Souen no Historia

Chapter 5

Rasthia Kingdom. It is a kingdom where many races lived and is the biggest country on the west continent. Originally it was a harbor town, but a country was eventually founded as many races set foot there and it had become the place for cultural exchange. The one responsible for this was the Knight, Alseiy Bruss. With a lot of supporters, Alseiy created the history of the kingdom, although it took some time. For the reason for why such a huge responsibility was entrusted to him, one needs to look back at history. Alseiy was a knight who served the Emperor. His popularity, coupled with his ability made everyone recognized him as a man of character. After being involved with a certain incident, Alseiy was made a splendid man in the Emperor’s mind. As the proof of his trust, the Emperor decided to entrust him with the duty of creating a country.He used all of his might to create a country in order to answer the Emperor’s expectations. Having created the “Rasthia Kingdom,” he became the founding king, Alseiy Bruss Rashtia I. Time has pa.s.sed since then. The current ruler is Tiley Bruss Rashtia VII. As the age has changed, “Rasthia” had become the country where many people gathered and the greatest in regards of cultural exchange. However, “Rasthia” was currently embroiled in tension. It was because of the imperial command that came from the Emperor.The content itself could make ones aghast. ――――――――――――――――――Summoning Brave Souls Vessels. It was the summoning for those who could became a vessel to the Brave Souls just as the name suggested. Although it had tried many times in the past, most of them ended in failure.In Orb, there were existences called brave hero and hero. These people held tremendous power and they used it to help people. They became leaders. Brave Soul was a soul that came from another world. There were heroes who were called the Ten Excellents in the past. Those heroes’ souls were currently managed by the palace where the Emperor lived. Having entrusted these souls to Rashtia VII, the Emperor ordered him to make the Summoning Brave Souls Vessels a success.His reason was the continent to the north, the Zoan Continent, also called the Demon Continent, the largest continent in the world. There was a race called the Demon race in Zoan. They possessed intelligence, and although there were those who didn’t cause trouble for other races, they were few in number.Most of them acted on instinct just like beasts. The Zoan continent had become the most dangerous one, and even though no one approached it, a leader-like existence recently appeared. The leader began to expand their power towards the other continents. A lot of races were sacrificed, and lives were scattered. Having considered that fact, for the sake of defending against such violence, the Emperor was giving out an enormous reward for those who succeed in stopping the Demon race’s action. But although those who boasted their strength go to subjugate the leader, the result was unfavorable.It seemed the leader was stronger than expected. The strong and famous people that raised their fists were screwed. As for the other reason, the enemies were numerous. Although there were people who proposed to join forces together in battle, there were schemes from countries and politicians. They wanted to defeat the leader themselves, so there were fear of attacks from behind if they were united. The Emperor grieved on this worsening situation, so he tried to perform Summoning Brave Souls Vessels. The Emperor entrusted the Brave Souls to the king he trusted, the country would end if it failed after all. Not anyone could do the summoning. It could only be done by those with summoning magic. The summoning magic summoned the vessels from another world, but once it failed there was no second time.Having summoned the vessels, heroes that capable of defeating the Demon race’s leader would be born was the Emperor’s intent, and the one that received the imperial command was Rashtia Kingdom. The Emperor received a report from Rashtia VII that there was a person there who excelled in summoning magic. It was a magician employed by that country. But if it failed, the Emperor’s trust would be betrayed, and that’d be a big problem. Rashtia was currently doing the summoning ceremony in the King’s castle bas.e.m.e.nt. Everyone there was wrapped in tension.
  ――――――――――――――――――Failure is not allowed. Because he never thought he’d be entrusted with such a huge responsibility, he still felt as though he lost the sense of reality. Watching the magic circle that extended from his feet was Rashtia Kingdom’s hired summoning magician; Laki Orven. When he awoke to summoning magic, his ability was brought to use for the country. His living has been smooth sailing since then, and he thought such peace might continue forever, but suddenly he could hear the sound of the crumbling peace. A certain day, he was called by Rashtia VII towards the throne Hall. He faced the king with his usual fort.i.tude, but the popular king and the maids’ expressions were very dark. Having heard he wanted him to use summoning magic, he readily affirmed it. He already used his magic for this country up until now after all, so it was a natural responsibility for him to serve the country or so he thought as he nodded. However, Laki face paled when he heard the content of the summoning. Of course he had the knowledge about the Summoning Brave Souls Vessels. It just that he never tried it, he knew the success rate of such an outrageous summoning. But, he already said to the king he’d do it.Following that, Laki lead everyone to the bas.e.m.e.nt as he forced to turn over his idea. He could only brace himself having come this far. For now he was going to do his best. He didn’t know what would happen afterwards. With tension wrapped in their location, no sense of success was felt there.Nothing else could be done except to do it. Even if he failed and lost his job, he’d also lose his job if he didn’t do it, so he activated his magic as he cursed his fate. In the center of the magic circle was the Brave Souls’ container entrusted by the Emperor. Many small souls moved around inside the container. It was as if they told him to do it quickly. Laki confirmed everything had been prepared, but he couldn’t calm down no matter how many times he breathed. The place had become quiet, King Rashtia VII and the soldiers watched as they held their breath. Laki opened the book that was in one of his hands. He glanced towards it and slowly closed his eyes. Following that, he took out many sparkling round stones from his pocket and threw them towards the magic circle. “Ruby represents the eyes, Sapphire represents the ears, Emerald represents the ears, Amethyst represents the nose, oh the one who ruled the great dimension, hear the small wish of this small person. My name is Laki Orven. With your power, open the door of dimensions and draw out the people from a different world!”

 The colorful jewels let out dazzling light and their shine became stronger in response to him. However, the light gradually quiet down.Not only Laki, the others also thought it was a failure, but then a flash engulfed the surroundings was so bright that they were unable to open their eyes. After the light calmed down, there were three people. Just by seeing the three’s clothing, they recognized them as someone that came from different world. “Eh? Wh-What is this? What had happened?” From what they saw, there were a boy and two girls. The boy was looking around at the surrounding with a surprised expression. The girls were also surprised and their bodies stiffened. Rashtia VII approached the trio. His body was slightly trembling, and his face was relaxed and looked happy. That couldn’t be helped. The summoning magic they thought as a failure was a success. Moreover, there was no more to be said on how there were three Brave Souls summoned.Batan, Laki collapsed. Rastia VII ordered the soldiers to nurse him. Laki had consumed considerable magic power and energy, so he fell unconscious after the relief of his success. “Pardon me boy and girls. I am Tiley Bruss Rashtia VII. Although I know you are confused, for now may I hear your name?” The trio was actually confused, but because Rasthia VII politely introduced himself, they were able to calm down slightly. First the boy introduced himself. “I-I am… … Ni-Ninomiya… … Kazuto… ….”“Sei-... … m-my name is… … Ho-Ho-Hoshimori Seila….” The boy and the girl introduced themselves respectively, and then Rashtia VII turned his glance towards the girl who sat down a little away from them. “Then, your name?” The girl’s mouth faintly trembled. Then it began to move. “Ma… … ki….”“Ha?” Rashtia VII asked back because he couldn’t hear what she said. The girl speaks with volume higher than before. “Amakawa… … Mayuki.”