Souen no Historia

Chapter 15

While Mayuki was on board the pirate ship, Souji, the man she was searching for, was teaching Ninthe. The location was in Ninthe’s room. Souji said that it was fine for him to teach Ninthe, and he promised to teach her if he had any spare time. He also couldn’t just coldly refuse it because his mother, Kaina, requested him to do this. That’s why he would skillfully make time for teaching. “Ninthe, time for a question. Do you know how many continents there are in Orb?”“U~n… … please give me some time.” Ninthe spread her hand as she said so. She then counted one by one with her fingers and,  “Umm… … East continent and West continent, South continent and North continent, and also Central continent!”“Well then, their names?”“M~mm… … east is Dolkia continent, west is Woodvern continent, south is Dadaneo continent, north is Zoan continent, and central is Ougon continent!”“Yes, that’s perfect. Well then, do you know the provinces’ names in each of them?”“............?” Apparently she had not studied the provinces name yet. “Well then, please remember it well.” Souji spread out the map in Ninthe’s hand. Then he explained as he pointed with his finger.Fumufumu, Ninthe nodded as she heard the explanation.She wasn’t stupid but just didn’t have the habit of studying up until now. Rather, her memory was very good; she had an excellent brain that was capable of instantly remember information that interested her. “I see, this here is Nockles province!”“Yes, there are Anjax, Gudo, and Nockles, three provinces in Dolkia continent. It is the second biggest continent among the continents. Remember it.”“Ye~ss!”“Then, next question. Though there are various races in Orb, how many races are there if you roughly divided them?” Ninthe let out a “Mu~,” lovely voice as she pouted her mouth. Then she opened her hand and folded her finger as she said the races’ name one by one. “There is the human race, demon race, beast race, dragon race, water-dweller, then spirit race… … six races?”“Looks like you’ve studied it. That answer is correct.” That’s right, there were roughly six races existing together in this world. There were other cla.s.sifications even in the human race such as dwarf and hobbit. “Then the race that didn’t have a Magic core?”“U~mm, beast race and dragon race!”“Oo, once again a perfect answer. Looks like you’ve studied well. Good girl.”“Ehehe~.” Ninthe looked so pleased when her head was gently stroked.Just like she said, there was no one from beast race and dragon race that carried a Magic core which was needed to use magic. Therefore they were incapable of using magic. In exchange, they have a superior movement ability and other unusual abilities.  “Next, what kind of special ability does the beast race have?”“They can become humanoid! There were such children in the orphanage!”“That’s right. They can use the ability to personify. Well, most likely not all of beast race could do that. To begin with, I heard only special people from beast race are capable of personifying.”“Hee~, then are those special people strong?”“There are various types of special. But maybe it could be simply said that they have a great power of existence….” Maybe because she couldn’t understand it, Ninthe groaned with a troubled expression. “It means it’s impossible to personify if they only have physical strength. Mind and body, it can only be done if they are blessed in both.”“Nn~ that’s difficult.”“Ahaha, but Ninthe definitely can understand it. Even I was puzzled in the beginning. It’s okay to just gradually understand. Sooner or later you’ll likely become friendly with someone from the beast race.”“Yes! I’ll remember that!” Feeling the reliability from Ninthe’s enthusiasm, Souji wryly smile. “However, even though Ninthe memory is good, it looks like you aren’t good at arithmetic.”“U~ I become dizzy everytime I see the figure after all.” Ninthe said that as she pouted in dissatisfaction. The results of various tests to find her apt.i.tude were that she had amazing writing skills and memory, but that she wasn’t good at logic.She was particularly weak in calculating. She was even troubled by simple problems. “Well then, it looks like I can promote Ninthe to anything except the treasurer.”“ A~u~, I will try my best~.”“Ahaha, next let’s take a little break. Because I will make delicious ones, please look forward to it.”“Wa~i!” After he glanced at Ninthe who smiled delightfully, Souji went to the kitchen. He looked in the preservation storage and took some fruits to the counter. “Become my desired image, orange flame.” An orange flame was created in his palm, and changed shape into a kitchen knife. A strange orange colored knife was created.The fruit’s skin was peeled off with a dexterous movement. There was no wavering in movement and all of the fruits were completely peeled in the blink of an eye. Souji put the fruits that were completely peeled into a big bowl, and the kitchen knife now changed into a rod-shaped object. Gorigori, he crushed the fruits until their shape changed.Once they crushed and became muddy, some milk was added and the flour was placed inside the bowl and mixed. “Okay, next is-.” The cooking process advanced steadily, then “Okay, it’s complete.” Having been placed on a big plate, Souji nodded in satisfaction, and then he carried it to where Ninthe was. On his way, he ran into Yoyo who just arrived from the second floor. “Oya, Ojou-sama. Your rest?” She slept late last night, and then when afternoon came she said she would rest for a while as she headed to her room. It has been around an hour since then. That’s why he wondered whether she obtained a satisfactory sleep or not. “No, it just that I smelled a nice fragrance.”“Eh, Ojou-sama also wants it? I think I did a good job on it.”“Yes, later in my room… … no, are you going somewhere?”“Yes. I am tutoring Ninthe, and it is a reward for her hard work.”“Ara, that’s good. Then I will also go there. Is it in Ninthe’s room?”“Yes.”“That’s so. Then let’s go,” Along with Yoyo, the two headed to Ninthe’s room. “Y-Yoyo-sama!?” Ninthe, who was surprised by Yoyo’s sudden appearance, immediately rose from her seat. Yoyo stopped her with a gesture and, “Don’t be that attentive. I think I am also to be blamed for this.” Though she should be awake, Ninthe became absent-minded when she saw Yoyo’s beautiful smile. Souji was putting the plate on the table in front of such a Ninthe. “Uwa~! What a savory fragrance!”“The name is seasonal jam pizza.” It was a food where various kinds of fruits that only appeared in this season were made into jams, then spread on the pizza crust. Vanilla ice was put on the pizza and it began to gradually melt from the warm pizza. Because there were four kinds of fruits, the pizza was divided into four with different jams respectively.First, there was a jam made of Spring Peach with an irresistible sweet fragrance.Second, a jam made of Sakura Lemon with intense tartness that makes one addicted.Third, a jam made of Pink Melon with faint sourness and elegant sweetness.Fourth, a jam made of Dandelion Strawberry with sweetness and an enjoyable texture.Yoyo and Ninthe took the pizza, and started eating it. Following that, Ninthe’s cheeks became flushed as she was charmed by it. “Uwaa~ it is very delicious~”“Ee, as expected of Souji. It is delicious.”“Thank you for the praise. Please wait while I bring the beverage.” Having said that, Souji was happy from the praises the food got and he left the room with a smile.When he returned to with the beverage, inside was, “You’re slacking off again… … mother.” That’s right, it was his own mother, Kaina, who slowly filled her mouth with the pizza. “Oh my, Souji! You’ve improved once~ again! Ah, you brought the beverage! You come at the right time~!” Saying so, she tried to take the cup so he raised it away. Kaina’s hand was grabbing the air. “Honestly, what are you doing!”“There’s no portion for mother. Please procure one yourself if you want it.”“Boo~ stingy Souji! Whate~ver! I’ll get it myself! Ah, Ninthe please leave that remaining one with ice for me!”“Eh, ah, yes!” Kaina disappeared from the room just like a typhoon. “... … Ninthe, about that remaining one with ice, it’s okay for you to eat it.”“Eh? But, it was something Kaina-sama….”“It’s okay. That’s right, how about this….” He cut that pizza into three, and then he put one each on Yoyo and Ninthe’s plate, followed by the remaining slice entering his mouth. “Oh my, how ill-natured of you, Souji. Well, I am also going to eat it though.” Thus Yoyo put it into her mouth. The remaining slice was only Ninthe’s. “Come on Ninthe, don’t hold back.”“Eh, but….” Maybe because it was something her superior left behind, Ninthe hesitated to eat it. “It is okay. Beside, she said she gained some weight recently~, so please eat it for mother’s sake.”“... … i-is it okay?”“Yees.”“Eat it, Ninthe. It’s delicious.” Because of what Yoyo said, Ninthe gulped and ate it. The fluffy texture, fruit’s sweetness, and its sourness stimulated her mouth. Her face became flush once again.As if on cue, Kaina came back.  “Have I made you wait~! My piz… … za… …?” The wide smiling face when she entered the room petrified. Following that, gi gi gi, she turned her neck and saw Souji. “... … my pizza?”“Who know? Maybe a wind fairy came and took the plate?”“There’s no way that could happen~!” It was hard to calm Kaina down after that. Though his shoulders drooped when he thought such person was his mother, she was truly an interesting person.   “Souji-sama’s magic is truly convenient right~.” As usual, Souji was watering the flowers with a watering can created from his orange flame this morning, Ninthe, who was helping him to water the flowers, proclaimed as she stared at his watering can. “What’s with that out of the blue?”“Because, even though all magic is amazing, Souji-sama’s magic is even more amazing!”“Haa….”“Even though Ninthe cannot use magic because Ninthe doesn’t have a magic core, there were people who could use it in the orphanage. Even among them, I feel Souji-sama’s magic is truly convenient.”“Well, that could be true.” Souji himself also thought that. Living in this world, Souji had met various magic users. Compared to those people, his magic was indeed a useful one. “I wonder just how did Souji-sama’s magic become like this?”“Ahaha, do you want to know?”“Yes!” Ninthe’s face spontaneously formed an innocent smile. “I see, you want to know about this orange colored flame?”“Ah, yes. Even before, it took Ninthe and Yoyo-sama to the sky!”“Ee, this is called orange flame, simply put it has the effect of making my imagination a reality.”“... … … … Souji-sensei, I don’t understand it at all!” Ninthe immediately raised her hand and said so. Souji rode on her mood  and coughed once. “Ohon, then let me teach you in a way that you can understand. This orange flame use what I imagine in my head to, well, change its shape. Then it is possible to make that appear as an object. Do you understand?” He immediately made the watering can vanish. He concentrated his magic power in his right hand. “Become the desired image, orange flame.” Once again, an orange flame appeared on his right hand. Then its shape changed into a watering can and its handle gripped by Souji. “Just now, I imagined the shape of this watering can inside my head. The flame changed its form according to that image.”“Hoe~.” As if finding it amusing, Ninthe was poking the watering can. “That’s right, Ninthe should also know by now that it doesn’t feel like the usual flame, right? Let say, it shouldn’t be able to be gripped and touched, and it shouldn’t even possible to ride on it.”“Ah, now that you mention it!”“That’s the characteristic of this orange flame. This flame can be gripped and touched. That’s why it could be ridden on. In addition….”“Eeh!? I-it floated!?” Just like that, the watering can suddenly started floating by itself and swayed pleasantly in the air. “Thus it is also possible to be freely moved. Well, it consumed considerable magic power though.”“... … ah! I see, that’s why Ninthe and Yoyo-sama could ride on it!”“Ee, that’s correct.”“Fuwa~, oh? Is it possible that the things Souji-sama uses such as the kitchen knife and the pan are orange in color is because….”“It is as you guess. Those things are this. They helped greatly with the household finances because they reduced the water supply fee since they don"t need to be washed.”  With such reason, Souji created the tools used in housework with his fire. The kitchen knives for cooking, the mops for cleaning, and even the baskets for laundry, all of them created from the orange flame. “That’s extremely convenient~ I am jealous~.”“Ahaha, that’s so. However, even this magic has its own limitation.”“Eh? There’s such a thing?”“Ee, there was water inside the previous watering can, right?”“Ah, yes.”“Even though it wouldn’t be a problem with that amount of water, it is still fire so it is weak against water. For something like this watering can, it will immediately disappear when it is thrown in the bathtub.”“Well, it’s fire after all~.”“The other is, it’ll disappear suddenly after a few minutes if it was separated from me after a fixed distance.” Souji shrugged his shoulders with yare yare-like feeling. “Then~ if it’s a rainy day, can Souji-sama do his work?”“No no, I have another method for such a time, but at the very least I will avoid using this orange flame on a rainy day.”“Fu~n, there’s other methods huh~”“While the other flames are also convenient ones, they surely have their own limitations.”“B-By others, you mean there are a lot of them!?” Maybe because Ninthe was interested in those, her eyes were sparkling. “Ahaha, though I want to continue the talk, it seems you need to wait till next time.”“Ee~ Why~?” The ten years old girl adorably expanded her cheeks in dissatisfaction, “Look, over there.” Following that, other maids were coming from the place Souji’s was pointing at. It seemed they came to look for Ninthe. It was about time for her to start her work as a maid. The same thing applied to Souji, it was about the time for him to wake Yoyo up. “Okay, let’s work hard today too.”“Yes! But, Souji-sama! Please let me hear your story again! It’s a promise!”“Ee, it’s a promise.” He smiled, and Ninthe ran towards the other maids while smiling in happiness.“Rode on her mood?” I have no idea what that means.↩Wait, if every single tool was made from his orange flame, what do the other people do? They can’t use his tools because they are connected to him right? If other people use normal tools instead, then it follows that they wouldn’t really save that much in water bills since those tools still need to be cleaned. The number of maids, counted individually as Ninthe, Souji, and at least 3 others since at one point they “surround” Ninthe, total at least 5 maids. More probably as shown in many j.a.panese anime’s, there would be like around 10. I question the veracity of this statement.↩