Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 54 (At a far far place that cannot be seen)

Chapter 54 (At a far far place that cannot be seen)

I know Hibigami was about to dive closer. 

However, turn out its false movement of Hibigami. 

He seems to decide to change his way of attacking. 

I keep my concentration of chanting and fighting at the same time. 

Red cracks appeared on the air. 

ー The moment the swords enter each other range. 

Chains began attacking. 

He cut off the chains mercilessly. 

Hibigami without overlooking my slash, deflected my sword, Furthermore, he also easily annihilate the black holes. 

After my sword got deflected, I immediately hurl my sword for the next attack. 

Like that, we exchanged words 50 times. 

"This swordsmanship, youー..." 

Feeling uncomfortable, Hibigami jumped back. 


Don"t tell me...

"I"ve crossed swords with this swordsmanship a few times, or so I thought, butー." 

I tighten my expression and take a stance... 

"What"s wrong ? aren"t you going to continue ?" 


Hibigami tilts his head loosely. 

"You know her right ?" 

If I were to answer him with 『don"t know』 stubbornly here, it might turn bad huh ?. 

"... Fumu, unfortunately, I also don"t know where she is either." 

Hibigami didn"t show any doubt to my words in particular. 

Words are something that you mix the truth in it. 

Hibibgami put his katana on his shoulder and pat it twice. 

"But like this, this turn interesting. For that 『silver girl』 to teach another person the way of the sword. You... how the h.e.l.l are you learning magic ?" 

"Kakaka, you said something pleasant once gain. I see, Kyurie pupil huh ?. geezー." 

Hibigami then holds his katana with both hands, and prepare his stance. 

"ーーI hope you can entertain me." 


I match my posture against the man in front of me. 

This man, I"m unable to see his limit. 

It feels like looking at an abyss at close range, just like the time when Kyurie-san becomes my opponent. 

However, I cannot be defeated here. 

Nonetheless, my forbidden spell have no effect on this man. 

To this kind of situation that I"m in, if only there"s some sort of trump cardー 


I guess, there"s that... 

That 『sense』, there"s no other way other than releasing that. 

ーI"ll do it. 

I sharpen my sense. 


It"s your favorite 『battle』 


Here it comes. 

"Mu ?" 

My sense of the building and the people around disappeared. 

What are you saying, Hibigami? 


We are going to come, alright? 

"Guaaaaaaaaa !!"  

I roared then began to dash toward him. 


It should be because of the wind. However, it"s looks like as if it has been blown by fighting spirit. 

As if the 『sense』ー bringing out the 『beast』 within me. 

While I try to protect 『Myself』 to the limit.  


I slashed toward Hibigami directly from the front like a surging storm. 

He probably doesn"t have particular 『way』 of the swords. 

However, I trace Hibigami sword path. 

I"ll eat it. 

"Are you trying to eat up my sword style, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d !? To think he uses Kyurie sword styleー he also trying to use mine as well !" 

Immediately after our blade intersects, we already prepare for the next movement. 

"However, eating this kind of phantasmagoric swordsmanship! way to go, Sagara Kurohiko !" 

Hibigami because of the compet.i.tion against the thing inside of me, he"s unable to hold down his emotion inside of him. 

More, we accelerate our swords movement. 

"But still... I"m unable to seeー Mu ?" 

Hibigami eyebrow twitched. 

"Ah, I see... so that"s how it is. Kakakaka, I see ! as expected, you"re not just only 『nothingness』 huh !" 

His face seems to consent to something. 

Which looks like black cracks on his face. 

Hibigami who pull back slightly, weird cracking sounds resounded from his arm. 

And then, a flash tear up the skyー 


With that muscular strength, I was unable to completely block his attack, sending the holy sword which I hold flying. 

What a heavy blow. 

Simultaneously, my consciousness was rapidly being pulled back. 

He shows an expression as if said that this fight had been settled. 

"... What ?" 

What on earth is he saying? 

What should I do? 

Or rather, where is that sacred tree eight swords... do they not arrive yet? 

"I"ve always been thinking. That spell that you use before...and as to why you are able to use it despite there"s no magic power on the surrounding. I"ve only able to draw one conclusion. If we a.s.sume the possibility, I think this is the only answer." 

Hibigami laughed then smirked full evilness. 

"Your power before, it"s forbidden spell isn"t it ?" 

"Kakaka, I see. if that the case then the second coming of the forbidden spell king appeared huh ?. seriously, how far are you going to make me happy !" 

"Kakaka, don"t force yourself. even with that potential, you should be near your limit by now." 

Fuun, I sneered at him. 

"I wonder ?" 

To be frank, just like what he had said, I feel like I"ve already near my limit. 


"If you really have an expectation out of me then, you should be wanting to fight more here right ?. If you let me take up the sword again, I"m fine continuing ?" 

He seems to expect something from me. 

Is there anyoneー if Hirgiz-san or the guards appear here, they will be killed. 

I can keep continuing fighting with some piece of mind. 

At worst... I"ll turn into 『beast』 with all of my consciousness being eaten. 

Horses ? 

I turn toward the direction the sounds coming. 

Although bewildered the guards and spectators opened a way for the horse to pa.s.s. 

The person who sits on the horse looks like a knight. 

"Kakaka... let"s continue later, for today let"s stop it here." 

Hibigami put his black swordー if I"m not wrong it"s called 『Demon sword』ー to its sheath. 

The horse approaches. 

"Kyurie Velstein." 

The person who came with black clothes which rode a horse isー 

Kyurie-san holding a sword while riding a horse. 

A long sword wrapped with a cloth. 


While letting her hair blown by the wind, Kyurie-san unsheathe her sword. 

The unsheathed blade has a blue blade similar to an ocean. 


Kyurie-san brandished her sword while leaning her body forward. 


Cool sounds resounded in the vicinity. 

However, there"s no body rode on it. 

Everyone held their breath and watched the scene. 

Under a clear blue skyー 

"Long time no see, 『silver girl』" 

The people from the sixth inst.i.tution meet.