Sons Of High Society

Chapter 36

Xue Guangli and Long Huojin arrived at his house.

Inside, it was dark and quiet, without a trace of anyone being home. Yin Shou must have left.

Long Huojin flicked on the lights, removing his coat, loosening his collar and tie. He walked towards the kitchen as Xue Guangli strolled behind him.

He turned on some light music as he opened the fridge, taking out some ingredients. He turned on the stove and began to fry some vegetables. Xue Guangli was sitting in the kitchen table, dazed.

He took out some meat, was.h.i.+ng it, cutting them in pieces, seasoning it and added it to the vegetables. Xue Guangli watched as his slender fingers stirred the food; his back flexed with every move he made.

He was tall, and everything about him was stunning to her.

After preparing more dishes, he set it on the table. Xue Guangli silently began to chow down.

Long Huojin kept stealing anxious glances at her. Song Ren must have said something. But what exactly? Was Xue Guangli angry at him?

She kept quiet, unusual of her.

Something was off...but he didn"t want things to s.h.i.+ft, again. Just last night, she took the initiative to sleep with him. She was leaning towards him, more and more.

"How was speaking with Song Ren?" asked Long Huojin.

Xue Guangli smiled, "She has a way of talking to people. Very straightforward and bold."

Long Huojin gave a short laugh.

"She was great," Xue Guangli began again. "I"m glad I saw her today."

Long Huojin smiled; his worries dissipated. He then began to place more food on her dish, and she devoured a second plate.

Afterwards, he opened a bottle of white wine and poured two He gave it to Xue Guangli, and they both sipped some of it. "I managed to obtain the file. We will observe it tomorrow," he said.

Xue Guangli sighed. "Yes. I"m slumped for the night."

Long Huojin cleared the table and cleaned up. Xue Guangli joined him. He washed the dishes, as she dried and put them away. After they finished, Long Huojin had picked her up, and she straddled around his waist, kissing.

It was only for a moment, before he let her down, giving one more peck on the forehead.

"Jin," she called out.

"Mhm?" He paused to respond.

Xue Guangli shook her head. "Nevermind."

He then proceeded to ascend the stairs. Xue Guangli went to her room to prepare for bed.

As she applied to moisturizer, she could not help but think about some things.

"Long Huojin asked about you," Xue Teegan had once said.

"His eyes never left you."

"I want us to be friends!" She told him.

"It"s all I ever wanted, Xue Li"

Xue Guangli curled her fists over the hairbrush she was about to use.

When? When did his feelings for her begin? Was it not recent?

She kept thinking about it.

"Long Huojin is the only one you can trust."

Boldly, she walked out of the room and barged into Long Huojin"s room. He was wearing shorts that hung loosely on the waistline. He was s.h.i.+rtless, and his stark serpent tattoo shone. He was wearing his, looking at his tablet. He placed it down, waiting for her to say something.

"Confess," she demanded, pleading.

"What?" Long Huojin asked.

"How long did you like me? When did it start?"


Long Huojin removed his, setting them aside. He ran a hand through dark locks. A ghost of a smile lingered on his face. Without looking up, he said, "I don"t know."

Xue Guangli waited for him to continue.

"I don"t know because it could have been since two years ago when I saw you with w.a.n.g Weimin. But...It could have been long before that. It could have been since we had gone our separate ways through college or since high school. I don"t know, because wherever I was, and you weren"t there, I would think of you. Whenever you were around, I was still thinking of you."

"How?" she asked.

Long Huojin shrugged. "Whenever we fought, I liked it when you fought back. I liked it when you hated me because it felt like I was crawling beneath your skin when you were doing that to me. I felt swayed by every time you pa.s.sed by in the hall, and your red hair flowed so nicely. You always smelt like strawberries, too. I liked it that when you saw me in all my piercings, long hair, and tattoo and didn"t initially shy away. Some girls were afraid of me before they learned I was the son of Long Yuntian." He paused.

"I remember getting into a fight one day at school. You came into the nurse"s office to see if I was okay and gave me an ice pack. w.a.n.g Weimin had lectured me, but you said, "those boys deserved it.""

Xue Guangli"s breath caught. His words began to trip over her beautifully.

"Whenever I came over, you weren"t rude to me at all. Yes, you ignored me. But that"s because I didn"t know that you were bullied because of me, until years after we graduated. I"m sorry."

He was genuine.

Indeed. Girls bullied her for just being his acquaintance. They wanted him when he didn"t want them. Around others, she was the only girl he spoke to, even if it was brief and an obligation as people who knew each other since infancy.

But now, she liked him too, probably even before w.a.n.g Weimin. But she lost sight of what she wanted. She thought she wanted the perfect and orderly w.a.n.g Weimin and not the chaotic and broken Long Huojin. But in all honesty, she did want that. She wanted Long Huojin.

Xue Guangli approached him, her eyes glistening, her expression soft. She placed a hand on his cheek, gliding her fingers over his smooth skin. He finally met her eyes, gazing up.

"I like you, Long Huojin, so much," she admitted. Long Huojin"s eyes widened, his gaze pierced through her. And like that, he revealed all the yearning and the want, the desire. w.a.n.g Weimin used to give her looks of desire, too, but it was full of l.u.s.t, and it scared her. But with Long Huojin, his eyes were sincere, catering to her, caressing with a phantom touch.

She leaned down to kiss him, her hair brushed across his skin, curtaining him. He met the kiss, initially gentle. But then, using his tongue, he peered through lips and teeth. She opened it, their tongues touched and collided. They began to lose breath faster than she hoped.

Finally, he pulled her onto the bed, and he flipped her underneath him, kissing her in places that she wanted, needed, and she s.h.i.+vered. He was rough and gentle as he placed kisses on her neck, and chin and jaw, nipping. He was going to renew the marks he had left before. Xue Guangli"s body began to heat up, and her core was pooling. He made it all about her.

Long Huojin had always made it about her.

But what about him?