Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 45 (I"ll do it, I"ll show it)

Chapter 45 (I"ll do it, I"ll show it)

"Good morning, Kyurie."

"Yes, I"m a morning person after all"

Judging from appearance, their sense of distance is different from before.

And from the atmosphere, I found that the air around them has relaxed quite considerably.

Well, since the two of them had argued like that the other day, then they see them communicate normally like this by the next day, it"s not weird for them to be surprised.

"Is it unexpected ?"

Kyurie-san asked me.

Then Kyurie-san said,

"... good for you." she answered me.

She appears to like the usual cool Kyurie-san.

Then someone finger poked at my shoulder.

"Good morning, Kurohiko."

There"s the usual Cecil-san with her smile float on her face.

"Ah, good morning, Cecil-san... about yesterday, I"m sorry."

"No, you don"t have to mind it... I also had to reflect my action, just like the Headmistress had said, before I know it, I only think about my own feeling... I might have been careless toward you... and thenー"

"You might have heard it from her but, our mutual ill feeling toward each other is already being solved to some extent.

"ーMore or less it"s an agreement, or so you might call it I guess ? and the agreement was already concluded."

"Yes, about various things... are you interested ?"

"It"s an s-e-c-r-e-t"

A secret she says...

However, she regains her usually smiling face immediately.

"... Somehow, I felt like you" giving of the feeling of being reliable, did something happen ?"

So she said.

"Well.. it is a mental training to become a strong man... though in practice, I seem to overdo it a little bit."

I smiled wryly...

"Umm... you may put some expectation, but please don"t expect it too much ?"

I slightly lowered my head.

"Well then, I will be expecting okay ?"

After she smiled, Cecil-san put out her smile.

"Yes ?"

"You"re aiming to surpa.s.s your elder brother first, right ?"

Cecil-san nods powerfully.

"Yes, if by any chance that I cannot accomplish it... I have no quality to make an exploration group together with you, or so what I"d thought. that"s why I intend to do sacred ruin exploration with the three of us first, at least for one year."

I held out my hand.

"Though we might become rival in the sacred ruin exploration... but, let"s do our best."

Cecil-san once again dumbfounded, immediately she heave a sigh and smiled, then she grasped my hand back.

"It appears that you"ve broken out from various things too eh... I understand, as a good rival, let"s diligently do our best. right, Kyurie ?"

Saying that, Cecil-san smiled toward Kyurie-san.

"Indeed... well, let"s do it without being unreasonable okay."

Kyurie-san raised her hand and responded lightly while fixing her eyes to the front.

"Then, toward Kurohiko who confessed to us that he like us both equally... is that reasonable ?"

Hearing the words that being spoken by Cecil-san, the people inside the cla.s.sroom become noisy.

"Well, my feeling of wanting Kurohiko have not changed... toward Kyurie too, he like you too you know ?"

Under those hand, her cheek seems to be dyed pink just like the color of sakura flower.



Cecil-san too, she seems to know about the rumor as well.

This year sacred ruin compared to the other years, it"s quite strange.

To put it simply, there are two points.

The appearance rate of variant species monster is higher,

this is because the academy rank has an influence on the selective examination.

In the end, this rumor, for now, is only a story for an uppercla.s.sman level.

"Well, I do not plan to give up on my sacred ruin exploration, however, it is better to keep this in mind."

The attendance report time will begin soon.


"Oh ? what"s this ?"

Maro picked up the square cloth which being placed on the platform.

A lovely handkerchief with lace embroidery and giving of the smell of lemon.

"... Ahー, that"s mine, so what"s of it ?"

"W-Wait a minute, Instructor Joseph ! T-That"s right... the truth is, in the corridor,  there"s a student said 『Oh ? What"s this ? Uwa, is it used goods !? hurry up and throw it out, this kind of thing ! or rather who the f.u.c.k is this belong to ! come forward, oraa !』such rude things, thus I took it back ! the situation where I pick it up just now, is my way explaining things to the cla.s.smate !"

"O-Of course ! Wah, your wife has a really good hobby isn"t it !"

"... Yes."



She seems to had went inside sacred ruin since yesterday.

I and Kyurie-san battled under the blue sky.

How should I say it... it feels like I have something like a 『battle perception』.




That"s right. About this...

During the time I exchanged swords against Kyurie-san and created sparks, I sense 『something crawling out』 from the inside of me.

However, when I entrust myself on this senseー it will take my consciousness.

Just like at the time of both, mock battle and yesterday battle lesson.

And heard the second half part where the forbidden spell king become a "beast",

The reason as to why a forbidden spell is called "Forbidden spell".

There"s something, and I"m still unable to shake it off completely...

My consciousness being taken... and then, inside of me, that sense surfaced.

The change on my body which Kyurie-san pointed out.

At the time when my thought finally arrived at 『a hypothesis』, I became scared and may have averted my eyes unintentionally.

That"s why, I won"t avert my eyes anymore.

If that is the caseー 

This power, I will make it a 『Merit』 of mine.

The thing that I"d said toward Kyurie-san this morning is serious.

This power perhaps the one called boost, where it raise the psychal body and sense capability, temporarily.

I"ll master it, and show it.

Alright then

In addition matching that, Kyurie-san also raised her speed.



Here it comes...


Can I do it ?

I will do it !

At that time, the swords play become intense.


Then the movement stop.

My breath is rough.

Un... my consciousness is not being taken over.

In other wordsー I did it !

Before my consciousness being eroded. I succeeded at separating my consciousness.


The next problem is, while "I" keep my consciousness, how long will I be able to maintain this『sense』. 

I fix my breathing... and then, I raise up my sword once again.

"Yes, I"m alright... please continue !"

"Yes !"

Battle practice with Kyurie-san continue.


I can do it...

I won"t be eaten by this sense.


Finally eh ?

"Can I go too ?"

"Is that means... we"re going to avoid the 『guardian cla.s.s』?"

It is the standard, I can"t go to the next layer when I  don"t defeat this guardian cla.s.s.

The deepest layer which the graduate able to obtain last year is 19.

And then, the new record that being established by Cecil-san elder brother is 29.

That"s mean, this shows that it isn"t possible to go to the next layer without defeating the guardian cla.s.s...

"Ah, and also... after lesson today, as planned, I"ll teach you how to prepare for sacred ruin exploration, try to remember it properly."

I realize that this is my first lunch together with Kyurie-san.

Tracing my gaze, Kyurie-san then said,

"Tomorrow, you go eat lunch with Cecil."

"It had been decided to, see, we had decided that you will have lunch with me and Cecil-san in turn..."

"What is it ?"

"... She seems to also want to talk with just the two of you."


I wonder what"s going on ?

We bought things and arranged preparation of the sacred ruin exploration.


I put three pieces of silver coin on Kyurie-san palm.


"... no, you hand it pretty plainly huh..."

"Khu... this good-natured person."

After I said those words while feeling embarra.s.sed, I think the att.i.tude of Kyurie-san has also become quite gentle.

"I will choose a suitable equipment for you with this money at the town tomorrow... the truth is, if I have a lot of money at hand, I was planning to buy it for you myself."

That"s why, to tell you the truth, this saved me very much.

"With only three silver, is it alright ?"

And then the market price place of an armor and weapon, as expected I don"t have any knowledge of it.

Of course, even the little knowledge I have cannot be a reference.

"Umm, Can I go as well ?"

"I understand, if Kyurie-san said so then, I"ll leave it to you."

After the cla.s.s end, Kyurie-san then goes to the town.

Then just like Kyurie-san had told me, I do basic training alone.

A threatening air has begun to rise in the city which spread out under the slope of the academy.

Two guards seemed to have been murdered last night by the criminal.

And thus, it seems the sacred tree chivalric order has begun searching for the criminal.

Though such case didn"t have any influence in particular to my life.

And then, the long-awaited next day.

"Here, you will do practice swing with this from today onward. it might be hard for you to be familiar with it immediately, however, since the size and length didn"t change much compared to the one used for practice, well, thus you can treat it the same way."

When the battle lesson began, Kyurie-san handed me a sword. - See more at: #sthash.7DqmwfRA.dpuf