Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Strongest Sage, Stands Still

" . . . It"s kinda, peaceful . . . "

"Yeah . It"s peaceful . . . "

A little while after we entered Cikirisbia Forest .

Monsters are running from us like always, so our journey has been exceedingly peaceful .

"Come to think of it, I understand that monsters run away from Iris-san, but where do they run off to? If they were to leave the forest and attack a town . . . "

"Ah, that won"t happen . "

I point at the direction we just pa.s.sed .

Monsters who went away to avoid us have come back to the place .

"If you focus on the 【Pa.s.sive Detection】, you should see that those monsters came back to their positions after we had pa.s.sed through . Monsters have this turf-like area thing and they seldom leave it . "

"Ah, I"ve heard about that before! If a strong monster appears, you estimate their rough turf and make sure not to enter that area . . . . "

"That"s one way to use it . There"s also a tactic to lure out a strong monster by purposely rampaging inside their turf . "

The turf of a monster is generally larger the stronger that monster is .

And while they don"t really cause harm to other monsters, they will attack any human that rampages inside their turf .

"T-that"s, I"d rather not putting that into practice . . . . By the way, how will you go around doing that?"

"Right . . . . You do it by defeating monsters or cutting the surrounding trees down and such . . . oh and it can also be done just by walking around while sprinkling your mana around . We"re doing that pattern this time . "

"I see . . . Hm?"

Ruli stopped her words midway .

Looks like she noticed something .

"What do you mean by . . . 『This time』?"

"Right . . . . I think you"ll understand if you focus 【Pa.s.sive Detection】 over there . "

I pointed diagonally as I said that .

And from that direction--a huge mana reaction is charging straight at us .

Looks like the lure by way of Iris works as intended .

"H . . . Hold on, this reaction, isn"t it really really bad!?"

"We have to run away . . . "

"I don"t think I can stop this one either you know!?"

The three who saw the coming monster began to panic .

Looks like the monster had come into view while were talking .

Well, it might be also because it"s very easy to see the monster considering it"s five meter tall .

I stood upright while watching that monster .

And declared the plan .

"No, you three, please don"t move from there . "

""" . . . Eh?"""