Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 30

A year pa.s.sed by, There was a place in the outskirts of black and red land , here the black and red smoke where thinner and one could see what was before them vaguely. And in these outskirts there was a big boulder and a stone golem was standing before it with a broken armor.

The armor was chipped in many places, the spikes on it has been disfigure and squashed in , there was a big claw mark making five deep cuts that has almost cut the upper part of the armor into two. And the golem was holding on to a big black blade whose sharp edge had many chips. and cracks have started to appear on the blade.

After experiencing what he had experienced in the last few months he thought he would not make it out of that h.e.l.l. But with firm determination and lots of luck, he somehow made it out to this place.
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This was the last place marked in the path shown by the map, he looked around this boulder a few times and didn"t find anything, but he knew better than to trust his five senses or spiritual sense. As he had experienced many painful events and close shave with death, for trusting on his senses .

[The map clearly shows a circle around here and this boulder is the only thing around here, I have even climbed up the boulder and there is nothing, this doesn"t seem to be an illusion either and if it is then it must be at the level of the defense mechanism of five element mountains.

Should I attack and see... no, It might attack back... maybe there is something that is needed to activate it... the scroll ]

He took out the golden scroll with black substance covering it, and all of a sudden as if reacting to the scroll the boulder started emitting blue colored light, and blue colored symbols started appearing on the boulder , soon the boulder itself disappeared and in its place there appeared a platform with a circle and many symbols and writing on it , And there were 30 sockets inside the circles.

[This is probably a teleportation array or something and the sockets are for the crystals to activate it.... I should activate it only as a last resort , if I didn"t find any other way out...

After traveling all this way I can feel the black and red smoke decreasing , sooner it might completely disappear and i would be out. ]

After examining it for some more time ,he left and as he walked a certain distance the boulder reappeared. He kept moving in the direction where the black and red smoke were thinner.

And finally he got out , when he first saw the outside world and the warm sunlight .He could not hold himself back , he opened the golem suit and came out knelt down and shed some tears of joy. It was a big wild forest before him, but he didn"t care, after some time he came back to himself .

" I am finally out ,but I should not let my guard down ...."

He got into the golem suit and started exploring further, He had found a weird phenomena in the out skirts of the red and black smoke, there were many animals migrating to this place... most of these monsters didn"t care about Sam, unless he took the initiative to attack .

Sam also found that almost all of these animals where emitting a certain aura which he didn"t recognize and almost all of them looked tired, there was no vigor of a beast in their eyes.


The trees in the forest were humongous, it was almost dark inside these forests . Soon he found more enemies, these were big lizard like creatures that lived on these big trees, the difficult thing about fighting them were there healing abilities .

He cut down the first lizard that jumped down on to him in two, but when he looked back he found that the upper body moved towards the lower body and joined together with it as if nothing happened.

He could not fully see the process as another lizard has already jumped at him, this time he cut it from the neck sending the head flying . And the lizard stayed dead, he went close to the head trying to find the core and found a white core but that was smaller in size compared to the cores of animals in the black and red smoke.

But as he was thinking he heard a loud scream, He turned back to see that the other lizard was making this loud sounds, he had a bad premonition about this, so he moved fast and cut another head down.

But as he collected the core and was going to move , he heard rumbling coming from the side and as he looked to the place, he saw hundreds of lizards that were coming towards him like a beast horde and there were not only brown lizards like the one he killed but bigger white lizards.