Song in the Clouds

Chapter 28: This Life, Next Life

Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 28: This Life, Next Life
This chapter is as exciting as the last, maybe even more as we see what the Huos have got planned for Yun Ge. It is also as long as the previous chapter, so I"ve learned my lesson and will split it into two should it get too long.

Update: CHAPTER COMPLETE. War is war, and that was how they operated. No winners, only losers and sufferers. This was like the treaty of Versailles, imposing heavy heavy reparations on Germany and limiting their armed forces but what did it lead to? World War II. "Turning the other cheek" will never be considered by countries. For those questioning Meng Jue"s motives, there you are, clear as day. Second thought: Ooh, I managed to squeeze this into one post

Xu Ping Jun looked at Yun Ge, her face full of excitement and happiness. “Yun Ge, I really must toast you on behalf of all the Han women. I’m really so happy to have such a sister like you.” Yun Ge happily took the wine cup from Xu Ping Jun, then said teasingly. “I bet, having such a sister like me is no big deal. Your happiness must come from having such a husband like Da Ge right?” Xu Ping Jun cast her gaze in the direction of Liu Bing Yi, looking slightly embarra.s.sed but unable to hide her smile.

Yun Ge picked up a chopstick full of food, but before the food reached her lips, a palace maid brought a wine cup to her. “This is the wine Miss Huo would like to toast missy.” Yun Ge glanced sideways, Huo Cheng Jun was looking at her; she raised the wine cup in her hand, making a ‘toasting wine’ gesture.

Yun Ge smiled lightly, took the cup from the palace maid and was about to drink it when the scared Mo Cha tried to take it away from her. “Missy, don’t drink.” Yun Ge pushed Mo Cha’s hands away, Mo Cha quickly added. “Let your servant take a sip first.” Yun Ge looked at Mo Cha, her eyes full of rebuke. “Is she toasting you, or me?” As she said that, she tilted her head back, finishing the wine in one shot. Yun Ge turned the cup upside down in Huo Cheng Jun’s direction, indicating that she had finished it, then bowed slightly, expressing her thanks.

Huo Cheng Jun looked at her for a moment, smiled sweetly then turned away. Yun Ge glimpsed the blood tinting Huo Cheng Jun’s lips, and suddenly the cup in her hand felt like it weighed a ton, almost falling to the ground. What was it like for her looking up at everything on stage just now? She must have bit her lips very hard in order to force herself not to make a sound! Yet her sweet smile didn’t seem forced.

A cold wind whooshed through Yun Ge’s heart; Huo Cheng Jun was no longer the girl who would crack her horse whip, wanting to hit people when she got angry. Xu Ping Jun stared at the dazed Yun Ge, then snuck a glance at the smiling Huo Cheng Jun, and she only grew more confused. Yun Ge wasn’t talking to Meng Jue any more, when Huo Cheng Jun saw Brother Meng, her face was blank, as if they’ve never met; but Huo Cheng Jun and Yun Ge…..

Brother Meng seemed to have seen the scene just now; she wondered how he would have felt? And Yun Ge and the Emperor’s relationship…..

Xu Ping Jun had a whole lot of questions she wanted to ask Yun Ge, but because of the palace maids and eunuchs behind them, she couldn’t say a word, and so they remained trapped behind her lips. Then she thought, times have changed; in the past they could talk and laugh the whole day, now Yun Ge was buried deep within the palace, it was difficult just even trying to catch a glimpse of her. If she missed the chance today, she didn’t know when they would meet again. Yun Ge was alone in Chang An, with only her and Bing Yi as the closest thing to relatives. If they didn’t worry for Yun Ge, who would? When she thought of that, Xu Ping Jun said softly to Yun Ge, “This is the first time I’ve visited the palace. I have no idea when would my next time be. Yun Ge, show me around!” Yun Ge smiled and said “Sure.”

With Mo Cha in front lighting the way with her lantern, Yun Ge led Xu Ping Jun out of the banquet by her hand. As they walked, they left the sounds of drums of chatter behind them. Xu Ping Jun felt a whole lot more relaxed after leaving the extravagant banquet and walking into the still of the night.

Yun Ge smiled as she asked “Jie Jie, you used to be so envious of those madams and ladies who sat at banquets; now that you have become a guest yourself, invited to the biggest banquet of the Imperial family no less, how do you feel?”

Xu Ping Jun laughed bitterly. “Many things are best appreciated from a distance, or should I say it is best if some wishes are never fulfilled. When you don’t have it, you think of how great it will be if you do; when you do get it, you started missing the things you have lost. In the whole universe, only human hearts do not know contentment!”

Yun Ge laughed loudly, clapping her hands as she laughed. “Jie Jie, the words you speak today are very meaningful, thought provoking indeed!” Her happiness affected Xu Ping Jun, as she laughed at herself too, saying. “Look at me recently, one minute I’m in the ground, the next I’m flying in the sky, life’s ups and downs, life and death in an instant, extreme joy and sorrow; just in a few months I felt like I’ve experienced what most experience in a lifetime, and you still don’t allow me to profit from it once in a while?”

Yun Ge sensed Xu Ping Jun’s words had an underlying meaning to them and knew that there were many things she couldn’t say because of Fu Yu and Mo Cha, so she turned to the both of them saying “Mo Cha, the moon is bright today, I don’t need you to light the way for me, I can see very well. I’d like to speak alone with Xu Jie Jie.” Mo Cha and Fu Yu answered “Yes” and quietly retreated, only following Yun Ge from a distance.

Hearing how direct Yun Ge was with them, Xu Ping Jun couldn’t help but be worried. “Yun Ge, is it alright for you to speak like this? If his majesty finds out…” Yun Ge smiled and stuck her tongue out. “It’s alright, even if Ling Ge Ge were here, if we sisters want to speak privately, I’d chase him away too.” Stunned, Xu Ping Jun could only stare at Yun Ge, “Yun Ge, you……you and Brother Meng….”

Yun Ge’s smile faltered, “I no longer have any connection to him. Jie Jie, could we not talk about him anymore, please?”
“But… Yun Ge, although Brother Meng and Miss Huo had something going on in the past, but now….” Yun Ge covered her ears. “I don’t want to listen, I just don’t want to! Jie Jie, I know you are good friends with him, but if you want to keep talking about him, I’m going to leave.” Xu Ping Jun had to choice but to say “Alright, I’ll stop, let us talk about your Ling Ge Ge instead, you won’t mind right?”

Xu Ping Jun thought Yun Ge would feel happier talking about him, but unexpectedly, Yun Ge’s brow still remained furrowed. Yun Ge linked her arm through Xu Ping Jun’s and walked wordlessly for a while before saying “I don’t want to talk about him either. Could we talk about happier things, please?”

Xu Ping Jun replied. “Yun Ge, you don’t have any other close relatives in Chang An but for us. Since you call me Jie Jie, then I am your sister. Everyone knows what kind of place the palace is. Would I not worry for you when you remain inside? Sometimes, during the still of the night, I get so fl.u.s.tered just thinking about these things. Bing Yi’s and yours…..I don’t understand, weren’t we normal, common folk? How did we randomly connect ourselves to the imperial family? I really wish everything was but a dream.
Once I wake up, you’ll still be cooking, and I, still selling wine.”

“Jie Jie, you already know of Da Ge’s ident.i.ty?”

“Your Da Ge told me. With his birth, he didn’t want to lie low and now, he is actually a court official. Yun Ge, what do you think I……” Xu Ping Jun started to choke up. Yun Ge sighed and put her arm around Xu Ping Jun’s shoulder, saying earnestly. “Jie Jie, I know you are afraid his majesty will harm Da Ge but I can guarantee, Ling Ge Ge truly isn’t trying to test Da Ge, or setting a trap up for him. Although I’m not exactly sure what Ling Ge Ge is trying to do, but I firmly believe he would never harm Da Ge needlessly.”

Xu Ping Jun stared at Yun Ge in a daze. This girl has changed greatly since they first met. Her previous childish naivety was gone, her eyes contained more troubles and concerns, but the sincerity and frankness in her eyes were exactly the same as before.

Xu Ping Jun nodded. “I believe you.”

Yun Ge smiled. “You must have more faith in Da Ge. Da Ge is a very smart person; he will conduct himself with restraint and would not treat himself or the lives of his family as a joke.”

Xu Ping Jun smiled, her worries not completely gone, but definitely a lot more lighthearted now. “No wonder Meng…. Yun Ge, I’m going to be jealous of his majesty, although we’ve known each other for such a long time now, but I can see that the person you trust most is still the Emperor.”

Yun Ge’s smile contained a tinge of bitterness. “Jie Jie, don’t worry about me. I’ve known Ling Ge Ge since I was a very young girl, it was only because of some…..misunderstandings, I didn’t know he was the Emperor of Han. Therefore, I’m very safe living in the palace, he wouldn’t harm me.”

“But….At least I haven’t come to the palace in vain today. After seeing Empress Shang Guan, I can go brag to my mother at home. Yun Ge, will you continue to live here? Will you be happy?”

Yun Ge caught on to the fact that Xu Ping Jun specially brought up Empress Shang Guan in the conversation, she continued to walk on silently for a while before saying softly. “Ling Ge Ge and I made a promise. One year later, I can leave.”

Xu Ping Jun only felt that she could never understand what his majesty and Yun Ge shared. Yun Ge’s feelings for him seemed to run deep, yet seemed so distant; and how does his majesty see Yun Ge? If he likes her, then why would he let her leave? If he didn’t, then why did he treat her with such care and concern?”

Yun Ge cast aside all these unhappy topics, smiled and asked. “Xu JIe Jie, does your mother know of Da Ge’s ident.i.ty? We can now truly say that the fortune teller was absolutely correct.”

As Xu Ping Jun thought of her mother’s face if she ever found out the truth behind Liu Bing Yi’s birth, she laughed too. “I daren’t tell her. She is so proud and happy now! Whenever she meets someone, she’ll brag that her son-in-law is now a.s.sisting the Emperor with court matters, following Grand Marshal Huo every day to work. When I was in confinement after giving birth, she didn’t visit very often, but now she has been coming very often to help me with Hu’er, sometimes even bringing eggs. If she finds out, I bet she’ll wring my neck, and force me to spit out all the eggs I’ve eaten, then quickly make me write a letter of divorce, thinking it best if I add that we are not mother and child too.” As she talked, Xu Ping Jun mimed the actions of her mother strangling her, shaking her and forcing her to spit out eggs.

Yun Ge burst out laughing. “Auntie is really amusing. Although she might embarra.s.s others with her straightforwardness, but there really are good points to having such a character too.”

Xu Ping Jun nodded in agreement. ‘That’s right! After going through so much, sometimes I look at my mother and think she is really adorable. Last time I saw how badly she treated Bing Yi, but Bing Yi always remained smiling, calling her mother-in-law back and forth, with no care for her expression; I used to worry whether Bing Yi was secretly unhappy about it, but now I understand, it is only too easy to handle such straightforward people. How could he have taken it to heart? Sigh, does that mean that my thoughts have grown deep and convoluted?”

Yun Ge smiled, not saying anything, and Xu Ping Jun took her silence to mean consent.

Yun Ge and Xu Ping Jun walked along the green rock path that winded by the side of the hall, talking, walking and admiring their surroundings, absent mindedly walking to the Blue River. Yun Ge said “I made a high platform of ice there, it is very fun. Although Jie Jie you don’t seem to have much interest in playing, but it should overlook the grand banquet in the hall now, so it is still worth going up on it.”

Despite casting aside the unhappiness of being made fun of earlier and marveling at the elegance and grandeur of the hall, Xu Ping Jun was so nervous she didn’t dare to take a closer look. When she heard that she could overlook the grand banquet, she quickly urged Yun Ge to bring her there.

They climbed up the ladder to the dragon head. Mo Cha and Fu Yu both knew s.p.a.ce was limited up there, and since both Yun Ge and Xu Ping Jun were chatting away excitedly, they probably wouldn’t want them to interfere, so they remained at the bottom of the ice dragon.

Standing on high ground, Xu Ping Jun saw the tens of thousands of lanterns, shining brightly, the shadows of those dancing and singing, their movements graceful, like the mythological Peng Lai. As they were standing far away, sometimes they could catch the vague tinkling of chimes travelling with the breeze, adding a sense of beauty to this scene.

Standing on the wide, empty Blue River, with the night sky above them and the mythological Peng Lai in front of them, they both felt stunned and dizzy, not really sure of where they were exactly.

Suddenly, Yun Ge heard a slight movement behind her and turned around smiling thinking it was Mo Cha. “You’ve come up too? Quick, come over here, it is as pretty as a fairyland.” But it turned out to be two men she didn’t recognize, although they were still some distance away, she could already smell the strong stench of alcohol on them. Yun Ge quickly called out “Mo Cha, Fu Yu.”

No one answered below; her voice was quickly swallowed by the dead silence of the night.

Yun Ge quickly urged Xu Ping jun to sit down. ‘Jie Jie, quick sit and slide down along this path.”

Xu Ping Jun had caught sight of both men too and knew something was wrong; so she quickly followed Yun Ge’s instructions and sat, but when she saw how high up she was, she hesitated, not daring to slide down.

The man who got to the top first was dressed like a n.o.bleman; his eyes brightened when he saw Yun Ge, and grabbed her with a smile. “Feng Zi Du [1] wasn’t lying. You truly are a beauty.” The other man reached to grab Xu Ping Jun, “My little sweet, trying to run away? Not that easy.”

Yun Ge aimed a kick at Xu Ping Jun’s back, kicking her down the slide, but just as Xu Ping Jun’s body started to fall, a big burly man grabbed hold of her arm and so she hung midair, unable to go up or down. Xu Ping Jun was a very brave woman; she screamed for help as she grabbed for that man with her free hand, not showing any sign of weakness. In a moment of negligence, that man’s face was scratched by Xu Ping Jun until it bled. He was a rough man, and a soldier who killed like it was just a simple matter of chopping wood at that; his anger fuelled by the alcohol in him, he didn’t even calibrate the strength of his hand, the hand that held Xu Ping Jun’s arm suddenly moved, and with a crash, Xu Ping Jun was flung onto the ice pillar.

A very clear cracking sound was heard, Xu Ping Jun’s arm was broken and ribs were injured too. She immediately fainted under the extreme pain.

Yun Ge initially to distract them with her paltry martial arts, fighting with the men while screaming for help, then quickly
escaping once Xu Ping Jun was safely at the bottom. She didn’t expect the big man to grab Xu Ping Jun, her plans falling apart. Yun Ge saw Xu Ping Jun lying there unmoving, whether alive or dead, she didn’t know. Horror and pain filled her heart but she knew this wasn’t the time to panic, and shouted authoritatively. “Don’t you know who I am? Aren’t you afraid that your entire clan will be executed?”

The man across Yun Ge laughed. “You are a palace maid, and a very pretty palace maid at that, but your master has already given you to me.” As he said that, he struck with his left hand, forcing Yun Ge to dodge to his right, then his right hand reached out to grab her in his embrace. He didn’t expect Yun Ge to squat suddenly, not only did he not manage to grab her, but she managed to kick him instead. His skills weren’t weak, but since he was already half drunk, he was already unsteady on his feet. When he was kicked by Yun Ge, he staggered, and lost control of his palm’s strength, crushing the ice railing to his left into smithereens.

Yun Ge spotted the big man who grabbed Xu Ping Jun shaking her and seeing that she had no reaction, he seemed to want to fling her off the high platform. Yun Ge’s face grew pale, shouting ‘I am the concubine of the Emperor, which master of I would dare to give me away? If you hurt that woman I will order your clan to be executed, no, make that ten!”[2]

Although the big man was already terribly drunk, but cold sweat still dripped down when he heard that she was a concubine, still holding Xu Ping Jun, he stood dazedly on the platform, not knowing what to do.

The man in front of Yun Ge froze, then laughed. “Posing as an imperial concubine will also cause your entire clan to be executed. I have never heard his majesty bestowing the t.i.tle of ‘concubine’ to any other woman but for the Empress.” As he talked, he moved closer and closer to her. Although the big man didn’t fully understand what the other man said, but he knew Yun Ge had lied when he saw the other man’s actions, laughed out loud. “This maid might look small, but her courage is… big, you still dare to lie to your father?” As he talked he flung Xu Ping Jun off, trying to help the n.o.bleman grab Yun Ge. Xu Ping Jun’s body fell off the platform like a falling leaf. Yun Ge, horrified, screamed shrilly “Xu Jie Jie!!” .......................................................................................................................

Meng Jue caught sight of Yun Ge and Xu Ping Jun leaving the banquet. His heart stirred and he left the banquet quietly too. Yun Ge could move freely within the palace, but Meng Jue had to avoid guards along the way and those eunuchs sent to protect Yun Ge secretly, so he could only follow from a distance. Thank goodness Yun Ge was moving towards the Blue River; it was very quiet there, only a few pa.s.sing guards on their rounds sometimes.Meng Jue wasn’t anxious and so he decided to take the long way.

He was stealthily walking in the shadows of the eaves and pillars of buildings when suddenly a person stood in front of him. His hand hid a dagger, but when he saw that it was Liu Bing Yi, his grip on it slackened. “Move aside.”

Liu Bing Yi didn’t move.

“The Advisory Counsellor the people to believe to be just and upright, arranges a secret meeting with his majesty’s palace maid without a care for the state’s laws and etiquette. If Huo Guang finds out, he would be extremely happy; you are giving him two birds to kill with one stone.” Meng Jue scoffed. “For that to happen, he would need his moles alive to report back to him. This is my own matter, I don’t need your interference!” His hand moved, trying to force Liu Bing Yi to stand aside.

Liu Bing Yi refused to move, quickly countering Meng Jue move for move as he said “Yun Ge is in a very dangerous position right now. Can’t you just spare a thought for her?” Meng Jue’s moves were sharp, smiling slightly as he said. “This is what his majesty should have considered in advance. Since he has the ability to keep her here, he should have the ability to protect her.”

They were both still fighting when they suddenly heard the shrill “Xu Jie Jie” accompanied by the vague drums and ongoing festivities of the banquet. They both quickly stopped when they heard that, rushing forward, not bothering to conceal themselves anymore, only trying to reach the Blue River in the shortest possible time.

Not long later, a guard shouted. “Stop there!” Liu Bing Yi slowed down, hastily trying to explain. “My lord, I am a court official and I heard someone crying out for help….” Meng Jue didn’t even stop, quickly moving forward. Suddenly a h.o.a.rd of guards appeared trying to stop Meng Jue. Meng Jue immediately started to exchange blows with them. Within a few moves, he killed one guard. The guard shouted “You are dressed in the robes of a Han court official, intruding here in the palace and even killing a palace guard. Are you trying to revolt?”

Meng Jue drew the dead guard’s sword, piercing it through the still speaking guard. In a flash of the sword, the guard started choking up with blood and stared disbelievingly as he toppled over. Meng Jue smiled coldly. “I’m afraid it is you who are trying to revolt. Bing Yi, I’ll go save them, you go find Yu An now, inform his majesty.”

Since when were there so many guards needed to guard the Blue River?

Yun Ge’s scream was heard by Meng Jue and him from a distance, but none of these supposed guards even reacted!

Liu Bing Yi thought that those guards would not attack from fear when they saw that they were court officials, then he would pretend nothing happened, and both would be able to retreat cordially, but these guards didn’t even care. He knew that the situation was very dangerous right now and quickly turned away throwing a “I’ll leave Ping Jun to you” to Meng Jue before fighting for a breakthrough from the opposite end.
“Xu Jie Jie!”

Yun Ge pounced across to grab hold of Xu Ping Jun without a second thought as she screamed.

First flying swallows skimming water, then Chang’e embracing the moon, finally hanging the gold clock upside down. [3] This was the first time in her life she displayed such mastery of her martial arts. She reached Xu Ping Jun just in time, grasping her hands with both of her own, with her legs hooked onto the right railing carrying all their weight.

The railing was merely made up for a few ice pillars. Previously when the man smashed the left railing with his palm, a few cracks had already appeared on the right railing; combined with Yun Ge’s force, pressure and weight, one could clearly hear the sound of ice breaking.

With the enemy on top and sure death on the ground below, there was no safe exit. At that moment, Yun Ge truly hated herself for coming up with this thing.

When the man heard the sound of the ice pillar cracking, he acted like he saw a fish trapped in his net, no longer anxious, smiling as he said. “You really are a rose with thorns. If you call me ‘Ge Ge’ a few times, I’ll save you.”

As Yun Ge was currently hanging upside down, she had a clear view of the scene below the high platform. She saw cracks lining the platform and the bottom of the slide, not only cracks but cracked holes, and they were swiftly spreading. The ladder against the platform was no longer to be found.

Although the whole ‘ice dragon’ felt the force of their attack, but it couldn’t have started cracking so fast. There was only one possibility: during their fight above, someone at the bottom had already started cracking the whole sculpture.

However, Yun Ge’s weight was carried by her feet at the moment, if she wanted to exert force to fling Xu Ping Jun out, she would be placing greater pressure on her feet and it was very likely the railing she was hooked onto would just crumble under the force of the throw.

Yun Ge looked at the ice below, growing dizzy, what would it be like to fall to her death? Very grisly she supposed! But…. She didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, there were still many things…

As she heard the sound of ice cracking getting more and more urgent, she made up her mind, only one of them could live!
This time she was the one that brought Xu Ping Jun into this matter, Xu Ping Jun was the innocent party.

Just as she was about to exert force, she suddenly glimpsed a familiar figure flying towards her on ice. There were about ten imperial guards behind him trying to stop him, to catch him. She saw that his tidy robe was now littered with blood stains. Meng Jue saw Yun Ge and Xu Ping Jun hanging from the side of the high platform, swaying as if about to topple, his heart sunk like lead. He shouted. “Yun Ge, wait for me, I’ll be there really soon.”

Wait for him? What could happen if she waited for him?

At the moment it was already like a tower facing impending collapse, no mortal could save her now.

Yun Ge felt the ice pillar on her leg shatter, looked deeply at Meng Jue in the distance, her arms moved, her body started to sway like a swing, when she reached the highest point, she abruptly flung Xu Ping Jun to the slide at the side.

As Xu Ping Jun flew, the ice pillar shattered and Yun Ge’s body suddenly started to fall.

Meng Jue who had been staring at her all these while, stiffened, his face ashen, shouting “Yun Ge”, blood spurting from every point his blade touched, in the haze of the blood splatter, Meng June flew towards the platform like a flying arrow.

Yun Ge’s skirt was wide, her skirt billowed in the wind, when she swung to the highest point then suddenly dropped, the remains of the ice pillar on the platform caught on her skirt. Yun Ge’s falling figure slowly stopped her descent. The broken ice railing was uneven, with some parts jutting out sharply, as sharp as a knife, the silk slowly started to tear bit by bit pulled down by the force of gravity. With the sound of silk tearing, Yun Ge’s body started to fall bit by bit.

Just then, seemingly for a very faraway place, another person’s shout travelled to her ear. “Yun Ge---“

Yun Ge sighed, Ling Ge ge, you shouldn’t have come! I wouldn’t want you to see me uglified.

Meng Jue below had on a very calm expression, dark inky waves rolling in the depths of his eyes; he even smiled when he looked at Yun Ge, raising his voice to say “I will never let you die.” At that moment, Yun Ge felt like she didn’t hate Meng Jue anymore. Meng Jue did give her a lot of grief and pain, but he also brought her lots of joy and happiness. All the happiness she experienced previously couldn’t be rejected and erased just because of the later pain she experienced. After all, her life once sparkled because of him.

Yun Ge gazed at Meng Jue, smiling at him. Her smile was gentle, just like when they first met. Meng Jue called out. “Yun Ge.”

Yun Ge was no longer looking at him, but that figure in the distance, her heart ached with longing. At that very moment, her heart was exceptionally clear, at the last moment of her life, she only thought of him, all her regrets were for him. Ling Ge Ge, please don’t stand alone by the railing, please stop gazing upon the stars, please forget me…. So this was how much she couldn’t bear to leave, her tears flowed from her heart to her eyes.

One drop, one drop, and yet another drop….

Longing, yearning, regret, sorrow.

So this was how much she had wasted all those times they could have spent together. Did an afterlife truly exist? If it really did exist, she could live life more fully…

The skirt caught on the edges of ice ripped completely, Yun Ge fell to the ground like a falling star. Just then, with a loud boom, the whole ‘ice dragon’ started to crumble from the top, ice shards flew everywhere, some as big as millstones, others as small as snowflakes, like an avalanche, breaking apart with a huge groan that shook the heavens and the earth.

Yun Ge gazed at Liu Fu Ling, then slowly closed her eyes, her tears falling freely, allowing the most glorious flight of her life to take her from life itself.

Although Yun Ge had flung Xu Ping Jun onto the slide, there was one point she didn’t consider.

When the ‘ice dragon’ collapsed, there would be ice shards of all shapes and sizes raining down. As Xu Ping Jun would slide down the dragon’s body, the speed of her fall would be a lot slower than falling ice, this was what Yun Ge thought would save Xu Ping Jun’s life, but at the moment it was what was going to cost Xu Ping Jun her life.

The falling ice shards, some as sharp as knives, some as big as millstones, if any of them hit her, the already injured Xu Ping Jun would surely die. To his left: Yun Ge was like a maple leaf leaving its branch in autumn, her bright red robe dancing in the snow, but the destination of her dance was death. To his right: Xu Ping Jun clothed in a delicate yellow, like spring flowers blooming in the snow, but the tender flower would be dyed red anytime by the shards that would pierce through her body.

And Liu Bing Yi and Liu Fu Ling were still some distance away.

In a fleeting moment, Meng Jue looked at Yun Ge deeply, calculated the time needed, then moved his gaze to Xu Ping Jun. Although his gaze moved, his hands never stopped, the force of his left palm like a rainbow, the sword in his right hand like electricity, everyone he touched died instantly.

Meng Jue directed his strength to his feet, kicking the dead bodies at his feet towards Xu Ping Jun, one ice shard was heading towards her pierced through the corpse instead, changing the direction of its fall, falling towards her side. Yet another guard, a different action this time, the same fresh blood. The corpse accurately pushed aside the ice shard was about to hit Xu Ping Jun. Another guard, another spurt of fresh blood. Each time he moved his sword, he looked up at Yun Ge. Yun Ge was falling very gracefully, her skirt billowing, like petals in the wind, like a beautiful b.u.t.terfly.

In the flying b.u.t.terfly’s figure, the longing of his brother as he died, his mother’s unjust death, the sharp pain in his heart when he received news of Second Brother’s death all flashed through his eyes….. He would never again allow a loved one to be taken away from him again. Even if he had to become the G.o.d of h.e.l.l, he must let them live.

His knife slid softly across and fresh blood flew everywhere.

At this point in time, Yun Ge was already halfway to the ground. Meng Jue quickly estimated her speed, picked up a corpse and flung it towards her at a tight angle, avoiding all her vital points. At the same time, he kicked hard, kicking another corpse towards Xu Ping Jun.

Bang! A loud crash.

Yun Ge screamed, blood lining her lips, but the speed of her fall was clearly not as fast as before.

Meng Jue’s hand shook slightly, but his lips were pursed tightly; without hesitating, he flung yet another corpse, in a different angle this time, towards Yun Ge. Yun Ge must have fainted, as the blood pooled more furiously around her lips, but she no longer made a sound.

Xu Ping Jun was already on the ground, her body sliding along the icy surface for a while before it stopped. Yun Ge was slowly descending, seemingly at the speed of when she first started falling.

Yu An, the person with the strongest martial arts among them, just arrived. Meng Jue shouted “Throw me up.” Yu An saw Meng Jue’s previous actions and had already guessed his intentions, so he grabbedMeng Jue and sent him up with the strength of his hands and feet. Meng Jue caught Yun Ge midair, using his own body as a cushion; he carried her towards the ground.

Yu An grabbed hold of Qi Xi who just arrived too, flinging him in Meng Jue’s direction. Qi Xi’s palm met Meng Jue’s midair, and Meng Jue used the force from Qi Xi’s palm to negate the force of the fall, landing on the ice with Yun Ge unscathed.

Once Meng Jue was steady on his feet, he quickly checked Yun Ge’s injuries. Although he avoided all her vital points, but her body clashed with others at a high speed and momentum, so all her vital organs were injured. She was alright everywhere else but because of the sword injury she sustained previously, she already had an underlying lung condition, this time….

Meng Jue frowned; he could only think of solutions slowly in future, at least she got away with her life intact this time. He whispered in her ear as he wiped away her blood with his sleeve. “I will not let you die, you must live on happily.” By the time Liu Bing Yi reached him, still carrying a long sword, his robe was also lined with bloodstains. Although his face was expressionless, but as he carried Xu Ping Jun from the ice rubble, the vein on his hand twitched. [4] Xu Ping Jun’s arms and legs were all broken, but thankfully, she was still breathing. Liu Bing Yi shouted for the physician.

After Physician Zhang took her pulse, he said “Lord Liu, please rest a.s.sured. Although her vital organs are injured and she has many broken bones, she is not in crucial condition.” Liu Fu Ling stared ashen faced at Yun Ge lying in Meng Jue’s arms, but couldn’t say a word.

Meng Jue looked up, smiled warmly but mockingly. “Your majesty might have kept her, but could you protect her?” Yu An rebuked him. “Lord Meng, you might still be confused because of shock, please go back to your residence to rest!” Meng Jue smiled slightly, lowered his head, then carefully placed Yun Ge on the prepared bamboo pallet, kowtowed to Liu Fu Ling before turning to leave.

Yu An stared at Meng Jue’s leaving figure, his heart growing cold. This man displayed rare resourcefulness and ruthlessness. Such a man, if his majesty could use him, then he could be the sharp sword in his majesty’s hand, but what if his majesty couldn’t? Liu Bing Yi came to request his leave, Yu An quickly ordered Qi Xi to prepare the horse carriage to safely send Liu Bing Yi and Xu Ping Jun home. Liu Bing Yi didn’t reject because of Xu Ping Jun’s injuries, kowtowing his thanks to Liu Fu Ling.

Liu Fu Ling raised his hand, indicating Liu Bing Yi to rise. “Madam’s injures are because of my negligence and…” Liu BingYi said “Your majesty, your subject is able to empathize the self-reproach and helplessness you feel right now. Forgive my impudence, but your majesty is only human, not a G.o.d. What happened today was because of the acc.u.mulation of the events for the past ten over years, naturally, it can’t be changed in a short period of time. Your majesty has already done your best; there is no need to keep blaming yourself.”

Once Liu Bing Yi was done, he bowed once more to Liu Fu Ling, and left with the eunuchs carrying Xu Ping Jun.

This was a carriage that really lived up to its name of being the carriage used by the Emperor. The horses cantered the whole way after leaving the palace, but sitting inside, it was a smooth ride, no swaying or shaking at all.

He heard the eunuch driving the carriage saying, “Lord Meng is up in front.”

Liu Bing Yi quickly lifted the curtains and saw Meng Jue walking alone in the dark, his robe stained with blood. Liu Bing Yi ordered the eunuch to slow down. “Meng Jue.” Meng Jue ignored him so Liu Bing Yi continued “If you are spotted in this manner by the night guards on patrol, how are you going to explain yourself?”

Meng Jue looked at Liu Bing Yi, wordlessly getting on the carriage.

In the horse carriage, Xu Ping Jun lay quietly. Liu Bing Yi and Meng Jue faced each other silently. Liu Bing Yi noticed that Meng Jue’s neck wound was starting to bleed again because of the earlier fight. “Your neck is bleeding.” He hastily took a piece of white silk and started to bandage Meng Jue’s wound again. Meng Jue looked unconcerned, simply reaching for a bottle of powered medication and dabbing it on his wound. He looked at the unconscious and gravely injured Xu Ping Jun. “What do you plan to do?” When Liu Bing Yi was done tending to Meng Jue’s wound, he reached for a white handkerchief to wipe off his blood, calmly saying “Calm, slow planning is key.”

As Meng Jue bent down for a closer look at Xu Ping Jun’s injuries, Liu Bing Yi quickly pa.s.sed him Physician Zhang’s prescription. After reading it, Meng Jue said “Physician Zhang possesses a good set of medical skills even if this prescription might seem to be a little too safe. Then again, a little safety never hurts, just follow this prescription! When I get back, I’ll ask San Yue to deliver the medicine to your house, she knows a bit about medicine, get her to stay at Yun Ge’s old place so that it’ll be more convenient for her to look after Ping Jun.”

Xu Ping Jun would have trouble moving and so she would definitely require someone to look after her. Liu Bing Yi wasn’t like before, now saddled with official duties, he couldn’t stay at home to look after her. Now, they had money but it would be very hard to find a suitable maid they could trust in such a short notice, so Liu Bing Yi accepted Meng Jue’s help, clasping his hands together in a salute. “Many thanks.”

Meng Jue checked the casts and bandages Physician Zhang had wrapped around Xu Ping Jun’s limbs to join the bones back together and felt they could hold up. “I’ll find some time to go over every day so I could check on Ping Jun.”

After he was done examining Xu Ping Jun, Meng Jue returned to his seat and silence fell upon them once again. Liu Bing Yi broke the silence after a while with a smile, asking. “Why didn’t you take Ke’er Dada’s life? Do you know Qiang people? Or was your mother…..” Meng Jue remained silent, not answering his question. Liu Bing Yi hastily added “If you don’t wish to talk about it, pretend I’ve never asked this question.”

“During the end years of the late Emperor’s reign, Western Qiang attacked Han with a force of ten thousand, I was in Fu Han[5]” Meng Jue started, then stopped, his thoughts going back to the past. Liu Bing Yi said. “I was old enough to remember things back then, and have some impression of this. The force of ten thousand from Western Qiang attacked Jin Ju, An Gu [6], Xiongnu attacked Wu Yuan, then they both combined forces to lay siege to Fu Han. The late Emperor ordered General Lee Xi, Leader of the Gentlemen of the Palace Xu Zi Wei to lead ten thousand to counter attack. In the end though Han prevailed, but they suffered heavy losses, losing half of their force of ten thousand.” Meng Jue lowered his eyes, smiling slightly. “They lost half of their ten thousand soldiers, but do you know how many civilians died?"

Liu Bing Yi was rendered speechless. Every time a war broke out, the first to be tallied were the deaths of soldiers, but civilians…

“Wherever the Western Qiang and Xiongnu’s horses galloped past, they practiced attrition warfare, killing all the Han, regardless of age and gender. The area between Jin Ju and An Ge were practically turned into ghost towns. The long awaited Han army came, but General Lee Xi wanted to use Fu Han to wear down the strength of Western Qiang, scattering the armies of Western Qiang from the side, so he refused time and again to send forces to rescue Fu Han. When the siege finally broke, the Qiang were angry because of their own heavy losses and released all their anger on the civilians. The males were beheaded and their heads displayed in public for all to see regardless of age; the females were beheaded if they were old, the young ones were raped before they were beheaded, and even the pregnant ones weren’t spared. Their newly born infants were thrown from horses…..” Meng Jue paused for a long while, then continued lightly. “This was just h.e.l.l on earth.”

Despite Meng Jue’s calm delivery, Liu Bing Yi could feel the strong stench of blood wafting under his nose. His fist clenched, and he said through clenched teeth. “The Qiang are indeed destestable!”

A vague smile appeared on Meng Jue’s lips, either mocking or one of pity he couldn’t tell. “Qiang have a deep hatred for Han too. After Han won, in order to reduce the Qiang combative force, they ma.s.sacred all the Qiang men above the age of twelve in Xian Ling, Feng Yan, Lao Jie. [7] That year when I walked past Xian Ling, the corpses of females, aged and the children littered the streets, all having died from starvation. Although the Han upheld the teachings of Confucius, sparing the aged, womenfolk and the young, but after they have lost their strong able men, many of them couldn’t survive the bitter cold winter.” Liu Bing Yi wanted to say something, but didn’t say it aloud. Han weren’t in the wrong. The late Emperor was sickly, with internal strife erupting frequently; could Han have the ability to withstand another big round of attacks? If they didn’t treat the Qiang the way they did, the ones dead would be Han.

Liu Bing Yi sighed. “War, maybe from the civilians’ perspective, doesn’t have true victors, only broken lives and families, the old preparing the funerals of the young.”

Meng Jue didn’t say a word, only smiling slightly.

In the past, all Liu Bing Yi saw in Meng Jue’s slight smiles were indifference, even ruthlessness. This time, however, under all that indifference and ruthlessness, he saw the helplessness of what he had experienced, and pity that even Meng Jue himself would deny.

If Meng Jue’s sword had pierced through the Central Qiang king’s heart, would the brave, fearless Qiang not take revenge? Then the h.e.l.l on earth Meng Jue had once witness would happen all over again, how many would die this time? Twenty thousand? Thirty thousand? How many other cities would become earth’s version of h.e.l.l…..

In the end, Meng Jue pushed his blade down, avoiding Ke’er Dada’s heart. He might even despise his own choice, but he chose to do so nonetheless. Ke’er Dada is a smart man, in a matter of seconds, he understood much. Although Meng Jue didn’t want another war to break out, but if war really did happen, Meng Jue will definitely not just kill those young men above twelve this time in order to prevent another war.
Grand Marshal estate.

Huo Shan, Huo Yun were knelt on the floor, Huo Yu was sprawled on the willow bench, and two servants were beating him with sticks. Huo Yu clenched his teeth, not uttering a sound. Huo Guang looked at the two servants coldly, under his cold observation; they both didn’t dare to reduce their strength, beating Huo Yu with all their might. Soon, Huo Yu’s b.u.t.tocks were dyed red.

Madam Huo was outside the house, crying out loud “Master, Master, if you kill him, then I wouldn’t have any need to live any longer….” as she struggled to enter the house. The servants guarding the house didn’t budge, denying her entry. Huo Cheng Jun’s eyes were red rimmed as she held her mother’s arm, trying to counsel her mother. “Father is already very angry, if Mother keeps on crying like that, you will only provoke his anger.” She didn’t expect her mother to turn and give her a tight slap across her face. “I told you not to a.s.sociate yourself with Meng Jue, you refused to listen. Look at the catastrophe you’ve brought upon us, if your brother is hurt in any way, I will hate myself for giving birth to you…..” Huo Cheng Jun staggered backwards, almost falling over if not for her maid Xiao Qing’s quick reflexes. Since young, Huo Cheng Jun had enjoyed her father’s favour and love, never on the receiving end of tough words, but ever since Meng Jue… Her mother always faced her with disgust, her brother always mocking and scorning her.

Just a few days ago that person still went with her to buy rogue, and a.s.sisted her off her carriage with such warmth, but in an instant, he ruthlessly pushed her off into the deep abyss. Her pain in her heart kept her awake at night, her insides screaming in agony, but she couldn’t even cry because she deserved everything, courted it, even.

She stared dazedly at her howling mother beating her chest; she didn’t even shed a single tear.

Huo Shan, Huo Yun saw that Huo Yu had already fainted but Huo Guang’s eyes remained icy cold. As long as he hadn’t given the command, the two servants didn’t dare to stop; only sweating bullets as they continued to beat him with all their strength.

Huo Shan, Huo Yun kowtowed, crying as they begged. “Uncle, uncle, this was all your nephews’ fault. We know we were wrong, please punish us instead.”

Madam Huo heard the cries of Huo Shan and Huo Yun, and knew that if the beatings continued, Huo Yu would either face death, or be paralyzed from waist down. She wailed and tried to smash open the doors with her head. “Master, master, I beg you, beg you, I beg you…….”

Huo Cheng Jun pushed Xiao Qing’s hands aside, her gaze sweeping coldly across all the standing servants. “a.s.sist madam to her own room.” When they hesitated, she smiled. “Did you not hear what I just said? Do you all want to pack your belongings and be sent home?”

Huo Cheng Jun’s mannerisms and expressions resembled Huo Guang’s, under the smiles stood a cold, calculative presence; the servants shivered unconsciously, several of them moving forward to drag Madam Huo away. Madam Huo’s forehead was bleeding, she kicked and screamed, but under the severe gaze of Huo Cheng Jun, they dragged Madam Huo away forcefully.

Huo Cheng Jun went up to knock on the door. “Father, it is Cheng Jun. Your daughter has some words to say.”

Huo Guang viewed Huo Cheng Jun differently as compared to all his other daughters and when he heard her calm voice with no edge of panic, he actually felt a sense of comfort. He raised his hand, allowing the servants to open the doors. When he caught sight of her swollen face, hatred for his wife welled up in his heart. “Cheng Jun, get some maids to help you apply some ointment to your face first….”

Huo Cheng Jun knelt down in front of Huo Guang. “Father, please command those who aren’t Huo to leave.”

Those two servants holding the sticks stared at Huo Guang immediately and Huo Guang nodded as he gave Huo Cheng Jun a long look. All the servants promptly left the house, closing the door tightly behind them. Huo Shan, Huo Yun stared at Huo Cheng Jun in shock, their begs and cries were useless; they didn’t know how Huo Cheng Jun was going to say to diffuse Huo Guang’s anger.

Huo Cheng Jun looked up at her father. “Maybe Da Ge’s plans had some flaws, but he wasn’t in the wrong, how could we just accept it when you are meting out a more severe punishment than warranted?” Huo Shan, Huo Yun quickly shouted “Cheng Jun!”, then fearfully said “Uncle…” Huo Guang shot them a look that clearly meant for them to shut up, then coldly asked “Why can’t you accept it?”

“First, Huos position today solely hinges on a crown prince, only then could we guarantee the future and peace of our clan, if not his majesty, or even the future crown prince would think of ways to weaken the Huos, or even get rid of us entirely. Yun Ge currently has the Emperor’s favour, if she bears a prince first, even if she was a low birth, with the example of Empress Wei Zifu, it is possible that he might give her the t.i.tle of Empress. Once Empress Shang Guan is stripped of her t.i.tle, it will be like cutting off a limb of the Huos. How then, were Da Ge’s plans wrong? Second, if the prince Yun Ge bears is named Crown Prince, gaining the hearts of the officials and the acknowledgement of all, then us Huos will be in a very precarious position. Da Ge was only doing this to protect our family, how was he wrong? Third, his majesty has been delaying his consummation with the Empress time and time again, to at the state banquet, she could only sit below, who is the empty seat beside his majesty for? His majesty was like giving the Huos a tight slap in front of everyone. If we only take this in quietly, then all those officials are court who only bully the weak and fear the strong would bully us should anything happen in future. Letting his majesty and his officials know that a tiger’s whiskers should not be plucked so easily, how was he wrong? Fourth, Da Ge was meticulous; those two men who tried to rape Yun Ge have fallen to their deaths instantly. Even if the guards investigate, they can only trace is back to Feng Zi Du’s command. Everyone knows that Feng Zi Du has beef with Meng Jue, it is only logical that he wanted to get rid of Meng Jue’s ex-lover. Your daughter can bet that Feng Zi Du [8] has already ‘committed suicide overcome by guilt’, so the trail would run cold. Even if his majesty knows that the Huos were behind this, without concrete evidence, what else can he do? Would he dare make life difficult for Father all because of a mere palace maid? Wouldn’t he be afraid of carrying the name of ‘muddleheaded emperor of no values, getting rid of his good and loyal subjects’ for generations to come? Even if he doesn’t want to be a wise and good Emperor, he must also consider that a muddleheaded one would force his subjects to revolt!” Huo Cheng Jun spoke coldly; anyone who heard her would forget that she was a girl not yet twenty.

Huo Guang laughed coldly. “My plans have all been messed up by Yu’er’s brash actions, now according to you, he is blameless?”

“Of course Da Ge is to blame, his mistake lies thus – since he had made the move, then he shouldn’t have come home empty-handed. Da Ge chose tonight to get rid of Yun Ge, was weather and timing couldn’t have been more perfect, but he was too reckless. Da Ge should have notified Father, asking for help to keep everyone in the hall, not allowing anyone to leave as they wished, and not allowing any form of news to be pa.s.sed into the hall. If this had happened, then Da Ge wouldn’t be beaten up right now, but on the receiving end of toasts from his brothers and sisters in our own family banquet. Father should take half the responsibility for his mistake though. If he had known Father would support him to get rid of Yun Ge, then would he not inform Father? It is precisely because he couldn’t guess Father’s thoughts that he chose to take things into his own hand.”

Huo Guang remained silent. A depressing silence that bespoke of a storm brewing descended upon the house.

Huo Cheng Jun only continued to fix her eyes silently on Huo Guang. She never once averted her eyes or showed fear. Huo Shan and Huo Yun suddenly looked at this girl they have known from young with different eyes, respect mixed with fear.

After a while, Huo Guang turned to Huo Shan and Huo Yun, telling them. “Call the servants him to carry your brother to his room to be treated.” Huo Shan, Huo Yun both breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly kowtowed “Yes.”

Once Huo Yu was carried away, Huo Guang mentioned for the kneeling Huo Cheng Jun, Huo Shan and Huo Yun to rise. Huo Shan and Huo Yun gingerly took their seats. Huo Cheng Jun managed to dissipate Huo Guang’s anger in a few words, saving Huo Yu, but not a trace of happiness could be found on her face. As she sat, she actually looked dazed and hurt.

Huo Guang turned to Huo Shan and Huo Yun. “Just as Cheng Jun had guessed, I have already ordered for this matter to be settled quietly, his majesty cannot link this back to us. What should we do next? Tell me your opinions.” Huo Shan and Huo Yun exchanged glances, after a while, Huo Yun ventured. “This would have put his majesty on guard; it wouldn’t be easy trying to lay a finger on Yun Ge in future, looks like we can’t achieve this in a short time. If Yun Ge falls pregnant in the next two or three months, then….” Huo Yun sighed, then continued. “Nonetheless, imperial guards only guard the doors of the palace, and can’t enter the inner palace at will. Besides, the eunuchs are all Yu An’s men. Although we do have several palace maids, but they are only obedient servants, none of them are sharp. The Empress is almost fourteen, logically, she could already be controlling the harem, but she shows no interest in these matters. Unless we have an Empress within and us on the outside, then we can prevent the birth of princes even if his majesty continues to rest with other women.”

Huo Guang sighed, Huo Yun was absolutely right. Although Xiao Mei was the Empress, but she was only an accessory to the Huos, of no proper help at all. She carried the t.i.tle of the Empress, and could allow the Huo to control the harm through her, but today the Huos couldn’t do anything about it. Huo Guang had other ideas, but Cheng Jun, she…. She was different from all his other daughters, he was afraid if he forced her, the results would be contrary to his expectations.

Huo Cheng Jun expressionlessly said. “Father, your daughter is willing to enter the palace.” Huo Shan, Huo Yun were first shocked, then happy, asking for confirmation, “Sister, you mean….”

Huo Cheng Jun squeezed out a smile when she met Huo Guang’s searching gaze. Many images flashed through her mind.

When she was young and playing with her female companions, acting out weddings, she would say, full of confidence. “My future husband would be the best of the best.” The surprise and happiness she felt when she first met Meng Jue, then meeting him again…. Her shyness, her joy. When she sat behind him riding a horse, he thoughtfully a.s.sisted her to get on the horse. When he played the zither for her, his smile when their eyes met. When she served him cakes and snacks she made herself, he praised their taste. The flowers he once picked for her. Their laughter and joy when they walked under the moonlight. The first time he held her hand, the first time they hugged, their first kiss…That heart that thumped so skittishly, if she had known what would happen today, would she still dive in headfirst? When he turned his back so ruthlessly, he had buried her girlish heart. From now on, these belonged to her past life, now dead. Now, her life would be….

Although her smile was weak, her eyes were contained the determination only found after falling apart. “Father, your daughter is willing to enter the palace, to hold up the harem for the Huos.”

[1] Refer to Chapter 23, Feng Zi Du is a Huo family slave. Interesting tidbit I found on google. "General Huo Guang oversaw the exceptionally attractive slave master Feng Zidu. Huo Guang loved and favored him, and often planned his actions together with him. Feng Zidu was extremely content- he had enough power to overthrow even the capital. Later men said "In times of old there was a slave master of Huo Guang named Feng Zidu who was favored and trusted with a general"s power. This provoked laughter in the winshops of foreigners..." After Huo Guang died, his widow, named Xian Guang, roamed playfully throughout the house together with Feng Zidu."
Pa.s.sions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male h.o.m.os.e.xual Tradition in China by Bret Hinsch
[2] Execution of your entire clan is commonly said as ‘Nine families being exterminated’, so she said ten to make it even more severe.
[3] These are all martial arts moves
[4] Chinese use this expression as a sign of anger.[5] Modern Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu [6] Modern Lintao Prefecture North, Gansu [7] All various tribes of Qiang who banded together to attack Han.
[8] Looks like Tong Hua is going to tweak history here then, offing Feng Zi Du in advance. I looked him up and besides dying in 66BC, nothing else is recorded of his death, so it is safe to a.s.sume he died of natural causes I guess.