Souen no Historia

Chapter 16

Worried about the dwindling foodstuffs left in storage, Souji and Ninthe went to town to restock. “But, it’s weird. I thought we should still have enough.” It was certainly almost time to restock on foodstuffs, but the consumption speed was more than he had estimated. Especially the fruits and confectioneries, the decrease rate was abnormal even if those were favored by the children. However, when he asked Ninthe, she said she never touched any food in the mansion without permission. Besides, Souji never believed that she would do that. Even when she was hungry, she always gained Souji’s permission first before she cooked or took the confectioneries. “Ah, now that I mention it, there’s always someone who hangs around the kitchen!”“Eh? In the kitchen? Who is it?”“Kaina-sama!” Souji held his head and rolled his eyes. The mystery was solved. He recalled that recently Kaina said to him, “I am hungry, make something~,” and apparently the culprit that secretly ate the food was his mother, Kaina.He inadvertently quietly sighed, and he suddenly felt the heavy responsibility burdening his whole body. “...... she said it looks like she grew fatter recently, but of course that would happen if she did that.”“But, Kaina-sama always full of energy!” Ninthe was smiling happily. She was truly an innocent girl. “Ninthe, mother’s cheerfulness was certainly influencing everyone, but listen, it isn’t good if you become an adult like mother, you know?”“Eh? Why? Every~one said Kaina-sama is amazing!”“Ee, that’s the glory of her past.”“...... past?”“It is so. Now she will meddle with other people’s work if she has free time, just like a former worker ant that remembers the easiness of eating food in secret.”“Nn~ I don’t understand.”“I don’t mind if you don’t understand. However, I want Ninthe to become a splendid woman.”“W-Will that make Souji-sama happy!?”“Eh? That is yes, of course. I feel Ninthe will become a hardworking and splendid woman.” Cheeks flushed, Ninthe’s happily smiled. “Besides, this smile suits you.”“Ehehe! I’m happy!” Thus, the two continued shopping in high spirits. They returned to the mansion once they finished shopping. When they entered the premises, “...... ah? I can hear something.” Ninthe did the gesture that strains her ears. Souji nods and says, “...... aa,” as he recognizes the sounds. “This is…… music?” Just as Ninthe said, music could be heard from the mansion. Seeing Ninthe’s curious face, Souji explained. “Now that I remember it, Ninthe doesn’t know about it. This is Ojou-sama’s musical performance.”“Eeh!? Yoyo-sama can perform music!?”“Ee, Ojou-sama is very skilled at playing musical instruments.”“Hee~.”“Since childhood, her skill had been shown in various parties she attended with her father.” When he said that Yoyo was currently playing it in her room, Ninthe’s eyes sparkled and her gaze indicated that she wants to see it. Ninthe quickly nodded when he asked her if she want to see it. The instrument’s sound became louder as they approached Yoyo’s room. He knows that Ninthe’s excitement level is increasing.After a few knocks, the sound stopped, and “Is it Souji?” an intellectual voice could be heard from inside. Once they obtained her permission, they entered the room. Yoyo was standing beside the window holding a violin-like instrument. “Looks like Ojou-sama knew we were coming.”“Ee, I saw you two returning from your shopping from the window. Beside, didn’t you two look in this direction? Ninthe probably said she want to hear me perform music, right?”“As expected of Ojou-sama, what splendid inference.” Souji once again admired Yoyo’s accurate observational power. “Y-Yoyo-sama! I-Is it okay for me to hear it?”“Ee, I don’t mind. Rather than standing, relax on the sofa.”“Yes!”“Then let me accept the kind offer.” Souji also approached the sofa. Yoyo, however, had a smile like that of a mischievous child. “Oh? How about you also play with me?”“............ Ojou-sama, that’s too cruel even as a joke, you know?”“Fufu, but you won’t improve if you don’t do it.” NInthe tilted her head in curiosity towards their conversation and, “Souji-sama can perform too?”“Eh? Ah, well…… that is….”“As expected of Souji-sama! You can do anything! The head butler is so stylish!”“Ah…… uu.” Souji perplexed voice leaked out as his forehead flowed with sweat. “Fufu, Ninthe, don’t misunderstand, okay?”“Heh? Mis-...... understand?”“Ee, Souji certainly looks like he can do anything, but he also has things he isn’t good at.”“I-Is that so?” Ninthe’s innocent eyes were looking at Souji. “It is. About Souji, he doesn’t have good artistic senses. Even among them, his musical sense is especially catastrophic.”“............ haa.” He could not deny it and could only sigh. It was just as Yoyo said after all. His artistic sense was never good even in his previous life. Though his drawing and handicraft weren’t that bad compared to others, his musical sense was just as Yoyo said, a painful zero. Because everyone in his family were like that, it was probably hereditary, and before, he even made Yoyo’s cheeks cramp when he was told to do a musical performance for her. In particular, his singing is especially hopeless. Using a cute a.n.a.logy, the difference between Yoyo and Souji’s singing could be compared to the moon and a soft-sh.e.l.led turtle.  “What does Ninthe think of singing?”“I love it!”“I see, maybe we should open a concert in the mansion next time.”“...I’ll just handle the properties…”“Souji will of course do it too.”“...Ninthe will see h.e.l.l, you know?” He understood how horrible his singing was. After all, when he went to the karaoke with his childhood friend in the previous life, even though it was just one song, his childhood friend turned pale and said, “Let’s go back,” with a gentle, small voice. Her gaze was as if she pitied him. She also said afterwards; don’t ever sing in front of people other than me, it’s enough for me to be the only victim. Then when his family sung before him, he felt it and said the same words. Thus he decided in his heart to not sing anymore as he understood that he and his family were the same.It just that, he didn’t understand why his childhood friend said it was okay to sing that mysterious wave-like singing only in front of her. He thought it was a trait of hers, but it’s not like she likes to sing that much and he didn’t think too deeply about it. “Fufu, you are right. But, it should be possible to turn that zero into a one, right?”“...... I will do my best.”“Good. Then, I shall do my best to make sure you enjoy it now.” Yoyo set up the instrument. The sunlight that reflected makes her blonde hair sparkle and her orderly face while setting up the instrument was angelical.Even Ninthe was admiring her as she dropped her jaw in amazement. One could understand why Ninthe’s excitement increased when the performance began. Yoyo’s music could easily capture people’s hearts. There were many who requested her performance even if it means they must pay.It didn’t seem like Yoyo was playing the instrument. It was more like the instrument was responding to her desire in order to please her. It was a brilliant performance. Those were the only words that could be used to describe it, but the viewers, no matter who they were, would feel something more than that.Yoyo’s sound commanded their surroundings as it entered Souji and Ninthe’s ears, and their moods brightened. The sound gradually became quieter, and Yoyo lowered the instrument as she bowed. Clap clap clap clap, Souji and Ninthe started clapping unconsciously. Now they were giving a standing ovation. “Fufu, thank you.”“A-A-Amazingg! Bravo!”“Ee, as expected of Ojou-sama. Only Ojou-sama can play a sound that could capture the minds of the people.”“Ara, that’s an exaggeration, Souji. Fufu, I am happy. Thank you, you two.” Maybe because she was a little embarra.s.sed, Yoyo’s cheeks were somewhat flushed. “Instruments also have hearts. You can play the sound as long as you can feel it.”“Hoe~, m-maybe even Ninthe can do that!”“Ee, you definitely can do that if you practice.”“Yo~sh! I will work hard until the concert.” Ninthe’s breathing roughened in eagerness. Looking at her happy smile was contagious. “Then I will learn from Ninthe, and singing in the concert….”“No, Souji, you will play the instrument.”“...... eh? But, before….”“I never told you to sing.” Eeh~, though he feels dissatisfied, Yoyo certainly never told him to sing. Apparently Souji’s singing was hopeless compared to his musical instrument performance.His shoulders to drooped inadvertently from disappointment, but Souji decided in his heart to win over Yoyo with his musical performance.  “Compared to the moon and a soft-sh.e.l.led turtle” must be some sort of j.a.panese metaphor or something. ↩The statement “wanted to droop his shoulders” seems wrong. Drooping is something that is happening and not an action. You don’t droop something, something droops. Can’t think of a good alternative. ↩I just realized that many of the gestures are native to j.a.panese culture and don’t communicate their meaning well to an English speaking audience. Don"t know how to fix though. ↩