Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Strongest Sage, Drew a Strong Crest

I woke up in a hard bed . My memories feel a bit fragmented, but my consciousness is clear .

It seems the reincarnation is largely successful .

I jumped out the bed while thinking that and looked at my left arm first thing first .

"--Alright! It"s a hit!"

The one there is not the First Crest I"m used to see, but the Fourth Crest .

This crest specializes in close-quarter combat and as far as I know, it"s the most suitable crest for magic combats .

I shouted out loud unbecoming of my age . Since the memories of my past life and current life have mixed together, I wonder if my sense also got younger .

No . It"s more correct to say that I got influenced by my past life . My memories simply resurfaced, so it"s not like I took over someone else"s body and consciousness . My proper age is six year old .

I decide to stop getting influenced by my past self or acting like an old man . My personality isn"t like that in the first place anyway .

This current me is not the me who was called Sage . Let me introduce myself again .

My name is Mathias Hildesheimer . I am six year old .

I"m Baronet Hildesheimer"s . . . .

I got gooseb.u.mps hearing what I just said . I really shouldn"t force myself . Let"s start over .

My name in this life is Mathias Hildesheimer .

Just as the name suggests, I"m the third son of Baronet Hildesheimer .

I"m not familiar with this 『Baronet』 term, but according to the little knowledge the current me has, it seems to be a sort of government worker with lineage system that administers a local region . People also often call them 『Lord』 or 『Master』 . If I"m not mistaken, it"s a n.o.bility system or something .

Baronet is most likely the second lowest rank, but nevertheless, it"s the top position in this region . Yet from the country"s viewpoint, the position should only be about above the bottom .

--At least I believe that"s it .

"What happened to the world?"

I couldn"t have imagined the world in the memories of the current me from the state of the world in my past self .

I never saw even one Magic Tools that were called indispensable in my past life .

There"s no flying-type artificial agriculture fairies, no accelerated molecular motion machine for cooking, no magical machinery for construction .

I wondered just how do they live, but the populace plow the field with human power, and raise crops themselves to sustain their life . Furthermore, the present head of Hildesheimer and the lord of this region, my father is also working among them .

It was an unthinkable spectacle during the Magic Era 12700 .

Just what had happened during the time I was reincarnating .

. . . Well, there"s nothing I can do complaining about the present environment .

Fortunately, I have memories of this era too, I"m also experienced in living a survival life in building-less forests for years .

I should have no difficulty adapting .

First, I gotta gather intelligences .

It seems the me until now was not that studios, living a carefree life without ever looking around the region nor reading books in my father"s study .

Well since my past self also preferred real practices to studying, I guess it wasn"t my current self"s duty to do that either .

"Hey, Mathi . Do you need something in the study?"

Reich the eldest son called me as I was walking to the study .

He"s the earnest one among two of my older brothers . He"s 15 year old .

His crest is the Second Crest . It excels in mid-range ranged magic, a required crest in a group battle .

It seems that right now he"s not training in magic, I think he"d become a good magician if he just trains .

"I wanna read books . "

I replied my brother with my usual tone . He"d be surprised if it suddenly changed .

"Books huh . I think it"s still too early for Mathi . . . . Which books do you wanna read?"

"I guess books about combat . And magic books . "

Nothing else are more important to check first .

I"m also interested in histories to find out just what happened, but that can do later .

Cause it"s possible that new combat arts and magic have been developed when I was in the dark .

However, my older brother Reich"s face looked complicated when he heard me say magic .

Then his smiling face comes back immediately and he speaks .

"Then I"ll read you a book about battle . "

Apparently he ignored the matter about magic .

I"m thankful for his offer, but I can read books myself just fine .

"No, I"ll do it myself . . . "

I opened the study door while saying that .

And then, I looked for books that seemed to be related to combat and magic-- .

" . . . What"s written there?"

There were a few books in the study .

However, the problem is the spines of those books .

I can"t read them .

I had mastered 27 languages before I noticed it as I continued to battle for several hundred years, but the language written on the books" spines didn"t match any of those languages .

I probably can read it if I use Translation magic, but it needs a relatively large amount of magic power and throughput . The me right now can"t use it .

Even though I have the knowledge, I don"t have the resource to materialize it .

"Haha . I figured as much . Then, I"ll read this for you . "

After saying that, my older brother Reich pulled out a book from our father"s study .

That book seemed to be a sort of heroic tales, monsters that could destroy a country alone appeared one after another, and the main character went to defeat them .

How very enviable . There were also monsters like that in my past life, but they were few far and between .

Share me half of them .

Well, that kind of story is too good to be true and can"t possibly be real, this book is just a fiction so it didn"t help me understand the situations of this world .

However, I was able to comprehend the language somewhat by comparing what my older brother Reich said and the words written in the book . I"ve got to thanks Reich .

However, it looks like it"ll take times before I could read books about combat arts and such, so I"m going to postpone that until later .

And it might be faster for me to train my magic power until I can activate the Translation magic .

By the way, the spoken language wasn"t much different to the one in my past life, so I was able to understand it immediately .

There were several terms I don"t understand like [Disqualified Crest] and such though .

After he was done reading for me, my older brother Reich went back to his work in the fields .

In this village, you"ll get your own field once you turn 11, and you"ve got a duty to work there .

Both of my older brothers have their own fields in accordance to this rule .

However, it seems the situation is a bit different in my case .

Right now I don"t have a field due to my age, but there"s a high chance that I don"t get one even after I turn 11 .

The official reason seems to be because there"s not enough area .

Certainly, this village lacks area for fields, so it"s not like I can"t understand with just that reason alone .

But, judging from the behaviors of the villagers, my parents, and my other older brother Biffgel, I feel that there"s more to it .

My parents were looking at me like they feel sorry, while Biffgel was clearly looking down on me .

Apparently, it"s got to do with 『Disqualified Crest』, but my older brother and my parents don"t want to talk about the particular, and I don"t want to ask Biffgel . I probably won"t get a decent answer even if I ask him anyway .

Now then . There"s still some time until dinner .

First of all, I should train .

It"s important to train your stamina and magic power everyday you see .