Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 53 (A man from the sixth inst.i.tution)

Chapter 53 (A man from the sixth inst.i.tution)

The man who appeared suddenly. 

For that, I don"t know it. 

His aim at Cecil-san. 

If that being the case then, restrictionー forbidden spell. 

When I look at it more accurately he had held the sword which hangs on the carriage wall before. 

Cecil-san peeked out from the place where the door come off. 

"Baton, Stop the carriage !" 

She already holds a sword in her hand. 

"Cecil-san !" 

I called out forcefully this time. 

The carriage dropped its speed. 

Hirgiz-san and I who don"t have any other choice followed her. 


Banton voice of dismay can be heard. 

There standing a man carrying an injured Zix who is bleeding from his head on one of his arms. 

The man wears a clothes with black color as the basis with dark red on some part. 

It is the so-called samurai clothes that come out from period dramaー 

On his other hand, he held a black... is that Katana? 

Following his line of sight, it seems the words just now is directed toward the horse. 

"The coachman over there too. my aim is, by the end of the day is that person after all." 

He pointed the black blade at Cecil-san. 

This place I"m sure is close to the town center open s.p.a.ce. 

However, this person on the place where the traffic is intense... 

They are individuals who come after hearing an uproar. 



When I was going to chant the forbidden spell, someone holds my hand. 

"I know you can use the forbidden spell because I"ve seen it, however, let me confirm something first." 

"Can you guarantee that Zix won"t get dragged into it as well ?" 

Search, Search...  

That man currently is 『holding』 Zix-san. 

In that case, the forbidden spell consider it as 『one target』 is it? 

At that time, is there any blue goblin who being close with each other?  

Because I was being desperate to survive at that time, I"m unable to remember the surrounding well. 

Since I won"t be using the second stage. 

Probably Hirgiz-san worried about the spear from the second stage spell. 

However, I can just stop at the first stage. 

If it"s only restricting with the chain then... 

"Hirgiz-san, you don"t have toー." 

Then in respond to his voice, Hirgiz-san and I change our line of sight to the man. 

Cecil-san expression hardened. 

Regarding that, I can guess it. 

However, the reason why Cecil-san expression changed completely is not about 『that part』. 

『If you"re looking for an old friend of the sixth inst.i.tution then...』 

A former member of the sixth inst.i.tution. 

He only said that he"s a 『old friend』. 

Without hesitation too. 

"However, I don"t have the proof of it. If it"s about the story of the past then I can tell you as much as you want, however, for you, such talk would have no meaning right? The only person who can guarantee my ident.i.ty, well, it is a fellow member of the sixth inst.i.tution I guess ?. howverー those kinds of thing is does not matter." 

Hibigami pointed his sword toward Cecil-san once again. 

"I challenge you, Cecil Arclight." 

Hibigami turns his line of sight toward Zix. 

"If you can fight me with full strength, I"ll release this guy. If by any chance you do not agree to do soー should I do this here, which will make you turn your killing intent toward me ?" 

Hibigami put his blade on Zix neck. 

"Stop it !" 

Saying that, Cecil-san unsheathes her two swords. 

"Kakakak... such understanding woman, I"m saved. This guy here is still in development and have room for more growth. Being able to come at me without hesitating also deserve respect. To be honest, it"s regrettable if I were to kill him here. Now then." 

Hibigami throws Zix to the ground. 


That man has separated from Zix! 

"Iーー Huh ?" 

"Cecil, -san?" 


That is as if she seem to restrain her boil up feeling desperately. 


I wonder, what is she afraid of? 

"I"ll use all of my power." 

Cecil-san focuses on Hibigami. 

"Up until now, I do not have a 『enemy』 which I fight with all of my power. Since childhood, I do not have a 『enemy』. Even at the time when we do mock battle is also the same. A blood relative, the instructors, and fellow students at the same academy tooー no one can make me use all of my power. And then I have an idea 『an enemy which I can fight with all my might』 is the monsters at the sacred ruin. The reason that I"d decided to attend the academy is, in fact, to fight the monsters at the sacred ruin you know ?" 

Cecil-san is readying the holy swords on her hands. 

"However, at least a 『enemy』 has appeared." 

Hibigami changes the hand which holds the Katana to the other one. 


This is 『dangerous』. 


"You can"t..." 


Cecil-san faced away. 

"You, previously said that you feel like owe me right? at the time of mock battle, and at the time of sacred ruin too..." 

Her blue sky eyes looked straight at me. 

A clear expression without any hesitation. 

Her expression and the way she said it... it"s unfair... 

I try to evade Cecil-san and turn toward Hirgiz-san. 

Even though her expression did not show any indication. 

d.a.m.n it... 

"Fufufu, please do so." 

Cecil-san smiled with her usual smile. 

"And alsoー." 

I know what Cecil-san was about to say. 

And then, 

Cecil-san while holding the holy swords which emit pale light, confront Hibigami. 

On the other hand, I called out toward Hirgiz-san. 

"... This is fine right ?" 

"Yes yes, I understand." 

I feel like I become a bit desperate. 


"... Thank you." 


I feel a slightly embarra.s.sed. 

I looked at Zix who lost consciousness. 

Since he said, it"s a 『match』. 

If this is only to ascertain each other ability, then that would be good. 

And then, 

"I"m sorry to keep you waiting. Hibigami is it ?" 

"Before fighting, Can I move Zix first ?" 

Then I catch Zix body. 

"Be relieved ! he just falls a sleep, he should be fine! I hope you"re pleased !" 

What an absurd guy. 

Then, at that moment... 

"Oi all of you, what are you doing !?" 

"Huh? Aren"t you Cecil Arclight ?" 

A guard come. 


"To disturb usー you will pay dearly you know ?" 

"Ah ?" 

On his hand is unsheathed black katana. 

A scream breaks out from the curious spectators who finally grasped the scene before their eyes. 

The commotion grew bigger. 

"Feel relieved. even if someone come rushing, I"ll deal with the interfereー." 

One step. 

Just like that, she increased her speed dashed toward Hibigami. 

However, the attack is being deflected by Hibigami with his reddish-black Katana. 


They took a small distance then once again, the two of them face each other. 

"Those holy swords, is it a pair?. That"s quite unusual. Fumu, though from the looks of it, it"s a sword which can"t demonstrate its real value unless you pour the same amount magic power to the two of them simultaneouslyー" 

Hibigami shows a joyful look. 

"You"re able to do that huh...?" 

Toward Hibigami words, Cecil-san responded with a slash attack. 

I seemed to want to say something as well. 

About this time, even all the people in the gallery despite being in fear were fascinated by the beauty of the girl that being loved by G.o.d. 

A girl loved by G.o.d and conspicuous samurai is exchanging sword. 


This difference in level. 

That"s right. 


Only called this as a merely 『beautiful』 is an understatementー 

"ーhowever, this really is more than beautiful..." 

More than... beautiful? 

For a moment, they both stopped moving. 

To his movement, as if she thought if his move ends with that?, Cecil-san stopped moving. 

"It is a waste of effort if you only pursue beautyー. It"s seriously one h.e.l.l waste of time. In this case, the fighting won"t be fulfilling." 

"Oh how about this? how about I"ll kidnap you then throw you in there ?" 


I unintentionally raised my voice. 

Cecil-san is? 

"After you"re being tempered thoroughly there, you might be able to put a fight that I want. That possibility is not nil. Beautiful swordsmanship, naive, or keeping that beautiful face, all of it is unnecessary. You should only think toward battle, Cecil Arclight !" 

"It"s that man ! that man is trying toー." 

The spectators make a way, and the guards came over in great number. 

"With this many opponents, give up !" 

Fresh of blood blew out in the air. 

Just like a string being cut, the guard on the front row fell while shedding blood. 

"I can"t use it! s-somehow I"m unable to acc.u.mulate magic power... !" 

Hibigami dashed with lightning speed until the stone pavement were being peeled off. 

"Kakaka... I see, so in this distance..." 

Hibigami then picked up the spear of the dead guard. 

The spear fly like a bullet toward the guard. 

Their expression was stained with fear. 

"Guh... Sogud-sama is currently doing sacred ruin exploration with vice leader !" 

"The eight swords are currently coming here but..." 

And then. 


He moved at the speed where I might mistake it as teleportation. 


At least it appears to me. 

The speed when he comes close to her just now. 

With the speed he showed just now, the difference in power is evident. 

She herself too must be already know about it. 

More than anyone present here... 

That"s why, 

"I, The forbidden spell of departure, I, the king of chains, the prison of the furthest ends, the ten thousand chainsーー." 

This is already the limit... 

I can feel the difference of my legs strength compared to the time when I just come to this world, and it"s considerably higher. 

"ーrestrict mine enemyー" 

Hibigami line of sight changed to me as I dashed toward him. 

"The ninth forbidden spell, release !" 

A dimensional black hole appeared. 

"ーWhat? a magic art... ?!" 

Hibigami opened his eyes wide looking at the surrounding. 

"I should have already taken care of itー... from where !?" 

There"re several circles. It should be enough to buy some time. 

Chains appeared from inside the dimensional hole. 

"Don"t tell me this isー your magic !? that can"t be ! there"s someone who can use magic power from this distance... !?"  

He glared at me. 


"Remarkable, exceptionally, interesting! Like this, won"t this make me extremely happy! Kakakak ! what are this chains !? It comes from all direction !?" 

The scene is like a joke... 

This manー I think he"s in a whole different level. 


I"m not surprised. 

The former member of the sixth inst.i.tution. 

Above all, at the time when I fight the blue goblins back then, I didn"t rely on solely on the forbidden spell either. 

I a.s.sault Hibigami with the holy sword. 



The holy sword and the katana intersects. 

"Who are you ? are you Cecil Arclight servant or something like that? or so I thought...ー what are you ?" 

"Kakaka, Unexpectedly you can bite huh !" 

Then Hibigami mouth smirked. 

"Furthermore that sword, it needs magic power to use it right? However, in this place, you won"t be able to use it you know? Is that alright ? or do you have measures to gather magic power ?" 

*Giriri* The intersected blade make high pitched some sounds. 

"Unfortunately, I"m unable to use magic power see. for now, having a sword that cut well is enough..." 

For an instant, I confirmed Cecil-san condition. 

Either way, this does not seem to be the time to have a fight. 


Anyway, for now, I should buy some time. 

Besides, no matter how you put it, this city is an imperial capital after all. 

If I can defeat him, then I want to defeat him 

If by any chance I feel happy, is it my own personality ? or maybe, that thing which dwells inside of me? 

"Shall we fight ?"