Searching For You

Chapter 136

Those who sat in front of the royal"s pavilion turned around confused unable to guess why Prince Mua Kong suddenly appeared with a child. Majority of them have not seen him for the last three years and now, suddenly he showed up with a child who looked about three years. To what many of them heard from rumors was that the woman Mua Kong picked up had ran away from the palace pressures. Unbeknown to them, the rumor was the work of the King to cover the real reason while they investigate the incident. They wanted to give the perpetrator the impression that they believed Hli Ja actually ran away.

Too curious, Mua Mong tilted his head down to take a peek of the child on Mua Kong"s arm but the child had buried his face tightly onto Mua Kong"s chest. He looked at Mua Kong feeling perplexed with many questions he wanted to ask. Before he opens his mouth to ask, the child move his head slightly to the left allowing one third of the face to expose.

From the angle, the child looked bashfully with his bright big eyes darting back and forth between his father and the uncle standing next to him yet at the same time, the eyes asked of curiosity who the uncle was. After glancing at the big uncle, Little Superglue pushed his head off from his father"s chest and perked his head up to look at his father wanting to know who the uncle is.

Mua Kong looked slightly down at his son and spoked softly, "That"s your uncle Mua Mong."

Little Superglue"s eyes perked up, "Uncle Mong Mong?" He could not enunciate Mua correctly, so it sounded almost like Mong, just like how he said his name. He couldn"t enunciate Hue correctly so he calls himself, Houa Houa.

Hearing what Mua Kong instructed the child to call him and the mini miniature of Mua Kong, Mua Mong knew that the child is his nephew, son of his younger brother and Hli Ja. Happy to hear that the woman his brother love dearly could still be alive somewhere, Mua Mong smile brightly at the child while leaning down to the level of the child, he nodded his head dazzlingly, "Mm.. Mm.. I"m your uncle Mua Mong." He reached his hand out to pat Little Superglue"s head.

Behind Mua Mong, the King saw the whole thing making him full of mixed emotions as well. He has many things he wanted to ask but couldn"t because they are in public. When most of the people turned around to look, they saw the back of the child. They too, have many questions to ask and wanted to rush up to look, but they have to maintain their manner and distance. Eventually, they will get to see who the child is so they held themselves back.

In one of her moments where she turned around to look at Mua Kong, Pa Chee saw the child looking up to Mua Kong and then turning sideway to look at the King and Mua Mong caused her heart to feel disturb. Because she sat in the front left of the Royal Pavilion, from her angle, she could not see the face of the boy but only the back. Why would her Prince bring a child? Whose child is the boy? To her knowledge, there shouldn"t be any child since Hli Ja died in the fire years ago.

Little Superglue eyes sparkles as he put a smile and then darted his face back to look at his father still feeling bashful of the stranger uncle. The King then darted forward reaching his hand out trembling to touch his grandson"s head. "Let me see him."

Mua Kong stares at his son briefly before uttering, "That is your grandfather. He"s the King that rule this country."

"Huh.. Grandfather?" Little Superglue looked at his father not quite sure what grandfather is. He only knows of mommy, daddy and uncle Pao Pao. His life was only surrounded by mommy and uncle Pao Pao but he had seen children like him sitting on their daddy"s shoulder and arm. So, he always wondered about his daddy but he was never desperate enough to ask his mommy because his mommy gave him enough attention to not want a daddy.

Seeing the curious eyes of his son, Mua Kong explained, "Grandfather is your daddy"s daddy."

Little Superglue"s pupil dilated, he didn"t know that his daddy can also have a daddy. "You have a daddy too? But you"re big? How can you have a daddy?" He asked one question after another.

Mua Mong chuckled while Mua Kong was lost for an answer to explain to a three years old who didn"t grow up with many people. He too was not surrounded by children and suddenly his son showed up at three years of age, already have a personality, curious of many things and asked too many questions that baffles him for an answer.

"Not many children are lucky to have grandfather." Mua Mong added happily.

"Oh!" Little Superglue"s eyebrows irked in excitement, he laughed and exclaimed, "Houa Houa is lucky?" He looked up to his father for confirmation.

"Mm... Go to your grandfather." Mua Kong urged.

"Ok." Little Superglue replied as he tried to turn around while on his father"s laps. Mua Kong lifted his son up to his father who at the same time also reached his hand down to hold his grandson.

The King pulled his grandson closer for a hug and carry his grandson back to his seat. He sat down carefully while holding his grandson in his arms and at the same time, a smile crept on his face. The sight of the King smiling as he sat was rarely seen of, making those who witnessed the moment shutter in shock.