the game. Almost everyone knew and played it, but without a doubt, the largest audience were teenagers, who would often chat with their friends about the game.

Because of the booming popularity, the game saved the dying internet café culture. Even in this small café, most seats were full, and laughter as well as pa.s.sion lived furiously. Of course, it also helped that the internet café was located nearby several colleges.

“Ah, owner, you’re misunderstanding, I was watching to learn how to play.”

Sun Hao was depressed – he didn’t want to run into his employer.

Only 24 years old, Yue Chi was the owner of this small business. She appeared pretty attractive with blond curls, but Sun Hao didn’t dare comment, as she didn’t look too friendly at the moment.

“Learning? Don’t try to make excuses, do you even play League of Legends? I’ve never seen you play.”

With a hint of disdain, she looked at him. “This game isn’t so simple, your boss here had played for a year and only managed to be in Bronze. Though, if you’re not lying and want to learn, I can take a day and teach you.”

His eyes lit up; would this be considered a date? From here on, they would play League of Legends together, and eventually spark love between them… ah, though Yue Chi was a few years older than him, it’d still be nice.

Seeing Sun Hao slightly drooling, Yue Chi didn’t want to know what he was thinking and felt disgusted. “! Don’t use those dirty eyes to look at me, I’m not going to teach you. You’re just a computer technician that doesn’t play League in these days, what a shame. If it wasn’t for an acquaintance recommending you, I certainly wouldn’t have hire you!”

Hearing these words, Sun Hao smiled – did he really not play League of Legends?

Suddenly, the internet café burst in excitement. Lots of people put down their headphones as they ran to the large LCD TV behind the cash register, everyone eagerly waiting for something on the screen.

“It’s the debut of FoP!”

“Look, that’s Chen Fan! Wow, he’s dead handsome!”

“Chen Fan’s carrying the audience’s attention!”

On the TV, a channel dedicated to the LPL (LoL Pro League, the Chinese Professional League Scene) was turned on. Although it usually showed professional, live games, they also broadcasted features about League – the debut of FoP was highly hyped, so it was natural that they would cover it. It wasn’t the team that carried the attention; instead, it was the star ADC, Chen Fan, who showed a G.o.dlike performance in every game. Coupled with his handsome demeanor, he quickly rose up to become a famous celebrity in the compet.i.tive world.

Wearing a FoP uniform, Chen Fan looked like an idol, his face full of confidence staring with a calm, composed smile. The girls in the internet café screamed, and even the boys were thrilled, as he was a figure that they admired as well.

“Chen Fan is so cool, I love him!” Hearts sprayed out of Yue Chi’s eyes, she was a big follower of Chen Fan.

“Yeah, I know him. He used to be my friend.” Sun Hao unexpectedly said.

She broke out into laughter, and turned in contempt. “Could you at least make believable lies? How about you blow out those thoughts and head over to check the 26th computer, the machine definitely had problems.”

“I’ll head over there, though, let me add, you look beautiful today.”


Sun Hao smiled and walked over to the computer at the 26th station, but a sad sigh came out as he looked once again at the TV screen.

FoP was a team that he knew no one was more familiar with – the original position of ADC should’ve belonged to him, yet, he could only look at his now famous friend helplessly. And here he was, repairing computers in an internet café.

A year ago, FoP was the 2nd team to qualify for the LPL, beating the other teams in its bracket. At that moment, cheers filled the air, and the team’s owner promised to buy everyone a meal.

The team’s ADC at that time was Sun Hao. However, he was commonly known as Straw Hat, because he would wear a sports cap in every compet.i.tion.

He didn’t really want to wear the hat, because it didn’t look good and the cameras couldn’t see his face. However, the club specifically requested it, stating that it was needed to establish an ident.i.ty. After all, Sun Hao, though he wasn’t ugly, didn’t attract eyes with his appearance and people would’ve forgotten about him.

For FoP to reach the LPL was surely a joyous event for the team. But on this day, he was replaced from the role of ADC.

The man that replaced him was Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was Sun Hao’s apprentice – handsome, bright and highly talented. He was easily likable and humble, so when he wasn’t busy, Sun Hao taught his insights and experience for every champion to Chen Fan. Seeing Chen Fan slowly grow to the pro level, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Yet, on that day, the humility Chen Fan had wasn’t there; instead, an arrogant, haughty look met Sun Hao.

“Brother, you’re too old, you don’t belong in the LPL, so leave.”

Sun Hao almost fainted in shock as he heard Chen Fan. Was this his apprentice? It was a completely changed man in front of him. And as well, at the age of 21, Sun Hao was at his peak in the world of professional gaming, he didn’t believe that it was time for him to retire.

In addition, he hadn’t even played a single LPL game, how could he leave like this? It was the dream of all League players to play on the big, professional stage.

In denial, he went to the owner, but the following words put him in complete despair. “From the beginning, we intended to use Chen Fan instead of you, Sun Hao, but Chen Fan’s ability was insufficient. So, needing someone to train him while keeping the team going, we took you as a temporary player. We needed Chen Fan, someone who was handsome and yet displayed top talent as an ADC certainly would enhance the prestige and commercial value of the team. Simply, we don’t need you anymore.”

A temporary player and a mentor? Sun Hao’s heart bled, he dropped out of high school and left his family to embark on the path of becoming a professional player. For what though? FoP didn’t offer him a contract. And he couldn’t even see the fruits of his victories, to become a LPL player.

“Of course, if you still want to return, you can join as a sub for Chen Fan, after all, we’ll still care of the people that had made contributions.”

With a sneer on his face, the owner’s eyes seemed to be telling Sun Hao: this is my gift to you, don’t expect to get more.

Sun Hao refused to accept, how could he sit on the bench on behalf of Chen Fan? What a joke.

“You’re still not satisfied? It’s fact that I’m better than you.” Chen Fan’s mouth curved slightly downwards, and arrogantly, he said, “Let’s play a game, and the team can choose who they would like to have on the team, the loser will leave on their own!”

“Well, if I lose, I’ll never play ADC again!”

Sun Hao said angrily, immediately putting his dreams at the stake here. Saying that he would never play ADC again was equivalent to giving up on the professional scene. In any case, the only champions he had played were ADC champions since the release of League, and he was a.s.sured in his ability to play them.

However, in that match, he had lost.

Chen Fan always had a very high amount of talent, and extremely fast reaction speed. And he taught Chen Fan his style of playing without any reservations, but Sun Hao never found out specifically how his apprentice played.

Knowledge was power – Chen Fan knew everything that Sun Hao was going to do, and coupled with confused emotions, the result was a complete defeat.

After the match, what his teammate, Coyote, had said further discouraged him. “Well, when I play with Chen Fan, I feel more confident as a team than with Sun Hao too.”

Sun Hao was speechless.

His style of play as an ADC wasn’t domineering, but it was a team oriented style that originated from supporting the rest of his team!

From the very start of FoP, Sun Hao had scrimmed together as a team with Coyote, and Coyote was one of the most easy-going people on the team. Coyote had often said to Sun Hao that he was the pillar to their success, but now?

“Brother, thank you for teaching me, but we don’t need you anymore. To put it better, there’s no place for you.” Fan Chen narrowed his eyes, and looked at him in pride.

Everyone looked at Sun Hao ironically – the person that he single-handedly brought up was now replacing him, and they wanted to see his expression.

There was no reason to stay.

“I’m an idiot!”

While debugging the computer, Sun Hao suddenly cried out and the computer next to him, where a girl was playing League jumped, almost hitting her head.

“Ah, look out.” Sun Hao nodded at the girl.

But then, his eyes lit up; the girl was extremely gorgeous.

The girl had short hair, but it didn’t look out of place with her clean clothes. It wasn’t fashionable, yet, her appearance was captivating, appearing like a doll out of a story.

Sun Hao couldn’t help but say, “Beautiful!”

1v1 between ADCs