Song in the Clouds

Chapter 29: Soaring Together Through This Life

Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 29: Soaring Together Through This Life
After taking a day off to catch up with Gaksitaaaaal, I"m back! This is a sweet, short interlude, the whole chapter completely and utterly devoted to Ling Ge Ge and Yun Ge as the readers get a peek into their interactions now that Yun Ge clearly knows that her heart lies with him and that barrier that she intentionally placed in between them is gone, they are truly as free as birds around each other. As I was translating this snippet, I was playing Kenji Wu (吳克群)"s Holding Hands (牽牽手) (english translations here) and thought that it described their relationship perfectly.

There is something so pure and untainted about their love for each other that makes me root for this couple instantly. They are able to strip away life"s complexities and complications so easily and know that the simple things are the ones that count. Enjoying life"s simple joys and living life to the fullest are what really matters. Those that have read spoilers, when I looked back at this chapter, there is just this sense of bittersweetness, for the what could-have-been.

Update: CHAPTER COMPLETE. This chapter is really a breeze to translate cause it is really a much needed break from all the earlier heaviness.

As the night grew darker, he only feared that his vibrant flower would wilt away, and so he deliberately lighted all the red candles to illuminate the hall. He seemed to fear that if he even blinked, he would find Yun Ge vanishing before his eyes - Liu Fu Ling refused to let any trace of darkness affect his vision. Within Xuan Shi Hall, the candles were brightly lit, lighting up each corner of the hall. Physician Zhang was in half kneeling by the dragon pallet, performing acupuncture on Yun Ge.

Liu Fu Ling was afraid his presence would affect Physician Zhang, so he stood behind the curtains, but his eyes never wavered from the curtain.

Yu An, Qi Xi, Liu Shun and all the other eunuchs were kneeling as one, the hall was filled with people both inside and outside, yet not a sound was heard, an oppressive, anxious silence hovered in the air.

After a long while, Physician Zhang emerged, his head full of sweat, wearily kowtowing in front of Liu Fu Ling to request his leave. “Your subject will be back tomorrow. Rest a.s.sured, your majesty; Miss Yun’s injury is not grave, she will recover after a period of rest.” Liu Fu Ling warmly said “Rest well when you get back.” Physician Zhang left with a eunuch guiding the way.

Liu Fu Ling sat on the side of the pallet, his fingers lightly brushing across Yun Ge’s brows, eyes, nose….

When he hurriedly rushed out from the great hall to the Blue River, all he saw was Yun Ge hanging upside down from the platform. Suddenly, the ice platform collapsed, ice and snow flying everywhere. She was like a b.u.t.terfly with broken wings, heading towards the abyss of death. She was so helpless but all he could do was to watch her fall. He brought her to this dangerous place, but he couldn’t protect her. He could only watch himself losing her. He could only watch…..

Liu Fu Ling had already sat in front of Yun Ge’s pallet for more than two hours. Yu An caught on to his majesty’s intention to stay by her side and hesitated before forcing himself to utter the words. “Your majesty, in another two hours, dawn will break, there will be state affairs to attend to once dawn breaks; please try to rest for a while, your servants will watch over Miss Yun.”

Watch over? Liu Fu Ling raised his eyes to Yu An.

When they met his gaze, a whole group of eunuchs were so scared they kowtowed furiously; cold sweat broke out on Yu An’s brow as he said “Your majesty, your servant was not conscientious enough, please punish me.” Liu Shun hastily added “This has nothing to do with master; it was due to your servant’s incompetency, falling into the guard’s trap, thereby failing to protect Miss Yun. Your servant is willing to face death.” Liu Fu Ling asked lightly. “Mo Cha, Fu Yu, are they alive?” Yu An quickly replied “Fu Yu was seriously injured, Mo Cha only sustained light injures, both are still unconscious but their lives aren’t in danger. Once they wake up, your servant will make sure to punish them severely.” Liu Fu Ling looked at the sea of eunuchs kneeling before him, suddenly feeling tired. “All of you have knelt for a whole night, go back to rest!”

Liu Shun was stunned, what did his majesty mean? Was his majesty not going to punish them?

Liu Fu Ling waved “All of you, retreat!” All the eunuchs quickly retreated from the hall with their heads bowed. Soon, the hall was completely empty, with only Yu An remaining. Yu An stammered “Your majesty, your servant will surely protect Miss Yun properly in the future, this thing will never happen again.” Liu Fu Ling stared at Yun Ge, his question directed to Yu An as much as it was directed to himself, “Even if we manage to protect her for a while, can this protection last forever? All the palace guards belong to them; can you guarantee that there will be no trace of negligence in the future? And those palace maids that hide in the shadows, can you defend her from all of them?”

Yu An was speechless, such a question…. He couldn’t even answer this if the question was directed at his majesty’s safety, let alone Yun Ge’s? After all, there were only a limited number of eunuchs around, his foremost priority was the safety of his majesty’s, he could only allocate a certain amount of manpower to Yun Ge. Yu An looked at Yun Ge, suddenly realizing that her fate was already sealed and it was only a matter of time; his heart ached with pain and pity, but couldn’t think of a way to save her.

Liu Fu Ling smiled and shook his head, indeed it was as Meng Jue said - he could keep her but not protect her. He sighed “You may go! I would like to be alone with Yun Ge. Also, once Yun Ge wakes up, she will surely ask after Mo Cha and Fu Yu, so don’t punish them, this matter ends here.” When Yu An caught Liu Fu Ling’s expression, he didn’t dare to make further objections, quietly leaving the hall. Liu Fu Ling sat on the floor, his one hand holding Yun Ge’s, tracing the heart line on her palm back and forth. He could not let such an ‘accident’ happen again; not every ‘accident’ would result in her luckily escaping with her life. If Yun Ge……… because of him……

When he witnessed Yun Ge falling with his own eyes, despair and hopelessness threatened to overwhelm him. His hand gripped hers tightly, as if trying to remind himself that she was safe.

How could he truly prevent such ‘accidents’ from ever happening again?

There were two paths he could take: the first was to get rid of Huo Guang, but this couldn’t be accomplished in a short period of time, this was a long drawn battle of wits; if he wasn’t careful, he could put the whole dynasty in peril, destabilizing the state and his people. The second was…. was to let Yun Ge leave, let her leave the palace that she never belonged to, leave the turbulence that was Chang An. He should give her freedom, shouldn’t he? She was born to be enjoying the vast heavens and earth, not suited for the bloodthirsty palace, full of plots in every corner.

However, since they met again, since they slapped their palms together to seal their pact, she was his one and only. So many years of waiting had pa.s.sed, even a seed the size of a grain would have grown into a big, towering tree, let alone his longing for her? She had already taken root in his heart, her roots sunk in, deep and tangled.

If he wanted to pull her out, his whole heart might just be taken out along with her. Who can tell him, how does one part with his own heart?

When Yun Ge regained consciousness, she felt like all her organs were on fire, groaning in pain.

Liu Fu Ling quickly asked “Where does it hurt?” Yun Ge slowly opened her eyes, her vision still blurry, as if she was still in a dream. “I’m alive?” Liu Fu Ling nodded “Meng Jue saved you.” Yun Ge froze, then smiled. “Then you should thank him properly.”

Liu Fu Ling sensed a deeper meaning behind her words and his heart leaped, rendered mute by this unspeakable joy welling in his heart, he could only stare mutely at her. What she thought was sure parting because of death was now another unexpected chance to be together – Yun Ge felt an indescribable joy bubbling in her heart, gently smoothing Liu Fu Ling’s brow, her voice softly reproachful “You didn’t sleep the whole night? Why were you so stupid? I was here sleeping, and unconscious, even if you stayed by me it would be in vain, why didn’t you sleep for a while?” Liu Fu Ling deftly caught her hand in his; Yun Ge didn’t try to pull away like before, letting him hold her hand, only lowering her eyes with some embarra.s.sment.

All traces of doubt vanished completely from his heart, only joy remaining, cascading over his heart in excited waves. Outside the hall was a gorgeous day sparkling with radiant sunlight, inside the hall was a dream coming true after many years, almost like a fantasy. Liu Fu Ling placed her hands at his cheek, running it over his face lightly, his mouth first twitching, then his face breaking into a broad smile. Yun Ge couldn’t control the joy in her heart either, when she saw Liu Fu Ling smiling, she couldn’t help but want to smile too, only her stomach was churning in pain, so she didn’t dare to do so.

So it seems that the path of life was in fact very simple, it was most painful and agonizing when one couldn’t make a decision on whether to go back or forward, but once a decision had been made to go forward, then no matter how treacherous the forward path may be, she felt no fear, only happiness. They smiled at each other like two idiots, neither knowing what to say, only smiling dumbly at each other.

Outside the hall.

Yu An tentatively called out “Your majesty.” Both of them awoke from their reverie. Liu Fu Ling said “Don’t disturb me. I will see no one today, let all of them go home to spend the New Year with their wives and children.” Yu An wanted to say something, but all his words remained stuck in his throat. Yun Ge whispered. “Be careful of others labeling you a debauched Emperor.” Liu Fu Ling laughed. “Let them say what they wish! I am not very clear headed right now anyway, if I try to work on state affairs now, who knows what might come out from my mouth.” His majesty’s voice took on a lightness of which he had never heard before, laughter evident in his voice.

Yu An felt that his majesty wasn’t the only one that wasn’t clear headed right now, he felt a little dizzy too. Last night his majesty was still so worried and devastated, his devastation affecting all those around him, but today…. His mood swung about too quickly! Yu An looked up towards the skies and strode off sighing. “Blue skies all around, clear without clouds; it really is a good day. After a year of troubles, it really is time to spend the New Year properly and rest for a few days!”

Liu Fu Ling asked Yun Ge. “Are you in pain? Do you want to rest? Physician Zhang will be here tonight to perform acupuncture on you.” Yun Ge shook her head, “I’ll be fine as long as you don’t make me laugh, and if I talk slowly.”

“Yun Ge, I want to say…..”

“Ling Ge Ge, I want to say…..”

Both of them smiled at each other, both opening their mouths to talk, and both stopping at the same time.

“You go first” Yun Ge said. Liu Fu Ling replied “You go first!”

Yun Ge smiled shyly, keeping her eyes trained downwards; she said “Ling Ge Ge, last night I finally sorted out something in my mind. As I fell, I was full of regret and sorrow, I felt like I should have done many things that I didn’t do. There is too much unpredictability in life, no one can accurately know what the future may bring. I don’t want to be full of regrets only when life ends, so, I’ve decided: if I like someone then I’ll like him, if I want to do it, then I’ll do it, why think so much?” Her eyelids fluttered a few times like two b.u.t.terflies, “Ling Ge Ge, I want to be with you!”

Just a simple sentence, but Liu Fu Ling felt like he heard the sounds of nature, his whole body was like it was drunk with wine, how many years had pa.s.sed since he felt this happy? Liu Fu Ling held her hand, bent and kissed her palm. “Yun Ge, last night, I too, finally sorted something out too. People say that life is long, but is in fact very short, even if one has a peaceful life, it only is but a few tens of years, including accidents and sickness, no one knows exactly how long a life is. I have experienced enough regrets, hatred and helplessness in this lifetime; I don’t want to spend the rest of my life that way. Yun Ge, do you still remember the promise you made when you were little? You said you were willing to go with me to the Miao boundary, willing to accompany me to tour the whole world?”

Yun Ge was a little confused. If he was only ‘Ling Ge Ge’, then of course it would be easy for her to fulfill all her promises, but he wasn’t just her ‘Ling Ge Ge’ but also the Emperor of this dynasty. Yun Ge nodded dumbly. “I have never once forgotten.” Liu Fu Ling smiled. “Yun Ge, from today onwards, I only want to be your ‘Ling Ge Ge’.”

Yun Ge’s eyes widened, the true meaning of Liu Fu Ling’s words not sinking in until a few minutes later. After a while, she stammered, “Then…..Then....But…But….” Finally forming a proper sentence, “Then who…who would be…the Emperor of Han?”

Liu Fu Ling saw Yun Ge’s face struck dumb by shock, purposely acting conflicted. “Yes! Who would be the Han Emperor?”

Yun Ge finally shook herself awake from her happy fog of joy, reaching out to hit Liu Fu Ling. “You’re so smart, you probably would have thought of that already, and you’re still….” Unintentionally probing her injured part, she frowned.

Liu Fu Ling didn’t dare to tease her anymore, quickly reaching for her hand and using it to smack his a few times. “Yun Ge, between Liu He and Liu Bing Yi, which do you prefer? I think both of them are fine, let us pick one of them to be Emperor, shall we?”

This was when Yun Ge ascertained that Liu Fu Ling truly meant what he said and he even had a well thought out plan to carry out his decision. Yun Ge was intending to stay by Liu Fu Ling’s side with a strong, determined heart, although she felt helpless, but the regrets she felt just before she faced death made her realize, maybe the helplessness of staying would be less than that of leaving. She didn’t expect Liu Fu Ling to actually be willing to give up his throne, she felt like her whole world was suddenly made bright and radiant, no trace of fog left in it, she could even see each happy day in their future life together. She hadn’t felt this happy in a very long while, happiness completely filling her heart, so much so that it seemed like it was about to explode, even if her heart exploded, each shard will still be filled with happiness.

Liu Fu Ling saw Yun Ge first staring dumbly into s.p.a.ce, then laughing idiotically to herself, finally talking to herself, when he took a closer listen to her mutterings, he heard that she was already planning their future, first they had to go home to meet her parents, then s.n.a.t.c.h Third Brother’s horse, then he would sit on a horse while she sat on Ling Dang [1], and start their travels, first to Miao Boundaries.. Then to….

She would search for and collect ingredients and recipes to write a cook book. Han people weren’t good at cooking beef and mutton, Hu people didn’t know how to use seasonings, didn’t know how to cook vegetables; as she walked she could impart both group’s strengths to each other, so that everyone could taste even better food…

Liu Fu Ling’s heart ached. By keeping Yun Ge at his side, he had trapped a soul that longed to fly. In the days Yun Ge spent in the palace, was she ever truly happy?

Thank goodness, they still had many days ahead of them.

He never liked his throne, but in order to protect it, he lost everything. If he gave it to someone who had the ability and who truly wanted it, then they would definitely do better. By giving it up, he and Yun Ge could search for their own happiness.

Thankful that he had made the best decision of his life, he could finally fly wherever he wished to, do whatever he wanted to.

“Yun Ge, have you got money?”

Yun Ge was still lost in her beautiful fantasies, shaking her head dumbly at the question, then nodding. “I don’t, but I can make some.” Liu Fu Ling patted her head commendingly. “Looks like I’ve found myself the right wife. I’ll rely on you to provide for me in future.” Yun Ge smiled till her eyes were crescent moons. “That’s right! Someone only knows how to sell official t.i.tles; with none to sell in the future, how pitiful will that person be! Follow me in the future! If you help me make my bed, fold my blankets, warm my fire and serve me well, I’ll reward you with a bowl of rice.” Liu Fu Ling heard her tender girlish voice, saw the smile twinkling in her eyes, his heart stirred and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her forehead. “I will definitely ‘serve you well [2]’” Yun Ge flushed red, although she scoffed, she was too embarra.s.sed to retort, only sticking her lips out angrily.

Yun Ge had been in his thoughts for so many years, and since meeting again after so many difficulties, she had always kept him at a distance. Now that Yun Ge was by his side, his almost hopeless longing for her was about to be fulfilled, his heart felt choked up with emotion. He took off his shoes, lying by Yun Ge’s side, holding her hand, quietly gazing upon her face, only feeling calm and contentment in his heart.

Yun Ge could feel Liu Fu Ling’s breaths by her ear, she felt like half of her body was tingling all over while the other half was stiffened. She was nervous, unfamiliar to this sensation, and happy. She only wished for him and her to be peaceful and happy, together forever. Liu Fu Ling saw Yun Ge’s nervousness, and was afraid it would affect her internal injuries, so he hooked his finger through hers, then said teasingly. “Once you have recovered, I will definitely dutifully, carefully listen to your love songs, so that you can no longer complain to everyone about it, this complaint of yours has travelled to other tribes.”

When Yun Ge was talking to Aliya, her face was a picture of calm, now when she was reminded that Liu Fu Ling heard her talking nonsense to the crowd, she didn’t know how he felt listening to that, and her face flushed.

“How dare you make fun of me? I was helping you win! I was accurately ‘shooting the target’ when I said those words, they weren’t nonsense. Qiang girls are given a curved knife by either their father or their brothers as a coming of age present. Once they have found someone they liked, they would gift their curved knife to that male, as a token of their attachment. Aliya’s curved knife was still with her, meaning that she wasn’t promised to anyone. Qiang girls are also particular about the colour of their headscarves’, green, pink, yellow, blue meant that males could pursue them, but Aliya’s headscarf was red, red meant that she didn’t want to hear the love songs of males, didn’t welcome male advances. Since she wasn’t attached, why choose red? The only explanation was that she already had someone she fancied, but she had yet to tell him. When I wanted to lure her into agreeing to a civil fight, I first had to make her fear actual fighting, but the girls of the gra.s.slands are rarely fearless, so I could only try my best to make her feel regret for the things she had yet to do. Even with her status as a princess, Aliya still didn’t dare to gift out her curved knife, which only serves to prove that the person she likes has a very special place in her heart. The deeper Aliya’s feelings, the more likely it was that she’d agree to a civil fight.”

This was when Liu Fu Ling truly realized that Yun Ge wasn’t talking nonsense back then. Every move, every word was carefully planned to destabilize Aliya’s thoughts, so that once Yun Ge suggested a civil fight, Aliya would accept very readily.

Liu Fu Ling pinched her nose, his action full of adoration and pride. “Looks like I have to thank the man Aliya likes. He had really helped us Han people unknowingly.” Yun Ge’s smile stiffened just a touch, then laughed awkwardly. “It is better to keep this matter between the two of us. You mustn’t tell anyone about it. If my Third Brother finds out I encouraged a girl to pursue him, I’ll definitely be….” Yun Ge faked a shudder.

Liu Fu Ling was part surprised, part amused. “The man Aliya likes is your Third Brother? So you knew her beforehand.”

“No, no. I only realized it upon taking a closer look at Aliya. Did you see the bangle on her wrist? A tiny silver wolf mask hung from it, the exact same copy of the mask my Third Brother wears. Tell me, if a girl carries my Third Brother’s mask around wherever she goes, what else can it mean?” Yun Ge was practically cackling with glee. “Third Brother is going to be depressed….Ouch!”

Her injuries affected, Yun Ge’s eyes and nose were scrunched together in pain. As expected, people cannot be too happy they get carried away!

Liu Fu Ling quickly said. “I forbid you to laugh again.” Yun Ge flashed him a smile. “I couldn’t help it, since I was so happy! Quick, tell me something unhappy. When are we leaving Chang An? The faster the better! I really want to be able to leave with you once I’m all better.”

Liu Fu Ling’s face was solemn and he wanted to appear even more solemn, but he couldn’t mask the happy twinkle in his eyes. “Not so soon, but I think we’ll surely be able to leave in a year.”

“I think Da Ge is very good… umm.. besides being a bit l.u.s.tful, Da Gong Zi doesn’t seem too bad either, pa.s.sing the throne to any one of them will be good. Why do you need such a long time to choose? Are you afraid the court officials will object? Or afraid that the border kings will be unhappy?”

“Yun Ge, I would love to leave Chang An as soon as I can too, but….” Liu Fu Ling grew solemn. “Do you remember those people who sang along with Liu Bing Yi in the great hall? I don’t care for the reactions of court officials, much less of the border kings, but I care about them.” Yun Ge nodded. “Yes.” “What made Ke’er Dada afraid wasn’t Liu Bing Yi, much less the civil officials and generals in the great hall, but the Han people singing proudly behind Liu Bing Yi. They work hard, paying taxes to support the officials and the army, they would join the army to fight, using their own lives to force the other tribes to retreat, but all the want is a full tummy and a peaceful life. As long as I’m Emperor, I must protect them. Now that I selfishly want to run away from my responsibilities, then I must guarantee that this throne peacefully to someone who can protect them. If because of my negligence, that a war erupts in the fight for the throne, bringing strife to the common folk, I will never forgive myself.”

Yun Ge held Liu Fu Ling’s hand. “I understand, I will wait patiently. Don’t worry, I think that whether it is Da Ge, or Da Gong Zi, they will be good protectors of the common folk.”

Liu Fu Ling smiled. “Liu He, I have a better grasp of, his ambition and talent are not a problem, but he always acts stupid, so much so that I really can’t grasp his style and method of handling matters, I’ll need to take a closer look. Liu Bing Yi’s thoughts are even more complicated, I’ll also need time to take a proper look.”
Although the accident happened during the New Year banquet, but because of the tacit agreement between Liu Fu Ling and Huo Guang not to publicize it, not many people knew about it. Only, a group of imperial guards quietly disappeared without a trace in the middle of the night.

Yun Ge’s accident was just like countless other court intrigue, happening in the night and then disappearing into the night, not even seeing the first light of dawn, already crushed while everyone was still in dreamland. In actual fact, each party was starting to put their set pieces into play all over again. Each party had developed new plans, not moving carelessly any longer, so because of that everyone spent a very peaceful New Year.

When Yun Ge awoke from her afternoon nap, she saw Liu Fu Ling reading something by the side of the pallet, his brow slightly furrowed. Once he heard movement coming from her, his brow smoothed over, he put aside the doc.u.ment in his hand, helping Yun Ge up. Yun Ge picked up Liu Fu Ling was just reading, it was an imperial edict that an official helped write, summoning the Prince of Chang Yi into Chang An to meet the Emperor, written in grand official language.

Yun Ge smiled, asking. “You plan to bring Liu He to the capital for further observation?”

“Not only to observe him, but I need to slowly start teaching them to do some things from now on. When I was about three or four, my imperial Father had already started teaching me how to read missives, and how to understand the hidden meaning behind the written words.”

Mo Cha reported her presence outside the curtain, and brought Yun Ge’s medicine in, her actions extremely careful and meticulous. Yun Ge knew Mo Cha felt guilty and responsible for the accident that night and it would be some time before she recovered from that, so she could only smile helplessly.

Liu Fu Ling took the edict from her and set it aside, then took the bowl of medicine from Mo Cha, personally feeding Yun Ge her medicine. Once he was done feeding her, he took water and rinsed his mouth with her.

“But I still don’t know whether he’d be willing to come. The Emperor has a very delicate relationship with the princes of the border. On one hand, the princes of the border share the same interests as the Emperor, the heavens belong to the Emperor, but even more so to the Lius. If the throne is s.n.a.t.c.hed away, the whole Liu clan will lose their heavens. The princes of the border exist to instill fear among the civil and military officials, letting everyone know that the imperial clan is full of talents, even if the Emperor is gone, those officials are not going to get the throne; on the other hand, the Emperor would need to be on his guards against the other border princes, preventing them from forming alliances with court officials. Of course, the border princes are always on their guard against the Emperor, those who desire to seize the throne would need to be on their guard, those who don’t would also need to be on their guard because it doesn’t matter what those that don’t desire the throne say, what matters is whether or not the Emperor believes you. History has no lack of examples of loyal border princes who were either killed or forced to revolt because of a suspicious Emperor.”

Just one imperial edict contained so many things? Yun Ge’s feelings sunk. “Do you think Liu He will trust you? Will he find an excuse to reject the imperial edict, not coming into Chang An? Or even start to be suspicious because of this edict?” Liu Fu Ling nodded. “No one would believe the Emperor, much less a person in his position. In this whole world, only you believe in me.”

“So what should we do?”

Liu Fu Ling smiled. “I don’t need to you fret about such matters. I’ll find a way to settle it. What you need to fret about it how to recover fully.”

Liu Fu Ling didn’t want to talk about court matters, choosing to talk about how the Lantern festival was coming, the festivities in and outside the palace, asking her what kind of lantern she liked.

Yun Ge suddenly said. “I’d like to leave the palace for a while during the lantern festival. First to look at the lanterns, second to….second, if you don’t mind, I’d like to meet Meng Jue to thank him for saving my life.”

“I never once minded you seeing him, I was only nervous.” Liu Fu Ling’s hand brushed across Yun Ge’s temple, tenderly saying. “For there to be someone like me who recognizes a gem when he sees one, what I felt was probably admiration for him, and furthermore, he is really someone worthy of respect.”

Yun Ge became embarra.s.sed at Liu Fu Ling’s words, turned away from his hand, her face burning.

Joy abounded in her heart, mixing with sadness. Liu Ge Ge treated her like a precious treasure, valuing her more than anything else; a.s.suming someone else would think the same way as he did. Meng Jue never thought of her as some gem, but just a pearl among the few that caught his eye at most.

Liu Fu Ling said. “Yun Ge, Meng Jue is a smart person, when you talk to him, please try to be careful. Abdicating is a serious matter, if I have yet to make my final choice, you cannot tell him anything, if not the repercussions would be unthinkable.” Yun Ge nodded. “I understand.”

The whole situation now was hanging on a delicate balance; maybe even one drop of water would be enough to destabilize the whole situation, let alone the power to control the heavens that could be wielded by someone sitting on the throne?

Court officials aside, just Liu He and Liu Bing Yi, they were both not thinking about other things right now, one only wanted to be a muddleheaded prince, the other wanted to a.s.sist his majesty to the best of his abilities, so that his name would one day be restored. Once they knew they stood a chance in rightfully gaining the throne, would they still be able to sit back quietly? Maybe their fight with each other would be even more intense than princes fighting for the throne.

In Chang An, his last stretch of the road, might be the most difficult one his life yet.

Liu Fu Ling stared at Yun Ge. “Yun Ge, why don’t you go home first? Once I have settled this, I’ll go find you.”

Yun Ge’s brows knit as she glared at him. “Don’t even think about it! I am going to remain here!” Liu Fu Ling patiently explained. “It is not that I don’t want you by my side, but I’m afraid that a storm might brew….” Yun Ge pouted. “Ling Ge Ge, how many years pa.s.sed before we could meet again after our first parting? I don’t want to be waiting and counting down the days, whether or not the storm brews, I just don’t want to be separated from you. If you dare chase me away, I’ll ignore you for the rest of my life!”

Liu Fu Ling remained silent.

Yun Ge swung his hand back and forth, still pouting, making herself look very pitiful, but determination shining forth from the depths of her dark eyes. Liu Fu Ling sighed. “Why are you still like this? You’re injured. Quick, stop swinging. I’ll just agree with whatever you say.”

Yun Ge’s face changed faster than the pages of a book could turn, breaking into a brilliant smile in an instant. “Thank goodness you treat me slightly better now as compared to when we were younger. If not, I would be really pitiful.”

“Only slightly better?” Liu Fu Ling lightly asked, his face expressionless.

Yun Ge laughed and sidled up to him. “This is me encouraging you to work even harder, telling Liu Fu Ling that he still has a long, long road to improvement in the way to treat the beautiful, cute and smart Yun Ge well. You must treat me even better each day, and each day you must reflect on the areas you can improve on, whether or not you made the cute Yun Ge unhappy. Every day……”

Liu Fu Ling wordlessly picked up the imperial edict, turned and left the hall, leaving Yun Ge shouting “Hey! I’m not done yet!”
[1] Her camel in Chapter 1.
[2] The word 服侍means to wait upon, to care for. It is also a double entendre, and can take on a s.e.xual connotation.