Ruler Of Order And Chaos

Chapter 11

"How much is this Sharp-bladed Leaf worth?" Yang Lei presented a blade of leaf to another store owner. He had already lost count of how many stores he had visited to enforce "justice". Xiao Yan would just stand outside to avoid causing any trouble or suspicion in case Yang Lei was caught.

The Sharp-bladed Leaf that Yang Lei was holding at the moment was stolen from the last shop he had visited. That store keeper was quite vicious and overstated all the prices. Hence, Yang Lei and co. once again swooped in to administer "justice" on the "corrupt" storekeeper.

"Top-quality, 5 marks. Excellent, I"ll pay 500 gold," the young shop a.s.sistant narrowed his eyes slyly as he gave a low price. Obviously, he didn"t know the true ident.i.ty of the youngster standing before him…

"Sir, I don"t know what drugs you"ve been taking, but as a person who makes a living around herbs, you should know the true value of this Sharp-bladed Leaf, right?"

"I-I don"t know what you are talking about…" the store a.s.sistant began to sweat under Yang Lei"s pressure.

"Not many people know, but these two indistinct lines are actually marks. So this is not a 5 mark Sharp-bladed Leaf, it is a 7 mark Sharp-bladed Leaf!" Yang Lei"s face became excited as he began to spray saliva everywhere.

He was so lively that he even grabbed the shop a.s.sistant by his shoulders and began to shake him. As a 6th stage Martial Novice, he was so strong that n.o.body in this world under 6-star Dou Zhe stood a chance against him, much less a normal human like this shop a.s.sistant.

"About that, ask my b-boss!" The shop a.s.sistant was terrified by the madman before him. He quickly ran to find his boss when Yang Lei released him.

"Is this the 7 mark Sharp-bladed Leaf you spoke about?" A chubby man walked out from the room at the back of the shop. He a.s.sessed the herb in Yang Lei"s palm with a careful look.

The store keeper examined the herb with a magnifying gla.s.s. To his shock, he saw the two indistinct lines his employee had told him about. That wasn"t all! There was even a discreet 8th mark!

"Name your price," he tried to keep a poker face as he hid his greedy expression.

"Eh, I"ll take 2000 gold…" Yang Lei gave the store keeper a number. His calm expression made the store boss ecstatic.

"This brat doesn"t know that there is an 8th mark!" The store boss secretly rubbed his hands together. He smiled and said, "Alright, give him 2000 gol-"

"One condition," Yang Lei interjected. He held up 10 fingers and said, "I need 10 Yellow Lotus Essences. This condition is mandatory." This request put the storekeeper in a hard position.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I can"t give you 10 Yellow Lotus Essences. I"ll give you 5 for-"

"I"ll go somewhere else. I"m sure that other people will be able to recognize the true value of this herb…" Yang Lei threatened indifferently. He knew that the store keeper would definitely not dare to let him leave.

"Fine! Go, give him 10 Yellow Lotus Essences along with 2000 gold," the store keeper finally gave in to Yang Lei"s demands. If Yang Lei really left, someone might notice the 8th mark. This was unacceptable!

"Just give me the 2000 gold. I"ll pick out the 10 Yellow Lotus Essences myself…" Yang Lei waved his hands. He directed the shop a.s.sistant to take out 10 Yellow Lotuses out of their transparent displays. Because this was a higher-end shop, Yang Lei couldn"t steal like he normally would because the herbs were placed in display counters. Of course, he, Yao Lao, and the system came up with a plan…

"…and that one," a gleam flashed through Yang Lei"s eyes. He was excited. One more storekeeper down!

He took his 2000 gold and herbs and walked out the store with the shopkeeper escorting him out personally. Smiling, Yang Lei walked to meet Xiao Yan.

He pulled out the last Yellow Lotus Essence and gently drew his fingernail across the surface of the Yellow Lotus Essence. From the scratch, blood-like red peeked out from the dirty yellow skin around it. He smelled the area where he had scratched the skin off.

"Yao Lao, sure enough, it"s a Blood Lotus Essence like you said!"

"Hahaha! When have I been wrong? Hey, wanna draw more marks on those stupid Sharp-Bladed Leaves?" Yao Lao laughed heartily as Yang Lei stored the Blood Lotus Essence in his inventory s.p.a.ce.

"Nah, I"m tired of selling bullsh*t to those stupidly greedy store-keepers," Yang Lei shook his head. He decided to stop for today. He didn"t want to get the Blood Lotus Essence, but Yao Lao had said that it was crucial for Xiao Yan"s cultivation.

Yang Lei wouldn"t ditch his martial brother like that, so he forced himself to talk with the stupid store a.s.sistant and the greedy as f*ck store owner. He was about to announce the end of their stealing spree, there was a commotion near him that drew his attention.

"Wow, it"s really the Fairy Doctor!"

"So beautiful, tsk tsk, what a slender and narrow waist…"

"Dumba*s, are you wishing for death? The Fairy Doctor has saved more than half of Qingshan Town"s mercenaries. If any one of them heard you, you"ll be screwed."

Two men standing near Yang Lei and Xiao Yan were chatting. When one of them uttered some inappropriate words, his friend quickly stopped him from courting death.

"Fairy Doctor?" Yang Lei"s interest was piqued. He tilted his head and barely managed to catch a glimpse of a female figure in a white dress through the gaps in the crowd of mercenaries.

When the crowd finally dispersed, Yang Lei finally managed to see the face of the lady whom the crowd was going crazy over. The lady was wearing a pale white dress. She was not beautiful to the point of fanaticism but could be called a rare beauty. Her lightly smiling face emitted a fresh aura that was unique and greatly increased her charm.

Yang Lei"s gaze swept across the lady"s body before finally landing on a narrow waist that was bound by a green sash. Seeing the slender waist that could not fill a hug, amazement flashed across his eyes.

Odessa and Kahina were beauties in their own rights. The doctor who had taken care of him was also a divine beauty. Yet, this Fairy Doctor was able to attract his attention.

Yang Lei was now interested in this lady who had Qingshan Town"s mercenaries wrapped around her finger. He watched as the lady in the white dress took a seat and attended to her injured patients.

He touched his chin and admitted that the gentle and kind smile the Fairy Doctor displayed when she was treating the wounded was extremely touching, even to him. It was no wonder that the usually fierce mercenaries would act like obedient little sheep in front of her.

Yang Lei frowned when the shop a.s.sistant interrupted his thoughts, "Sir, you seem interested. The Fairy Doctor is a physician. With your ability to find such wonderful herbs, you may be able to befriend her…"

"Yeah, whatever," Yang Lei ignored the stupid shop a.s.sistant. If he really did as the latter said, he would definitely leave a bad impression on her. Yang Lei shook his head and said to Xiao Yan beside him, "Let"s go find a place to stay for the night."

"Right, a place to stay," Xiao Yan nodded his head. He asked around for recommendations and settled on the Bright Star Inn. The duo paid for dinner, two rooms, and finally parted into their respective rooms.

However, the duo could still communicate through the SystemChat.


The next day, Yang Lei met up with Xiao Yan and ate breakfast at the inn"s tavern. "So," he said over his plate, "Do you want to go with just me into the Magic Beast Mountain Range, or do you want to find a mercenary team to go with?"

"Uhm," Xiao Yan tore off a piece of meat. "I think we should go with a mercenary team just to be safe."

"Good idea," Yang Lei nodded, "I was already thinking about that but I wanted to ask for your opinion. With our current strengths, we can only handle two rank one magic beasts at the very most…"

They quickly finished up breakfast and hurriedly left Qingshan Town through the exit that faced the Magic Beast Mountain Range. Just outside town, there were many mercenaries. Voices were crying out one after another, calling out to those solo mercenaries who wished to enter the Magic Beast Mountain Range.

There were three types of mercenary teams. There were the professional teams that were said to have the strongest forces of Qingshan Town. Then there were the temporary teams that were formed and disbanded after the mission was completed. This type of team had no trust and had horrible cooperation.

Finally, there were the solo mercenaries. These mercenaries were either stupid or had trump cards that allowed for their arrogance.

Obviously, Yang Lei and Xiao Yan wanted to join the first type of mercenary team. Just as they started looking for a good team, shout ran out and stirred up the mercenaries, "The Thousand Medicinal House is planning to enter the Magic Mountain Range to gather medicinal herbs. Accompanying them will be the Fairy Doctor. There are only fifty slots. For those who are a two star Dou Zhe and above, please hurry!"

The loud cry managed to overcome the other loud noises in the background. Immediately all mercenaries that believed that they were eligible immediately rushed towards the middle-aged man from the Thousand Medicinal House.

Staring at the surging crowd of mercenaries, Yang Lei blinked his eyes. After a moment of silence, he also rushed forward and joined the crowd.

"There is still one more spot!" The middle-aged man shouted as he waved the scroll in his hand around.

"Me!" Yang Lei pushed his way through the riotous crowd of mercenaries. He stood before the middle-aged man and panted. d.a.m.n, those mercenaries must really love the Fairy Doctor to fight like that!

"Uh, little kid, you need to be a 2-STAR DOU ZHE-" The middle-aged man began to speak when Yang Lei punched a thick tree, making it topple to the ground. This showcase of strength was enough to silence the other mercenaries that were scorning him just moments ago.

"A genius!" The man nodded his head in admiration. "Alright, this last spot is yours. The wage is 500 gold coins and your job is to escort the "Thousand Medicine House" medicine gathering team. I will pay you half of it first. The other half will be paid when we return."

"Wait," Yang Lei stopped the man. He didn"t care about the wage. 500 gold coins? Bah, he could earn 1000"s of gold coins just from scamming the stupid herb store owners. What he wanted was the safe training environment for himself and junior martial brother Xiao to train in.

"What is it?" The middle-aged man paused as he waited for Yang Lei"s response.

"I want to bring my brother along," Yang Lei demanded. If he couldn"t, then he would just quit the team.

"Sorry kid, there is only one spot!" The middle-aged man shook his head and disapproved.

"Let him bring his brother along," a voice startled everybody. When they looked for the source, they discovered that the person who had spoken was the Fairy Doctor!

With gazes of envy, the other mercenaries watched as Xiao Yan was also accepted into the mercenary team. What was the ident.i.ty of this brat that the Fairy Doctor would acquiesce to his request?


Author"s Note: Who do you want to take Yang Lei"s virginity? Odessa, Kahina, or the Fairy Doctor? I"ll put one comment for each and the one that receives the most likes by tomorrow will be Yang Lei"s first woman! Have fun choosing!
